CONTEST: kittycatgirl2k wins Death Jr 2: Root of Evil Prize Pack (PSP)!

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I remember this from when I was like, 3-5 years old. I had gotten used to sleeping on the couch in our old house(because of the TV), and this was one of the rare nights that I slept in my bedroom. I guess I was trying to be a "normal" kid by sleeping in there.

So it was a weird environment, and I remember waking up and seeing Mickey Mouse in my doorway. He wasn't the cute cartoon version, he was the guy in a Mickey suit that you see at the themeparks. He just stood there and waved at me. I remember screaming and running into my parents room and jumping into their bed. He didn't look creepy or anything, but it scared the shit out of me then. (Yes, this is actually real)
Like 3 weeks ago i had this dream where i was playing a PS3 in a friends house, which i thought it was great, them comes over and tell me to try the wii and it totally suck, i throw the wiimote and them i start playing PS3 again, after that all the lights went off and i saw in the screen a skulk talking to me saying "we own your soul now" them the place start changing like in the Silent hill series, like everything start going rusty and red and the floor change and i was breaking, so i finally fell.

I wake up after that, the first thing i thought and said was, "WFT?"
I guess that beer and waching the silent hill movie dont mix together. :booty:
I guess one of my scariest dreams was when I was little, I had a dream that I found a huge fire-breathing dragon and I had to try to get away from him.
craziest dream I has start out like this

I was walking down an old neighborhood in california
when suddenly there was a huge shadow covering the whole street so I look up and I saw a huge pair of wings protuding from a huge cloud when bam out comes jesus christ himself, so I'm like flipping out and I look around at the other people walking when suddenly number started to appeare on peoples heads I looked over at my sibling when he had the #512 up on his head other people had there in the 900's to 1000's so as I continue to walk a huge mall like escalater appeared before me so I say to my self humm "escalater going up
go on it or stay here with people panicing" so I'm up on my way when I look over to the side and bam a huge browser window appearse with what appearse to be a flash animation and in that animation
there a crowd of people walking around and jesus landing behind what appearse to be the seatle space needle and as he is landing some highlighted character is making his/her way through the crowd to the point where once jesus has landed the highlighted character who is of asian ethnicity, when bam his/her face splits open to reveae maggots, worms,
beetles, snakes, and ozzy slush blood, so I'm just in a whole GOD DAMN mode but just then all of a sudden jesus takes off and the asain person's face goes back to normal and he/she starts going backwards through the crowd just the same way he/she made it through and jesus disappearse the browser windwo closes and the escalater stops. so I look around and then just black out to wake up on what appearse to be some kind of huge pirate ship with weird sails which had crucifixs on them
. and as I am about to actaully speak Boom I fall off my bed just nearly missing my roommates box cutter to my eye(the box vutter was on the floor near my bed)
I was not drunk/ or high I had a normal day the night/day before it
I once had a dream where I was the first PS3 sold to a guy who pushed his way through the line past a bunch of crippled kids so he could sell me on EBAY.

When I got home, I made him explode like the rubiks cube in the commercial.

(or, something like that).
When I was a little kid I had a dream about the invisble man. The Invisble man was wearing his/her overcoat and bandage, when he took off his bandage he clear and they scared me. I woke up but the eye crust kept my eye from opening.
My scariest dream was that I was trying to log onto CAG and no matter what computer I went to it didnt let me in.. Everyone ELSE COULD BUT I COULDNT LOG IN.. everytime I'd find a screen with CAG it would just black out to nothing.. :hot:
one night I had a dream where I was with my g/f. All was well. She was giving me a bj, and bit my dick off. I've been weary ever since that nightmare...:hot:
When I was younger I was freaked out by the planet of the apes. I had this dream several years back where I was out with my family shopping ot something and i picked up this tshirt to look at it and I turned to the person next to me thinking that it was my sister, but it was a stranger and they weren't talking or anything. So I started to talk and then they reached for their face and ripped off a mask that I didn't know that they had on. I thought that it was a human that Iwas talking to. So the mask comes off and it's one of the apes from the original planet of the apes. Then every one else starts to rip of masks and they started to me. Then it was over.
I have a crazy dream where all the zombies ive killed in video games have come back to get revange on me and my lawnmower ran out of gas noooooooooo!
Scariest dream I've ever had:

My brother, nephew, and I are out driving during very heavy rain. My brother's driving, I'm in the passenger seat and my nephew's in the back seat. I don't remember where we were going but that wasn't really important, just that we were on an overpass and visibility was zero - all I could see was a sheet of rain. My brother starts screaming that he can't see anything and at that moment the car veers off the overpass and after freefalling for a few seconds, we all start screaming. There's a loud crash, everything goes black... and at that moment I wake up.

I stayed up a few minutes and then fell asleep again. This time I dreamed the three of us were driving again but this time I was in the back seat listening to my brother and nephew talking. We were driving through an underpass that seemed a bit too familiar to me. All of a sudden my brother spots an accident and stops the car. We get out to see if we can help when my brother notices the car in the accident is just like ours.

At that point it hits me - I fall to the floor and shut my eyes tight and scream, "Don't look in! Don't look in!" over and over.

The dream ends with my brother screaming in horror "OH MY GOD! IT'S US!"

That's about the time I wake up screaming covered in sweat. I didn't sleep at all that night and hard a really hard time sleeping for a week.

Totally a true story. I'll never forget that dream, like it's burned in my mind. Every time I tell it, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
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