Club Bing thread 5 absolutely no macro bot auto typer cheating return fraud talk !!!

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Got the "you cheated email" after asking about a game I ordered in Feb.
Screw them I did not cheat. I did use anagram solver but that is not cheating.

What a waste of time.
I was wondering if people who are getting the "cheater" email max out their accounts daily and/or actually do the whole 1024 tickets daily. Maybe that's throwing them off? Also, the whole toolbar might be involved here somewhere.

I'm waiting on my Malibu Picnic pack, but since it was a voter prize it'll be a little while longer, I suspect.
I'd typically get 1,000 tickets a day; never bothered with the 1024 trick. Although, towards the end, where I had already maxed out everything from the anagram site, I was only bothering to get 300-500 tickets a day, if that. Seekado and Taxi Wrangler were just far too tedious for me to bother.

As for the toolbar, I got it soon after the VIP program went live, but I could only use it on my netbook, since my PC is running on Vista 64-bit. Minor aside: I never played any games on the netbook. Nevertheless, the only reason I had the toolbar at all was to get the eReader, which was the last prize I successfully ordered and received. I don't believe either of the final two prizes I ordered and didn't receive--Halo: ODST and the Quick Charge Kit--were part of the VIP program.
[quote name='Redeema']I was wondering if people who are getting the "cheater" email max out their accounts daily and/or actually do the whole 1024 tickets daily. Maybe that's throwing them off? Also, the whole toolbar might be involved here somewhere.

I'm waiting on my Malibu Picnic pack, but since it was a voter prize it'll be a little while longer, I suspect.[/QUOTE]

The "trick" was to give up with one anagram answer left and then complete another game, right?

I'm sure I did something along those lines plenty of times. I'd always accidentally skip a word and just say, "screw it" and give up on the puzzle rather than find the word I skipped.
Hmmm...this thread got backed down to page 2. I think that's the first time I've seen it NOT on the first page in over a year. :lol:

Anyway, I got the "you cheated" email July 14th and I finally got a chance to reply to them today. Emails below (if you guys are bored and want to read something):

Email they sent me:

This is in response to your email regarding Club Bing

Thank you for contacting Club Bing Support. Our Technical Support Team has reviewed and evaluated the game play history on your account resulting in a cancellation of your prize order(s).

The Club Bing screens game play against criteria meant to identify likely use of bots, macros, or other automated programs to play the games. Those types of activities violate our Terms and Conditions.

Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement at

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for contacting Club Bing.

Kind Regards...
Email I sent them:
Hi. I haven't been able to reply to this email until today. So, my apologies for the delay. What type of "criteria" are you all talking about? I work in an office for a living, so I'm naturally a fast typer. In most of the anagrams I've played, I've typed the same 3-letter and 4-letter anagram answers over and over. My typing has brought up the kitten captchas a for each game, but I've never thought much of it. I just clicked the appropriate pictures and continued. So words like:


come up in quite a few puzzles, and it's almost second nature to type them back to back in seconds. I think my fast typing might've made you guys think I was, maybe, a computer program (a robot or something like that?) I averaged about 2 or 3 captchas a game, and I managed to finish most anagram games (and even many Flexicon puzzles) in less than 90 seconds. Maybe your "criteria" flags games that are finished in less than 2 minutes or somewhere in that time-frame?

I'm not really sure what else I can say. Club Bing is a program that rewards people for typing and playing games, and I'm a fast typer, so I thought this was a win-win: Microsoft gets searches for their search engine and I earn prizes for myself. But this random flagging, with no email notice as soon as it occurs, is (in my opinion) uncalled for. If you guys won't send players their prizes, you could at least let them know as soon as it's decided that said prizes won't be shipped. However, waiting 12 weeks only to be told "Oh, we flagged your account, so you're order has been cancelled" is tactless to say the least.

I've told quite a few people about Club Bing and many of them have been excited to earn prizes just for playing games. But with a chance of them NOT getting prizes legitimately for randomly violating an unknown "criteria," I've told those same people to not waste their time with your program. What's the point of helping out a company that won't agree to their end of Terms and Conditions by providing players with their earned prizes?

