CONTEST [Over]: Win a Duel Masters: Sempai Legends (GBA) prize package


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Duel Masters: Sempai Legends is a new card battling game from Atari which is shipping June 1st.
Check out this preview from Gamespot.

The grand prize for this contest will be:
*GBA Game
*GBA Strategy Guide [free sample]
*Limited Edition Sticker Set
*Booster Card Pack
*Comic Book

Simply post in this thread, telling your fellow CAGs about your card battling skills.
Winner will be chosen at random
One post/entry per person.
Contest ends June 7th at 12 noon EST.

I won a tournament a long time ago in Magic the Gathering with my White Rebel Deck. I put it to use recently and it still owns.
well i used to collect pokemon cards but i never really battled with them. if i did i'd get wasted, so i just stuck to collecting which is the only thing im good with when dealing with cards.
My card battling skills are so awesome that old ladies would much rather slit thier wrists by paper cuts than to loose against 1 man army in Canasta. Classic Rules, no less.
I fared pretty well with the Pokemon GC on the GBC, I took out most gym leaders using an insect deck (mostly Pinsir's) - even the leader of the fire Pokemon.

Picked up on how to play the Yu-Gi-Oh CG from that Yu-Gi-Oh PC game and later from that Kaiba expansion game.
I'm not too good at this "card battle" thing simply because I've never played this game or any other similar games. But, it's never too late to learn, is it ? Hopefully, I'll win something in my life.
My card battling skills are MAD[/] at the game of War. You can take my 2's and 3's, but watch out when I pull out those random King's and Ace's!!! Them Queen bitches can be gruesome too.
Me and my younger brother used to throw cards at each other in the hopes that one could get lucky and throw it just right and give the other guy a mean paper cut. Once I gave him a pretty fancy cut across his cheek.
I used to play a few CCGs back in the day. But I stoped since I never had anyone to play. I've gotten caught up on the whole texas showdown poker deal. I should have played at e3 when I had the chance, there was no line to play when I was there. I've only played a few times, but I'm decent.
Back in the olden days, I had a pretty wicked kobold deck (MTG: Revised)

I still play the hell out of the microprose MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers (PC) game. It never gets old.

Even figured out how to get it working over TCP/IP if anyone still has a copy I'm down for a game or two :)
i'm gonna win this by doing it the bush way and saying i suck at everything...i have neer won a game in my life and i suck really's just a matter of time till they announce my name as winner
OOOOOOOOo You didn't know???

Im A rough ridin, card slingin, pie eatin, smackdown givin, Kid stompin, Pokmon grabin, magic beatin, Combo tossin, Kid throwin, Parent slapin, Grandma kickin, SOB.

Oh its true. Its DAMN true.

If you don't like my card skilz you can take those cards, Shine them up real nice, Turn em side ways, ans STICK THEM STRIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!

And Thats the bottom Line Cause Hockey said so!

i am very good at playing 13, i'm not sure if that is what its called, but with me and my friends, we just call it 13. well yeah, i am very awesome with that, always coming in 1st or 2nd.
My card battling skills are so amazing that I threw away a holofoil Yu-Gi-Oh card to see a 12 year old boy cry.

He got owned and I felt like a bigger man.
hi i have no card battling skills

i have never even touched an electronic card game other than solitare

im the champion card battling experiences would be Monster Rancher Battle Card & the Pokemon trading card game on the gameboy...oh yeah and I think I played Magic: The Gathering twice. :lol:
I used to be decent at magic. The goblin deck ruled. Culdcept inspied me to buy more magic after a 9 year hiatus because my girlfriend wanted to try it out. Oh yeah, my roomate and I once found a box of rare cards in the lobby men's room of our dorm. It had every mox, two black lotuses and a bunch of other rare stuff from alpha and beta. We made a tidy profit online.
My card battling skills are so hardcore that at matches I bring a camera just so I can record myself and after the match play it back in slo mo so they can see play by play what happend, since my skills blinded them by thier sheer amount of suckiness compared to me.

My card battling skills are so good, when people go up against me I take away thier reason to live.

My card battling skills are so good I don't even need cards to win, I just show up to the match empty handed, and my opponent turns around and runs away crying.

My card battling skills are so good I once gave a guy 67 paper cuts with a Pokemon card when he cut in line at the Dragon Ball Z movie. That man was hospitalized and needed 5 STICHES.

My card battling skills are so good people give me money and run away when I threaten to use one on them.
I'm pretty good at Magic the Gathering back in my high school days. Then again, I should've pay more attention to my study instead of playing cards all day. :(
im so good with cards, once in junior hs i popped a zit on some dude's forehead at 50 paces.

granted, i was aiming for the window, but it was still cool.
My Blue Eyes is better than yours. :p

Go Pikachu!!! 8)

Sorry, that's the extent of my card battling knowledge.


Forgot to add this: Chinpokomon scare me. :lol:
I won't say I have great skills anymore, but before I got married I LOVED playing magic the gathering, but now I don't have anyone to play with any more :( so I've got about 400$ worth of cards collecting dust, but I won't get rid of them in hopes I find someone to play w/ again some day.
My card battling skills are decent, but at least I don't feel the need to spell skills with a "z".

I enjoy a lot of card battle type games, starting with Magic years ago, then the Star Wars CCG. I took a few years hiatus from these games, but now my co-workers and I play card games at lunch almost daily. Munchkin is a favorite, as is Mystery Rummy, The Testimony of Jacob Hollow, Chrononauts, and Fluxx.

Recently we have gotten HEAVILY into Culdcept on the PS2, and wish that we could bring a PS2 into the office so we could all card-battle each other during lunch. Unfortunately, this will probably not happen, although a good card battle game on the GBA would be doable.

Card battling has made me get to know my co-workers better and even make new friends. A new card game would be a nice present we could all share.
:twisted: I'm just plain tech when it comes to card battling. I have been playing Magic the Gathering on a semi pro level for the last five years now. I spend hours fine tuning decks inorder to methodically crush the opposition. :twisted:
I don't have any card skills myself but my kids are nuts about it. I need this so I can practices and whoop them good.....
When about to lose I'll cheat by throwing in my complete Marvel Universe Series 1 with Holgrams card set at you! *BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so good at card battling I could beat Gambit with my card attacking skizzles! (I also NEVER lose at Crazy 8's)
bread's done