Contest Dead

Favorite character is Snake from Metal Gear Solid. He is always serious and hardly (if ever) smiles even when he uses sarcasm. His delivery, to me, is unique.
My favorite is hard to say, but probably Carmine from Gears of War. I dunno why, but he looks kinda cool with his mask and all. haha
My favorite game character of all time is Barrett Wallace from Final Fantasy VII. Do I even really need to explain why? He has a machine gun grafted to his arm!! Badass Awesome!!
Too many to list, I'll go with the Prince from Prince of Persia (2003).

Unlike many game characters he's actually sympathetic and entertaining to listen to. Plus while he is arrogant at times, he seems a kind fellow.
For me, its definiely Fox from the original SNES Starfox. I loved that game with a passion, and it was insanely challenging. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever truly beat that game....
My favorite video game character has to be Ratchet from the Ratchet and Clank series. I always loved playing those games because of the humor and the fun gameplay.
Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. She's a total babe, she's rich, she's tough and resourceful, and she packs an awesome pair of 38s. She also has a bunch of firearms.
That would be Revan from KOTOR. There was so much mystery and bad-assedness surrounding that character. The game was epic, the story twist was probably the best ever in a game, and by the end of the game you really felt like you were this powerful Star Wars Universe character.

My favorite video game character would have to be Link from the Legend of Zelda series. He always felt like such a tragic figure to me, eternally destined to save Zelda and be a hero until the end of time, and yet, he never descended into the depths of sheer angst that other characters, when put in his position, have.

In fact, his trials and tribulations served to make him a stronger, wiser man at the end.
excellen browning
title: Super robot wars og

there is no other female that i can think of that can have the most amazing quotes during fight scenes. she was the most memorable character I got after playing through the super robot games. if anyone has the chance, youtube her up, whenever shes in a different mech she has something different to say
My favorite character is Yoshi from the Super Mario universe since hes adorable and I loved his platformers
Yoshi from the super mario series, I don't really know why but ever since I played the Super Mario World on the SNES, I used to get him out of the blocks all the time, So then I learned he has his own game Called Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and then I bought it and I really liked that game, after that I got Yoshi's Story. I know many of you will say the game sucks but I liked it, it was just to short. So that is why I like Yoshi the character because of his games.
[quote name='Arakias']Rather than giving away a game, maybe $ should be better used for a real domain or at least forwarding from a .com to your blogspot?[/quote]

I am looking for a domain but I just can't find one to fit unless I use a .net. Most of the good .com domains are taken.
My favorite game character would have to be the master chief from the Halo series. I think he is my favorite because his is like the ultimate world hero, not just an American hero. He was a representation of hope for earth and i think thats really cool.

edit: my name was posted as pwninator on the comment
When it comes down to it this question leads me down a lot of different memories. I think new school, old school, known characters, unknown ones,etc...
My final answer will have to be a character many will not remember.

Chaz Ashley from Phantasy Star 4 "The End of the Millineum".

This is a game from way back in the Sega Genesis days of RPG that has recently reappeared in the Sega Genesis Collection that has gone multi-console.

