Check out what this mother is doing to her son

Already been posted and talked about.

If it keeps the kid inline and makes up for what he did, more power to the parents
Didn't realize it was already posted.

IF it did those things it would be a positive thing, but it won't. There are obviously a lot worse problems going on and this kind of humiliation isn't going to help. They'll be on Ricky lake next...

[quote name='Wshakspear']Already been posted and talked about.

If it keeps the kid inline and makes up for what he did, more power to the parents[/quote]
This is just poor parenting...the kid was probably raised poorly to begin with...then the parents wonder why the kid is screwy...
Has anyone ever thought that people can be born bad? Just like being born gay? I've known many kids whose parents would try thier hardest and the kid would still be a somplete a-hole.

If this little brat was being that naughty, then he deserves punishment....what everyone is asking for in this thread anyways. Being sent to a room nowadays doesnt cut it. THIS will get the point accross.
not to drag on a thread that has apparantly be discussed before, but the only parenting skills i wonder about are the ones prior to this that made a 13 year old think it was ok to drink beer and wine. did you notice she only cared about the price of the wine? not the actual fact that he drank it?
[quote name='Wlogan31']This is just poor parenting...the kid was probably raised poorly to begin with...then the parents wonder why the kid is screwy...[/quote]

Wow! So quick to judge the parents. I agree this is not the best way to punish him, but to assume that he is acting this way solely because the parents didn't do their job isn't right.

My parents raised both me and my brother the same and we went down completely different paths throughout childhood. My brother was a monumental shaq-fu up until he had his second child about 5 years ago. I, while far from perfect, always was a pretty good kid, went to college, etc. and have done very well for myself up to this point with very little headache for my parents.

There are alot more factors at play with kids than just parenting.
Wshakspear, I don't disagree with you on the punishment thing. Okay, he's an out of control brat? He cost you X amount of dollars? Fine, tell him he needs to pony up. If he can't tell him you're taking the PS2 until he can. Make him do chores above the normal daily ones. Have him wash your car, trim grandmas hedges, do yardwork to make it up. Kids F up all the time and some of them cost parents money, that goes with being a parent.

The public humiliation is what gets me. This is outright degregation. You don't correct your kid if he's acting up in church (Example.) by saying loudly "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I TOLD EVERYONE WE CAUGHT YOU MASTURBATING WEDNESDAY NIGHT!". I mean, it's just perverse parenting.

EDIT: Oh and on to that point about drinking? Yeah, they didn't seem to give a fluff the kid was drinking, just the price of the champagne. Oh and Dom Perignon is REAL champagne, not sparkling wine.
Being a parent myself, there is no way I would pull these sort of antics with my kid. I can understand taking the system away as punishment. To just outright sell it is wrong. All it will do is piss the kid off, and make him act out more. If the system was simply taken away, then the kid would have incentive to behave in a civilized manner to get it returned.
The bottle of Dom was probably their wedding present, that's why they're so upset.

"I hope you enjoyed that" - Dad

If it was a bottle of some drugstore cheap crap they'd be a-ok. I wonder if they let him smoke in the house....:)
Did anyone notice that it went for $122.50 + $16.75 shipping. For a used PS2, probably without box and documentation, with an additional 3rd party controller and no games???? Insane. I have a factory sealed 39001 with network pack, I'd be happy to get that much for it. Perhaps I should sell it as punishment to my "kid"?
[quote name='Wshakspear']Has anyone ever thought that people can be born bad? Just like being born gay? I've known many kids whose parents would try thier hardest and the kid would still be a somplete a-hole.

If this little brat was being that naughty, then he deserves punishment....what everyone is asking for in this thread anyways. Being sent to a room nowadays doesnt cut it. THIS will get the point accross.[/quote]

well said :applause:
Taking the PS2 away for an indefinate amount of time should have gotten the point across well enough. Or selling it, without using it as an outlet for humiliation. Being born bad and being born gay are two totally different things.

Sometimes parent's try hard or think they are trying hard but for whatever reason they don't have good parenting skills. Usually if you see problems happening you take early steps to correct them. I don't believe kids go from sweet children at 10 or 11 to booze-stealing, lying pre-teens and teens. Kids usually learn from their parents....

[quote name='Wshakspear']Has anyone ever thought that people can be born bad? Just like being born gay? I've known many kids whose parents would try thier hardest and the kid would still be a somplete a-hole.

If this little brat was being that naughty, then he deserves punishment....what everyone is asking for in this thread anyways. Being sent to a room nowadays doesnt cut it. THIS will get the point accross.[/quote]
Maybe it's just me, but the title of this thread reminded me of some of the titles of the crap that clogs my e-mail.

Check out what this mother is doing to her son.
Did you see what this daddy did to his daughter.
These two sisters are really going at it.

I think you get the picture...say no more, squire...

