CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='Khondor']A couple of things that get my goat are

1) the bullets that kill you after you have gone around a corner or wall. They seem to magically curve and follow.

This is Lag. You actually died before you got around the corner, but it took a few milliseconds for your 360 to get the update that you were dead. On your opponents screen and on killcam your dead before you get around that corner.

This is why what happens in killcam can be soo different than what you saw on your screen right before you died.
[quote name='Khondor']1) the bullets that kill you after you have gone around a corner or wall. They seem to magically curve and follow.[/QUOTE]The amount of times that I've been fucked over by this one is ridiculous.
Well, I finally got my first nuke. I got it just a day after using my new favorite class:

FAMAS + RDS + Silencer
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro

Chopper gunner

I hope this class will help me eventually go from a 1.5 k/d ratio to 1.75 or so after a few weeks.
So, got a nuke about 2 nights ago. got it on Afghan.

Almost got a nuke last night, got my harriers at 154 points, (Domination) and got chopper gunner, got to 22 kills in a row. I got two snipes. Then the game ended. I was so upset :(
I've been using the grenade launcher attachment a lot and the one thing that absolutely bugs the shit out of me, is that if your grenade is in mid-air and you get killed, it disappears without causing any damage. This is the same bullshit that Halo had with the rocket launchers. I guess it must some some technical BS, but man I wish that shit would get fixed.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I've been using the grenade launcher attachment a lot and the one thing that absolutely bugs the shit out of me, is that if your grenade is in mid-air and you get killed, it disappears without causing any damage. This is the same bullshit that Halo had with the rocket launchers. I guess it must some some technical BS, but man I wish that shit would get fixed.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure? I have had many after death kills with the gren launcher, the noob toob, and thrown grenades.
[quote name='Puffa469']Are you sure? I have had many after death kills with the gren launcher, the noob toob, and thrown grenades.[/QUOTE]His connection is probly really shitty.
yeah its probably lag. I have had similar things happen in Halo 3, Gears 2, and CODMW2. Where i would shoot/throw something, die right as it happened, and then what i did never actually happened.

Im really loving the Marathon, Lightweight, and Commando classes. I love to just run around and knife people. One time i actually went 19-7 on Rundown just running and knifing people. But half the time i have bad games too.

Is Rust a team deathmatch game at all? I think i played on it once during a team deathmatch game. Today i actually joined a game right after it ended on Rust. But i NEVER get the map ever. I only play team deathmatch games though.
[quote name='zewone']It's called lag.[/QUOTE]

No way that's lag. I have smooth matches, just seems to happen with the grande launcher. Like I said, same shit happens in Halo 3 with the rocket launchers.

[quote name='Puffa469']Are you sure? I have had many after death kills with the gren launcher, the noob toob, and thrown grenades.[/QUOTE]

I do get the after death kills, don't get me wrong....but more often then not the grenade disappears before impact.
I probably had at least 50+ deaths where I kill a guy then a quater a second later I die to his noob tube. Only if you are pressing X to respawn so fast that it removes your equipment from the round like claymores/c4....but i doubt that is possible without a stupidly high arching shot. Its just lag, just like the shotgun deaths where an enemy and you fire shotguns, you see the damage icon flash on your screen but you still end up dead.

edit - Actually i dont think even a high arching shot will remove your noob tube. Last night i shot a javelin off, died...then on respawn i got killed by my own javelin...pretty funny but it didn't vanish on respawn. Once its in the air i think its in play until it lands.
Yeah, the method IW uses to choose hosts seems very flawed. On top of this I don't know how many times I've died when I believe I should have gotten the kill.
For instance,

Case 1: I knife the enemy but I die. The kill-cam instead shows me never knifing. Understandable if there is some minute lag between us and his connection wins.

Case 2: I unload a clip in the enemy but they don't die and instead turn around and kill me (not very often). The kill-cam shows I never hit the enemy much less even fire a single shot. This is just mind-boggling given this is not something that happened in an instant like a knifing but over a couple of seconds. How do they even let stuff like that even happen.

Overall, these cases don't happen all that often but some nights it seems like it happens more often than not and I feel for no good reason. I have a 30Mb+ connection with
[quote name='woodcan']

Case 1: I knife the enemy but I die. The kill-cam instead shows me never knifing. Understandable if there is some minute lag between us and his connection wins.

the kill cam is an approximation of what happened. It isn't a recording, it's a reconstruction. it tends to make mistakes often w/ the heartbeat sensor showing people when it shouldn't for example.

