CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

I hate how objective games are basically impossible to play because everyone just runs around with danger close M203/Thumper/RPG now. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, time to go back to Team Campmatch.
I finally got my 360 back online, and to celebrate, I went out and bought it a shiny new copy of Modern Warfare 2. Now all I need is a group of CAGs to frag fools with.

Who's with me?!
[quote name='PhrostByte']I've been playing a lot of FFA and TDM lately.. still using the SCAR-H but haven't found my ideal attachment/perk combination. I'm level 53 and I have two Tier 2 perks left to unlock (the last two) and one Tier 3 perk (SitRep Pro, damn it takes forever). Today.. I played some FFA with Scavenger Pro (I have all Tier 1 perks unlocked) and the Silencer attached.. I did fairly well. I like being able to kill dudes, reload my Claymores, and just drop them all over the frickin map. I think I might stick with Scavenger Pro/Silencer for a while. Thoughts?[/QUOTE]

I use the Scar almost exclusively because I love the iron sights soo much.

Because of those sights, I never have to waste a slot on a reddot or holosight.

I tend to use extended mags and noob tube with the scar. I'm not a big fan of suppressors, so I rarely use them.

If I use Scav, I dont need the extended mags, so I'll use the noob tube, and claymores. With this class I can hole up in buildings and it's very hard to get me out. Nothing better than an endless supply of grenades and claymores to piss the other team off.

If I want to run, I'll make a sprint class with Scar w/extended mags.

If I use Bling, I'll select extended mags and the noob tube.

I pretty much have 4 main classes I play as, but they all use the Scar.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I've been playing a lot of FFA and TDM lately.. still using the SCAR-H but haven't found my ideal attachment/perk combination. I'm level 53 and I have two Tier 2 perks left to unlock (the last two) and one Tier 3 perk (SitRep Pro, damn it takes forever). Today.. I played some FFA with Scavenger Pro (I have all Tier 1 perks unlocked) and the Silencer attached.. I did fairly well. I like being able to kill dudes, reload my Claymores, and just drop them all over the frickin map. I think I might stick with Scavenger Pro/Silencer for a while. Thoughts?[/QUOTE]

Claymore with scavenger is good and all but you can't drop them all over the map because you can only have 2 down at once. Once you put a 3rd one down the 1st one blows up.
[quote name='The 7th Number']How do i get the setup where he has a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other, and the hands are crossed?[/QUOTE]

You have to get enough kills with the pistol, it's unlockable like the grenade launcher/scopes are for assault rifles.
I wish they had more hardcore style games. I cant play any games that arent hardcore. Mainly because i hate how long you have to shoot people to actually kill them. Hardcore is perfect. Also i hate replays that give away your spots. Hardcore free for all would be cool.
Dude i finally got a nuke! Im kind of wondering if i got it in time though. But i had to got it in time because i got 25 kills, triggered the nuke and died, and ended the match with 29 kills and 1 death. I only wonder because i never got a nuke emblem after the match.

I did it in the level Rundown, in harcore team deathmatch. Thats the same level i did it before in, but didnt have my nuke set up to be used. Pretty much camped the whole time in the long house in the middle of the map. I have scavenger so i kept setting up claymores while i shot people outside. Once i got chopper gunner i ran to the back of the map and did that. Still needed 4 more kills after that to get the nuke. Finally killed 4 more people with time running down, literally the seconds were beeping down. I was so nervous, it was awesome though.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I wish they had more hardcore style games. I cant play any games that arent hardcore.[/QUOTE]

so you're playing to much hardcore.
[quote name='timesplitt']so you're playing to much hardcore.[/QUOTE]

i am liking hardcore games more and more. I love Hardcore Headquarters! I don't need to use the silencer like in regular Headquarters
[quote name='The 7th Number']Finally killed 4 more people with time running down, literally the seconds were beeping down. I was so nervous, it was awesome though.[/QUOTE]The nuke replaces all current timers that are going on.
[quote name='_Ph03n1x_']

let the tube rape begin..?[/QUOTE]

This kit isn't that bad. Yeah, it's really annoying. It probably should be patched anyway, at least so you have to reload your tubes after changing kits.

