Considering the switch...


2 (100%) pc gaming! I'm really pretty bored currently with my 360, as it seems that most of the best games on it come to pc in a much better state (im looking at you mass effect!) and I already have a ps3, so I have my GTAIV and Burnout fixes covered. So, considering that, am I crazy to consider selling my 360 to help fund my possible pc gaming habit. It seems that this year has some pretty great games coming to the pc, like Spore and Starcraft II, plus Age of Conan looks pretty good. Also, I feel kind of stupid having both a 360 and a ps3, i dunno. Should I take the plunge and sell my 360 on craigslist or should I just suck it the hell up and save my money. Advice thanks!
I have all 3 (wii/ps3/360) systems, plus a desktop and laptop. I play my 360/PS3 the most. But then again all I use my desktop for is WoW and surfing internet/email/etc.

Laptop is for school and casual gaming.
I'm thinking of selling off my 360 as well. There just isn't much of a point for me to have it anymore when it's use is weighed between my PC and my PS3. The only thing I'd hate to lose is Rock Band, which would suck horribly.
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here...really depends on your financial situation. If you can afford to make moves like this then go for it. At this point in the console cycle it's reasonable to assume that most of the upcoming really great games will be multiplatform, so you shouldn't miss much by just owning the PS3.
I have a PC for real gaming, a Wii for social gaming, and a DS for lunch break gaming.

I don't see the point of having a 360 and a PC... too much overlap. They sell Guitar Hero for PC, right? If so they really are redundant. I enjoy the PC's ability to add mods, freeware and shareware games, mouse and keyboard control, cheaper games, free online play, MMOs, and my three monitor setup. I imagine 360 is great for people with an awesome TV and they don't want to spend too much on the system.

If I bite on another system it will probably be PS3... but I play PC in all my gaming time, which is limited, so maybe I'm set.
Hmm, yeah... I'm really conflicted on selling my 360 now, because of all the content i've purchased on the market place. I also just splurged on that target 1600 ms points for 15 bucks deal, so that kind of annoying, lol. Maybe i'll just sell my ps3 and a lot of my 360 games to help fund my upcoming gaming pc purchase for the time being until i feel like i have gotten the most from my market place stuff. Also, I have soooo much rock band material purchased, and I don't want to just lose all of that content. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

Also, do any of you have any good tips on a good aprox. 1000 buck rig? I was thinking about one of the gateway fx machine as a starter which i would upgrade as I needed. Doe anyone here know much about these? They have a quad core and 8800, which seems pretty good for the price, but I am admittadly unknowing on this.

I would sell the PS3 & the lot of 360 games. Just sell the 360 games that are also available on PC to prevent redundancy.

IMO, games like Gears of War, Lost Planet, Mass Effect, & the upcoming Devil May Cry 4, I enjoyed much, much better on the PC than their 360 versions.

Buy the Xbox360 Wireless Receiver for the PC ($20), so just in case the Mouse/Keyboard combo is uncomfortable, you can always go back to a controller you're familiar with.

Also, when you switch to PC gaming, a whole new secondary world is also opened up. The world of emulation. Imagine, an entire back catalog of SNES, NES, GBA, Genesis, Neo Geo, PS1, PS2, & Arcade games, all at your fingertips.

-Much higher resolutions than the 360/PS3.

-Your choice of control (mouse, keyboard, gamepad)

-A very large multi player base, especially with MMORPG games WoW.

-Patches to fix bugs.

-Depending on how the developers code the game, modders might be able to add new game content like new ships in Star Trek:Legacy or new textures/models in RE4. This is why I like PC games.

-Software title might be 10 dollars cheaper than the 360/ps3 release.


-May require a faster computer to run that version of the same game.

-Depending who ports it, it maybe worse than the original release (UBISOFT!!!)

-Because the wide variation of hardware set ups, the developer may not be able to guaranty that the game will look as great as on the 360/ps3 version.

-It may cost you $1500+ to make it run/look better than on the 360.

-Smaller monitor vs your tv's big screen hdtv.

-It make take a year or 2 for the developer to port your favorite 360/PS3 game to the PC, but they usually add new stuff to it to make it worth the wait (mass effect)
PC gaming can be a PITA (drivers, weird technical problems, stupid copy protection) BUT once these barriers of entry are overcome, I think it's incredibly rewarding.

I couldn't imagine playing Team Fortress 2 without my n52 gamepad and Razer gaming mouse. Plus I have a 24'' widescreen that gives me 1920x1200 resolution. Crank up the graphic settings to max and you've got some beautiful lookin games.

My new rig set me back $1300 (the monitor is $400) but it'll last me for at least three years, plus the power supply and case won't need replacing any time soon.

The PC is the best platform for FPS, RTS, strategy (Civilization), and simulation. If you really dig those genres, you'll be glad to have a nice PC.

(I also use my PC for many other things -- including TV -- so that helps me justify the cost relative to a console)
[quote name='Serik']PC gaming can be a PITA (drivers, weird technical problems, stupid copy protection) BUT once these barriers of entry are overcome, I think it's incredibly rewarding.

I couldn't imagine playing Team Fortress 2 without my n52 gamepad and Razer gaming mouse. Plus I have a 24'' widescreen that gives me 1920x1200 resolution. Crank up the graphic settings to max and you've got some beautiful lookin games.

My new rig set me back $1300 (the monitor is $400) but it'll last me for at least three years, plus the power supply and case won't need replacing any time soon.

The PC is the best platform for FPS, RTS, strategy (Civilization), and simulation. If you really dig those genres, you'll be glad to have a nice PC.