So, I'll see what happens. :whistle2:# I don't REALLY work in an office currently (did in the past though), but I type at my computer enough everyday to consider it an unofficial job. *Sigh* I just want my copy of MW2 so I can finally find out what's so addicting about that game that's got my XBL friends playing it all the time. I would've bought a copy by now, but free is better than paying for something, and I AM a cheap ass gamer. :lol:

[quote name='Redeema']I was wondering if people who are getting the "cheater" email max out their accounts daily and/or actually do the whole 1024 tickets daily. Maybe that's throwing them off? Also, the whole toolbar might be involved here somewhere.

I'm waiting on my Malibu Picnic pack, but since it was a voter prize it'll be a little while longer, I suspect.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mayson']The "trick" was to give up with one anagram answer left and then complete another game, right?

I'm sure I did something along those lines plenty of times. I'd always accidentally skip a word and just say, "screw it" and give up on the puzzle rather than find the word I skipped.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I never downloaded the toolbar, but I always managed to accidentally skip one word in the anagrams games as I typed off the answers list. Usually I was too lazy to re-type them all to finish with 20 tickets, so most days I ended with 1019 (1024 with one last Flexicon game sometimes). But I only played half as much as I did last year (and that was before I ordered the items I'm still waiting on...AND before I got my last few prizes). Something IS up with Club Bing...but no one knows exactly what. :roll:
I don't understand how I received my glitter lamp but not the camcorder I ordered a month or more before the lamp (except they're limiting the prizes?). I ordered the playing cards just for fun, who knows.
It has been a bit longer than a month and my timbuk2 bag hasn't arrived. I also ordered a flashlight 3 days after. I got my prizes before and I don't know why I'm not getting these now. I went 16 days straight for my bag.
In April, I ordered the Kitchenaid Stand Mixer after months of working for it. I had yet to hear from the service after the 8-12 weeks passed, so I contacted them yesterday. Today I was informed my prize has been denied, because of possible use of bots or other automated software. What the hell? I have never cheated on this service, and worked every day typing in the answers to anagrams by hand.

Has anyone ever had this happen before? I am not even sure how I can dispute this, as it is there word against mine. I have honestly not used any of this stuff. If I had, it wouldn't have taken me as many months to reach this point as it did.

I am so confused right now, and have no idea where to go from here. I was really counting on that mixer, and this was the last thing I expected.
Got the you cheated email today. I have never once cheated on this service, and I was really counting on the mixer I ordered in April. Needless to say, I am pretty pissed off. Months of doing anagrams for nothing. :(
Whoo-hoo! Got the handy-dandy Rainforest booster seat today. There went two weeks of typing. Things we do for grandkids. (Actually, it is kinda fun.)
I got an email from Bing about new prizes, but they don't show up on the prize page. There's supposed to be:

Audio Technica Stereo Turntable
Star Theater Pro Home Planetarium
Halex Deluxe Bocce Ball Set

They're behind on shipping stuff, I guess they're behind on posting too.
After getting the "you cheated" e-mail a week or so ago, I emailed them asking them why they think I cheated. I never got a response.

I know other people have asked them why they were banned or sent them a follow-up email pf some sort. Did anyone ever get anything back?
[quote name='Mayson']After getting the "you cheated" e-mail a week or so ago, I emailed them asking them why they think I cheated. I never got a response.

I know other people have asked them why they were banned or sent them a follow-up email pf some sort. Did anyone ever get anything back?[/QUOTE]

You just keep getting an e-mail back saying you were using a bot, macro, or ect. over and over again.
[quote name='Mayson']After getting the "you cheated" e-mail a week or so ago, I emailed them asking them why they think I cheated. I never got a response.

I know other people have asked them why they were banned or sent them a follow-up email pf some sort. Did anyone ever get anything back?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Shuino']You just keep getting an e-mail back saying you were using a bot, macro, or ect. over and over again.[/QUOTE]

I emailed them about my April prize on 7/14 and got my first "you cheated" email that same day. I didn't respond back until 7/26 and got a response to that email on 7/29. I then sent them another one this morning. Mayson, you should probably email them again if you don't get a response by the two-week mark.

The second email I got last week was another "you cheated" email, but in the second one, they added:

You have used your account to avoid restrictions or other limitations on Activities, tickets, prizes or the Program thus violating the Club Bing Terms and Conditions outlined above.

