CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

Did anyone here get bad faulty copies? I was playing Whiskey Hotel when my game froze once I entered the White House. I restarted the Xbox to redo the mission, and it froze at the same spot. I took out the disc, and noticed this weird stain on the disc. I panicked and thought my xbox360 (1 month old) was overheating and might RRoD on me. I looked at the other xbox360 games I had and none of them had that weird stain on them. I looked around, and found something called disc rot.

"DVD Quality Control Issues
However, it has come to light that a small percentage of DVDs are suffering deteriorating effects, such as cloudy areas (that look like coffee stains), holes, and specs that show up after repeated playings. In addition, some multi-layered DVDs (DVDs that in which the movie is extremely long or has lots of features on a single disc) seem to be experiencing layer separation or other defects that show up as skips or pixelization when the laser in the DVD player has to switch between the layers. Sometimes the DVD player will actually freeze at this point, preventing the playing of the next DVD layer. Much of this may be attributed to lack of quality control at the factory where the DVDs are made. "
[quote name='-BigC-']Why didn't you leave that room? How often are you running into hosts that bad? I find one horrible host where it wont change once a day max...[/QUOTE]

I did end up leaving that match after the host had about 8 kills... I don't like to quit matches unless there is a lot of lag, so I was hoping it would kick him for a new host. Sadly I run into bad host like that almost 3-4 times a day when I play (which is not often on this one) and even when the whole room constantly drops to a 1 bar connection the game decides that host is good enough for the next round as well.
[quote name='-BigC-']I used to have a below average connection, and I played games with the worst lag issues on Xbox live(Gears 1 and 2) and did fine. It is the player, not the connection that will win at any given time. You adjust to the lag and you will do fine, you don't then you lose. Lag is not an issue because it cannot be solved, if there was a way to fix it then yes it could be a legit topic but there is nothing we can do about it. Even with everyone running 1 gig down you will still have people with better connections giving people an advantage.

Just live with it[/QUOTE]

I will highly disagree with this. I have been fine on any other game I have played from Socom to Modern Warfare (the first one) where lag has never played such a major issue. I have an above average connection (not the best, but better than most) and it is impossible to "adjust to lag" when one round there is none and the very next match a clip into a person's back will not kill them. I easily have averaged over 2 k/d's on every other shooter I played (SOCOM 1,2, and 3, RSV 1 & 2 when I played 2 a lot, COD 4 on 3 different accounts, etc.). While a 2 k/d is not the greatest, most people I run into can't even hold a 1. My k/d's on 4 where at the lowest 2.54 while my highest one is at a 3.79 and lag was never this bad on there.
[quote name='LancerEvoX']Did anyone here get bad faulty copies? I was playing Whiskey Hotel when my game froze once I entered the White House. I restarted the Xbox to redo the mission, and it froze at the same spot. I took out the disc, and noticed this weird stain on the disc. I panicked and thought my xbox360 (1 month old) was overheating and might RRoD on me. I looked at the other xbox360 games I had and none of them had that weird stain on them. I looked around, and found something called disc rot.

"DVD Quality Control Issues
However, it has come to light that a small percentage of DVDs are suffering deteriorating effects, such as cloudy areas (that look like coffee stains), holes, and specs that show up after repeated playings. In addition, some multi-layered DVDs (DVDs that in which the movie is extremely long or has lots of features on a single disc) seem to be experiencing layer separation or other defects that show up as skips or pixelization when the laser in the DVD player has to switch between the layers. Sometimes the DVD player will actually freeze at this point, preventing the playing of the next DVD layer. Much of this may be attributed to lack of quality control at the factory where the DVDs are made. "

There were many defective copies for the 360. You should try to get an exchange...
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I did end up leaving that match after the host had about 8 kills... I don't like to quit matches unless there is a lot of lag, so I was hoping it would kick him for a new host. Sadly I run into bad host like that almost 3-4 times a day when I play (which is not often on this one) and even when the whole room constantly drops to a 1 bar connection the game decides that host is good enough for the next round as well.[/QUOTE]

We must be playing different games because I have only been through something like that one time. I quit from lag once a day during 2-4 hour sessions.
[quote name='-BigC-']We must be playing different games because I have only been through something like that one time. I quit from lag once a day during 2-4 hour sessions.[/QUOTE]

I am just saying you should consider yourself lucky and not bash on people that are having major issues with it just because you aren't. Again, I am not the greatest at this one because I don't have the patience to sit around for 30 minutes to play one match, but I am still pretty decent (have around a 2 k/d, an almost 6 win ratio, etc). There are just plenty of times either very early in the day or late at night when I play that the game is almost unplayable due to lag in every match just about.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Holy shit, I finally got the, "Heads Up," Title. Thats the one where you kill an enemy with a care package.[/QUOTE]

that ones messed up, i killed someone like that, but it didnt count cuz i wasn't prestige yet :(
Well, I tossed a care package out and then got killed by a guy who spawned behind me.....when I respawned I moved 3 steps then got it.

