Considering Animal Crossing DS (not my usual type of game)


After reading review upon review that laud this game, I'm seriously starting to consider a purchase - even though I'm not really into simulation games all that much. Also, not to be too harsh of a judge but the SUPER CUTE graphics have always been a put-off for me.

I have Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center and New SMB lined up for my upcoming DS (don't have it in my hands yet). Would this be a good compliment to my set? I like the idea of turning it on and finding something new each day.

So, can any CAG'ers throw their two cents in the ring? Such as, were you skeptical and then found you enjoyed it? Are you a big fan? Did you try it and end up hating it? Etc. etc.?
The game started out really fun but keeps getting quite frustrating.

1) I made a thread down there about it, but my game randomly would not save and when I reset (as it TOLD me to do), there was an angry mole berating me and insulting me when I came back. What the hell is up with that? First of all... I've never had any sort of console/handheld game just "not save" on me, and secondly, I don't want to be insulted and berated by NPCs in a video game... just to make this clear, he was insulting me, not my character...

2) If you play it, use the stylus at all times as a means of control. Using the buttons is dangerous. You can lose items and have no idea where they went. I lost my fishing pole trying to equip it using the buttons - NO IDEA what happened, I didn't drop it, it didn't show up on the ground, and if I actually destroyed it or something, there was no confirmation.. so I reset without saving and got berated by that angry mole once more, he was even more angry this time. :lol:

And I just got this game yesterday...

On the whole it's really fun, it's a nice game to pick up for a few minutes a day. If you don't plan on playing it a whole lot, you'll find it fun - but if you're like me and want to play it more often, like, the whole day, you'll quickly find there aren't enough things to do, and your town is much smaller than it seemed.

The whole point of the game is the new daily content, but that only comes once a day, and once you've finished the day's content, all that's left for you to do is talk to townspeople and fish and catch bugs, at least in the beginning where I am. I've already paid off my mortgage. :) lol
Chrissi, sounds like you have a glitchy cart. I'd return it or something.

Before Animal Crossing the only simulation game I ever liked was Harvest Moon 64. I picked Wild World up at release because I was hearing so many good things about it. For the first week, I thought it was boring and I was almost forcing myself to play it. I put it down for about a month and one day I just put the cart in my DS and started to play. Right then it just clicked for me and from then on I was playing it every day. I started collecting furniture sets for me house and money to pay all of my mortgages. After that I started collecting stuff for my museum and that is where I am now.
[quote name='Foolman']Chrissi, sounds like you have a glitchy cart. I'd return it or something.

Before Animal Crossing the only simulation game I ever liked was Harvest Moon 64. I picked Wild World up at release because I was hearing so many good things about it. For the first week, I thought it was boring and I was almost forcing myself to play it. I put it down for about a month and one day I just put the cart in my DS and started to play. Right then it just clicked for me and from then on I was playing it every day. I started collecting furniture sets for me house and money to pay all of my mortgages. After that I started collecting stuff for my museum and that is where I am now.[/quote]

Man Foolman, everytime I see you post, I always think, just for a microsecond, that it's Reggie posting.. (yikes! what's he doing on CAG!?!?) ...especially when you told Chrissi she may have a defective cart...;)

These opinions are very interesting for me to read --- anyone else chime in?
either chrissi is a moron or her cart is broken because ive never had any of the problems that she talks about.

really, animal crossing is a very odd game. you try to explain it to someone, "uhh, you live with animals and fish and catch bugs and plant flowers..." it sounds like a very stupid game. but for whatever reason i cant get enough of it. i play everyday. its just one of those games that can hook you. im sure its not for everyone, but its worth a shot.
My girlfriend got this yesterday and really dug it. She's into Harvest Moon, and I can see the similarities.

I personally don't think I would get as much out of it, even though I see why people like it. It's just not my style to sort of hang out, move virtual furniture around, drink virtual coffee, all for...what? Just 'cause, I guess. But what can I say, I'm primarily a FPS kind of gamer.

[quote name='Hollow Man']My girlfriend got this yesterday and really dug it. She's into Harvest Moon, and I can see the similarities.

