CONTEST: Win a $300 Gift Card to the Store of Your Choice!

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I voted in all 13 categories and posted my reasons why in most of them. Thanks for the contest Cheapy D and for sweetening the deal to get people to vote!

I made a difference! I VOTED!
This is just my thought, and it may sound kind of harsh, but I think to be able to win this contest, you should have atleast been here prior to this year. And by been here prior to this year, I mean registered.
I voted but I want to hear Matarick mentioned in CAG cast is the main reason why I post here.

Well the $300 gift card would be sweet towards a Playstation 3 or a fully loaded Revolution launch lineup.
Well...I'm usually a lurker but this contest got me voting...and now posting.
I must say that CAG wins my award for best website find of 2005. Couldn't have survived the year without it!
Voted! I hope I win I'll pick up some stuff for my self(because I'm broke, kids come 1st) and some for cag members!
I'll throw my name in the hat. I bet he has to use one of the old Macho Man foam hats that they'd have at wrestling matches just to get everyone's name in it.
Done and done. Voted in all of them except for hero, because I don't post enough to know that. Seems like it's Shrike, but I don't know for sure.
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