Anyways, as far as that specific video, first of all, he's playing on the PSN. The PSN is full of retards. I'm sure there are some people who are decent, but it's only because you're playing retards of the PSN. If I get tubed one time in any game, I switch to my tube class. My whole team does. If you're going to be an annoying $$$$$$, I will too. He's not going to live long enough with all of us tubing. Secondly, not enough people tried to shoot him down. My team will all switch to a cold blooded class and shoot shit down. If we see a guy who's on a streak, we go and hunt him out. It doesn't happen often though, mostly lucky care packages.
I agree not 1 person tried to shoot down his Chopper gunner

I have been using that kit since day like the first week though, it is really fun for certain maps. Other maps it is semi useless, but it is really great for Domination when defending objectives. I hope they don't change it, but just hope more people don't learn about it...
I'm at 58 or 59 now.. I started messing with the TAR. I unlocked all attachments except Extended Mags.. working on that.. need 27 more FMJ kills I think. Also, I have all Pro Perks unlocked except for SitRep Pro... almost have that one too.. only need about 27 for that one too, haha.

My buddy gave me a good suggestion for SitRep pro... equipment Blast Shield and just run into the Claymores, that'll work right?

Also.. that noob toob kit video made me want to try it lol.

[quote name='woodcan']Also note that you lose a great amount of control when you activate the Predator missile boosters.[/QUOTE]

CONFIRMED: Infinity Ward stole line-piece boosting from Tetris!
Trakan wins. OMA should certainly be dealt with because switching more than once per life to ammo up for the same class is bullshit, but isn't THAT bad. It's only a pain in the ass on close quarter maps e.g. Terminal, Skidrow, Rust, etc. Even then you're likely to only see handful on Ground War where nearly everyone is Danger Closing so you can kiss the possibility of a getting an early Chopper goodbye. PSN honestly is chock full of horrible players so they got exactly what they deserved not attempting to shoot the first Gunner down. Let alone revenge tubing the guy.

I give a few more weeks before the Christmas crowd wises up to the class (and they will... guaranteed) but for now it seems most of the seasoned players couldn't care less about it. At least in my games they are too busy FMJ Model glitching or Care Package speed boosting. Two of the many issues I pray will be corrected in the future.
[quote name='-BigC-']I agree not 1 person tried to shoot down his Chopper gunner

I have been using that kit since day like the first week though, it is really fun for certain maps. Other maps it is semi useless, but it is really great for Domination when defending objectives. I hope they don't change it, but just hope more people don't learn about it...[/QUOTE]

yah it works great on certain maps and then other maps you will get owned.
Im level 70, not sure if i want to prestige. I havent done that yet. Is there any reason why i should? I just hate the fact that i lose all my guns and stuff. I know you get new prestige those help level up a lot? I just dont know how long ill continue to play this game constantly.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Im level 70, not sure if i want to prestige. I havent done that yet. Is there any reason why i should? I just hate the fact that i lose all my guns and stuff. I know you get new prestige those help level up a lot? I just dont know how long ill continue to play this game constantly.[/QUOTE]

I thought of the same things until I realized that you start off with a bunch of great guns.
I have been playing this game for the past month, but lately I have been getting really pissed off at it. It is truely a POS game. I get thrown into games where the team is ALWAYS losing or I am always thrown on a bad team when it's matchmaking. I am getting knifed from half-way a cross the room, through walls, and after that person passes me. I am getting shot through bolder and when I watch the kill cam, I am getting shot at...I duck behind a wall and I die. They don't even shot at the wall and I die.....

This game has me off....MW was SO much better and none of this crap was there. BTW, I am playing this on my X360.
Whoa whats up with this? First time i seen a name a different color, and the other two have buttons for names! WTF?

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[quote name='LordKefka06']^^^^ Don't forget about all the handicap weapons that ruin it for everybody else.[/QUOTE]

EXACTLY. ****ing shotguns and noobtubes! This game is POS of the year.

[quote name='The 7th Number']Whoa whats up with this? First time i seen a name a different color (Kevin V), and the other two have buttons for names! WTF?


They are hackers. Avoid if at all possible.
If you don't want to get knifed: Use Commando and try knifing first. If you dont want to do that, make sure that you don't hang around corners. Hang around hallways instead where people have no choice but to run in the open at you and get shot before they can even think about getting close enough to knife.

Every strategy or item does have some sort of counter, you just have to put forth a little effort or use some teamwork to counter it. This isn't Quake.
[quote name='Tech Star']I have been playing this game for the past month, but lately I have been getting really pissed off at it. It is truely a POS game. I get thrown into games where the team is ALWAYS losing or I am always thrown on a bad team when it's matchmaking. I am getting knifed from half-way a cross the room, through walls, and after that person passes me. I am getting shot through bolder and when I watch the kill cam, I am getting shot at...I duck behind a wall and I die. They don't even shot at the wall and I die.....

