Chousouju Mecha MG - All DS owners will get THIS.


6 (100%)

Chousouju Mecha MG

This is the first DS game since Castlevania PoR was annouced that I am excited about.

Don't read the preview, just watch the videos. The game looks like all sorts of fun. And it has a good chance of coming here...

(and if you aren't clicking the link or watching the videos... the game is a mecha game with most of the controls on the touch screen. Sounds clumbersome but in action it looks like it will be one of the top ten games on the DS. Period.)


Taken from my post on SRK.
[quote name='pete5883']Is this a joke? You attack the enemy by wiggling your arms repeatedly?[/quote]

It changes depending on the mecha. Some have cannons if you watched all the videos. And it's more than fighting too (there is a video with a race). I think this shit is hella cool and actually seems like a fun "can't be on anything else but" the DS kind of game.
HOLY ****! Those graphics are awesome for a DS game, and the game looks flatout sweet!

I might have to import this one!
Sandlot(makers of the game) haven't said ANYTHING about bringing the game here, and there has only been 1 other game made by them thats came to the states

So the chances it's coming here is slim and none.

Thats why I'm trying to get some spare cash to import this from Play-Asia
Sandlot(makers of the game) haven't said ANYTHING about bringing the game here, and there has only been 1 other game made by them thats came to the states

Most small developers don't have publishing divisions, let alone publishing divisions in the United States. You will only get news when someone here buys rights to publish it since they will also have to localize it.
Kind of reminds me of Robot Alchemy Drive for the PS2 where the controller was like the remote for the robot. Fun game but the camera angles killed it, IMO.
Yeah, it's basically Robot Alchemic Drive DS, which looks awesome. I'm hoping for a US release, but if one never happens I'll have to import it.
So, did any of you guys end up importing this? I'm curious if it's worth the $50+...

'Looks fun as hell,....but 'looking for feedback before dropping all that dough.

Wow, I HATE mech games (well most anyway) but that looks like all kinds of awesome. Not sure I'd drop $50 on it though. Have to read some CAG impressions first.
Yeah, I hate mech games too, but it just looks to fun to pass up.

I am selling a LOT of my games right now, trying to get 50 dollars. So far I've only got 19.00....
[quote name='banpeikun']that's basically how much games cost in japan plus shipping to the us.[/QUOTE]
execpt the major importers like lik-sang and play-asia are located in Hong Kong and it cost less. But this wont do you any good unless you can go to a B&M store in Hong Kong.
Well i decided to pick this game up, since i'm over here in Japan and found it for 3200 yen used. Plus i had a 500 yen coupon and 1300 points, so i got it for $18, roughly.

I only played it for about an hour before going back to Pokemon, but it is quite fun. It's gameplay is alot like Deep Labyrinth, where the D-pad will turn and move you in the playing field, and the touch screen has all the attacks and rotations of your mech.

You move around a map to different areas for different missions. Each mission has an Easy, Normal, Hard and Super-Hard difficulty associated with it that will earn you different amounts of money.

Each missions i've done so far has their mecha, so i'm not really sure if you get to own your own mech. Maybe you do for other missions later on in the game. :shrugs:

I'll probably start playing it alot more once i complete Pokemon.

Since i bought it used, it already had some saved data. The guy had 87% complete at about 40 hours, so it's actually a pretty long game ^_^

The arm flapping attack made me cry in laughter. I have to do that shit before I die.

I will have to add this to my import list.
[quote name='dyreschlock']
Since i bought it used, it already had some saved data. The guy had 87% complete at about 40 hours, so it's actually a pretty long game ^_^[/quote]


I honestly didn't see that coming. A game like this possibly clocking in at 50 hours by the time you hit 100%?! Plus what looks, a large variety in mission type and difficulty. I really really want this game now. *bites on nails*
[quote name='zflag']How much Japanese, if any does one need to know to play this game?[/quote]

None, because if you check out GameFAQ's, they have translations for the game :)
[quote name='hootie']None, because if you check out GameFAQ's, they have translations for the game :)[/quote] oh really? helpful.

I've been able to get through the first couple missions of the game without knowing what's going on. It's pretty intuitive at the moment. Red dots on the map mean missions.

[quote name='FurryCurry']I honestly didn't see that coming. A game like this possibly clocking in at 50 hours by the time you hit 100%?! Plus what looks, a large variety in mission type and difficulty. I really really want this game now. *bites on nails*[/quote]
i haven't taken a look at his save file, but i wager 100% completion would take about that much time. The save file is probably a completed game, but not all the Super Hard difficulty missions completed.
SCORE! I finally got enough PayPal for this, and I promptly ordered this from The game won't ship for a week, but once I get it, I will post impressions :D
Woo! I just got the game today, it is a must buy! The game is too cool to pass up, the fighting is both humorous(as Strell pointed out) and flat out fun. Other than fighting, there is racing, transporting buildings, removing rocks, and other stuff I haven't done yet.

There are 120 "missions" with some just being cutscenes. But for each mission, there are 4 difficulty levels, and each one will usually slightly (or greatly) change the requirements of the level.

For anyone who is wondering if they should get it, DO IT!

....and buy it through my Play-Asia Affiliate link :D
wow actually looks really just gave me an impossible vision.......Megas XLR video game using that engine XD now that would be cool
[quote name='MarkMark']wow actually looks really just gave me an impossible vision.......Megas XLR video game using that engine XD now that would be cool[/QUOTE]

God that cartoon rocked.
[quote name='furyk']It doesn't look like something I'd import, but if given a stateside release, I'd be all over this game.[/QUOTE]

I lied and imported this tonight. Take heart though fellow CAGers because it has dropped to the magic price of $29.99!!!

A few other DS titles have dropped too, most notably Eyeshield 21: Max Devil Power (if American football wasn't so much football, but an anime collection of mini games instead).
It went down to 30?!?!?!??!??!??!?!?!??! I bought it back a couple of months ago at $50......

I still think it is worth the $50 price tag though, it is an awesome game. DEFINITELY get it at $30 freakin dollars!
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