Dont know if it was the same guy or a guy running by....which I could have recorded it.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I am just saying you should consider yourself lucky and not bash on people that are having major issues with it just because you aren't. Again, I am not the greatest at this one because I don't have the patience to sit around for 30 minutes to play one match, but I am still pretty decent (have around a 2 k/d, an almost 6 win ratio, etc). There are just plenty of times either very early in the day or late at night when I play that the game is almost unplayable due to lag in every match just about.[/QUOTE]

But this does not have anything to do with the game, if your playing at non peak hours for your time zone your going to end up playing with people from across the country/world. No game can make people from Japan/Europe play with people from the US without lag, it just is not possible without having a great connection. And even then I bet it would lag or have a noticeable host advantage. I do understand that issue because I play very late for my time zone and end up playing with people from Hawaii/early afternoon Europe players a lot as well. I just quit...
[quote name='-BigC-']But this does not have anything to do with the game, if your playing at non peak hours for your time zone your going to end up playing with people from across the country/world. No game can make people from Japan/Europe play with people from the US without lag, it just is not possible without having a great connection. And even then I bet it would lag or have a noticeable host advantage. I do understand that issue because I play very late for my time zone and end up playing with people from Hawaii/early afternoon Europe players a lot as well. I just quit...[/QUOTE]

It has plenty to do with the game considering there are plenty of people on from the US in the same time frame regardless of what time it is. Yet the game chooses to pick the host from France where everyone including the people from the UK will get 2 bars or less when if the game chose me for host everyone would at least have 3 bars. The thing is, my worst one (the one I mentioned before) came at 3pm eastern and the host was from Ohio. Argue your point all you want, but it is an issue from the game side of it no matter what you say.
My point is no game gets this perfect, until one game does i don't see the point in complaining about it. CoD is not as bad as Gears so stop nit picking. Quit games with horrible hosts, because you will never play a game where the best host for you is picked every game.
I got a 2nd copy from an exchange, and under the light, the disc has this weird faint stain that is visible on the disc. My friend said the same thing. Anyone else notice this, or is it some kind of new protection that I keep hearing about for new xbox360 games (wave 4 or something).
[quote name='menikmati']Just did my first Prestige, I will miss my M93 and Stinger so much.[/QUOTE]

I still miss the M93, but I found the AA12. Great for when I get rushed by multiple enemies, but I do miss a long range secondary. Probably will change back once I unlock it, but its working out well so far.
[quote name='SoulReaver']Geez, I'm getting bored of this game already for some reason. I have an itch to go back to COD4, although I sold that prior to getting this :([/QUOTE]

I'm only at level 50 and I'm already kind of bored, I went back to SFIV instead.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I'm only at level 50 and I'm already kind of bored, I went back to SFIV instead.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I've just hit my 1st prestige. Odd thing is, I played up to 7th prestige on COD4 without getting that bored.

Maybe I've burned out playing it so much, gonna have to take a break.
I'm at level 53 and still addicted. I took a little while off though but I will be getting back into it here very soon, so I have had the itch for a bit.

BTW, I don't know what it is, and I may just be crazy, but I worked hard and trashed by K/D to get the Thermal sight on the Intervention (haaaaaaaaaaaaated using the ACOG back then) but when I used it (only used it in two matches) I had so much trouble hitting anything. For some reason I felt like the scope shook a lot more when I had it, even when I held my breath it seemed like I couldn't hit anything.

I only used it twice after that bad aiming with it, and when I took it off I was back to doing well with it? Has anyone else experienced this? I think when I turn the game back on I am going to put the Thermal back on to see if I can hit things. Funny thing is I used to destroy with my Famas Thermal back when I used that.
It has to be asked. What do you guys think is the best sniper rifle (without any special scopes like the ACOG) overall?