But it just turned out to be about videogames....Drats!
[quote name='guessed']Did anyone notice that it went for $122.50 + $16.75 shipping. For a used PS2, probably without box and documentation, with an additional 3rd party controller and no games???? Insane. I have a factory sealed 39001 with network pack, I'd be happy to get that much for it. Perhaps I should sell it as punishment to my "kid"?[/quote]

I was going to say the same thing. That goes to show what a funny story along with your auction can do for ya.
Maybe it is something truly sick and twisted like one of the parents bid on it.... :D

[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='guessed']Did anyone notice that it went for $122.50 + $16.75 shipping. For a used PS2, probably without box and documentation, with an additional 3rd party controller and no games???? Insane. I have a factory sealed 39001 with network pack, I'd be happy to get that much for it. Perhaps I should sell it as punishment to my "kid"?[/quote]

I was going to say the same thing. That goes to show what a funny story along with your auction can do for ya.[/quote]
[quote name='javeryh']Is that an RF Adaptor in the picture? I thought those things were extinct lik dinosaurs, cavemen and martians[/quote]

Well we are talking about Arkansas here...
[quote name='rfoster9'] did you notice she only cared about the price of the wine? not the actual fact that he drank it?[/quote]

Good point, I noticed that also.
Makes me wonder if they've already given up on the kid and are now more concerned with caring for prized posessions. I mean that whole strikeout/running total thing was really kinda gross. I don't think the "cost" of parenting should ever be as simple as a price breakdown...but then I don't have kids so who knows...

All I know is keep him away from my games...and my beer.
[quote name='RisingZan']Makes me wonder if they've already given up on the kid

Naah. If they had, they would have sold him on eBay.
[quote name='javeryh']Is that an RF Adaptor in the picture? I thought those things were extinct lik dinosaurs, cavemen and martians[/quote]

Remember, these people are from ARKANSAS
I know what you mean, MissingData. I used to have a Chinese friend on who I absolutely loved to play StarCraft w/. Then out of the blue, he was gone one day...and I didn't see him again for 6 months. When I interrogated him about his abrupt disappearnce, he told me he got a 'C' in one class. I was dumbstruck.

On another note, I'm Vietnamese myself, and while my parents have been strict ( I can't hang out w/ boys...or go on the internet or play games on weekdays when school's in session...)...wait, actually, they do have a pretty tight leash on me, don't they? -_-;
[quote name='Cmosfm'][quote name='javeryh']Is that an RF Adaptor in the picture? I thought those things were extinct lik dinosaurs, cavemen and martians[/quote]

Remember, these people are from ARKANSAS[/quote]

whoa...deja vu... :wink:
maybe it was someones clever gimmick to make as much as they can on a ps2 by making up that story. It appears to have worked if u look at the price tag.
i find it funny that they're selling they're own sons ps2 and if he actually DID all the things listed he deserves it

The parents may not have the best child raising skills, but at 13, a teenager has enough knowledge to know right from wrong.

If my parents had caught me drinking their beer and champagne, plus wrecking the house while they were away, loosing my playstation would have been the least of my problems.
What I and I think others are objecting to is the humiliation factor. No doubt what the kid did was wrong, and he probably does deserve to lose his PS2. There are other less humiliating and counterproductive ways to go about doing things.

The kid certainly isn't innocent but he probably wasn't brought up all that well to begin with.

[quote name='Spacepest']The parents may not have the best child raising skills, but at 13, a teenager has enough knowledge to know right from wrong.

If my parents had caught me drinking their beer and champagne, plus wrecking the house while they were away, loosing my playstation would have been the least of my problems.[/quote]
I too find it funny that they put prices next to what the kid has done. They seem to be more upset about the money. I'm only 15 but if I caught my kid drinking I would be more upset about that then the money. Then they want to know why the kid is screwed up. These are signs of a desperate person and the fact that they care only about the money further shows that he wants attention.
At 13 I'd just make him mow some yards or something and pay me back, I'd definitely make him own up to his debt. However humiliating that auction may be, the truth is, he could very well not be the internet type and just never see it or even give a rats ass about it.. but I have to agree that that is a bad parenting technique, either way.

It shows through how badly you all think of a guy from Arkansas, though. I appreciate the comments.
That's funny...Sounds like the little brat deserved it. His parents will probably end up buying him another one, but for right now, I think they proved their point very effectively. Shoulda just given him a nice little whoopin. Or made him drink until he threw up and was hungover for the next 24 hours. :D :beer:
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']maybe it was someones clever gimmick to make as much as they can on a ps2 by making up that story. It appears to have worked if u look at the price tag.[/quote]

Yep, wouldn't really surprise me if the whole thing was made up. I find it kind of odd that they didn't include any games for the auction. You'd think they'd dump the PS2 and all his games to boot.

I find that Ebayer's seem to sometimes use the "I'm a pissed off seller selling somebody else's stuff" bit to be able to feign ignorance over the condition or authenticity of an item. I remember an auction for beanie babies where the seller claimed to be selling a box of the toys his ex wife or girlfriend had mistakenly left behind. He basically said you get whatever they are and I will obnoxiously refuse any requests to take any additonal pictures of the dolls' behinds. (Which would be needed to check the little tags they put on them.)
[quote name='PapiChullo']That's funny...Sounds like the little brat deserved it. His parents will probably end up buying him another one, but for right now, I think they proved their point very effectively. Shoulda just given him a nice little whoopin. Or made him drink until he threw up and was hungover for the next 24 hours. :D :beer:[/quote]

:lol: That reminded me of the Simpson's episode where Bart is working for Fat Tony and has about 3000 cartons of cigs in his room. Homer finds him sitting there with the cigs and decides that to teach him a lesson he'll make Bart smoke every single one of them.

I dunno, sounds TOO psychotic to me... I'm also gonna call BS on this one. :roll:

Reading that auction was a good laugh though!
bread's done