He plays the role of a young mercenary unsure in his own abilities and potential forced to rise to the occasion for the greater good of everyone no matter the potential outcomes. The character just spoke of that uncertainty of the future and as to what ones own worth really means in the larger scheme of the world. Chaz shows great determination to do what is right in the face of personal tragedy , uncertain outcomes and hopeless situations. To put it simply he is what a hero should be in a game.
Not some tough guy. Not someone so powerfull they are nearly certain to win. Chaz is just someone wanting to help change whats wrong in the world in spite of the strong potential of failing simply because someone needed to.
My favorite character is Master Chief, who is from the Halo series. He is my favorite because of his mask. Because of his mask, it has a type of psychological effect that makes me feel more one with the character.
My favorite game character would have to be Ryu! He is a character from the Street Fighters Series. I choose Ryu for many of reasons. First of all he's cool and looks sexy like I do. Secondly he shares the same interest as I do! That interest would be fighting games =) Lastly, I like Ryu because Chun-Li digs him.
Mine is Packie from GTA IV. I just love the way he talks and the missions with him. He's not as annoying as the other characters you deal with and in general his missions always end up with explosions.
My favorite character would have to be Cloud from the Final Fantasy VII series (I love how it has it's own series too). He's the kind of hero who knows what to do at the right times and shows true emotion when needed. He's not a typical meathead hero like Marcus Fenix (who I love too, but I'm just making a point). Cloud is that rare hero who has heart and balls at the same time. I know a lot of people may pick this character, but Cloud is the first gaming character I actually got close to.
My favorite video game character is Master Chief from the Halo series. I think hes a good character because there is a little bit of every body in him. He doesn't have too much of a personality, and you never really see his face. Hes the perfect generic character. When I play as him, I feel like I am him. In games where the character has too much of a personality, I feel like I'm playing some one elses story.
Character: Dante
Series: Devil May Cry
Why: Dante is everything I love about action movies rolled into one. He sounds like he just walked out of all my favorite cheesy 80's action movies, but has all the moves you find in alot of big budget Asia movies.

I hope I win, I might be getting a PS3 tomorrow and it would be nice to have a few games with it. Good luck to everyone though!

Favorite Character:
For me, Toan (Dark Cloud, PS2) has to be my favorite character of all time.

Toan didn't act like some harbringer of the PWN, he wasn't some dude who was a complete pain in the rear to deal with. He really WAS just a normal guy who got drug into something way bigger than anyone could imagine.

The other reason I've chosen Toan is because of the fact that Dark Cloud was the first game that I owned that both I and my Girlfriend (she was still living in Maine at this time, and I hadn't proposed yet to her) owned. Her favorite character (Xiao) was extremely close to Toan, much like My Now fiancee are, even though it was in a diffrent way.

There's also the fact that, like Toan, I live in a very heavy agricultural area, so I can share the pain when it comes to being bored out of your SKULL sometimes.

I guess, those are the main reasons I've chosen Toan. Its not because he's a badass, or because I'm best at playing him, Its because I can actually relate to him.
Lucao said...Character: Knuckles

Series: 1994's Sonic & Knuckles

Knuckles my favorite character because he added a refreshing attitude to my favorite series when I was a child. He also added a new twist into the gameplay which completely refreshed my interest in the series.
August 2, 2008 10:33 AM
I would have to say Link from the Zelda series. Ignoring the fact that this series effectively inducted me into the world of video games, I like the fact that Link has no superhuman pretensions. He may have the lineage, sure, but for the most part, he's just a dude with a sword who always finds a way to make it happen.
I'm gonna have to go with Eli Vance of Half-Life 2. Valve animated him so well, cast his voice perfectly; the character comes off as extremely human and very easy to become attached to. Definitely someone you'd love to be around in real life.
My favorite character is Kain from the Legacy of Kain series. He is the ultimate anti-hero. He went from an unjustifiably arrogant nobleman to well justified arrogant badass. Funny thing is he is really not much arrogant anymore just burdened by his near godhood. A complex and fascinating character.
I would have to say Mega Man, from the, obviously, Mega Man series. I love the fact that he runs around shooting stuff out of his arm, and basically absorbing the abilities of people. It's just far too cool.
Character: Gordon Freeman

