CONTEST: Win an Ikaruga prize pack from [Winners announced]


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Winners announced here

This is for all you hardcore Ikaruga fans out there.
First prize is an Ikaruga prize pack which includes:
  • New Ikaruga game
    Ikaruga sake set
    Ikaruga poster
    Large Ikaruga promotional box
Second prize is a new Ikaruga game

To enter, post your entry here (pictures are encouraged) and tell us why you are the biggest Ikaruga fan or most deserving of this prize package.
The most deserving/entertaining entry (as judged by CheapyD) will win.

One entry per person. Rules subject to change.
Contest ends Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59PM.


Picture from
I like old school games, and its always great to play games that are old school but use today's technology. I really want to play this game, because the last shooter I played was Raptor for the PC (yes that is very old). I am to big of a cheapass to pay 40 bucks for this game, so I am going to win it and conquer it.

Thank you.
My name is Adam. There are two parts to my story, the first being I'm an alcoholic. No joke. I've been to so many AA meetings I can't remember what happened at my first. I'm also only 19. Stunning, I'm sure. Being that I drink so much, I flunked out of college. I'm currently living with my parents. And my God it's awful. They won't let me have any goddamn booze. I can't find work so I have ZERO funds. And my friends won't get me booze because they know how much of an alcoholic I am. About the only thing I've been able to do to get away from the crippling pain is play the Gamecube my parents bought me for Christmas. But through very, very extreme means (means i never care to relive) I have managed to obtain a bottle of cheap sake. Now I know, sounds like my problem is temporarily solved...but it's not that simple. That's where the next part of my story comes in. I have obsessive compulsive disorder. And that's why my problem isn't solved. I CANNOT just drink this sake. I HAVE to drink it out of sake glasses. I just can't drink it out of anything else. You have to understand this. That's why I MUST win this prize. Please, please, if you don't want to see a man waste away from lack of alcohol, you will help me. Then after I drink the sake and temporarily keep my pain at bay, I will have another game to pass the agonizing time. Please.
you people are insane, all I read is I deserve it because.... tell a tall tale and move on, you people deserve nothing, bunch of crazed psychos :twisted: anyhoo....Radiant Silvergun was ok,Ikaruga was better, but i'm more pissed that Gradius V for US release was pushed back till sept 5(not forgettting the home versions of Contra 1 and 3 ,Castlevania and Super Castevania 4, and Gradius, which Treasure memebers worked on).......I'll just go play some RECCA rather than Ikaruga because all it does is make me angry that Gradius V isn't coming out on time :(
I could give some bull about how I'm a super fan who's downloaded this crap and that bs, but I'm just gonna lay it down on the for realz. This dawg just want a free game, so just hook a brother up pleeze.
It would look great next to my import Ikaruga and then I could use my Gamecube for something other than Beach Spikers!

Oh, and maybe play another shooter besides Battle Garegga.
Ikaruga....hhmmm i still cant pronounce that name.....but i dream playing it all the time, instead of dreaming of walking on the beach under the moonlight and making out with the girl i like.....:? so i deserve it, also because i havent win anything yet:p
I've played 103 hours of Ikaruga since I bought it this summer. I was [sigh] 40th in the Prototype net ranking boards, and I'm going to buy some custom made Ikaruga tees for myself, 3 in black, blue and red next month. Oh and my locker at college has a few Ikaruga prints I got not too long ago. My locker buddy is also an Ikaruga fan. I'll be frank, it's the reason I signed up here. ;)
I deserve this prize package because I lost my own package in a horrible, horrible videogaming incident. One which I'd rather not go into.. but this package might help replace the loss of my other package...
I'm most deserving of this game because I'm a poor college student that can't afford to buy the game normally. Not only that, but my major (Graphic Design/Digital Media) requires me to spend almost all of my extra money on stupid supplies/programs for school, so I have to be a Cheap-Ass Gamer to get anything new.

I've played the game for Dreamcast, but my disc (I downloaded it) doesn't always work. I would really like to have a true version of the game instead of a bootleg, since I think bootleging games is a horrible thing to do. But, due to my financial situation (as stated above), I can't get the game. I'd settle for just the game itself. I don't even need a sake set and the other stuff.
I'm so hardcore that I once killed a guy because he bad-mouthed Ikaruga.

The dude was all like, "You know what?!"

And I was all like, "What?"

And he said, "Ikaruga sucks--and so does"

And I was all like, "NO YOU DIDIN'! Its one thing to insult my mother, its another to insult my personal body odor--but to insult Ikaruga AND the same sentence--thats blasphemy!"

To which he retorted, "Whatcha gonna do about it?!"

My non-chalant reparte, was of course, ripping off his limbs, one by one, beating him unconcious with them, and eating his liver. I also managed to slaughter his ENTIRE family--even distant cousins, and used their blood to paint my shack in the woods, from where I plot to destroy modern capitalist society. Except of couse for videogames, especially Ikaruga, and websites such as Thats the good kind of capitalism. Thats the kind of capitalism that lets me play fun and exciting, and reasonably priced, videogames in my red shack.