.50 Cal

I loved the WA2000, and am currently using the Intervention. I liked the WA2000 because of the rapid fire possibility, and it was quite strong but I am liking the Intervention now because it one-shots people.

I didn't like the WA2000 because it didn't one-shot people, but I don't like the Intervention because of the bolt-action thing.

Needless to say I am currently using the Intervention (have everything but Extended Mags) but I still feel like going back to the WA2000, this time using Stopping Power to see if it one-shots. Maybe I can have a one-shot rapid fire in the WA2000 with SP?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']It has to be asked. What do you guys think is the best sniper rifle (without any special scopes like the ACOG) overall?

.50 Cal

I loved the WA2000, and am currently using the Intervention. I liked the WA2000 because of the rapid fire possibility, and it was quite strong but I am liking the Intervention now because it one-shots people.

I didn't like the WA2000 because it didn't one-shot people, but I don't like the Intervention because of the bolt-action thing.

Needless to say I am currently using the Intervention (have everything but Extended Mags) but I still feel like going back to the WA2000, this time using Stopping Power to see if it one-shots. Maybe I can have a one-shot rapid fire in the WA2000 with SP?[/QUOTE]

Well to answer the question about the ACOG, I had a decent amount of trouble getting used to it since when I snipe I don't like to have to be 2 feet from the guy and at a distance the thing is extremely inaccurate. As for the best sniper, I was liking the WA2000 a lot for a while and switched back to the Barrett .50cal and have decided that is the best one for me at least by far. Unless you "quick scope" (auto-aim), the Intervention doesn't seem to be too accurate (even if it hits, it usually isn't where you placed it) and the power seems pretty poor IMO. I don't mind bolt action snipers, my favorite from COD4 was the M40, but the Intervention seems a lot like the R700 was in COD4 which was pretty bad IMO.

As for one shot kills with the WA2000, it was almost impossible for me without stopping power, but once I added it I got a ton of them. My least favorite is by far the M21 since it seems that even with stopping power you usually have to hit at least 2 times, sometimes up to 4 if the room is bad.
If I'm not using the Intervention, I like the M21. It has no kick, and you can still one shot someone from the chest up.
[quote name='Trakan']If I'm not using the Intervention, I like the M21. It has no kick, and you can still one shot someone from the chest up.[/QUOTE]

You play hardcore? Unless I get a headshot, it is extremely rare that I one-shot kill someone with the M21. I will agree about the no kick part, but that was its only saving grace.
My first playthrough I pretty much strictly used the WA2000. I found that with stopping power it was a great gun, and without, it was still good, but not quite as effective with body shots.

On my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th times through I have pretty much stuck with the Barrett. I have found that it is almost always a one shot kill with stopping power and without it is a one shot kill 6-7 out of 10 times.

Today I picked up the Intervention off of a sniper that I killed and I liked the low-recoil, but the strength was pitiful. I was using a class that had lightweight and marathon, and the gun I picked up had Bling with Heartbeat and I think FMJ (not completely sure), and I couldn't kill shit... I was getting headshots on guys that were just running through the bullets as if they were mosquitoes.

As for the M21, I have only used it a few times, and it felt like I was using a pea-shooter.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']You play hardcore? Unless I get a headshot, it is extremely rare that I one-shot kill someone with the M21. I will agree about the no kick part, but that was its only saving grace.[/QUOTE]

All of the snipers are too weak really, they should all be one shots no matter where you hit the person. I don't play hardcore, no. I haven't really sniped in a while either, but I don't seem to remember having a problem one shotting people from the chest up with the M21.
[quote name='Trakan']All of the snipers are too weak really, they should all be one shots no matter where you hit the person. I don't play hardcore, no. I haven't really sniped in a while either, but I don't seem to remember having a problem one shotting people from the chest up with the M21.[/QUOTE]

