Club Nintendo

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Mario hat for me. Slightly disappointed that there isn't anything of epic proportions like the SNES controller, but it's still free. Especially considering I already got something cool for my coins. This is just icing, although not quite as delicious as possible, on the cake.

Now to work on points for 2009/2010!
There are so many cool prizes Nintendo could have given away! I wish they would make a Pikmin hat that has a bud and it can open up into a flower. Blah blah blah. Has anyone gotten the Doc Lewis game yet? (Yeah right)
ITT: people whine about free stuff.

Personally, I think Doc's Punch-Out is a great reward, unless you don't like Punch-Out to begin with, which I can't really fathom anyways. The hat would be a total waste for me, I don't think I'm quite nerdy enough to wear it, and it would probably just rot in my room. But yeah, I'm very pleased with Punch-Out, but then again I wasn't really expecting to get anything of great value.
[quote name='nnthomas']Biggest ripoff ever. Only from Nintendo...

(i picked the wiiware game)[/QUOTE]

I fail to see how you're being 'ripped off' when the items are free.

[quote name='Flak']Wow, this calendar certainly makes buying Nintendo stuff all worth it.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, if the only reason you're buying Nintendo video games all year is for a possible gift worth owning at the end of the year, you're doing it wrong.
I'm a little out of the loop on how Club Nintendo works, so if I get the Mario Hat and seeing how it didn't cost any coins. Should I redeem my coins to get another reward or should I be saving them?
Well then, if everyone feels that way, let's just switch back to having no Club Nintendo.

The prizes aren't that bad. Seriously they swapped out a gold colored Wii wheel and gave us a demo. I question the equality of the prizes, but that wheel was gaudy looking, and I wasn't going to pick it. Mario Hat FTW!
While the prizes are kinda meh, who am I too bitch and whine about FREE stuff, esp. when I already got a game & watch collection outta the club? This entitlement syndrome makes me sick sometimes.

With that, I went for the hat...maybe I'll give it to my little cousin or something.
I echo everyone else's sentiments about the Punch-Out DLC shoulda been on a disk instead. Even if the game is lame, you'd have a keepsake and backup in case your Wii bites the dust. I'm also surprised platinum folks can't choose the gold item, is that how they do it in Japan?

I'm cool with the free hat tho; I'm happy with any tangible options.
Exclusive WiiWare game???

I don't really need another (third) Super Famicom Classic Controller, Golden WiiWheel, Wiimote TV Remote, or copy of Tingle's Balloon Fight. :lol:
[quote name='lawdood']While the prizes are kinda meh, who am I too bitch and whine about FREE stuff, esp. when I already got a game & watch collection outta the club? This entitlement syndrome makes me sick sometimes.[/QUOTE]

While I generally agree that these rewards are lacking, I think lawdood makes some good points. To expand:

1) For years, there was no Nintendo Club in North America, and people cried foul. Now it's here and providing prizes mostly analogous to what they're getting in Japan and Europe, and people still aren't happy.

2) The gold/platinum rewards aren't the only reward you're getting for your points. They're in addition to whatever you selected from the catalog.

3) Technically, Nintendo doesn't have to give you anything. You're not buying the games for points and eventually prizes. I should hope you're buying the games to ENJOY THOSE GAMES. That's kind of the point.

I'd order the hat, but it probably won't fit my big noggin, and I don't need another bit of nerd detritus cluttering up my house, so I guess I have a date with Doc Louis. I don't have Punch-Out!! yet, so this will help me decide whether I want it anyway.
As nifty as the hat is, I don't think I will ever use it. On the other hand I probably will fight Doc Brown. The wife always complains about me having stuff that I don't do anything with, so I guess for my marriage I will be fighting Doctor Brown.
I'm getting the hat for sure. That will be cool to have. Unlike everyone else, I prefer a dl code for the game. That way, I may still be able to get one (easier than with a physical disc). And I don't know why everyone is still so uppity about digital media. I have yet to lose something after all of these years of downloading and not be able to get it back if it gets deleted.

And I officially hate Gameboy415.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Unlike everyone else, I prefer a dl code for the game. That way, I may still be able to get one (easier than with a physical disc). And I don't know why everyone is still so uppity about digital media. I have yet to lose something after all of these years of downloading and not be able to get it back if it gets deleted.[/QUOTE]
What if your first Wii breaks and you get a new one? You can't move downloaded content. And what about collecting stuff? As an exclusive reward, it would likely become a collector's item.
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']What if your first Wii breaks and you get a new one? You can't move downloaded content. And what about collecting stuff? As an exclusive reward, it would likely become a collector's item.[/QUOTE]

It will get linked to your Club Nintendo (former My Nintendo) account. My friend had his Wii break. When he sent it in, and his replacement came back- all of his games and files were still there. However, all of his Wii friend codes and his system code were different.

I am not that concerned.
Mario Hat was the obvious choice for me, I didn't get all those points just for a shitty demo
I'm wondering if we also get the calender, as that seems like a decent prize as well :)
[quote name='KingBroly']The concern I have about Nintendo's download service is what happens to those games for their next system.[/QUOTE]
Well it's a valid concern we all have, however it's not isolated to just the Wii.
[quote name='yukine']Well it's a valid concern we all have, however it's not isolated to just the Wii.[/QUOTE]

I guess it's a question of which service do you think these downloadable games will continue to live on?
[quote name='flameofdoom666']It will get linked to your Club Nintendo (former My Nintendo) account. My friend had his Wii break. When he sent it in, and his replacement came back- all of his games and files were still there. However, all of his Wii friend codes and his system code were different.