:roll: It's like the police tacking on a random charge after they put out a warrant for your arrest due to "alleged" activity. :lol: This account is on its own IP with one single address, so there's no way that it could be traced back to the two previous accounts I had to another address that got flagged last year. That was understandable but THIS time it's b.s. They have NOTHING on me.

Anyway, if you guys feel like reading this LONG email, here's what I sent back to them this morning (I love being a smart-:booty:):

*SIGH* I'm guessing this is an automated response, correct?

You still haven't explained what that "criteria" is for finishing games too soon. Is it possible to finish too late? Did I finish too fast? In my previous email, I said that I type for a living, so after typing the same words OVER and OVER, a typical anagram game ended rather quickly. How can you say I'm a "computer" or something if I'm legitimately clicking the correct kitten captchas for each puzzle? I'm not the smartest guy in the world but I'm pretty sure that you can't program a computer to automatically click random pictures (that's why you guys put those in the puzzles in the first place, right?). And please explain "your game play history INDICATES the use of automated programs." Um...I TYPE FOR A LIVING. I'm so sorry that I am able to type 35 words in a puzzle in less than 90 seconds. I get paid to type that fast. I can't see why Microsoft would object to searches, regardless of how fast they are entered. If Club Bing requires that games be finished after a set amount of time, then that needs to be added to the Terms and Conditions. And I pasted my last email for you to re-read (in case it went "missing" or something). Please re-read the first two full paragraphs:

**************Hi. I haven't been able to reply to this email until today. So, my apologies for the delay. What type of "criteria" are you all talking about? I work in an office for a living, so I'm naturally a fast typer. In most of the anagrams I've played, I've typed the same 3-letter and 4-letter anagram answers over and over. My typing has brought up the kitten captchas for each game, but I've never thought much of it. I just clicked the appropriate pictures and continued. So words like:


come up in quite a few puzzles, and it's almost second nature to type them back to back in seconds. I think my fast typing might've made you guys think I was, maybe, a computer program (a robot or something like that?) I averaged about 2 or 3 captchas a game, and I managed to finish most anagram games (and even many Flexicon puzzles) in less than 90 seconds. Maybe your "criteria" flags games that are finished in less than 2 minutes or somewhere in that time-frame?

I'm not really sure what else I can say. Club Bing is a program that rewards people for typing and playing games, and I'm a fast typer, so I thought this was a win-win: Microsoft gets searches for their search engine and I earn prizes for myself. But this random flagging, with no email notice as soon as it occurs, is (in my opinion) uncalled for. If you guys won't send players their prizes, you could at least let them know as soon as it's decided that said prizes won't be shipped. However, waiting 12 weeks only to be told "Oh, we flagged your account, so you're order has been cancelled" is tactless to say the least.

I've told quite a few people about Club Bing and many of them have been excited to earn prizes just for playing games. But with a chance of them NOT getting prizes legitimately for randomly violating an unknown "criteria," I've told those same people to not waste their time with your program. What's the point of helping out a company that won't agree to their end of Terms and Conditions by providing players with their earned prizes?**************

And now, with this reply, you've also pressed more "charges" against me I see. Let's break that new addition down shall we?:

"You have used your account to avoid restrictions or other limitations on Activities, tickets, prizes or the Program thus violating the Club Bing Terms and Conditions outlined above."

I have used my account to avoid restrictions? What restrictions? I only have one account and it's been flagged (pour salt on an open wound, why don't you). Limitations? Which ones? On activities? I only played until the games wouldn't let me play anymore. I'm not sure how anyone could get around this. If your fancy little system picked up on my fast typing, it should have at least known when I ran out of puzzles, correct? Tickets? Is playing on double tickets day a "violation" now? That's all I could think of regarding that. Prizes? I only ordered one of each prize and still haven't received my last 3 (4?) items. I'm guessing you guys ran out of some things or maybe I ordered too many prizes for you to honor? Less of a financial hassle?