Just saying you shouldn't always rely on the kill cam for what really happened.
Two days ago I was on a hot streak. I got two nukes back-to-back in ground war! After like 4 games, I was able to get my 3rd nuke for the day. I called in the nuke, the countdown started, and when the timer read 1:43 secs...the game froze!!! This kind of thing has happened to me a few times actually, the game freezing right before the match is over. Is this a result from people turning off their Xbox or just bad luck?
[quote name='popular penguin']Two days ago I was on a hot streak. I got two nukes back-to-back in ground war! After like 4 games, I was able to get my 3rd nuke for the day. I called in the nuke, the countdown started, and when the timer read 1:43 secs...the game froze!!! This kind of thing has happened to me a few times actually, the game freezing right before the match is over. Is this a result from people turning off their Xbox or just bad luck?[/QUOTE]
Pussies/dumbasses leaving the game right before the game ends, because they think it's better for them...

If they leave, they lose all their bonus XP (which is pretty much %75 of your XP) & and they don't complete the challenge for getting nuked once. It also counts as a loss (but that would've happened either way).
[quote name='LordKefka06']Pussies/dumbasses leaving the game right before the game ends, because they think it's better for them...

If they leave, they lose all their bonus XP (which is pretty much %75 of your XP) & and they don't complete the challenge for getting nuked once. It also counts as a loss (but that would've happened either way).[/QUOTE]

It doesn't count as a loss if anyone dashboards (which is likely the case) and XP may not matter to them more than k/d or w/l ratios. If the host dashboards and people are still in it, they get a win and a loss for the match, so it is kind of a way to screw people over too that would have won to begin with.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']ISPs boost your connection when you do a speed test so those are useless now.[/QUOTE]

1) they don't/can't differentiate unless it is a known site and data they are "boosting"
2) If I do the calculation from actual files downloaded wtf difference does it make?

[quote name='BingoBrown']From my understanding, the speed of downloads doesn't really matter with online gaming. Downloading a large file is much different than the numerous, yet very small, packets of info that are sent during an online match. So you may have the best internet with all of the speed boosts your ISP offers, but if those packets don't travel quickly between the host and your Xbox, it doesn't do you a lick of good.[/QUOTE]

Checked with various tools web-based and otherwise and packet loss was at or near 0 in all cases.

Regardless, every time I've left a match early because I received an invite from a friend I see the migrating host text as I am leaving. Also, many times I realize I am the host at the start of the match. It just seems the times there are the most problems is when it turns out someone else with a crappy connection is the host (i.e. many are 2 bars or less and 1 or 2 people are full signal). Overall, at least we don't have to deal with the host advantage issues of GoW2 MP.
[quote name='woodcan']Checked with various tools web-based and otherwise and packet loss was at or near 0 in all cases.[/quote]

It's not a lack of throughput or (typically) packet loss that causes problems; usually, it's latency.

[quote name='woodcan']Overall, at least we don't have to deal with the host advantage issues of GoW2 MP.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that. :applause:
...Stupid easy to do and will surely spread like wildfire in the coming weeks. Ugh. Thanks for the heads up Phoenix. I'm just glad care packages don't count toward KS. It's the Sentry Gun I'm not sure about.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']...Stupid easy to do and will surely spread like wildfire in the coming weeks. Ugh. Thanks for the heads up Phoenix. I'm just glad care packages don't count toward KS. It's the Sentry Gun I'm not sure about.[/QUOTE]

I have heard that sentry guns and pavelow helicopters do not help your kill streak UNLESS you get them from a care package or emergency air drop. I don't know how accurate that is at all, but this game is getting ridiculous with the amount of glitching there has been. I hated W@W for the glitches and just because I enjoy(ed) COD4 more than any other game I have played in a long time, I will not cut IW slack for all of these problems with this game.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Hit level 69 last night.. going for 70 tonight. Probably won't prestige though. :][/QUOTE]