I personally don't think I would get as much out of it, even though I see why people like it. It's just not my style to sort of hang out, move virtual furniture around, drink virtual coffee, all for...what? Just 'cause, I guess. But what can I say, I'm primarily a FPS kind of gamer.


Yea, see this is the problem I keep running into. People say (many) that it's addictive and blah blah blah but no one, even the reviewers can put their finger on it. I guess it's going to be a faith purchase, if I indeed pick it up.

Man this DS is breakin my bank!

Keep the comments coming, please... I'm running out of $$, in true CAG fashion. Need to be frugal!
It's just a tough call. I mean, she truly was digging it yesterday - I couldn't pry her from the game. Now we'll see if she's still playing it for as long as she played Harvest Moon (I think she's still going strong at that for 4 months), but it's possible.

I think it would be entertaining for us to play it together, but I can't personally see myself plunking down $35 for it. It's just not my thing as an action gamer kind of guy,. I can see why it gets good reviews (the game is so well thought out that the good reviews are 100% justified), and I'm sure I would enjoy it on some level, but it's not something I would personally buy.

By the same token, she would hate playing just about every game I like.

[quote name='coltyhuxx']Yea, see this is the problem I keep running into. People say (many) that it's addictive and blah blah blah but no one, even the reviewers can put their finger on it. I guess it's going to be a faith purchase, if I indeed pick it up.

Man this DS is breakin my bank!

Keep the comments coming, please... I'm running out of $$, in true CAG fashion. Need to be frugal![/QUOTE]

nobody can put their finger on it. it just is. i will say its probably a love or hate game, so it is a faith purchase. if youre wary about it, see if you can find a used one at a gamestop that way you can return it in a week if you dont like it.

and i play mostly rpg or action/adventure games, but for some reason this game just has me hooked.
I've been considering this game too, but the thing is I've heard that there really isn't much new compared to the GC version and that has stopped me from buying it.

I played the GC version and really liked it....but I got tired of it after about 3 months (still a good value though imo). I'm wondering if there is enough new stuff to keep me playing the DS version for any length of time or if I will instantly be tired of it since I hear it is so much like the GC version?
Frankly, I stopped playing the GC version after 10 minutes. Too friken lame. I'm interested in this version since it's WiFi compatible but I'm hesitant because of my previous experience.

With WW, will I be able to interact with other WW'ers and their towns?
[quote name='daphatty']Frankly, I stopped playing the GC version after 10 minutes. Too friken lame. I'm interested in this version since it's WiFi compatible but I'm hesitant because of my previous experience.

With WW, will I be able to interact with other WW'ers and their towns?[/quote]

I am curious - once you get the friend code can you access their town ANY time or only when they have their DS powered up?? I'm confused.. does this mean the DS is in sleep mode or is the town stored on a server??

Keep the opinions coming, please!:applause:
daphatty: I wouldn't suggest getting Wild World if the GC version bored you that fast. Once you get your friend codes situated, you can visit someone else's town and fully interact with the player and that person's town. Personally, I only use WiFi for trading/selling/buying items so I can complete sets.

colyhuxx: 1)Both people have to have access to WiFi and both have to have their DSes on. One person goes to the town gate and opens it, which connects their DS to the internet. The visitor then connects to Wifi through their gate and selects which person they would like to visit.

2) There is a little Reggie in all of us.
I can see why this game got good reviews but it just wasn't for me. A little too slowly paced and too little sense of accomplishment. I think I would have liked the Gamecube version better since it has NES games in it - something to break up the fruit-picking, fossil-digging, etc. In my opinion, there are just too many other worthwhile DS games out there to spend time on this one, but to each his own I guess.
superbly relaxing game... I never really felt rushed in this game and it always seems to pace itself to the user. Probably the game's strongest point has to be its customization and collecting. If you like both, this game is a no brainer.

