CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='The3amJunkie']Yeah I discovered Ground war the other day. way fun. 9v9 Derail is the shit.
You get so many more kills in ground war it easier to level up your weapons. Thats where the experience is at. 10000 is a lot.

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the fast that your titles,emblems, and accolades do not whip when you prestige.[/QUOTE]
You prestiged already??
[quote name='M1C13']You prestiged already??[/QUOTE]

thats one of the loading screen messages that appear.
though i dont know if thats where he saw it.
[quote name='Strell']


That one and the cow getting abducted are the best ones
[quote name='The3amJunkie']

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the fast that your titles,emblems, and accolades do not whip when you prestige.[/QUOTE]

I'm tired of going to 10th prestige every game. I'm not going to prestige because I don't need more than five custom classes and none of the titles/emblems that you get after you prestige look that much better than the group you can unlock before prestige.
Played some team deathmatch earlier with a good group of people. The 4 or 5 games I played were all really close. The last match was 7400 to 7000 and the other team was leading when I got a 5 kill streak and got the predator missile. I fired the missile and literally a second before it hit their entire team, all 6 of them, one of their snipers took someone out.
Spec Ops BADLY needed matchmaking. It's just like ODST. No one wants to play Spec Ops, just Multiplayer. Only 7 more Missions to go.
[quote name='KingBroly']Spec Ops BADLY needed matchmaking. It's just like ODST. No one wants to play Spec Ops, just Multiplayer. Only 7 more Missions to go.[/QUOTE]
Dude, I'm with you. What else you need? Let's do it. Tomorrow evening good?
Anytime is good, really. I need...

Big Brother
Homeland Security
Estate Takedown
The 3 Echo Missions

Once I get those out of the way, I'll have all 1000g. I managed to do Body Count by myself by just campign out in the back of the Diner. I should also have a higher quality internet service by tonight.
This Game is Great! however i wish they would have made the Campaign a little longer, so i'd give it a 4.5 out of 5
[quote name='life.exe']I'm tired of going to 10th prestige every game. I'm not going to prestige because I don't need more than five custom classes and none of the titles/emblems that you get after you prestige look that much better than the group you can unlock before prestige.[/QUOTE]
This is something I'm debating on doing myself cause in COD4 I got the 4th Level of prestige and said forget it. I stayed there for almost 3 months then finally just before I stopped playing went to the next level. This time I think I might not do it and just focus on doing all the challenges.
I didn't play CoD4, and didn't read much about MW2 or multiplayer. So, when I've been bellyaching about not being able to have multiple attachments on my gun
, imagine my joy when I hit level 21
[quote name='cdeener']This is something I'm debating on doing myself cause in COD4 I got the 4th Level of prestige and said forget it. I stayed there for almost 3 months then finally just before I stopped playing went to the next level. This time I think I might not do it and just focus on doing all the challenges.[/QUOTE]

I agree, although I may do 1 prestige...perhaps on a double points weekend or something. I never went for the Red Tiger and such on CoD4, just prestiged and played for fun while sitting at a 55 for a few weeks on each prestige. Gonna try a different approach this time.
[quote name='KingBroly']Spec Ops BADLY needed matchmaking. It's just like ODST. No one wants to play Spec Ops, just Multiplayer. Only 7 more Missions to go.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Dude, I'm with you. What else you need? Let's do it. Tomorrow evening good?[/QUOTE]

Seriously. Why do they do this with this cool co-op modes? I never bothered getting into FF with ODST, because I just wanna go on, hit an auto-matchmaking option, and find someone to play with. I don't wanna start messaging people and HOPE someone on my list wants to play.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Seriously. Why do they do this with this cool co-op modes? I never bothered getting into FF with ODST, because I just wanna go on, hit an auto-matchmaking option, and find someone to play with. I don't wanna start messaging people and HOPE someone on my list wants to play.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I like Coop better than P2P so it was a big disappointment for Special Ops to not have Matchmaking. If GoW can have it work, why can't others follow suit...

On Another Note, here are more stats on the record breaking week for MW2 release...
I kind of like the lack of auto matchmaking in Spec Ops... it makes it much more exciting trying to get a partner and not just cranking them out with some little kid in Mexico. I guess it sucks for Achievement whores, but it is better finding a friend to do it with.
Hmp, I guess I am glad my friend and I both love Spec ops. I only have 1 left to do on Vet.