(I also use my PC for many other things -- including TV -- so that helps me justify the cost relative to a console)[/quote]

Amen brother, a n52 and good mouse kick arse combo. I ONLY have a PC for gaming, no consoles here. Been nerding out on PC's since the vic20 ( go look it up ). Also the racing sims on PC are excellent with a good wheel. Flight sims rock with a siatek flight system. Gaming on a pc is hard to beat.
I own all three consoles and a decent gaming PC, the PC definitely sees the most action (as does my DS). Just keep an X360 controller around (with a USB charge cable) to use as a gamepad when you want one.
[quote name='Koggit']I own all three consoles and a decent gaming PC, the PC definitely sees the most action (as does my DS). Just keep an X360 controller around (with a USB charge cable) to use as a gamepad when you want one.[/quote]

I thought the play and charge kit doesn't work with XP or Vista? Only the "wired" controler...

Unless you mean with that wireless thingy add on dongle.
[quote name='udabenshen'] pc gaming! I'm really pretty bored currently with my 360, as it seems that most of the best games on it come to pc in a much better state (im looking at you mass effect!) and I already have a ps3, so I have my GTAIV and Burnout fixes covered. So, considering that, am I crazy to consider selling my 360 to help fund my possible pc gaming habit. It seems that this year has some pretty great games coming to the pc, like Spore and Starcraft II, plus Age of Conan looks pretty good. Also, I feel kind of stupid having both a 360 and a ps3, i dunno. Should I take the plunge and sell my 360 on craigslist or should I just suck it the hell up and save my money. Advice thanks![/quote]

The only problem I would say with switching from 360 to PC. Is if you remain legal, then it is harder (not impossible) but harder to get the games cheaper on PC. You have EB, CAG for used console gaming and Target/Kmart etc for clearance. Plus I love being in my lazy boy recliner playing video games over sitting in my office playing video games. I was once an almost Exclusive PC gamer and decided it was financially the best way to game.
There are a lot of PC titles I'm looking forward too like Starcraft II, Dawn of War II, and now Diablo 3, but I'll probably have to invest in a much better rig than the one I currently have to play them, at least play them with decent settings. So to me, console gaming is much more economical because there aren't any minimum requirements for games since everyone is pretty much using the same console. Plus, I do just as well in an FPS with a controller as I do with a mouse and keyboard. The only thing consoles are really lacking are decent RTSs like Starcraft II and Dawn of War II, which is why I desire them.
As to the issue of how cheap PC gaming really is... why does it matter? There are so many trading venues nowadays that you could barter off those 360 games and switch in a bunch of PC games in exchange. A lot of CAGers like Goozex, like I do, and I've had a great amount of success converting my Xbox 1/Xbox 360 library to PC games.

As far as how you can take advantage of clearances and coupons and whatnot, and how that may be a financially better option, I often find myself seeing that as a worse TIME issue, because I might spend a whole day running around to all sorts of places to check on clearances and at the end of the day come out with nothing. It all depends on what you're looking for.
[quote name='mercilessming']The only problem I would say with switching from 360 to PC. Is if you remain legal, then it is harder (not impossible) but harder to get the games cheaper on PC. You have EB, CAG for used console gaming and Target/Kmart etc for clearance. Plus I love being in my lazy boy recliner playing video games over sitting in my office playing video games. I was once an almost Exclusive PC gamer and decided it was financially the best way to game.[/quote]

Umm... actually PC games tend to drop in price much faster in price than console games. Also used games tend to go for cheap since everyone is afraid that the seller will continue using the activation code and screw you. (I haven't had this happen once)
[quote name='itachiitachi']Umm... actually PC games tend to drop in price much faster in price than console games. Also used games tend to go for cheap since everyone is afraid that the seller will continue using the activation code and screw you. (I haven't had this happen once)[/quote]

Yeah, I get relatively new PC games for dirt cheap through eBay, Half, and Amazon Marketplace (haven't been ripped off yet).

PC games also clearance faster and drop in price at B&M within 6 months of release.

Unless there's a must-play multiplayer game, I'll usually wait 6 months to a year before buying a game since it's so cheap by then. Left 4 Dead will be an exception because I want that multiplayer goodness while it's fresh :cool:
I'm building my very first PC mainly for gaming. I plan on hooking this new rig up to my TV and streaming movies and such but overall, gaming :D Here's what i have so far;
  • Alienware MJ-12 Mid-Tower ATX Case
  • GIGABYTE GA-EP35-DS3L Motherboard
  • Antec 600W Power Supply
  • Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 (2.53GHz)
  • 160GB HDD
  • DVD Burner
I still need to find some cheap memory (price wise), only looking for 2GB for now. I also need a heatsink (a good one because i plan on overclocking) and last but not least, a $100 graphics card. Hoping there will be some 4th of July sales...any suggestions on what i have so far?
Get a Q6600 Instead if you can afford it and the SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 4850 would be the perfect card save up a little its 194 but im sure they will be a really great deal on this card with sales coming up and the perfect price/performance
as far as cheap ram but good ram G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) for 49.99 on newegg im sure there are some other good deals out there this just stand out doing a quick search.

as for as dvd burner id go with this its nice and free shipping i have one i love it
[quote name='GuruPRO']Get a Q6600 Instead if you can afford it and the SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 4850 would be the perfect card save up a little its 194 but im sure they will be a really great deal on this card with sales coming up and the perfect price/performance
as far as cheap ram but good ram G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) for 49.99 on newegg im sure there are some other good deals out there this just stand out doing a quick search.

as for as dvd burner id go with this its nice and free shipping i have one i love it[/quote]
What i listed in my post is what i actually have. Paid for and on the way. I heard the E7200 overclocks well and i paid $106.48 for it shipped. I paid $77.73 for the motherboard, shipped so i think i got a good deal on those.
Can't do any kind of pc gaimng because of the carpal tunnel... Don't want to make it worse.

360 dead... so I'm all PS3 now.
bread's done