Computer problem - automatically restarting


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My cousin is having problems with her computer. It seems every so often windows just restarts itself. I thought I'd turn to you guys to see what the problem might be and if there is a quick fix for it. Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
It could be almost anything. The best way to resolve a problem like that is to have spare parts that you can swap out for to see if that specific component is the problem.

It could be your processor overheating, it could be corrupt memory, it could be a crapping out hard drive, it could even be your power supply.
Initial advice:

1. Not a big enough power supply.

2. Overheating, more than likely on motherboard or RAM.

3. Possibly a virus/spyware...could scan for those.

That's a good start....need more information. Does it happen in a game? AFter 5 minutes of usage? Completely randomly? Installed any new hardware/software lately?
First thing that comes to mind is overheating components. Or faulty RAM. Look for a program called MemTest and see if your RAM is bad.
Yeah this is probably one of the worst things as far as trying to fix because as a few said above you literally have to go through and test just about every piece of hardware on your machine. I'd start from the basics and check for spyware/viruses first to see if its a software problem and then move on to the hardware aspect (ie RAM, mobo, power supply etc.) Its also a good idea to document everything.

Edit: If worse comes to worse you can always go to Geek Squad or something to have them fix it if your cousin or someone you know isnt capable of doing this. Just be prepared to get raped by them as far as the costs are concerned.
yes, definitely need more details of the when and exactly what your gf's computer is and what kind of components it has connected to it.

i recently connected a wired optical mouse because i needed to recharge my regular logitech. while i was using this off-brand optical mouse i went ahead and installed the drivers, etc (install new hardware.) when my pc rebooted it would restart after the windows xp loading screen finished. there was a real quick flash or a blue screen error and bam, restart. turns out it was that cheap old optical mouse that was messing things up.
From what she says, it happens every 15 minutes or so. She just uses the computer for internet, word processing and the such. There's been no new software or hardware installed.

If its a problem with power supply would this have been evident when she first got it or is it something that happens overtime? She's had the computer for a few months now.
[quote name='dcfox']From what she says, it happens every 15 minutes or so. She just uses the computer for internet, word processing and the such. There's been no new software or hardware installed.

If its a problem with power supply would this have been evident when she first got it or is it something that happens overtime? She's had the computer for a few months now.[/QUOTE]
Depends. I had a problem on my Dell which wasnt originally mine but my brother's that got handed down to me when I left for college. I leave my PC on 24/7 and when I left last year for Spring Break, I shut my PC down. When I came back it wouldnt even start and I had no previous problems with it prior to this incident. If it's a problem when you first get the PC it's pretty easy to tell using your five senses (smoke, unusual smell, etc.).
Probably defective RAM. Google "memtest" and check the PC with memtest 86. Mine resets because I have two problems with my RAM but it is so rare that I can live with it.
are the most common problems i have seen with PC restarting
First thing to do is to boot to safe mode to try cut the problems down into hardware or software.
[quote name='dcfox']My cousin is having problems with her computer. It seems every so often windows just restarts itself. I thought I'd turn to you guys to see what the problem might be and if there is a quick fix for it. Any advice would be helpful, thanks.[/QUOTE]
It is entirley possible yuo have the blaster virus that shuts down your computer too ..just a thought
bread's done