Chrono Trigger DS at Amazon $19.99

dam.. i bought this during a B2g1 sale earlier this year.. definitely a must buy especially at that price.. wow.. its chrono trigger FGS!
It's definitely one of the greatest games ever made and worth playing even after all this time. The DS version really doesn't add anything but it's easily worth $20.

[quote name='United_Korea']I played the PS1 version a couple months ago and thought the game felt outdated.[/QUOTE]

Considering the fact that the game was released 15 years ago, what did you expect?
[quote name='United_Korea']I played the PS1 version a couple months ago and thought the game felt outdated.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, me, too! And out of all the FF compilation games (Crono came with FF4 on that PS1 disc, I believe), I thought Crono was on par or better than most of them!

Playing this, you definitely get a sense of why it's so well regarded. It's a great game all around. Personally, I felt the story was a bit depressing, tho.

Plus, the DS version is supposed to have less load probs than the PS1 version! The PS1 apparently had horrible load times between bringing up the menu and getting out of it (never really noticed that on my playthrough, tho).

I'm tempted to bite, but... ehhh... huge backlog. Not so sure... I'll probably regret not buying now and end up paying $30 later! :roll:
[quote name='pasko']worth the 20 bucks?
anyone has this, what your opinion?


By many people, it's still considered to be one of the best, or the best RPG made. If you like "jrpgs" as they are now called, it is worth it IMHO, just to play it. Even today, it has many innovations and interesting things in it that games since haven't come close to.

However, if you prefer AD&D ("western" these days) or strategy RPGs, it's nothing like those. It's linear and story-based, although you can abuse time travel to get very different endings.

IMHO, definitely worth $20. But if you have a previous version (e.g. SNES, PS1) it's not as big a deal, because it doesn't have and real changes (although it has a few small ones.)

Edit: oh, and Magikarp830, the loading times are much better. It's definitely nicer on the DS, but I'm a cheapskate so I wouldn't spend $20 just on that. It depends on you.

[quote name='unknownbrackets']
Edit: oh, and Magikarp830, the loading times are much better. It's definitely nicer on the DS, but I'm a cheapskate so I wouldn't spend $20 just on that. It depends on you.[/QUOTE]

Sweet, thanks for the confirmation. But yeah... I never noticed the prob (and people b*tch about the bad PS1 load times so much!), so I'm curious to see the difference...

I still have DQ for the Wii... and DQ Monsters: Joker for DS. So not sure I should buy when I have other Akira Toriyama games sitting unloved! :lol:

If anyone HASN'T played Crono Trigger, and doesn't loathe JRPGs (as Unknown said!), you should definitely pick this up!
Hmm...I already own two copies of this, but if the 10% discount was still working, I'd be tempted.

I wish it had been on the PSP and gotten that same makeover (improved graphics and music, but still very much in the original style)...then I'd have an excuse.

It is an awesome game though if you somehow missed it the first two times. IMO Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger mark a shift in Sakaguchi's work, where the story gets way better than the earlier stuff.
[quote name='pasko']worth the 20 bucks?
anyone has this, what your opinion?


I had a ton of fun with this, but I'm also a big fan of the original, so your mileage may vary.
[quote name='pasko']worth the 20 bucks?
anyone has this, what your opinion?

Its not worth the 20 bucks atleast in my opinion.
I ended up getting it because of the buy 2 get 1 free deal, but like I said, I already have 2 other copies, so I'm not really sure why I got it.

I wish it had been a PSP remake like Final Fantasy 1 and 2 and Star Ocean. They REALLY did a fantastic job on those, and then I'd have an actual excuse to play it again!

It's an awesome game though-along with Final Fantasy 6 it marked a shift in Sakaguchi's work from "very good" to "freaking awesome" (where he still resides today, if Lost Odyssey is any indication).
I've always thought Chrono Trigger to be absolutely average in every respect. Too many darn battles, frustrating, and incredibly dated by today's standards. That it was released at $40 is just a joke. $20 is what it should have cost from the start... Honestly, the only people who think of this game highly are those who are nostalgic from having played it when it originally came out. For the new gamers, avoid.
[quote name='Panda']I need a filler to get the free shipping. Hmmm...[/QUOTE]

It is a universal price drop. Just get it at Newegg and you won't need filler items to get free shipping.
[quote name='WilliamG']I've always thought Chrono Trigger to be absolutely average in every respect. Too many darn battles, frustrating, and incredibly dated by today's standards. That it was released at $40 is just a joke. $20 is what it should have cost from the start... Honestly, the only people who think of this game highly are those who are nostalgic from having played it when it originally came out. For the new gamers, avoid.[/QUOTE]

It's personal preference. For those of us that like Sakaguchi's other games released since this, it's well worth the price and holds up well. I'd take this any day over most any other non-Sakaguchi Japanese RPG.
what is wrong with you guys. This is one of the best games of all time, of course its worth it.

[quote name='United_Korea']I played the PS1 version a couple months ago and thought the game felt outdated.[/QUOTE]

Well no shit sherlock...its around 14 years old.
bread's done