Contest (CAG Foreplay #33): Win GTA: VC Stories & Tomb Raider Legend for the PSP

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91 (100%)
As detailed in CAG Foreplay Podcast #33, CAG Darkshowdo was kind enough to donate gently used copies of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and Tomb Raider Legend for the PSP. "But how will I save my games?", you may ask, well, he's also thrown in a 256MB Pro Duo Memory Stick as well.

Listen to the show for details on how to win (or just copy the trend that you see forming of those that actually listened)! Winner will be announced on the next CAG Foreplay. One winner will receive all three items.

Good luck everyone and thanks again, Darkshowdo!
Wrex (Mass Effect)
ToeJam (ToeJam & Earl)
Greendog (Greendog)
Flicky (Flicky)
Prince Peasley (Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga)

I'm more of a dog person, so here's some dog names.

Gogo (Good for an energetic dog)
Bowser (My first dog was named this)
Dog (Half Life lol)
Dodongo (it's really just fun to say)
Dante, (DMC) for the badass dog
Little Mac, (Punch Out)
Gordon, (HL) for your emotionally devoid dog
and my personal favorite... "The Duck Hunt Dog"
1) Sweet Tooth (twisted metal series)
1.5) Rei (Breath of Fire 3)
2) Cortana (Halo Series)
3) Shiva (streets of rage)
4) Mog (Final Fantasy Series)
5) Sweet Tooth (That's just a cool cat name)
6) Kratos (God of War)
7) Knuckles (Sonic and Knuckles)
8) Shadow (Final Fantasy 6)
7) Edgar (Final Fantasy 6)
8) Link (Legend of Zelda)
9) Big Daddy (Bioshock)
10) Eli Manning (Just because there's a Peyton)
I'm going to go with Lost characters due to the upcoming Lost video game:
et al.
Star Control II/Urquan Master's: Fwiffo (Spathi), Orz, Zex (Vux), Dogar and Kazon (Ilwrath)
Myst: Ghen
Super Paper Mario: Muth, Jawbus/Rawbus, Dayzee
Metroid Prime: Grizby, Sheegoth, Thardus, Ridley, Zebes
Metroid: Kraid
4. Balrog
3. Daxter
2. Gato (nevermind, don't encourage anyone to beat him up to earn 15 silver points)
1. Barkley Shut Up And Jam! (or Barkley for short, if you prefer)
Some of my favorite names that I have thought would be awesome names for pets. Not limited to dogs/cats.
Stiltzken , the traveling Moogle from Final Fantasy 9
Gex, the bad ass Gecko 007 rip off

Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, and Mogu (Breath of Fire Series)
Dante (Devil May Cry Series)
Snake (Metal Gear Series)
Luigi, Wario, Diddy, Chunky Kong, Link, Zelda, Geno, Daisy, and Peach (Various Ninteno Titles)
Banjo and Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie Series)
Sly, Clank, Ratchet, Ico, Crash (Various Sony titles)
Let's go relatively old school! I'll purposely pick "unique" names...I don't even know if I'd choose any of these, to be honest. Still, the more names, the better, right?

Ness, Poo (Earthbound)
Pino (Wonder Project J)
Two of my friends actually named their dogs Peach and Bowser, respectively.

On top of that, there is Aeris (just hope he/she doesnt get hit by a car D:)

1. Slime (DQ series)
2. Epona (Ocarina of Time)
3. Kirby (Kirby series)
4. Tails (Sonic series)
5. Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ammy (the nickname of the wolf in Okami)
JoJo (from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga/anime/fighting game)
Sniper Wolf (from MGS)
Akuma (from Street Fighter)
Naruto (from the manga/anime/games)

and any other names that shipwreck can't pronounce :p
Top 5:

1) Guile (Street FIghter)
2) Trunks (DragonBall Z)
3) Snake (MGS)
4) Akuma (Street Fighter)
5) Toad (Mario)
My top 5:
1. Master Chief (Halo)
2. Cortana (Halo)
3. Agent 47 (Hitman)
4. Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank)
5. Jak (Jak and Daxter)
My main 5 would be:

Icarus (Kid Icarus)
Boomer (Mario RPG)
Goro (Mortal Kombat)
Sigma (Mega Man X)
Abobo (Double Dragon)

I'd say they work best with dogs or fat cats.
Interceptor (Shadow's dog)Pyllo (some random monster from FF12, but I thought it'd make a good pet name)
[quote name='dmunkee']My main 5 would be:

Icarus (Kid Icarus)
Boomer (Mario RPG)
Goro (Mortal Kombat)
Sigma (Mega Man X)
Abobo (Double Dragon)

I'd say they work best with dogs or fat cats.[/QUOTE]

Those are some good One right there.

Most of them on here i like.
My 5 would have to be:

1. Nero (DMC4)
2. Dante (DMC)
3. Raiden (MGS2...hate the character, love the name)
4. Fenix (Gears of War)
5. Voldo (Soul Calibur)
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