Hopefully we cant get it done today.
[quote name='lordopus99']I agree. I like Coop better than P2P so it was a big disappointment for Special Ops to not have Matchmaking. If GoW can have it work, why can't others follow suit...[/QUOTE]

Seems like a lot of laziness and/or oversight.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']I kind of like the lack of auto matchmaking in Spec Ops... it makes it much more exciting trying to get a partner and not just cranking them out with some little kid in Mexico. I guess it sucks for Achievement whores, but it is better finding a friend to do it with.[/QUOTE]

And what if you can't find someone? Sorry, but not everyone looking for an auto-matchmaking feature is an "achievement whore." Maybe, they're just tired of having to send out mass messages (which I don't like to do, because I know it annoys the shit out of me when they pop up and I'm trying to play a game) to everyone on their friends' list. And I don't see how adding one would take anything away from your desire to find a friend on your own. You can have one and the other. They are not mutually exclusive.
I agree with the fact that they should have both. But I also think you guys are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is.

Honestly I dont know why they didnt include it but I also dont know why its that hard to find someone to play with. Why dont 2 or 3 of you who are complaining about it get together and play, wouldnt that solve your problem? (not being a dick...seriously asking)
Because maybe people have different lives and can't play at the same time? Sorry, but I don't have an open schedule to play games all day. I often play at weird times in the early morning and late at night, and I would like to just sign on and play. I do not want to have to send out a mass message and wait around, hoping someone wants to play.

Anyway, I think I already asked earlier in the thread if anyone wants to play later at night (after 10PM in the east), but I'll ask again. If so, just message me on XBL. I've only done the first two Spec-Ops.
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Well, sorry, either free up time or find more friends who want to play. You are acting like you are the only person to have a busy schedule.

The truth is not that many people are complaining about it so either 1)Not an oversight but a low priority because no seems to care or 2) Everyone has found a solution around it.
I actually got nuked today. It was sad really. :(

Supposedly I hear you can knock the nuke from out of the sky with a Javelin or something. Who knows when the hell that will happen But I'll be waiting if it ever does lol. I seem to knock out anything in the sky If I see it even coming in.
In other new I just completed all of Spec Ops!

I only had wet works to do and my friend and I just beat it a second ago.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I actually got nuked today. It was sad really. :(

Supposedly I hear you can knock the nuke from out of the sky with a Javelin or something. Who knows when the hell that will happen But I'll be waiting if it ever does lol. I seem to knock out anything in the sky If I see it even coming in.[/QUOTE]

The only thing I know that counter-acts the Nuke is the EMP. I've not heard about the Javelin doing so.
I play a lot in the evenings (360) friend me up if you want to get in some games.

I nearly got my first weapon mastery. M4A1. I love how that pushes you to use some dif items on your weapon you might never of tried. I hate it when you catch hell from douche bags about rolling with a starting gun like the M4A1 when I could be using others. But these are the same people who anger when they see ppl using steady hand pro and P90 together. Hell half the time when I am not with friends I dont even put the headset on and keep the TV. I wish I could just mute them all.

Also playing this game makes me wish a few aspects of the game and company community portal were different. I would love to be able to click on friends and see what rank they got to at a glance. It would be nice to go to the company web site and check how friends are doing. All this could could do with ease in Halo and I loved checking out friends progress w/that game.
[quote name='BREVITY']I play a lot in the evenings (360) friend me up if you want to get in some games.

I nearly got my first weapon mastery. M4A1. I love how that pushes you to use some dif items on your weapon you might never of tried. I hate it when you catch hell from douche bags about rolling with a starting gun like the M4A1 when I could be using others. But these are the same people who anger when they see ppl using steady hand pro and P90 together. Hell half the time when I am not with friends I dont even put the headset on and keep the TV. I wish I could just mute them all.

Also playing this game makes me wish a few aspects of the game and company community portal were different. I would love to be able to click on friends and see what rank they got to at a glance. It would be nice to go to the company web site and check how friends are doing. All this could could do with ease in Halo and I loved checking out friends progress w/that game.[/QUOTE]

You can mute them all. Thanks to menikmati. If you go to your profile, select edit profile, go to privacy settings. You'll see a Voice & Text option. You can set that to friends only and you can't hear them and they can't hear you, it's quite nice. Gotta say that's the best option for us when we're all in the same room.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']You can mute them all. Thanks to menikmati. If you go to your profile, select edit profile, go to privacy settings. You'll see a Voice & Text option. You can set that to friends only and you can't hear them and they can't hear you, it's quite nice. Gotta say that's the best option for us when we're all in the same room.[/QUOTE]


But the worst part about the non party chat is that I cant talk to people who are not even playing COD. If I want to play Sabotage but talk to my friend playing Tekken and another playing L4D2 it doesnt allow me, at least I dont think.

Thats the real bullshit of not having party chat. It was easy to find a way around it if we are all playing COD but I havent found anything for when we are all playing different games.
Had a nice streak of terrible games trying to learn the sniper rifles.

Pushing my way through Veteran, will be on later tonight after 10PM PST.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Well, sorry, either free up time or find more friends who want to play. You are acting like you are the only person to have a busy schedule.

