"Classics" that you haven't played/beaten/given an afterthought

Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Wind Waker (got to the part where i have to pay for all the tresure maps from tingle.)

Metal gear Soild. (have the game, and a ps2...just need a ps1 memory card)

Half Life (I have beat HL2 and ep 1 and 2, but when i try to play the original it just seems kinda ghetto. How is that HL2 mod going on the remake?)
[quote name='Aegith']Worst/most overhyped RPG franchise. They have a penchant for terrible plot lines and overly pretty boys. Haven't been able to finish one since FF7 from boredom. Played nearly every RPG released state side since the NES. I'd recommend Suikoden/Grandia/Dragon Quest for people interested in the genre.[/QUOTE]

I really liked FF7.. i really liked the story.. I even liked FF8 even though it was a little different.. but anything before or since I jsut don't like (I own FF 4 and 5 on the GBA and I really can't get into them even though I love SNES RPGs)..

I really liked Dragon Quest 8.. it was a great game.. I never finished it.. but its a good "traditional" J-RPG better than most console RPGs lately..

hmm.. classics I never finished..

well i played the 64 era nintendo First party games way too late.. The graphics/controls are terrible compared to today's games. so the 2 zelda games and mario 64 (although mario 64 is a great game)

I didn't have a genesis as a kid so those games don't appeal to me today even though I try.. so any of the good games on that system I never played nor will have any desire to play

I want to get all the endings to Chrono Trigger some day.. one day i may chronicle my journey through that incredibly deep and engaging game..
-Any of the Final Fantasies except Tactics GBA.
-Any of the Resident Evils or Silent Hills or ANY horror game.
-Any of the Devil May Cries.
-Any of the Fire Emblems.
-Any of the Tales of ____ games.
-Diablo 1/2
-Any of the Soul Caliburs.
-Any of the Half Lifes.
-Any of the Mysts.
-Any of the Starcrafts.
-Any of the Tomb Raiders.
-Any Medal of Honors.
-Any Splinter Cells or Tom Clancy games in general.
-Any Prince of Persias.
-Any Castlevanias except like 5 minutes of PoR.
-Any of the Dooms.
-Never played Halo 1 or 3.
-God of War I/II
-Any Grand Theft Auto.
-Any of the Dragon Quests.
-Any of the Kingdom Hearts.
-Either of the KOTORs.
-Basically any other notable JRPG other than Earthbound and Chrono Trigger.
I tend to spend a long time playing one game, So I miss a lot of games. Have never played, but plan on getting:

1. Bioshick
2. Zelda TP
3. Halo 3
- Never played any of the 3D Zeldas or Metroids.
- Skipped many of the core 3D games on the playstation platforms (MGS, DMC, R&C, ICO, God of War, SoTC, etc)
- Nothing on the Microsoft platforms (except a little bit of DOA4 the first week it was out)
- Nothing on the PSP except Lumines for the first couple of weeks it was out.
- The entirety of my experience on ANY Sega platform consists of a handful of DC schmups and Typing of the Dead (and I guess GBA ports: Phantasy Star 1 & 2, Gunstar Super Heroes).

I didnt play Mario 64 until the DS, and I was planning on skipping Mario Galaxy until the $25 gift card at TRU deal popped. Didnt play Sunshine but I hear it was passable.
[quote name='kell']I gave up on ICO years ago after about an hour as well; the wife wasn't into it. However, I gave it another try and just finished it today and played through SotC about a year ago. We gave up on Eternal Darkness as well so I may have to try it again.

Both are fairly short and both are definitely worth your time IMO. SotC is one of my favorite games.

Never played a GTA, Halo or standard RE game (I can't stand tank controls).[/quote]

That's the funny thing about games. I've played countless games where I was super hyped, and due to not expecting its different gameplay I gave up easily. Luckily I don't sell my games much, and as a result I play them months later to discover I was actually missing out.

It happened to me with many games, FF8 comes to mind.

I guess what I'm trying to say is as gamers sometimes we should give games more of a chance.
FFVII. My first (and favorite) FF was VIII.

I never felt the need to hunt down a copy and play it, despite what myfriends tell me.
A lot of you guys must play shitty games...


The whole Zelda 64 thing I've been going on about since the game came out... it hasn't aged well because it isn't as good as the 1st and 3rd (or even Link's Awakening).

I missed out on Loom.

I don't know what other "classics" I've missed, but I've tried Earthbound, it seemed ok.
Never played any Castlevanias, Metroids, Fire Emblems, WarCrafts, or Ratchet and Clanks. Nothing in the Shining or Shin Megami Tensei series either (Persona 3's still in the shrinkwrap). The only Pokemon games I've ever played were Pokemon Stadium and a Pokemon Trozei (sp?) demo. Have watched my husband play through much of Twilight Princess and some of Ocarina of Time, but have never touched a Zelda game myself.

Tried a Mega Man game awhile ago (one of the older ones; can't remember which) but never picked up the series ever again. Another game I've barely touched is Metal Gear Solid, though I plan on playing through it in earnest sometime soon.

There's probably a lot of others...
"Gamers"who haven't played Mario, Megaman, Metroid, Zelda, Half Life, Castlevania, Final Fantasy... are like children who learned the alphabet without A, B, C etc.
Well, I did help him out with some of the puzzles in Twilight Princess. Of course, that barely counts :razz:

The Half-Life games are also ones I've never played (but again, have seen some of). I have the first game sitting around somewhere, though.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Man, I am with you on that..When I first bought my Wii..got RE4 to go with it.

I get up and am like, this should be really cool, so I turn off all the lights and up the surround sound to about level 60.

First 20 minutes...when the Chainsaw guys start coming after you in the first village...shooot..I almost had to change my pants. Hella fun though, heartbeat must have been in the 180's or so.[/QUOTE]

I know EXACTLY what you mean! I beat the game on gamecube and then got it on PS2 in my new apartment. No roommate to keep me company... and then I got to the Regenerator scene in the freezer. He was just sitting there.

I knew he was going to get up and shamble into the room once I went into the freezer to get the thermal goggles. The knowledge of what he was going to do made me have to run to the bathroom.
Where to begin?

I haven't played FF 1 through 12, I haven't played Zelda: WW or beaten OoT. I haven't beaten Super Mario 64 or Mario Sunshine.

That is enough to get me beaten...
Where to begin?

I haven't played FF 1 through 12, I haven't played Zelda: WW or beaten OoT. I haven't beaten Super Mario 64 or Mario Sunshine.

That is enough to get me beaten...
bread's done