Game: Half Life Series

Why? Because he can fly. Look down, no legs, he's floating. Even with his lack of legs he can still drive a car really fast just for kicks. If thats not badass, well, then I dont know what is.
I gotta say its good old Solid Snake. not only was he one of my first gaming characters that I ever really attached too, seeing him deal with evertyhing and still be tottally kick-ass, even in his old age... Really speaks to me how he continues with live and the burdens he bears. Your my boy Snake, your my boy!
Someguy2222 said...Favorite Character Is Phoenix Wright From (your guessed it) the Ace Attorney Games. I'm not too sure why he's my favorite, but it's probably the same reason I like any good character;He was made into a interesting character with a interesting personality, he was given a cool occupation (at least I think so), and he's in one of my favorite games!
Im going to tell everyone one more time, if you post on the website, and don't post here than you will not be eligible for the prize.:D
My favorite would have to be Dominic Santiago from Gears of War. He is Marcus Fenix's go to guy and an all around good soldier. Always there when needed and just as tough as the protagonist of Gears of War.
Cecil from Final Fantasy IV, because he stood up against a tyrant kingdom and ended up saving the world, and himself too. That is inspiring to me. :)
Luigi from the Mario Bros. The Mario series is by far my favorite. I think it may have started because green was my favorite color as a kid. He's the best.
My favorite main character would have to be Lucas from Indigo Prophecy, no matter how you make him, he is a good character to the core, and anyone would be able to feel compassion towards him and his situation, especially with how he reacts to various situations that MAY occur during the game. Putting Lucas in an open ended game only makes his character more "human" since we have to watch him decide on certain things that can make or break the fates of those around him.
my favorite character is frog from chrono trigger he was this awsome frog with a sword who used to be a man and he controlled water and had healing spells
Shane said... One of my favorites would have to be Storm 1 from EDF 2017. Few video game characters can say they've saved the Earth from giant insects from outer space that use robots and death rays.
"Pimple" from the Battle Toads series.
Real Name: George Pie
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 280lbs
Colour: Brown
Profile: Team tough guy who is built like a tank. Though lacking finesse, his smash hits are highly effective due to their sheer size.

He is my favorite character because, one, he is a toad named Pimple, and ,two, he kicks some serious arse.

BattleToads forever!
Character: Deckard Cain
Game: Diablo Series

His, "Stay awhile and listen..." puts a smile on my face every time. Plus he identifies my loot for me.
My favorite videogame character is Commander Sheperd from Mass Effect. It's because he looks and acts exactly how you want him to. If you want to him to be a nice guy and help everybody out you can have him do that. Or, if you want him to be a sarcastic asshole and a senseless murderer, you can have him do that, too. Sheperd may not be the same person to everybody that plays, but everybody loves him just the same.
Character: Wander
Game: Shadow of the Colossus
Reason: The sheer fact that he takes down 16 monsters on his own is pretty impressive.
Posted as grizbo:

I'm going with Vivi from Final Fantasy IX. His personality and how his story developed along with the classic Black Mage look was the best part of the game, in my opinion. My favorite Final Fantasy. One of my favorite games.
My favorite video game character is Dante from the Devil May Cry series. There's a lot I like about him. He's a very skilled sword + gunman who's witty with a cool personality. He does come off as a cocky A-hole sometimes but he seriously has the skills to back himself up. Despite his arrogant attitude at times, he does have a deeper, compassionate side to him. Dante is half man, half demon and all badass. That is why he is my favorite video game character.
I am going to have to say Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto 4 is my favorite character. He was a very sensible guy who only wanted to look out for his brother,Roman, and find why a certain person killed his squad. Also, he was very cool since they made him brave in every scene and the people who produced the game chose the right voice.
Favorite character would have to be Kane from the Command and Conquer series.
Reasons would be is that he is a "modern" day iron fisted leader. He knows what he wants, and what to do to get it. Yet, no matter how hard he tries, he seems to fail. Plus, he resurrects more then Jason!
I'd choose Pikachu from Pokemon. He promotes friendship, fair play and is a loyal friend and protagonist in a series that promotes wholesome values in a world where these are seemingly more and more scarce.

Additionally, he is easy to draw, universally recognizable, and promotes creativity when creating characters and attributes. While he may not be the most hardcore character out there, he can hold his own in Super Smash Brothers (1,2,and 3)
bread's done