This game has me off....MW was SO much better and none of this crap was there. BTW, I am playing this on my X360.[/QUOTE]

Most games joined while already in progress will almost always have you be put on the losing team. The fact is just simple, more people quit when losing then when winning.

Lag is another issue, address your connection or change rooms if it is to bad.
Theory: 1 American weapon will be platinum and 1 Ultranationalist weapon will be gold for each weapon category. This is will be unlocked like it is in MW1.

Now time to get my gold AK & gold Rangers. :cool:
I've ran into people using that kit, and still kicked the shit out of them.
[quote name='Trakan']This kit isn't that bad. Yeah, it's really annoying. It probably should be patched anyway, at least so you have to reload your tubes after changing kits.

Anyways, as far as that specific video, first of all, he's playing on the PSN. The PSN is full of retards. I'm sure there are some people who are decent, but it's only because you're playing retards of the PSN.[/QUOTE]

^ This. I tried the class on XBL. Doesn't work to well.
I tried that OMA/Noobtube kit and I don't care for it. I'll keep my Noobtube/Thumper. I'm with Trakan on that I don't noobtube unless someone on the other team does it first.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Im level 70, not sure if i want to prestige. I havent done that yet. Is there any reason why i should? I just hate the fact that i lose all my guns and stuff. I know you get new prestige those help level up a lot? I just dont know how long ill continue to play this game constantly.[/QUOTE]

I like to prestige because leveling up is what draws me into CoD. If I couldn't level up I would get bored with it.

And its easier to level up/prestige again after your first prestige.
Eh, most CoD's now days are just really fun for the first couple of months, then it becomes a clusterfuck of mindless gameplay if you are like me and just go into matchmaking alone.

Not to mention the community is just plain terrible. Some guy yesterday started yelling at another dude on my team because he said that Halo's ranking system required more skill. I think anyone with half a brain would know that you don't have to be all that good to rank up in CoD, but this guy kept marinating the "offender" with insults ranging from black references to motherfucking.
Also, that class won't really work on XBL too well, as the players are better. But also, that class won't work on too many maps. It works well in Terminal because its all enclosed, but in an open map that wont work.
I still prefer scavenger/noob tube to the OMA thing. I guess there's an advantage to constantly being able to replenish, but I'd rather have the thumper as well.
Yeah i tried the one man army thing last night and it didnt go so well. Yeah i was able to keep replenishing my noob tube and claymores but i wasnt getting any kills, and was getting killed too much thanks to no cold blooded/ninja. I personally love scavenger. I get a lot of claymore kills because guys keep coming, die, then i grab the bag and set another one down. LOL.

I wish they would release some maps soon, getting tired of these already, but i wasnt a big fan of them to begin with.
I mainly use one many army+noob tubes on my ak 47 and it works perfectly fine for me and I always got positive. You just have to learn how to use it for your advantage and once you run out of ammo, you of course have to press Y to switch to a new class so go somewhere that you won't be shot and use the same class over and over. I love Emergency Air Drops :)
[quote name='The 7th Number']I wish they would release some maps soon, getting tired of these already, but i wasnt a big fan of them to begin with.[/QUOTE]

Most of the maps are actually quite good. The only ones I really hate are Wasteland and Rundown... I pretty much try to talk the room into voting for a skip every time they come up.
I read somewhere there will be a redeemable code on the back of Monster Energy drink cans for a new map pack. Has this been confirmed yet?
[quote name='dbrev42']I read somewhere there will be a redeemable code on the back of Monster Energy drink cans for a new map pack. Has this been confirmed yet?[/QUOTE]

Yes, they have been in stores since before the game came out.
[quote name='life.exe']Yes, they have been in stores since before the game came out.[/QUOTE]

Really, cause I sure haven't seen one. Do I just go and buy one and scratch off the code?
Seeing so many nuke boosters now, all just for some goddamn spinning emblem. Get over yourselves!

I need more custom classes, but will not prestige for them. That's one thing Treyarch did right in CoD:WaW.

So long as Bf:BC2 doesn't crash as much as the first and flying is still fun, I'll be trading this in for it.
[quote name='life.exe']Yes, they have been in stores since before the game came out.[/QUOTE]

Wrong, those are codes for the modern warfare 2 contest that ended early quite a while ago. There are no codes for the mappacks. However if you used those codes to enter in the contest you could win a mappack.
bread's done