Again, I've still heard nothing of substance. This "vague accusation" stuff is what adults do to little kids when they misbehave: "Oh, you know what you did. That's against the school rules." No physical proof...just words and accusations. However, when you are a professional company in agreement with ADULT players/your search engine numbers, that little stunt doesn't fly. The only thing I can go on is that I typed the puzzles too fast and APPARENTLY that is a "violation." Who knew? They're TYPING games! Not everyone types 10 WPM! Sorry. I feel like I'm on trial for a crime I didn't commit. It's pretty pathetic. And the last two paragraphs of my last email are VERY true words. I've done a little internet browsing since receiving the first email and this little flagging issue of yours looks like it might balloon into something big with the Better Business Bureau. I'd figure something out, if I were you guys. No threats or anything...just saying.

In an odd sorta way, typing these was actually more fun than playing those games (not receiving prizes still sucks though :cry:). I hope Microsoft has my games set aside somewhere because their people are going to get long-ass emails like this every week. If people on XBL can get players to rage quit by being super annoying, surely I can annoy Microsoft enough for them to just snap from insanity and ship my stuff to me. :lol: We'll see. :bouncy:
In an odd sorta way, typing these was actually more fun than playing those games (not receiving prizes still sucks though :cry:). I hope Microsoft has my games set aside somewhere because their people are going to get long-ass emails like this every week. If people on XBL can get players to rage quit by being super annoying, surely I can annoy Microsoft enough for them to just snap from insanity and ship my stuff to me. :lol: We'll see. :bouncy:
Well to be honest, I'm sure they get a kick out of reading your e-mails also. They are like "wow we are never shipping this guy his prize's", then begins the echo of laughter with all the employees at ClubBing laughing in unison.
So I ordered an eReader on May 2, yesterday realized the 12 weeks was probably just about up, checked the date, and e-mailed them.

Got a "we received your message and will follow up within two days" message yesterday.

Got this today:


This is in response to your email regarding Club Bing.

Thank you for contacting Club Bing Support. We are currently researching your inquiry and will provide you with any updates as they become available.

Thank you for your patience and being a loyal Club Bing participant!

Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement at

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for contacting Club Bing.

Kind Regards,

The Club Bing Support Team

Can anyone who's been through this e-mail maze tell me if this mean I probably WON'T get the "you cheated" e-mail?

If they look at my history, they'll see months that went by without me playing, and days where I only did 10-20 plays, or just played Seekadoo for a couple hundred points. I was very "fair weather" with bing, and figure that a bot would be run every day (and would be run every day since, for more prizes).

They'll also find days where I pounded out the anagram puzzles at 1 per minute b/c I type at 70wpm.

I can't say that you won't get the "you cheated" email, but I can say that I never got the e-mail you did.

It went right from the automated response to the "you cheated" email a couple of days later.

I figure they looked at my history and they know a cheater would have kept milking and milking and milking, and we (wife and I) played so on and off that it doesn't make sense that we were cheating, or we'd have gotten dozens of other items.

All I ever got was a controller, a copy of Gears of War, and then the eReader
[quote name='pfp']So I ordered an eReader on May 2, yesterday realized the 12 weeks was probably just about up, checked the date, and e-mailed them.

Got a "we received your message and will follow up within two days" message yesterday.

Got this today:

Can anyone who's been through this e-mail maze tell me if this mean I probably WON'T get the "you cheated" e-mail?

If they look at my history, they'll see months that went by without me playing, and days where I only did 10-20 plays, or just played Seekadoo for a couple hundred points. I was very "fair weather" with bing, and figure that a bot would be run every day (and would be run every day since, for more prizes).

They'll also find days where I pounded out the anagram puzzles at 1 per minute b/c I type at 70wpm.[/QUOTE]

Well I did eventually get my prizes so there is still hope. I got the generic we got your message e-mail first. Didn't hear anything for a week, sent another that stated something like "your case has been elevated to management" or something (it's back a few pages) but I did get all three prizes that I ordered. Now, I didn't order anything big, I think the total tickets for all three was under 20 grand but I got them so hopefully the same will happen to you.
[quote name='pfp']Hello,

This is in response to your email regarding Club Bing.

Thank you for contacting Club Bing Support. We are currently researching your inquiry and will provide you with any updates as they become available.

Thank you for your patience and being a loyal Club Bing participant!

Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement at

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for contacting Club Bing.