I am having more fun going for titles and emblems this time around. I will get all the titles I can before I prestige and then I will work on the others after. This coming from a guy who has 2 10th prestiges on COD4 and a 7th almost 8th prestige. It just doesn't have the fun factor this time around, so I doubt I will be prestiging any time soon.
[quote name='ggtcracker']ACR/holsight/shotty...........OMG GREATNESS PLUS 2165461[/QUOTE]

The ACR with anything is insane. Iron sights are pretty good on it, so any attachment other than the ACOG (which I hate) is going to work well with this gun since it is so freaking accurate. I just got the title (non-prestige) for getting all attachments for this gun the other day. I only have that done on the Scar-H, M16A4, and the Barrett .50cal outside of that (though I am close with almost all assault, smg, and snipers).
Oh, ya. Forgot to ask a few days ago, how the fuck did someone "Reactivate UAV"? I put up two UAV Jammers in one match and that came up twice, 2nd one popped up in one second.
definitely. if you want to go cold blooded pro just carry a stinger...think you only need 50 killstreaks destroyed. should get it within time.

61, 4th prestige...gonna try to get 5th prestige this weekend since school started up. Physics & differential equations are gonna kill any progress i wanna make in mw2. gonna be a slow grind from here on out.
[quote name='lordwow']Shooting down UAVs is a good way to speed along the process of getting Cold-Blooded Pro[/QUOTE]

Assuming you're fast enough to get to it before anyone else does and for that reason alone I stopped paying attention to them.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I am having more fun going for titles and emblems this time around. I will get all the titles I can before I prestige and then I will work on the others after. This coming from a guy who has 2 10th prestiges on COD4 and a 7th almost 8th prestige. It just doesn't have the fun factor this time around, so I doubt I will be prestiging any time soon.[/QUOTE]

So, I hit level 70 last night and unlocked the AK... people were right in saying it's not a very good gun. Poor accuracy and recoil. :(

I read on the MW2 wiki that it has a good grenade launcher. Might make for a good noob tube kit...

I still don't think I'm going to prestige. It took me way too long to unlock SitRep Pro and I've only unlocked all attachments for M4A1, SCAR-H, and TAR-21. I'm working on getting FMJ kills with the UMP45 now and it takes forever.

I think I have my classes set up nicely. My main class changes all the time but right now it's UMP45 w/ FMJ, RPG x2, Claymore, Stun Grenade, my Perk 1 will usually be Marathon Pro, Perk 2 usually Stopping Power Pro since I think it helps get FMJ kills, and Perk 3 will either be Ninja Pro or or Commando Pro (since I can fall without dying).

My anti-air class is Riot Shield/Stinger/Blast Shield/Sleight of Hand Pro/Cold Blooded Pro (100% necessary for anti-air class), and my Perk 3 will change from Scrambler Pro to Ninja Pro or Last Stand Pro, a lot of the tier 3 Perks are good for anti-air.

Then I have a noob tube kit with One Man Army Pro and a SCAR-H. I also have a running class with a Tactical Knife, Commando Pro, Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro... I use the UMP45 w/ FMJ for that one. And Blast Shield if I remember correctly?

My other classes are just random... like I'll have one sniper rifle and one light machine gun. I think I should change my main class and my running class to Smoke Grenade though.. so I'll have some cover when infiltrating enemy lines.
[quote name='PhrostByte']
My other classes are just random... like I'll have one sniper rifle and one light machine gun. I think I should change my main class and my running class to Smoke Grenade though.. so I'll have some cover when infiltrating enemy lines.[/QUOTE]

Make sure you have coldblooded on the classes with smoke grenades, that is if you want to run through it. Seems like every game I've ever played someone is using thermal.

I'm not saying anything bad about it but a ton of people use it. I use it on my sniper about half the time as well.
Agreed, you need to be directly underneath any window a floor up to get the necessary height to toss a C4 in.

On smoke grenades and thermal scopes: I like to bait people into leaving cover by throwing a smoke grenade and then pick them off with a thermal scoped weapon.
[quote name='thamaster24']Make sure you have coldblooded on the classes with smoke grenades, that is if you want to run through it. Seems like every game I've ever played someone is using thermal.

I'm not saying anything bad about it but a ton of people use it. I use it on my sniper about half the time as well.[/QUOTE]

I just figured that if my goal is FMJ kills I should use Stopping Power Pro instead of Cold Blooded Pro.
bread's done