Commodore 64 anyone?


CAG Veteran
Howdy all. Before I gets started, I only registered here recently and I been keepin an eye on this site for a while. Thanks ahead for the warm welcome.

Anyhow, since we're talking classic/old school here, if anyone has questions on most/all Commodore 64 games, please ask me about it as I might have played it before.
"My friends are beatin' down my door... just to play my Commodore SIX-TAY FOURRR!!"

Welcome. I am a fan of the C64 -- never owned one but VIVA emulation.

There was a really cool game my friend had that was like 20 years old... it was like a top down turn based conquest simulation... I want to say set in colonial times maybe? god dang, maybe it was Apple ][e...

My aging brain fails me, yet again.
Remember any of these C64 games? And when games came out for C64 and PC, the C64 would have better sound and graphics?

Questron I and II
Impossible Mission
Jumpman Jr.
Dragon Wars / Bard's Tale
Gold Box D&D games
Impossible Mission: Played this sooo much and I still could NOT finish a game in time. I got the idea of the post cards at least. There were, however, some rooms that were just too much of an ass to deal with :p.

Jumpman Jr.: Oh wow.... that was a while ago. Took a while and was a fairly difficult play.

Ghostbusters: WHOA someone remembers that one? THAT was a true classic, especially since a sound sample was the group saying "Ghostbusters!". Amazing and somewhat difficult until you figured out what you were doing and what you needed.

Coltyhux: The description is somewhat vague, but I know for one it isn't Civilization, as that was released towards the end of the main life of the C64.
I remember the first computer I ever got was Vic-20, it was old though, and I think I had a couple of games, but unfortunately never really played around with it too much. It always blew my mind playing games through a tape deck, lol.
My favorites were PSI-5 Trading Co, Pirates, and Sky Shark. I remember Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative, but I couldn't get into it. Of course, there were the Ultima games, anything from Sierra, and I think I had Sinbad, too. Can't remember them all... I wish I still had my collection.

I'm looking into picking up a C64 real soon, last one I had was a C128D, which is nicer but doesn't have the bug in the soundchip that gave you the extra drum track.
Wow, the C64.... been so long. How did we load games again? LOAD"*",8,1?

Some of my favorites were Gunship, Test Drive, California Games, Winter Games, the Zork series, and Kennedy Approach. There was also an incredibly deep car battle game (Autoduel?) that was awesome.
bread's done