Kind Regards,

The Club Bing Support Team .[/QUOTE]

Thats the same mail that I got today when I reported my missing prize. Did you hear anything else from them?
Seems they will not back down from their cheating accusations. I've kept responding to their emails asking for further investigation, and it seems I am getting nowhere. They still claim I abused the system and used automated software, which I definitely did not do. I have no idea where to go from where, and it is leaving me quite frustrated after many months of work.

Anyone else had any luck actually changing their minds? I'm out of ideas.
[quote name='Kurina']Seems they will not back down from their cheating accusations. I've kept responding to their emails asking for further investigation, and it seems I am getting nowhere. They still claim I abused the system and used automated software, which I definitely did not do. I have no idea where to go from where, and it is leaving me quite frustrated after many months of work.

Anyone else had any luck actually changing their minds? I'm out of ideas.[/QUOTE]
They never answered anything of mine after they told me I cheated.

I think I'll spam them with prize inquiries for all my items I never got.
My advice for anyone who's been flagged--this is what I've done, anyway--is to forget about Club Bing. They've already taken a lot of our time that we'll likely never get back, there's no use investing any more on them. For those of us who did get some prizes before wrongly being accused of cheating, it was good while it lasted, and now it's time to move on.

Perhaps one day I'll come in this thread and read they've since rescinded their new policy, whatever it may be, but until then, I'm not going to waste another minute of my time on them.
My thoughts exactly. Ever since they put up MW2, I never got a thing from them. Club Bing was fun (well, not the games, but getting free stuff was), but until they extract their heads from their buttocks they don't deserve another second of my time.
Against my better judgement, I emailed them about 3 of my April orders (all 360 games). Got the "you cheated" email even though i've never used bots and only have one account. It was a nice run while it lasted, maxed out the Flexicon and anagram games and redeemed most of those tickets.
[quote name='Kurina']Anyone else had any luck actually changing their minds? I'm out of ideas.[/QUOTE]

You could always contact your local congressman. At least thats what beadbird would do. Although we havev't heard back from her.
Anyone else get this from Bing?


I hope they're losing members because of this flagging crap.
I was thinking of ordering a prize to a friend's house under the friend's email, since I never got my own prizes from last spring. Has anyone else tried a new email and/or address and gotten their prize since the all the flagging started?
[quote name='EKAJ13']I was thinking of ordering a prize to a friend's house under the friend's email, since I never got my own prizes from last spring. Has anyone else tried a new email and/or address and gotten their prize since the all the flagging started?[/QUOTE]
Not from the same account. Once an account is flagged, it won't get prizes any more.

However, if you have a second account, that hasn't ordered any prizes yet, then you should be able to receive prizes via your friend with that unused account.
My copy of Halo 3: ODST for Xbox 360 has shipped today. I ordered it on 4/13/2010. Sent them an email about my account and asked if they could tell me why Halo 3: ODST did not ship. They sent me an email saying that they would look into it and today they sent me an email with a tracking number.
Guess I'm not flagged after all

emailed them after 12 weeks got the we will look into it message and today got this one.


We wanted to update you on your recent Club Bing inquiry. We are sorry for the delay in your order. Your order - Solar Blue Tooth Hands Free Speaker) is now in queue to ship. You will be updated with tracking information as it becomes available. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

Thank you for being a loyal Club Bing participant!

Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement at

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for contacting Club Bing.

Kind Regards,

The Club Bing Support Team
[email protected]
If you need any further assistance with this specific query, please reference the Case ID above when contacting us.
Prizes Recently Added:


- Tovolo Freezer Pop Molds: 2,750 Tickets
- John Grisham:Ford County: 4,400 Tickets
- Men Bamboo Jacquard Sport Shirt Black: 5,150 Tickets
- Women Bamboo Jacquard Sport Shirt Black: 5,150 Tickets
- Aerobed Family Quick Pool: 10,850 Tickets
- Igloo IcyTunes Cooler: 11,550 Tickets
- Bushnell Backtrack GPS Personal Locator: 13,150 Tickets
- Gilmour Platinum Flexogen Garden Hose: 13,700 Tickets
- TexSport High Island Hammock with Stand: 17,250 Tickets
- Surge Multi Tool: 17,700 Tickets
- DeWalt Cordless Screwdriver: 20,550 Tickets
- FATBOY Doggie Lounger- Large: 21,100 Tickets
- Sevylor Devil Ray Inflatable Towable: 28,400 Tickets
- Olympus Stylus Tough 3000 Digital Camera: 32,800 Tickets (VIP Only)
- Bushnell North Star Go-To Telescope: 60,650 Tickets
Prizes Recently Removed:


