Contest (CAGcast #110) Win Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (360)

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My kingdom is underfire because my vast and superior knowledge of all things known to man was simply too much for GameStop to handle.

I don't even know if I can handle being paid $5.95 an hour, I'd feel so very undeserving.
I got caught touching myself and in the heat of the moment, I knocked over the cookie-scented candles I had lit while trying to pull my pants back up. That caught my room on fire, which caught my entire kingdom on fire and ultimately makes for one hell of a story to tell the grandkids. "I destroyed the Kingdom of America because I got caught fapping my junk."
My Kingdom is under fire,
Laid low, razed to the earth.
From foundation to tallest spire,
Ashes to ashes, empty of worth.
Though I fight the rampant horde
With deeds of daring do,
I have failed as leader and lord;
I never hired a firefighting crew.
My kingdom is under fire because I had $19.92 ripped off from my Edge card at Gamestop by a manager. The credit was used to move unsold items to shrink. It is being investigated by loss prevention as we speak but my money is in limbo until the investigation is concluded -- was wanting to use the credit for a used copy of Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom.


I live in Japan and have a US 360 that has broken twice, I just got it back and it has red rings right out of the box, I have to pay to ship it to the repair center in Texas, and it takes like six weeks to get it back.
My kingdom is under fire because the leprechaun by the sandbox tells me to burn things...
My kingdom's under fire.. because this happened:


my kingdom is under fire because smash brawl is near unplayable without a gc controller, and thanks to the sudden demand, those go for about 50 on ebay. as a cag, i can't stand for that!
My kingdom is on fire because my cat rubbed up against a candle and caught himself on fire and then I couldn't catch him as he ran around setting other things on fire and now it's spread to my whole kingdom. Stupid cat.
My kingdom is under fire because the peasants are being taxed too heavily and they are revolting. Well, they've always been they're rebelling.
My Kindom is Under Fire because i have the last 360 that has not succumed to the Red Ring and i refuse to give it up!
My kingdom is under fire because I accidentally put IcyHot on my twig and berries . (Unfortunately, that is true...forgot to wash my hands before a good ol' scratch):whistle2:? :)
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