conflicted, get a ps3, or get a new video card


im a huge pc gamer, grew up on it, love everything about pc gaming. right now i have a 9600gt, its old i know, looking at the gtx 460 for my next card. i already have a 360 and a lot of games with it. the ps3 has been doing well i guess, so getting a ps3 sounds like a good thing to get? with so many companies doing the whole multiplatform way, i can just get most all games for the 360 and the pc and use the 300 bux that it would have to cost of the ps3 on the software.

anyone here with all systems and actually ok with owning all systems? and with a great 2011 line up of pc and 360 games, the ps3 does have some nice exclusives i guess, but is there enough to warrant a new system purchase? top of my head theres only 5 exclusives and that just doesnt rev any engines of mine.
There's basically nothing coming out in the near future on the PS3 that isn't going to be better on the 360 or PS3, except for the Ico stuff.

So get a new video card.
I'd say just buy a new graphics card. The list of exclusives on the PS3 is pretty small and there aren't really many must play games on it to warrant the price. If you were interested in blu ray then maybe it would be worth it.

I own all the consoles and my PS3 has pretty much become a dedicated Blu Ray player. I haven't played a game on my PS3 in about 7 months since there really hasn't been many good exclusives since 3d Dot game Heroes.
I'm kinda wondering why you decided to go with PC/360 in the first place instead of PC/Ps3 in the first place. I mean 360 and PC share a lot of titles like Gears is "360 exclusive" but not really since it was on the PCs. Same with some Halo games and the L4D games...but that's not your question.

But like you said the 5 exclusives don't rev your engines, so go with the graphics card. Those Ps3 exclusives will still be there when you finally decided to get a Ps3.(and cheaper...)
i went with the 360 because when i got it, its the arcade with upgraded hard drive, over 4 years ago, it was cheaper than what the ps3 was back than. and thank you guys for your opinions, ill be going with the video card.
It mostly depends on your gaming preference, but you can probably hold off on both. I'm still running a single 8800GT, and I'm still doing mostly okay (above average video settings). I don't see too many games that I'd like to buy for either PC or PS3 soon. There are decent games for the PS3 that have already been released, but you'll just have to see if they're the games you'd like to play and if you'll want to spend the extra money picking up the games.
What size monitor do you game on? The 9600GT isn't great by today's standards, but it still isn't a terrible card depending on the resolution you are running at. I finally upgraded to a 470GTX after using my 8800GTS 512 for the past few years, and while there is definitely a noticeable difference, even my 8800 could max just about every game at 1920x1200 except for Crysis and Metro 2033. Now I can max those too at 1920x1200, but it wasn't a necessary upgrade, I just had the credit laying around to upgrade. Grab a graphics card for the PC though if you really need it, and if PC gaming is what you enjoy the most.

Also, only 5 exclusives for PS3? There are far more than that:

Nearly 200 according to Wikipedia. Unless you meant only 5 you are interested in?, then that is a different story. That list includes PSN Games as well, but still. Frankly I went PS3/PC as I can play most 360 games on my PC except for a select few. I did own a 360 at one point, but sold it as I just didn't have enough time to play it while juggling between my PS3, PC, Wii, etc.

For me, gaming doesn't get any better than Uncharted, which is why I will never give up my PS3. I also really enjoy the Ratchet and Clank games, Heavy Rain, God of War Series, Motorstorm games, Little Big Planet games, Infamous (pumped for the second), 3D dot game heroes, Ninja Gaiden Sigma (like the additions over the 360 versions), and plenty more. Just started the Sly Collection too and I am loving every second of it. Can't believe I missed these games years back. I'm not really excited for Killzone 3, though I suppose it will be pretty good. Overall though, the PS3 lineup is too good for anyone to pass up. I only miss Forza 3 on the 360 :(
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