CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='cdietschrun']I just beat the game on veteran and I was confused by the story. Can anyone explain to me
what the deal was with Shepherd? What ever happened to Makarov? Maybe just a straight up explanation of what happened?

From what I took of it (confused as well; the story is unbelievable and dull) was that Shepherd wanted more recruits so he tried to cause war along with the russions/makarov. Remember your character is British so they were caught in the middle. As for Makarov, I guess there will be a MW3 to wrap up his story.

[quote name='BREVITY']How was it on vet? As hard as the first one? I played the first one forever to get all the achievements I could and beat it. I only just started playing through this one on vet. Looks great.[/QUOTE]

Veteran wasn't too bad. To me, it was WAY easier than W@W and CoD4. I only found one spot in the game to cause any issues
the end of Loose Ends
[quote name='BREVITY']

How was it on vet? As hard as the first one? I played the first one forever to get all the achievements I could and beat it. I only just started playing through this one on vet. Looks great.[/QUOTE]

It got hairy in a few points but a little luck and some strategy made it not impossible. A great feeling when completed, though.
I dont get the Thumper gun. It shoots grenades, but i shot one right near a dude prone, and he didnt even die. Half the time it seems like the nades dont even blow up.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I dont get the Thumper gun. It shoots grenades, but i shot one right near a dude prone, and he didnt even die. Half the time it seems like the nades dont even blow up.[/QUOTE]

All the grenade launchers should have a minimum flight distance before they activate. Seems to be about 10' from what I can tell.
This game is fun, man i cant wait to unlock claymores though. Tired of getting shot from the back. I do see some lag a bit, like i shoot a guy and it looks like he should die, and on the replay he shoots me more than i shoot him. But thats not what it looked like in my personal view. Thats why most of the time i like claymores, and things that keep me hidden off the radar.
Massive Post incoming.

[quote name='KingBroly']I kind of feel cheated by the Campaign. Why?

The ending wasn't too much different from the ending of the first Modern Warfare. Did you feel the same way about that ending?

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']While it ended on a cliffhanger,
They killed the general and Makarov. What else is left?

You could say that about every video game ever. They can always introduce a new troublemaker to fight.

[quote name='KingBroly']
They didn't kill Makarov. Or at least I don't think they did. Personally I want to know why the hell Price did what he did, HOW THE HELL IS HE STILL ALIVE, and where the hell they were going? They left some big gaping holes in the plot all over the place on this one.

What exactly are you talking about? I'm not sure how to answer this since it's so confusing.

[quote name='KingBroly']So...just finished off Veteran. I hate Loose Ends so much. Especially the part where they put me at a checkpoint where I almost insantly die if I didn't move the exact right way near the end. Just...RARGAGAGARTARRT^AREFARTWAETAETAGHAETFAWEYQ#!!![/QUOTE]

Yeah , Loose Ends was the mission I had to move down from Veteran to Regular. Defending the Database and escaping was massively frustrating.

Doubt anyone here actually used the skip level function , but for anyone that did that can answer this
Is No russian the only level that gets skipped , or does Of their Own Accord/Second Sun get skipped too? I only asked because Infinity Ward mentioned that No Russian wasn't the only stage that may be considerd Controversial.

One thing that bothered me about the campaign
Why did they have to wipe out almost the entire 141? I mean I figured someone would die just like Jackson in the first game , especially since Ramierez lived , but to kill them all?

I think I'm going to look into checking out MW2 : Mobilized. I've heard it's story is a companion story to the main game , so maybe it fills in some story gaps.
[quote name='KingBroly']Does anyone want to play some Spec Ops right now?[/QUOTE]
I will - hit me up.

[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I thought you all might like this (assuming it hasn't been posted already):

Ah what the hell... I was going to say, "please be for PC" but it is on 360. How the hell does he move so fast?

[quote name='The 7th Number']This game is fun, man i cant wait to unlock claymores though. Tired of getting shot from the back. I do see some lag a bit, like i shoot a guy and it looks like he should die, and on the replay he shoots me more than i shoot him. But thats not what it looked like in my personal view. Thats why most of the time i like claymores, and things that keep me hidden off the radar.[/QUOTE]
Yea, that is infuriating at times. It is a latency issue.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']This game is fun, man i cant wait to unlock claymores though. Tired of getting shot from the back. I do see some lag a bit, like i shoot a guy and it looks like he should die, and on the replay he shoots me more than i shoot him. But thats not what it looked like in my personal view. Thats why most of the time i like claymores, and things that keep me hidden off the radar.[/QUOTE]
Yea, that is infuriating at times. It is a latency issue.
[quote name='StarKnightX']Massive Post incoming.

