Chicken George? Media Falls For Biggest Document Hoax Since Hitler's Diaries?

[quote name='Scrubking']Seeing how Oreilly is constantly attacked by both liberals and conservatives I must ask you - How is the liberal koolaid?[/quote]
Maybe you should explain that one to me. I must be getting old. :wink:
[quote name='Scrubking']What I love about the liberals on here is that media outlet after media outlet has experts that say the docs are fake so guess what? Now the liberals are attacking the media outlets.[/quote]

Really? Where? No one has proven the docs are fake. It doesn't really matter, because W has yet to prove he fullfilled his National Guard duty. He has yet to explain why he refused a physical. Face facts, W was, and still is, a spoiled brat who got things handed to him and did not earn anything in his life.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Now you guys are reduced to "the American population isn't smart enough to determine fact from fiction"?

Boy, if this is September I can't wait to hear your whines on 1/20/05 when Bush is sworn in again.[/quote]

My post was non-partisan; it was about the influence of "dirty" politics. My point was that ads/news such as BOTH the Swift Boat ones and the Bush Memos thing (if they are proven false, which isn't conclusive yet) are misleading voters who don't know any better. Many/most voters don't follow-up and learn the truth, as you do.

I'm not sure why you also felt the need to use vitriolic speech such as "reduced to" and "whining." It doesn't strengthen your argument; it just makes you sound like a jerk.
Do you read what you post, or do you just copy and paste without thinking?

The guy doesn't prove the docs are fake. He says he's sure they are, but doesn't give *any* proof. Re-creating the doc in Word isn't proof at all, for many reasons, already gone over. Come on - if you're gonna post this sort of inane bullshit, the least you could do is give it some effort.

1. If being able to recreate a near perfect match of a document that was supposedly made on an old type writer, with little effort, using microsoft word isn't enough proof for you then you are a stupid ass.




Apparently the forger crumpled the paper before copying it in order to make it look like an old document.

3. Almost every media outlet has poked more holes in the credibility of these docs than a block of swiss cheese - so much so that the docs don't need to be disproven anymore - they need to be proven real in the first place. - something CBS CANNNOT do.

4. Dan Rather has been on a personal vendetta against the Bush family since Bush Senior so it's easy to see how he was duped so easily with the prospect of "secret docs against Bush".

3. Using words like "inane" to sound intelligent while delivering an insult makes you look like an even bigger stupid ass - if that is possible.
Logical issue:

Word was created to simulate the functionality of a typewriter. Given that, creating a document that looks like it's from a typewriter does not prove the document was created on a typewriter. Do you understand that, or do you need more assistance?

Let me be frank, though - if you *do* need more assistance, I'm not gonna be of any help. If you're unable to grasp that concept, I can't make it a whole lot simpler.

bread's done