- 30 - Minute Meals
Prize Updates brought to you by the ProBingBot...
Get your own AUTOMATIC notifications at The ProBing Blog.
I'm going to have to send them an email at the end of this month asking about the hard drive I ordered. Hopefully they don't accuse me of cheating.
[quote name='RAY16']I'm going to have to send them an email at the end of this month asking about the hard drive I ordered. Hopefully they don't accuse me of cheating.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same here. Good luck.
I like that cooler and hammock. Perfect for a summer evening, unfortunately it wouldn't show up until early fall at best. Either way, I think I'll try playing again now.
I just sent them an e-mail about my fable 2 and mw2 prizes I ordered back in March. Hopefully I didn't get flagged for cheating but it seems like 90% of the people who ordered MW2 got flagged for some reason.
[quote name='meatwad3000']I just sent them an e-mail about my fable 2 and mw2 prizes I ordered back in March. Hopefully I didn't get flagged for cheating but it seems like 90% of the people who ordered MW2 got flagged for some reason.[/QUOTE]

Let us know how it goes. I'm in the same boat and have been wondering if I should bother emailing.
I'm not sure if this is OK to post in this thread.

This used to be one of the biggest threads here, and rightly so since Club Bing was once pretty darn cool. However, a lot of us (myself included) have given up on Club Bing.

I was wondering what other people have moved onto instead of Club Bing? Is there anything similar and legitimate? Someplace I can possibly get a PS3 to go alongside my Club Bing 360?
Just got the "you cheated" email on my order for Ninja Blade from May 3rd. Never tried bots or macros, wouldn't know how. Played every one of those games legitimately, the same as I played all the other games that I actually received prizes for (Gears, controller, play-and-charge, Kameo). As has been pointed out, hundreds of games later, you get pretty quick at typing the same set of words.

Just sent a follow-up email, which based on responses here, I'm not optimistic about. Just wondering though, if anyone has tried to send a letter disputing these charges via snail-mail? They include the physical address in the email, so if I don't get a response, that's what I'll try next.
I'm not sure if responding to the original "you cheated" email does any good or not. I replied with some information that I'm pretty sure would trigger a follow-up if they actually read it, and I haven't heard anything 2 weeks later.

I'm not sure how long I should give them before filing the BBB complaint (not that I think that will necessarily help, but I've got plenty of extra time on my hands since I'm not playing flash games for a couple of hours a day).
[quote name='killer9']Once you get the you cheated email they will no longer reply to you[/QUOTE]

I thought that was true too. I sent a follow up email that got ignored. I then sent a follow up email to my follow up email; this got a response.

It was, more or less, the same "you cheated email" and nothing good came of it, but at least I got a response.

I sent them another email to this response, but haven't gotten a reply. I'm not expecting anything. My emails pretty much amounted to me saying, "but I promise I didn't cheat. Please give me my stuff. PLEASE!"
[quote name='Shuino']These are facts.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I don't think that anyone has posted that they received any sort of correspondence after they received the 'you cheated' email. Even the people who said they were going to e-mail them every day until they got a response.
I got a response from them today

We wanted to update you on your recent Club Bing inquiry. We are sorry for the delay. Your order - COD: Modern Warfare 2 for Xbox 360) has been credited back to your account in the amount of 9300 tickets as of 08/16/10 due to the item being out of stock. Once again, we are sorry for the delay.

Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement at

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for contacting Club Bing.

Kind Regards,

The Club Bing Support Team
Case ID: #######
[email protected]
If you need any further assistance with this specific query, please reference the Case ID above when contacting us.
I can't say i'm a little disappointed I didn't get my copy of MW2 but I sent them a messsage inquiring about my copy of fable 2 I ordered a week earlier and never got either but the letter never messaged it so I'm gonna rethrow them a message. however I used some of the tickets and ordered up ninja blade. I think all I'm gonna do left is probably try to earn a few more tickets to order a controller and retire from bing for good.
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