CheapyD's Third Bloomberg TV Appeance - YouTube inside (11/12/06)

Cheapy, you should just change the name of the site to cheap "A" gamer. Ya know, like playing your "A" game as in the sports world. That way you could at least get it mentioned more frequently to drive traffic.

Everyone here already knows it stands for ass, and none of us would fault you for bending over for "The Man" to scrape up a little extra cash.
Way to go Cheapy on another great interview. Your guest appearances keep getting better & better.
[quote name='smellytim']Was that interviewer flapping paper around or crumpling paper balls in front of the mike? I kept hearing tons of paper noises whenever the camera went off of him. also he was banging on the desk waiting for cheapy to finish talking a couple times. [/quote]
That was annoying. Was he working on another news story or something?
[quote name='CheapyD']

I think I will wear a suit for this appearance as I think it is more in keeping with the Bloomberg style (and I've run out of nice shirts).[/QUOTE]

I think the suit looked pretty sharp. Good job as always, keep up the good work!
Between the suit and the evenly paced responses, I’d say you out-professional-ed the paper shuffling host. And concerning said suit: your new moniker should be SwankyD! :D
Nice segment. Yeah, it definitely sounded like the host was collating his overdue term paper in the background or something. Also, good call on the Animated Lex Luthor comparison. Ha!
CheapyD, you did a great job, I'm really impressed. You looked great [the suit with tie was a nice touch] & you obviously have a feel on the industry. With interviews like that, you're sure to keep moving on up the foodchain!

ps just a thought, as you get bigger with more TV interviews, maybe a name change isn't a bad idea. Maybe ask the CAG user base for their collective opinion.

At any rate, very nice job.
I also agree with the name change when you get even bigger because outlets like Bloomberg seem to avoid the name "Cheap Ass Gamer." Maybe you could name it simply: CAG. It would kinda be like IBM, IGN, or SEGA. Only the hardcore remember what the initials stand for because the letters themselves have become the name itself (International Business Machines, Imagine Games Network, and Service Games).
[quote name='Kendro']I also agree with the name change when you get even bigger because outlets like Bloomberg seem to avoid the name "Cheap Ass Gamer." Maybe you could name it simply: CAG. It would kinda be like IBM, IGN, or SEGA. Only the hardcore remember what the initials stand for because the letters themselves have become the name itself (International Business Machines, Imagine Games Network, and Service Games).[/QUOTE]

Don't forget KFC, who also changed their name in an attempt to get people to forget what that middle letter stands for.

My favorite part of the segment, as others have said, was when the interviewer (obviously not paying attention) asked, "Is it going to be substantial riches that the PS3 brings to the company?" and Cheapy basically replied "Oh HELL to the NO!"
[quote name='Tybee']Don't forget KFC, who also changed their name in an attempt to get people to forget what that middle letter stands for.

wow didn't know they actually changed the name to de-ephasize the unhealthy aspects...I always thought it was the whole "beakless birds" thing
[quote name='youruglyclone']wow didn't know they actually changed the name to de-ephasize the unhealthy aspects...I always thought it was the whole "beakless birds" thing[/QUOTE]

Yup. Back in the late 80s, early 90s when everything was going low fat, it didn't really help their image that their middle name reminded people that everything sold there was basically soaked in fat. So they simply went to initials. And the sad thing is it worked. Within a year of the change, their profits went up and their public image improved in customer surveys. It's a textbook case for marketing folks.
Another appearance by CheapyD, great job.
Haha, you couldn't help laughing when he said "the laptops blow up in your face".
I laughed too.
Good job, Cheapy. "Cagcast CEO" might have to stay. I doubt they'd like to put "Cheap Ass Gamer CEO" on the bottom of their screen.
Cheapy you get better with each interview. I could tell those eye brows wanted to bust loose on you but you kept them under control. I'd say you do a solid interview now
Damn, with that suit on I expected your bitches to come on and bring you a gin-n-juice. Nice job Pimp Daddy.
Man, did you need a glass of water or what?

Good job though. I think it may be time to change the site name. You're starting to hit the big time now. Hell, maybe bestbuy would come back to us.
Damn, I meant to mention this on the cagcast but I forgot.

It doesn't seem to matter what company name I tell them, they manage to screw it up anyway. I've told them if they don't want to run the "Ass" to use CAG Productions or CAGcast Video Game Podcast. The funny thing is that this time, the producer said they were going to use "Cheap Ass Gamer".

Oh well, I'm just happy to be there and I appreciate the opportunity.
[quote name='CheapyD']Never. Last time they asked me to prepare some topics for converstation and I did. However, they didn't use any of them. I did the same this time...we shall see.[/QUOTE]
All in all it was a pretty good interview... you could kind of tell though that the host could give a shit less about the topic at hand; he seemed to have a list of questions that he had to ask, and that he couldn't branch away from them.

Awesome job on your part, though.
What the hell was the guy shuffling around during that interview? It sounded like he was throwing papers all over the place and typing out a novel. Good job on the appearance Cheapy, you need to try and get on a more watched network and make the big bucks.
[quote name='Asz']What the hell was the guy shuffling around during that interview? It sounded like he was throwing papers all over the place and typing out a novel. Good job on the appearance Cheapy, you need to try and get on a more watched network and make the big bucks.[/quote]
Yeah, I noticed that. Maybe he throws a temper tantrum when he isn't in the limelight.

"fuckING GOD DAMNIT! FINISH ANSWERING THE QUESTION!!!" ::pounds on keyboard, and throws papers around:::

It's possible...
[quote name='yukine']Yeah, I noticed that. Maybe he throws a temper tantrum when he isn't in the limelight.

"fuckING GOD DAMNIT! FINISH ANSWERING THE QUESTION!!!" ::pounds on keyboard, and throws papers around:::

It's possible...[/QUOTE]

No, that's James Lipton.
"This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner Bloomberg L.P. because its content was used without permission."

Sucks because I hadn't had a chance to watch it yet.
Looks like Bloomberg took it down. I wonder if you'll ever be invited again now they seem angry at you for pirating their property.
bread's done