I agree the snipers are too underpowered and should be at most a 2 shot kill no matter what. I mean I can understand not killing someone if I shoot them in the toe, kneecap, or something like that, but if I shoot a guy in the chest with a .50 cal sniper the person should die regardless of if I use stopping power or not. Especially with how overpowered the assault rifles seem to feel in this one, almost any of them are 2-5 shot kills depending on your perks.
Snipers have always been pretty weak in Call of Duty. Always has been about your ability to shoot an assault rifle/ability to see the top of someones head sticking out of a window. I wish they would decrease all assault rifles power a little and up the snipers. I don't want to snipe on the smallest maps it just sucks to shoot someone from a distance and have them survive then duck around a corner to heal.
[quote name='-BigC-']Snipers have always been pretty weak in Call of Duty. Always has been about your ability to shoot an assault rifle/ability to see the top of someones head sticking out of a window. I wish they would decrease all assault rifles power a little and up the snipers. I don't want to snipe on the smallest maps it just sucks to shoot someone from a distance and have them survive then duck around a corner to heal.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, especially since when they pop out holding the trigger with almost perfect accuracy it makes it damn near impossible to get a shot off on them again since the scopes bounce so much when you get hit. The assault rifle shouldn't do almost the exact same amount of damage as a sniper. It seems like the .50 cal does a decent amount this time, at least compared to 4, but they are still too weak IMO.
Played a bit after the first prestige, discovered that the SCAR-H and SPAS-12 fucking wreck. Was never a fan of the SPAS-12 until I just fired from the hip, and I love the iron sights on the SCAR-H.
[quote name='menikmati']Played a bit after the first prestige, discovered that the SCAR-H and SPAS-12 fucking wreck. Was never a fan of the SPAS-12 until I just fired from the hip, and I love the iron sights on the SCAR-H.[/QUOTE]

All my friend does is use the SCAR. His accuracy is something absolutely ridiculous, like 32%.
Replayed CoJ: Bound in Blood demo and this western FPS has quite a few features I wish the CoD series copied:

1. Full body awareness (look down and see your chest and legs).
2. Jaw-dropping, dynamic cover system; we all wish we could use cover as fluid as the AI we shoot at and CoJ:BiB has found it!
I agree sniping should one shot pretty much anywhere you hit somebody. A simple vest won't keep a .50 cal bullet from blowing a hole through your heart, even at high distances with silencers.

BTW, when I use the Intervention I have to have stopping power on it to one shot people. I hate it, because I'm a Cold Blooded kind of guy with most of my classes (and snipers exposing position is...odd to me) but I really have no option. With how weak sniper rifles are in this game you need Stopping Power to one shot people. I need one shots as well, because I rarely hit somebody twice to kill them. Who doesn't run away behind cover when sniped? I know I do.

I think I may go back to the WA2000 with Stopping Power, which is something I never did. Even without SP when I used the rifle I still one shot some people...more then I do with the Intervention.

I haven't unlocked the M21 yet, but from the stats and what I hear I don't like the power on it. Sounds like a pea shooter.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Wish they put in a slide so whenever you pressed crouched while sprinting you slide.

I'll never prestige, crazy people.[/QUOTE]

I don't think so, it wouldn't be good in multiplayer. All people would do it slide around the map making it almost impossible to kill them. Only way to balance it would be to not allow you to shoot when on the ground sliding. That way, a person's slide would have to be over to fire.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I agree sniping should one shot pretty much anywhere you hit somebody. A simple vest won't keep a .50 cal bullet from blowing a hole through your heart, even at high distances with silencers.

BTW, when I use the Intervention I have to have stopping power on it to one shot people. I hate it, because I'm a Cold Blooded kind of guy with most of my classes (and snipers exposing position is...odd to me) but I really have no option. With how weak sniper rifles are in this game you need Stopping Power to one shot people. I need one shots as well, because I rarely hit somebody twice to kill them. Who doesn't run away behind cover when sniped? I know I do.

I think I may go back to the WA2000 with Stopping Power, which is something I never did. Even without SP when I used the rifle I still one shot some people...more then I do with the Intervention.

I haven't unlocked the M21 yet, but from the stats and what I hear I don't like the power on it. Sounds like a pea shooter.[/QUOTE]

The M21 is basically a pea shooter, but for hardcore it is one of if not the best sniper. It was basically the same in COD4 and almost impossible to use in core modes unless you spray with it.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']The M21 is basically a pea shooter, but for hardcore it is one of if not the best sniper. It was basically the same in COD4 and almost impossible to use in core modes unless you spray with it.[/QUOTE]

What makes it one of the best in HC I wonder?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']What makes it one of the best in HC I wonder?[/QUOTE]

It is extremely accurate and has very little recoil. In hardcore where it is almost always a 1 shot kill with any weapon regardless of perks, the M21 is basically untouchable. Add in no radar giving you away (unless they get UAV and you aren't using cold-blooded and silencer) and no kill cam, there is really no way to find you if you have a good spot to hide too.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']It is extremely accurate and has very little recoil. In hardcore where it is almost always a 1 shot kill with any weapon regardless of perks, the M21 is basically untouchable. Add in no radar giving you away (unless they get UAV and you aren't using cold-blooded and silencer) and no kill cam, there is really no way to find you if you have a good spot to hide too.[/QUOTE]

Hm, sounds nice. I sometimes play HC (maybe, 40% of the time) and am only a couple levels away from unlocking it I believe.