The ending wasn't too much different from the ending of the first Modern Warfare. Did you feel the same way about that ending?

What exactly are you talking about? I'm not sure how to answer this since it's so confusing.

What I felt about the differences of the endings from COD4 to MW2:
At least Modern Warfare had what I felt was a logical conclusion to the story. You had some closure. With this, it completely feels like Halo 2, but a lot worse because almost nothing was explained throughout the entire game.

Here's what I don't understand about this Campaign:
#1 - Was Makarov killed? It didn't play out like he was
#2 - How the hell is Price still alive?
#3 - Where was the place Nikolai/Price mentioned they could go at the end of the Campaign?
[quote name='KingBroly']What I felt about the differences of the endings from COD4 to MW2:
At least Modern Warfare had what I felt was a logical conclusion to the story. You had some closure. With this, it completely feels like Halo 2, but a lot worse because almost nothing was explained throughout the entire game.

Here's what I don't understand about this Campaign:
#1 - Was Makarov killed? It didn't play out like he was
#2 - How the hell is Price still alive?
#3 - Where was the place Nikolai/Price mentioned they could go at the end of the Campaign?

For the first part
I kinda see what you mean , with the fact that they never clarified what happened with Makarov , and Price/Soap leaving with a kinda "next time we'll finish the fight" kinda vibe. Still it left me wanting more , which was the same thing the first game did.

For the second part
1.I'm assuming Makarov is alive , since he informed Price and Soap where Shepard was , plus you would think the game would've made a big deal about his death if he did die.
2.He was only wounded in the first game. When he recovered he probably went on a special op to try and scope out the ultranationalists and got captured.
3.You'll just have to wait until the next game to find out.;)
I'm guessing Part 3 is related to Part 1 given the way some things went down on a level near the end.

As for Multiplayer, I'm up to Level 11. I basically leveled up very quickly from 8 to 11 because I got the Scar. That Weapon basically puts me at 1:1 K/D ratio most of the time instead of it being 1:2 or 1:3.

I also did the first 3 Spec Ops, getting 3 Stars of each. Despite being a pain in the ass level, that Spec Op Mission was kind of a walk in the park.
[quote name='StarKnightX']
1.I'm assuming Makarov is alive , since he informed Price and Soap where Shepard was , plus you would think the game would've made a big deal about his death if he did die.

In regard to #1
He's gotta still be alive. I'm sure they would've made a big deal about it like you said. He gave Price the location because he knew there was no way he could ever get to Shepard. I think Price says something about him being overmatched. He did have quite a few henchmen though.
[quote name='espionage']hey guys, I wrote up a lengthy newbie guide for modern warfare 2 multiplayer. if you're new i recommend checking it out to learn some of the stuff that can be overwhelming to new players.

A Newbie's Guide to Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer[/QUOTE]

Hey thanks for that. I was just going to ask if someone could help a noob out at the multiplayer.
Someone showed me a glitch already, in high rise.....or whatever the map is called on top of those sky scrapers. There is an area you can jump off the building in a corner onto a vertical playform, that you can actually climb up if you do it right and get on top of the buildings.
[quote name='cdietschrun']I just beat the game on veteran and I was confused by the story. Can anyone explain to me
what the deal was with Shepherd? What ever happened to Makarov? Maybe just a straight up explanation of what happened?

I didn't much care for the story, mainly because

the Shepherd angle didn't make a lot of sense. For him to do what he did, wasn't really well established. But the game was kind of like that -- the story was really thin, nothing was developed beyond a few lines of dialogue at the start of every stage.

I also felt it gave a real Politically Correct angle to the game. So the U.S. Army guy is the real villain, and the next game is going to have Soap and Price on the run from them? Just smacks of PC to me. Don't have actual terrorists or Islamic crazies be the bad guys -- let's make our own military the villain. Having some friends stationed overseas, I found it a bit insulting.

Dont get me wrong -- I still love the game, I just didnt find the story very satisfying, or believable at all.
[quote name='pimpster4183']has anyone tried or heard anything about the call of duty headset that gamestop has for $30?[/QUOTE]

I bought one. Damn mic catches me if i fart loud enough. good Mic really and worth the money. Hell, Sometimes I use it for my phone and people look at my like a weirdo. I love it lol.

I wish there was a guide out there for how to get new Titles and Emblems. Saw a cool one I liked today that was Chick Magnet. I like my Voyeur one with the rotating radar really.
I'm really liking my setup of my title being "OMFG", my icon being a stop sing, & my name being "NoKiLL4You"

I can also change the "OMFG for "NO", but I like "OMFG" better.
Me and DarknessBear got screwed on Snatch n' Grab. We were roughly 120 yards from the goal and we cleared out the area and a DAMN Juggernaut spawned right behind us.
I actually managed to do that one by myself. On that last section I took it REAL SLOW by crawling through bushes. I also managed to do Time Trial (which is a pretty terrible Mission). I only need to do the last Mission in Alpha now.

