CLOSED Marissa's Bunny is giving away another Halo:Reach xBox prize package!

[quote name='Darklurkr23']Was going to comment and email, but didn't this contest already ended two days before the day it was posted ? February 18th[/QUOTE]

Cut and paste error, and fixed.

Extra entry for you!
These contests are great - I'm a former winner and I can verify in case anyone thinks this isn't legit - it IS. Not only that, it's building awareness for a great cause. Oh, and priiiiizes, shiiiiiiiny prizes.

Don't mind if I do enter again :D
Okay, first of all, thanks. We've hit our most recent fundraising threshold.

Some of you guys have donated, and that's very cool of you considering the point of this entire board is gaming for cheapasses!

We're adding a PS3 with Move, and the Helghast edition of Killzone 3 to the prize bundle!
Tried to vote, but the site appears to be down? Will try again later since I read about your site on CTR+ALT+DEL a while back I've sort of followed allong.
bread's done