CheapyD ties the knot.

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[quote name='CheapyD'][quote name='Gothic_Walrus']
NEVER let your gaming get into the way of your marriage. If she's the one, she's far more important than time with your games.
I don't think that's going to be a problem.
I've gotten complaints from her that I'm not playing enough games![/quote]

I believe you've found the perfect girl.
[quote name='daphatty'][quote name='RBM']Mah-wedge. what bwings us...togedda...


An American Tail right?[/quote]

No, that's a quote from The Princess Bride. (the Andre the Giant reference, from way earlier?)
[quote name='snotknocker'][quote name='chosen1s']Never go to bed angry at each other.
Make God's purpose for your lives the center of your marriage.

My honest advice[/quote]

I could not agree more.

Maybe we are getting serious here so I'll switch to serious mode.

Never try to rationalize why women think the way they do. You will never totally understand and it will drive you nuts.

Many women are forgiving when you screw up. Their anger or disappointment may fester a while but if they love you eventually they will forgive you. OR NOT! This forgivness thing in my opinion is a facade. When you mess up it's like you're giving her a brick and she's building a wall. Sooner or later she'll take that brick and throw it back at you for whatever reason. Most women just can really not forgive and forget. I can't explain it. Nor do I care to even try (again never try to rationalize why women think the way they do). I'm happily married ... my wife is definately my best friend (big big plus). But I know that my past screwups will eventually come back to haunt me in one way or
another. So it is wise if you screw up as little as possible. After 2 or 3 hits in the head with a brick you'll know wher I'm coming from.

Can any of you other married CAG's vouch for my opinion?[/quote]

I hear what your saying.... and thats all i'll say. (for fear of a bright being tossed at my head right now)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']may your first child be a masculine one[/quote]

10 days ? Well my only advice is when some thing goes wrong at the wedding (something always does). Don't get angry and don't let your fiance freak out. Just because one thing doesn't go perfectly acording to plan it isn't the end of the world. People are going to remember the 90% of the stuff that worked and not the 10% that didn't.
What did you do for the bachelor party? Did you hit Vegas? Were there hookers, livestock and midgets involved? I feel bad that I couldn't at least buy you a lap dance Cheapy!
well,i am just about to turn 19,so i haven't tied the knot yet,but if she wants you to play more games,she sounds great to me. congrats CheapyD
[quote name='Wshakspear']oh god, the Seacrest thing...ugh.[/quote]

howard stern was playing that soundbyte over and over just cracked me up....
Ok, I'm really out this time!
Hope I'm not too late to say congrats. Anyway here's to you and your lovely (even though I haven't seen any pics I'm quite sure she's a winner) bride. May you enjoy many years of love and cheapassgaming together.

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bread's done