I am not that concerned.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo will only transfer your content over with a warranty replacement. If your Wii breaks and you're out of warranty, and you just decide to get a new one, instead of having it repaired, you lose everything you've downloaded.
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']Nintendo will only transfer your content over with a warranty replacement. If your Wii breaks and you're out of warranty, and you just decide to get a new one, instead of having it repaired, you lose everything you've downloaded.[/QUOTE]

Why would ANYONE just buy a new one? You can send the broken one to Nintendo and get a new one subsidized with all of the content transferred too.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Why would ANYONE just buy a new one? You can send the broken one to Nintendo and get a new one subsidized with all of the content transferred too.[/QUOTE]
Well, different colors come to mind... or a WiiHD if it ever comes to fruition. Or you might just want a second Wii for your man cave. There's a ton of reasons to buy a new one down the line.

Or Nintendo might look at your broken Wii and say "We can't fix it, you're out of warranty, sorry" and you might just have to buy a new one.
Some (alleged) screens of Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! were posted at GAF:


[quote name='xycury']
Ordered the HAT since it's somewhat more interesting than punching an old black guy.
This made me laugh and I don't know why.
I am on the fence, but heavily leaning towards Punch Out. Now that I see the screen shots (and am sure it is the 3D engine and not a 2D game), I am swayed a little more towards it. I am pretty sure it will be a gifted item, and NOT a pin number to enter. With that said, I can buy the hat on e-bay for 15$ when eBay gets flooded with them. I am okay with that.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']What do you put for "Address Name"?[/QUOTE]
Parent's House
USPS Storage Box
Jimmy's Place

Whatever you want to name it so if you ever need to give nintendo your address again, you can simply select whatever you called it.

Its for your convenience, you can put whatever you want in that box.
The free item could have been worse, a lot worse. Look at what Europe got one year:


If the US got that as an option some people in this thread would got from light whining to genocide :lol:

I would have been happier as a gold member given the option of a T-Shirt that said "I'm a Club Nintendo Elite member and all I got is this stupid T-shirt " instead of the calendar. The hat and the punch Doc Louis game aren't that bad for first year prizes, I was expecting worse:

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I think I'm going to have to go with Punch-Out. I love the game, and even though I wish the Doc fight had just already been in the game or been DLC, I'll take it this way if I must.
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[quote name='Mad D']The free item could have been worse, a lot worse. Look at what Europe got one year:


If the US got that as an option some people in this thread would got from light whining to genocide :lol:[/QUOTE]

Are you fucking kidding? That Link statue is about a foot tall, if I remember, and is pretty badass.

I'm not one to complain about free stuff, so I'm happy with the Mario Hat ... but damn it if you're not crazy.
[quote name='Mad D']The free item could have been worse, a lot worse. Look at what Europe got one year:


If the US got that as an option some people in this thread would got from light whining to genocide :lol:

I would have been happier as a gold member given the option of a T-Shirt that said "I'm a Club Nintendo Elite member and all I got is this stupid T-shirt " instead of the calendar. The hat and the punch Doc Louis game aren't that bad for first year prizes, I was expecting worse:


The link statue was for 15000 star points, and it was not the free platinum gift. Get your story stright.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']The link statue was for 15000 star points, and it was not the free platinum gift. Get your story stright.[/QUOTE]
Well I didn't know, just posting random prizes that I found ugly, anyways no change in opinion.
Count me as one of the very few who is just glad Club Nintendo finally came to the US. I'll admit... I imported a Super Famicom back in the day and would have loved to get my hands on the special classic controller for nostalgic purposes. I'll admit I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't offered as an optional gift, but at the end of the day, it's free stuff. FREE. It's really tough to be bitter about that.

Doc Louis' Punch Out!!! is a neat novelty. I consider it a free expansion to the existing game (which I own and love).

As a side note, I've noticed Doc Louis being referred to as "Doc Brown." Unless there's some special Back to the Future tie-in I don't know about, I'm pretty sure that Doc Brown isn't an unlockable foe in Punch Out!!!
DLC seems ok, but with our luck, they'll just release that to everyone else for a few hundred wii points and then the DLC wont feel as special. the hat is well......just a hat. i dont have punch out, so the DLC is kinda useless for me and i really dont want a hat, that im not gonna wear, taking up more space in my house. i'll wait a few days and make a decision.
[quote name='darkpice']DLC seems ok, but with our luck, they'll just release that to everyone else for a few hundred wii points and then the DLC wont feel as special. the hat is well......just a hat. i dont have punch out, so the DLC is kinda useless for me and i really dont want a hat, that im not gonna wear, taking up more space in my house. i'll wait a few days and make a decision.[/QUOTE]

Please stop calling it DLC. It is not.

It is a stand alone WiiWare title.

It actually unlocks nothing with the game, so if you get the "DLC" nothing unlocks.
these prizes are meh-tastic.

Leaning toward the game..

edit: is it a physical copy of the game? cos i dont want some shitty download.

edit 2: nvm. the hat is the winner for me
[quote name='dcgm']edit: is it a physical copy of the game? cos i dont want some shitty download.[/QUOTE]

It's a shitty download.
[quote name='darkpice']DLC seems ok, but with our luck, they'll just release that to everyone else for a few hundred wii points and then the DLC wont feel as special. the hat is well......just a hat. i dont have punch out, so the DLC is kinda useless for me and i really dont want a hat, that im not gonna wear, taking up more space in my house. i'll wait a few days and make a decision.[/QUOTE]

you dont need punch out to play the DLC
I'm going with the punch-out download. Who know, but Doc may be one of the most challenging bouts in the game. However, I do hope the game is more than one fight. If the fight is similar to the wii bouts, we will get to fight him twice with Doc sporting a new outfit for the second match.
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