Classic Pinball FX 2 Tables 50% Off (XBL)


17 (100%)
There is a new app called sales & specials +, when you open the app it gives you the option for buying the classic pinball fx 2 table set for 400 points (Speed Machine, Extreme, Agents, and Buccaneer)
This is the only pack that I don't own, and for good reason. I'm on the fence (again) about getting it at 400, and the only reason I would is to support Zen Studios a bit more...
Should always be noted that this pack is the same one you get free if you own FX 1; but it won't check off as being purchased if you obtain it free via FX 2.
the scary thing is that I bought it from Pinball FX 2 but I can still buy this pack. So in way I can buy it twice without even realizing it.
These tables really blow. If you have a PS3 Pinball Arcade got 4 new tables today. That's a MUCH better pinball experience.
[quote name='Arkham']There is a new app called sales & specials +, when you open the app it gives you the option for buying the classic pinball fx 2 table set for 400 points (Speed Machine, Extreme, Agents, and Buccaneer)[/QUOTE]

Thanks OP. I grabbed them mostly for Buccaneer. Even if the tables are not all good it is still 5 bucks for 4 tables.
I just realized something about these tables. They're like the kids' tables of PFX2. There's no crazy missions, people telling you what to do, big crazy ramps or video screens with countdown timers. Where you'd see explosions or other eye candy in PFX2, these tables simply have silly horn honking or creaky door sounds.

I feel like I stepped into Chuck E. Cheese's and started playing pinball...if my CeC didn't already have an Elvis pinball machine in it (which I play along with Deal Or No Deal every time I go there).

My son likes watching me play PFX2 but doesn't like playing it all that much. I think these simple tables may be more to his liking.

I'll further support my kids' table theory by mentioning that they throw a big flashy achievement at you within the first 10 seconds of playing. I'll let my son get those when he plays the unlocked versions tomorrow.
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[quote name='tribalnoise']so...these tables suck that bad?[/QUOTE]

No. There are a lot of people here who can't seem to understand that these are the original Pinball FX tables and are trying to compare them to tables that have come out many months (or years) later. The tables themselves are fine if you take them at face value. If you start comparing them to any of the new tables, you're going to be disappointed.
Thought these were fine tables. Little simplistic, but 4 tables for $5 is a nice value. Annoying that these deals will be through the new app.

Pinball Arcade's new tables are great fun, but those are still not on xbla. Farsight did seem to fix the input lag that had been plaguing the PS3 version with the new update.
[quote name='eugaet']These tables are pretty good and offer a much higher challenge than the newer PFX2 tables. I've had enough fun playing them to easily recommend them for 400MSP, but realize that these tables may appeal more to the purist.

I totally agree. The play area is smaller compared to the recent Zen tables and it seems to me like the default flipper separation is just a little wider. My personal order of increasing difficulty out of this original pack is Buccaneer < Agents < Speed Machine < Extreme.

If you like real pinball, then you should pick this up. 100msp per table is an excellent price.
[quote name='eLefAdEr']I totally agree. The play area is smaller compared to the recent Zen tables and it seems to me like the default flipper separation is just a little wider. My personal order of increasing difficulty out of this original pack is Buccaneer < Agents < Speed Machine < Extreme.

If you like real pinball, then you should pick this up. 100msp per table is an excellent price.[/QUOTE]

I think your ranking is also correct in terms of fun factor. Extreme did nothing for me and I hated it. Enjoyed Agents and Buccaneer, and Speed Machine it depends on my mood.

Don't understand the hate for these, but they are definitely more like straight pinball tables and not the FX2 or expansion stuff.
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