CheapyD & Wombat play the first hour of Mass Effect [Video]

You'd think UGO could afford to have wombat play on something better than an old security camera monitor. Is that thing even in color?
[quote name='Milkyman']You'd think UGO could afford to have wombat play on something better than an old security camera monitor. Is that thing even in color?[/quote]

lol, I was thinking the same thing.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']You say dickwad, I say syncophant. We'll just have to agree to disagree. How would you prefer I offer my criticism? Should I just put a frowny face and leave it at that?

Go out of my way? How can I miss it when it's front-paged?

And I'm bitching? Is that what it's called when I tell it like it is? Do you realize that you're pretty much bitching at me? I acknowledged that my POV isn't a popular one, but I am honest. I'm not going to verbally fellate Cheapy and Wombat and be all ZOMG!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!! so kewl!!! when it's really not.

As far as what I said about Wombat, I stand by it. He's the reason I can't stomach the CAGCast, and his work on the UGO blog (which has received pluggage here) has not been good. You say I'm being a jackass, but I'm being honest.[/quote]
I'm not going to argue with you, you're going to continue to do whatever it is you do despite what I say.

And for the record, I never posted anything specifically to you. You quoted me and I replied, that's it.
The opening cutscenes were boring as hell, what happened to trying to hook gamers in the opening 10 minutes? Arrogance from the dev's?

Seriously it may not be cool to read a game manual (is there one?) but if you're going to demonstrate the game on a gamesite it would be better if you had some idea of how to play the game, that's if the point of the video is to demonstrate the game and it's features and not just waste time.

Good try but lots of room for improvement for the next time, maybe have Rusty play it and Wombat and Cheapy stick to what they do best and just talk :)
Maybe you can start posting your own video previews and podcast. Your contributions, as you've proven with your insightfull posts, itrader score, and shopping, are not enough.

[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Never said or implied that anyone who liked it wasn't honest.

Want to see my contributions? All of my posts and my iTrader rating are there for you to see. That and the crinkly green money that has benefitted CAG when I have bought product through affiliate links. Taking all of that into consideration, do my contributions merit your approval? :roll:

I do appreciate the lifeskill lesson about self control. I'm going to take your advice. No more clicking on every link I see. And if it's Wombat-related content, I'll really try to spend my time doing something less painful - like slamming my nuts in a phone book. I'll get back to you later on and let you know how I'm doing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the "Oh yeah, why don't YOU make a *insert type of thing being criticized*?!?!" argument is basically an admission that the person responding has nothing else to say.
[quote name='drsuper23']Maybe you can start posting your own video previews and podcast. Your contributions, as you've proven with your insightfull posts, itrader score, and shopping, are not enough.[/QUOTE]

Since I can see that you are so genuinely concerned with my well-being and development as a person - and your opinion matters so much to me, I'll take your advice.

I will immediately start recording podcasts and videos. I fully expect that Cheapy will give my videos and podcasts 100% priority and post all of them on the front page. I now realize that all CAGers have been anxiously awaiting my podcasts and videos, and now their fondest wishes and desires will be fulfilled!

I am really looking forward to this new chapter in my life. The fame, the fortune, the wine, women, and song. And I have you to thank for it - good thing your suggestion wasn't completely fucking stupid.
Wow.. some people are being so negative over something silly, if you don't like content then that's fine but no need to make a huge fuss over it.

Anyway.. I only watched a portion of the first video as i'm still waiting for my copy from liongames to come but more importantly I want to go in with very little information about the game. Looks great, can't wait til tommorow for my copy to come in the mail.
Wombat needs a huge fucking HDTV to play on, but it's great seeing he's having fun on such a tiny screen.

Glad to see that both Wombat and CheapyD love ME, I'm leaving school right now to go play it.
assmaster ftw! the videos were way too choppy so half the time all I got was the audio. but even seeing these low quality vids my resolve was weakened to such a state that I ran out and bought it ... I even called Fred Meyer ahead of time. the wife would have force choked me to death, but I got a reprieve as I sold off a bunch of old games.

it would be great if you could do a little online co-op on this bad boy. though with the frame rate and lag issues that might not happen . maybe in the sequel?
bread's done