Hardcore I noticed really changes the balance of weapons. The SCAR becomes a bigger beast, and even weaker guns can be beast. IMO, I think quick shooters are great in HC because they have strong power but they also shoot rapid fire (UMP is a solid one I think if you are into SMGs).

Snipers are also drastically changed. Being able to one shot without Stopping Power is amazing. Totally brings my sniping to a higher level. Also being able to use Perk 2 for something else (I like Cold Blooded, but in Hardcore would probably change it to Hardline) is very nice.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Hm, sounds nice. I sometimes play HC (maybe, 40% of the time) and am only a couple levels away from unlocking it I believe.

Hardcore I noticed really changes the balance of weapons. The SCAR becomes a bigger beast, and even weaker guns can be beast. IMO, I think quick shooters are great in HC because they have strong power but they also shoot rapid fire (UMP is a solid one I think if you are into SMGs).

Snipers are also drastically changed. Being able to one shot without Stopping Power is amazing. Totally brings my sniping to a higher level. Also being able to use Perk 2 for something else (I like Cold Blooded, but in Hardcore would probably change it to Hardline) is very nice.[/QUOTE]

I use all weapons and mix up perks regardless of game mode. The cold blooded UMP got me a nuke on sabotage the other day when I went 54-5 and 2 of my deaths came from my own kill streaks. I personally don't care for hardcore because people camp even more than they do in other game modes, so I stay away from it.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I use all weapons and mix up perks regardless of game mode. The cold blooded UMP got me a nuke on sabotage the other day when I went 54-5 and 2 of my deaths came from my own kill streaks. I personally don't care for hardcore because people camp even more than they do in other game modes, so I stay away from it.[/QUOTE]

I agree a bit about the Hardcore thoughts. In some games the Hardcore matches can become horrible camp matches. Sometimes I own on camp matches though, because I scope camp spots and go to town on people who keep going back there.

Nonetheless, I think I will be using my WA2000 (again...going back to it) and trying to get my Thermal on it. Maybe I can actually hit something with it, unlike with my odd Intervention case.
people are still running with the 1887's and they are shooting from far away and killing which is bullshit. damn the update didn't fix anything as someone stated before that there was a way around it and damnit with the stupid knife melee crap too! if they're going to take out the distance from the shotguns they should fix the knife melee distance as well.
[quote name='intoxicated662']people are still running with the 1887's and they are shooting from far away and killing which is bullshit. damn the update didn't fix anything as someone stated before that there was a way around it and damnit with the stupid knife melee crap too! if they're going to take out the distance from the shotguns they should fix the knife melee distance as well.[/QUOTE]

I've run into far less people using 1887's but the knife class still is used like crazy. I don't really have a problem with it as the people who use it just mess the game up for themselves. Every player I run into using the knife class has a terrible K/D. The only thing that is alarming to me is when I kill a person trying to knife me, about half the time that person teleports closer to me right before they die. Unfortunately I don't really think there's anything they can do about that because it seems to be based on connection but I'm not sure. Could just be the melee in general.
[quote name='thamaster24']I've run into far less people using 1887's but the knife class still is used like crazy. I don't really have a problem with it as the people who use it just mess the game up for themselves. Every player I run into using the knife class has a terrible K/D. The only thing that is alarming to me is when I kill a person trying to knife me, about half the time that person teleports closer to me right before they die. Unfortunately I don't really think there's anything they can do about that because it seems to be based on connection but I'm not sure. Could just be the melee in general.[/QUOTE]

I've seen lots of people use the Marathon/Lightweight/Commando with the care package marker.
I've tried making a knife class before. The best I ever do with it is maybe 1.3 kdr when now I'm usually getting around 2:1 kdr with any of my other builds. Knifers are annoying but they usually run the same paths over and over, making it easy to pick them off. Plus claymores make it easy mode.
I've run into only a couple MLCs (I claim that coinage!) in my time, and most of them suck. I snipe with claymores anyway, so they have trouble getting to me before I pop them hehehehehehahahahahahahahaha.
bread's done