But I seriously want to give Snatch n' Grab another go. We almost had that.
I like the campaign so far, even if it reminds me that I hate the rules CoD plays by (infinite enemy respawns).

Multiplayer is fun, but I'm not enjoying it as much as CoD4. This is probably a combination of A) being low level, B) not knowing the maps, and C) everyone camping/sniping. C, especially, seems far more prevalent than in the previous game.

Anyway, probably playing a bit tonight, if anyone wants to team up or do MP or something.
the inside whatever on the dashboard said they were no longer infinite enemies so you could methodically work through unlike past cod's
Really? Seems like I've run into it a few times. I'll keep it in mind as I work through the rest of the campaign. Thanks!
Multiplayer is fun, but I'm not enjoying it as much as CoD4. This is probably a combination of A) being low level, B) not knowing the maps, and C) everyone camping/sniping. C, especially, seems far more prevalent than in the previous game.

It's not just being low level. I'm more used to the maps now and have ranked up but there just seem to be more buildings and floors and open areas in this game, in general. It's like they intentionally tried to design the maps so you weren't safe from any angle, which makes for faster paced, higher scoring games -- and you're right, more people camping because they're afraid to go out. Tellingly, my friends' stats and mine are all a lot worse than the last two games, lol.

Not that I necessarily mind that -- and I'm still enjoying the hell out of it -- but the level design isn't nearly on the level of COD4. In fact there were a couple of maps in WOW that I enjoyed more than these levels so far.
Got my 360 online, so if anyone wants to play sometime hit me up! Only game I have right now(that I can play online) is MW2.
Well, I played the Museum level today
Read on GAMEFAQS that if you beat both waves you get a title. Well I don't think thats true considering I beat both waves and got nothing at all. Maybe a certain difficulty or is it just bogus?
I got to Level 15 in Multiplayer. It took just a little over 3 hours. I'm also done with 8 of the Spec Ops missions. Snatch n' Grab still is a pain since that one part always spawns a Juggernaut behind you. What a dirty trick that is. I still have much of Bravo and Charlie to do, and all of Delta and Echo.
Im level 31 right now. MP is good, getting used to the maps. Though i hate the one with the Jesus statue in the background. Too many windows and rooftop spots people shoot you from. Also starting to hate the one with snow/trains. One team is pretty much camouflaged and the other isnt. Plus its way too big.

Im sad they only give you 1 claymore in this years game. But the special box perk is really cool. I always get them and get some cool perk to use like a heli, or missile drop.

My sniper gun seems useless. I have the silencer on it, i dont know if that makes any difference. But its like i still have to shoot a guy 3 or more times with my sniper. Maybe its one shot kill in hardcore? I havent tried that yet since its hard to tell teams apart sometimes.
I have a noob question.

75% of the time when I see a person on MP and I shoot I miss or I dont even get a chance to hit LT and they kill me am I that bad or could it be a slow connection? a few times I noticed it was only at two bars
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[quote name='Vulcan2422']If you have a .50 Barret rifle. A couple shots will take him down easily ;)[/QUOTE]

Him spawning behind you in that area is a dirty trick in my opinion.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']My god the last three special op missions are impossible...[/QUOTE]
I was just about to post about this. We completed the mission with the hostages on veteran earlier. Then we started working on the one where you kill 10 juggernauts with only explosives. Even with 2 people, that level is impossible. However, we almost finished the last one. We had a good system going, and we got 8 of them down, but a friend made a mistake that killed him, so we were done. I'm almost positive that we can complete that mission. However, I'd like to know, has ANYBODY actually complete the one with only explosives on veteran? It seem downright impossible to me.
Making my way through the campaign on veteran and it's not too bad.

I think I'm on the second level in Act II. A finite amount of enemies helps tremendously because I can just take my time.
Just beat the game on Hardened ... I gotta say I truly think the story could have some gaps filled yet in the end it was better than the first. The whole campain you just feel more involved I'd say and moments just seem to have more of a wow factor. There is a limit to the amount of enemies to which is nice since I don't have to fight in between running and it adds realism.

As for the multiplayer levels the only reason why the first Modern Warfare feels like levels were more solidly built is because of the fact they had very few vertical factors. This one has 300 buildings on a map and almost everyone you can get into, the last one didn't have any of that. After a while though you really do start to learn the maps and it feels better in general.

I've done the first 2 spec ops missions ... guess I'll work on those sometime soon.
bread's done