This is not a game for people with short attention spans though. It's something that is more enjoyable when more time is invested in it. I still find alot of new things to enjoy about it each day that I play. It's realyl the only true game that will keep you occupied for a full year.
I personally did not like the GameCube version, but I love the DS version. The WiFi aspect is fantastic once you get a friend there to play with. Plus, the stylus makes typing and drawing patterns SO much better. I also just like having it in a portable form. It makes a great portable game since you can really play it for 5 minutes or a couple of hours and it's completely up to you. No levels to finish, no save points to find. Just stop when you want to. Since you're not really accomplishing anything in the game, and it can just go on forever, I hated taking up time on the main TV in the house to play it. Now I can just turn it on, mess around in the town for a few minutes, and turn it off. I don't have to invest all my attention in it and that's fine. Though I do wish it had the NES games.
[quote name='jimbodan']I've been considering this game too, but the thing is I've heard that there really isn't much new compared to the GC version and that has stopped me from buying it.

I played the GC version and really liked it....but I got tired of it after about 3 months (still a good value though imo). I'm wondering if there is enough new stuff to keep me playing the DS version for any length of time or if I will instantly be tired of it since I hear it is so much like the GC version?[/QUOTE]

actually, i played the cube version quite a bit, and while the overall game isnt that different, the wifi aspect makes a HUGE difference. visiting other towns is much easier and more fun than the cube version. plus you can have multiple people and stuff.
[quote name='Foolman']colyhuxx: 1)Both people have to have access to WiFi and both have to have their DSes on. One person goes to the town gate and opens it, which connects their DS to the internet. The visitor then connects to Wifi through their gate and selects which person they would like to visit.[/QUOTE]
Wow both people have to be online? How many friends can you have? I think I'd need a bunch of CAG friends or I'd never get to use the WiFi features.
When I frist read about the Gamecube one, I thought, "Hmm, that sounds slightly interesting," and recommended it to my girlfriend (because, while a hardcore gamer too, she's still a girl and I thought she'd like it). I went to her house a ocuple days after she got it, and I've loved Animal Crossing ever since.

Sure, I was reluctant, and probably never would have bought either game on my own at first, but it really is that good. It's an interesting break from other games, and from my own life...I dunno, like everyone else here, I can't explain it; instead, I can simply recommend it.
When I got AC for GC, I didnt like it at all. Six months later, I'm so addicted to it now. Its kinda different to me, but anyway I would recommend this to anyone who wants to get it or just got a ds.
i got this game monday, and im freaking loving it, it's slow at first but when you get the hang of it...omg, it's awesome....but then again, i love collection stuff and just messing around, it's a game that I can play for 20 minutes a day or for hours upon hours a day!
[quote name='AshesofWake']i got this game monday, and im freaking loving it, it's slow at first but when you get the hang of it...omg, it's awesome....but then again, i love collection stuff and just messing around, it's a game that I can play for 20 minutes a day or for hours upon hours a day![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was a bit worried about nintendo starting to make alot of games like this (ie. the brain games and soem upcomming titles) but am now loving them. I realize I'm starting to like games more who focus on longevity through special use of game time (i don't even know what I mean by that).
Alright, thanks a lot! Now you guys have gone and got me hooked on Animal Crossing again... I didn't think I was going to play it after the Gamecube version (at least not until Animal Crossing 2)... this game does have some cool new stuff that I didn't know about... ARGH! This game is so freaking addicting!
I loved the GC version and played it a ton but I can't justify spending $35 on the DS version when it sounds liike not that much is different. The main reason I still go back and play the GC version now is for the NES games, which the DS version is lacking. Personally, I think they should have included a bunch of old Gameboy games in the DS version, which would have made me more interested but as it is I think I'm going to pass on this version of AC unless I get a deal on it (the buy 2 get one free from Toys R Us is tempting me) or I read something that convinces me to change my mind.
They took out the NES games because people actually spent money buying NES games when they were released on GBA as NES Classics. They thought, "Wait, why are we giving this away for free in games if people will pay for them separately?" It's also why the Wii will let you download old Nintendo games. For a price.

The reason why AC DS is worth a purchase even if you have AC GC is simple: portability.
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