CONTEST: frank21_1981 wins Gears of War (Xbox 360)!

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[quote name='CheapyD']Cheap Ass Gamer is giving a way a free copy of Gears of War for the Xbox 360!

Simply post in this thread and tell me why you are too cheap to buy this great game.

Winner will be drawn at random.

Contest ends on 11/21. Winner must live in the USA.[/quote]

Unfortunately I support my disabled mother whom I moved to IL
to take care of so I really do try and limit the buying of games that
I'm not 100% in love with and without a demo to try it's not worth
putting myself in a bind over.
i come from a long line of cheapasses. when I was a wee one I thought that a coupon in the paper was a ticket for permission to buy something.

Me: Mom, can I get (insert name of random sugar cereal)?

Mom: No. It's not on sale and I dont have a coupon.

So the only way I would get those coveted sugar cereals was if it was both on sale AND we had a coupon.

The days of paying $50 for games (and now $60) is long behind me. Wait six months and buy the same game for $20. Wait a little longer and get it for $10. I dont even like getting systems when they're new. I remember saying to myself: "$300 for a PS2?!?! I'll wait for the price to drop. " Now it's just sad when I have to say I'm going to WAIT for the price to DROP TO $300.

So give me a coupon for $20 off Gears of War so I can wait for a price drop to $40 so I can buy it for $20 because I'm a cheapass.
I'm too cheap to buy this game cuz I'm too cheap to actually buy the console. I suppose if I win, I'll be forced to finally buy one, haha.
I am a college student that is in debt $40,000 and was recently released from my job due to budget cuts. I bought a 360 last year when it came out but I haven't been able to purchase a decent game for it since I lost my job.
even though i posted or reposted the familyvideo deal for this game i ended up getting red steel for wii instead. didn't buy into the hype then, but would love to have it now.
I'm too cheap to buy Gears of War because I have over 200 games to play in my backlog. 7 of those games are 360 games but I don't own a 360 yet. I plan on buying one in the next week.
To cheap to buy the game, but rich with hopes and dreams that they will have a demo that will go on marketplace....highly doubt it but who knows
:cry: I'm to cheap to buy the game because my wife won't let my buy games... something about wanting to pay rent, eat and pay the bills!:cry:
I'm too cheap to buy this game because I'm in the military and stationed overseas ........ the Dollar to Euro Conversion is horrid!
I am too cheap to buy this game because i don't spend my money on games that advertise with soft ass music from dumb marketing people that don't fucking realize that the song they are playing is a Tears for Fears song :roll: and an anti war song!!! :drool: GoW Losers! :bomb: and on top of that I am saving my money so that I can buy a new car, and if i was to win the game, i would just sell it on Fleabay!!!
I'm too cheap to buy Gears of War because I'm a poor college student living on canned corn, pizza, and soup.
I deserve to win gears of war for xbox 360 because i could not run to work and my computer chair did not work well as a commuter chair and i then had to buy a CAR to get to work.
First off im too broke to buy this damn game, im a disabled college student living at home and probally will be till im 27 *plays violins*

Second though im just too damn cheap. I refuse to spend more then $20 on any game that doesnt come with extras and even then in most cases I wait till it drops to $10.
Well for one thing, the costs of 360 games are ridiculous and I can usually only rent games. I would love to be able to buy this game, but buying Christmas presents for everyone has pretty much drained my pocket book. :( So I WANT TO WIN IT!!
Since I no longer have a job or any source of income, I can't afford this game. Also, I am in college so even if I did have it, there's only a limited amount of opportunity to get use out of it.
because it's my fiancee's birthday and she'll kill me if I hand her a Xbox 360 games that I bought and say "happy birthday"
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