The truth is not that many people are complaining about it so either 1)Not an oversight but a low priority because no seems to care or 2) Everyone has found a solution around it.[/QUOTE]

There are already a bunch of people in this thread alone who have complained about it. That's one thread on one site. Get a clue. Also, free up more time to play games? Yeah, some of us have real lives. "Hey, boss, I'm gonna leave early today, because I gotta play a game." Good job, chief.
Why would someone not want some kind of matchmaking for Spec Ops? It's 2009. I don't feel like having to make a play date for a game. Just go on and play. Oh, well. I probably won't even bother with it.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']You can mute them all. Thanks to menikmati. If you go to your profile, select edit profile, go to privacy settings. You'll see a Voice & Text option. You can set that to friends only and you can't hear them and they can't hear you, it's quite nice. Gotta say that's the best option for us when we're all in the same room.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this. I actually wanted to know this for my son (8yo) who is getting his own Xbox this week for his Bday. I didnt want him hearing all that mess and grief some people do to kids.
[quote name='BREVITY']Thanks for this. I actually wanted to know this for my son (8yo) who is getting his own Xbox this week for his Bday. I didnt want him hearing all that mess and grief some people do to kids.[/QUOTE]

Mature game.....8 year old kid.....Mature game.....8 year old kid....ok. I don't care what you give your kid, but your letting him play a mature game and yet you're worried about muting other people. That is a rather odd double standard.
[quote name='slickkill77']Mature game.....8 year old kid.....Mature game.....8 year old kid....ok. I don't care what you give your kid, but your letting him play a mature game and yet you're worried about muting other people. That is a rather odd double standard.[/QUOTE]

I think he was just mentioning that he was going to get an xbox, not necessarily this game. But yeah, that'd be messed up if he did get him the game. I swear though, sounds like most of the kids on there are 8 :/
[quote name='Soodmeg']In other new I just completed all of Spec Ops!

I only had wet works to do and my friend and I just beat it a second ago.[/QUOTE]
What?! That is not possible. There is no matchmaking feature. How could you possibly have done that without a matchmaking feature!? /sarcasm

[quote name='KingBroly']I just can't find a good partner for Spec Ops, and it's only been a week since the game has been out. :\[/QUOTE]
I'm up for it now if you are.
[quote name='slickkill77']Mature game.....8 year old kid.....Mature game.....8 year old kid....ok. I don't care what you give your kid, but your letting him play a mature game and yet you're worried about muting other people. That is a rather odd double standard.[/QUOTE]
Ya we dont let him play bad stuff. The things that make the game mature can sometimes be ameliorated by playing the MP w/o chat. Video game violence in something like MW2 MP isnt too bad.

The crap some of these people give these kids and each other would push the rating to AO. lol
[quote name='slickkill77']Mature game.....8 year old kid.....Mature game.....8 year old kid....ok. I don't care what you give your kid, but your letting him play a mature game and yet you're worried about muting other people. That is a rather odd double standard.[/QUOTE]

C'mon, most of us played Mortal Kombat at that age. I did, at least. As long as his 8 year old isn't screaming in my ear and telling me to get raped I don't care.
[quote name='Trakan']C'mon, most of us played Mortal Kombat at that age. I did, at least. As long as his 8 year old isn't screaming in my ear and telling me to get raped I don't care.[/QUOTE]

That's why I'm confused and said it was an odd double standard. Of course. I used to have to sneak Street Fighter 2 all the time on my snes. My mom always hid it in the same place.
i play spec-ops with my 8 year old. he plays a lot of games, but there's no way id let him play this or really any other game online because of the atrocious behavior people seem to think is acceptable on live.

can you restrict messaging also?
maybe if i could eliminate all avenues of communication id consider it.
[quote name='paz9x']
can you restrict messaging also?
maybe if i could eliminate all avenues of communication id consider it.[/QUOTE]
Yea, unplug your Ethernet cord.
Me and DarknessBear beat 3 Spec Op Missions tonight. Homeland Security was really tough, but we got through it because I went across the road to Nate's for a Turret on the roof. We beat Estate Takedown after many tries, but we almost got taken out by the last random straggler. I was down and Bear almost died. That would've been funny and infuriating at the same time. We also beat Big Brother on the first try (he had already done it before) which was cool so now I don't have to worry about that one.

I also tried Armor Piercing with a friend for nearly 3 hours and we still didn't beat it :( but we got to 4 left on various attempts. 4 more missions to go.
[quote name='Trakan']C'mon, most of us played Mortal Kombat at that age. I did, at least. As long as his 8 year old isn't screaming in my ear and telling me to get raped I don't care.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to take this off topic but that is a pretty weak argument the grittiness and realism of MW2 is not even comparable to the over the top cartoon guts and blood of Mortal Kombat.
bread's done