I drew a picture to help describe the scene:

My name is Blayne, and I feel I diserve to win because I actually have a copy for my dreamcast, but I gave it to a friend of mine because he couldn't afford it himself and not does he have internet access. Also, I'm so derned cheap-assed that I actually haggle down the prices at Gamestop. Furthermore, I like to draw the pretty pictures, wee!

I think I'm more deserving of this game because I've always been a Nintendo fan since I was knee-high to a jackrabbit. I really haven't had much experience in shooters like these, but I definitely want to give Ikaruga a shot, and since the times I've had a chance to get it and other titles have come out, I figured this'd be the best way to have the title right now. The game's received much praise and I'd really like to see what the fuss is all about.
I deserve to win this prize package, because I loved Ikaruga ever since I first played it, and even altered the appearance of my gamecube so when I'm not gaming I am reminded of my favorite game by the black and white polarities. Ikaruga!

I am the biggest Ikaruga fan because it is the closest thing to being a Radiant Silvergun fanatic without having to spend $250 on Ebay for the game, not to mention having to buy a Saturn converter and having the Saturn hooked up to the TV.

Honestly, I always enjoyed Treasure video games (from the Genesis Gunstar Heroes to even the Treasure team produced Konami classics).

When I first heard about Ikaruga, I knew I had to import it for the DC and I had a blast playing it. It was my most expensive game ever, at $60, and it is worth it for a game to kick my ass every session.

I had played the predacessor, Radiant Silvergun, in Otakon last year and I was impressed by it's dificulity and my lack of gaming skills.

I actually have a GC and I to test my Ikaruga skills with warm Sake.
Please, please, pleeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeeee.......... Pretty please. No, really.... please, please, please, pleas,e plea,se, pl e a se ....... Give it to me..... NOW !!!!!!

it = Ikaruga (not what you dirty minds are thinking) !!!!
I can't put my love for Ikaruga in words so I will do it another way.

*cues the song "just the two us" - Will smith *

(Just the two of us, yeah)
Just the two of us (Just the two of us)
Just the two of us (Just the two of us)

From the first time the I held the controller in my arms
I knew I'd meet death before I'd let you meet harm
A CAG shouldn't speak aloud bout his feelings
My love and my pain don't make me too appealing
I take the disc, and grasp its glory
Put it in my Gamecube and wait for the fun.... ory
As I switch from light to dark, I feel my heart melt
Cause I knew I loved you more than life itself
Then to my knees, I begged the Lord please
Let me be a winner, that's all I needs
Dodge right, Dodge left, Red Button, Blue
Ikaruga, I pledge my life to you


(Look how happy this game makes me)

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try
Just the two of us, (Just the two of us)
Just the two of us, building castles in the sky
Just the two of us, you and I.....(karuga)

Did I just sing to a game?... *hangs self*

--Special Thanks to Will Smith--[/img]
I deserve this because I don't think there's anyone else in the history of CAG that's missed out on the $9.99 EB Rygar deal more times than I have. I need some hard Japanese sake to ease my pain and what better to drink it from than an Ikaruga sake set :)
If I win this game, I'll sell it to one of you so-called hardcore fans, if you like it that much! :twisted: Just don't expect the sake bottle to be full! :wink:

I can tell you this much: I'm a CHEAPASSGAMER. Can't you tell?!

:lol: \:D/
Hey everybody,

Getting this game will definitely ensure that I will not get some nookie with my wife! But it will surely be worth it, because we will be able to spend quality time together playing all night long, just like we do with Mario Kart right now.

So to sum it up, Ikaruga will help keep my marriage from falling apart.
I'm a biggest fan of Ikaruga because this game remind me of Raiden Trad back in the old days which was one of my most favorite games.
I m the biggest Ikaruga fan cause I have the dc version and LOVE it, I deserve this prize package because I just got rejected by UC Davis.... :( and this game will be my second gcn games...
If I were a hardcore Ikaruga fan, then I wouldn't be entering a contest to win a copy of the game....I'm doing it because I'm a Cheap Ass!

Save the sake set for the real winner, just give this Cheap Ass Gamer second prize.

(In other words, I should win for being so altruistic. :))
I deserve this game because I'm such a huge fan I tattooed a matching set of Ikaruga symbols on both of my nipples.

This left one is the white side, the negative hurt a lot more because they used a lot more black ink. :cry:


Please give me the sake set because Ikaruga has made me its bitch and now it wants me to serve it rice wine. :cry:
[quote name='MorganWebbLover']I'm so Hardcore that if I win this Prize Pack I'll give my Girlfriend a Shocker. Two in the Pink and one in the sink .


That is the best combo pic/thing to say ever.
I think I deserve this prize the most because it would benefit my entire family. I have been wanting to play this game for months, but I have never been able to find a copy in stores - not even for full price! I would get maximum enjoyment out of the game, especially if I knew I had won it and not bought it. The poster would be framed and made the first wall decoration for my room. The sake set would look great in my mother's china cabinet, and if it comes with sake, it could calm down those fishies that have been swimming in my father's stomach for the past five years (since his last business trip to Japan). As for the promotional box, provided it's big enough, I might be able to fit my little sister in it and ship her off to some far-away place[/dream].
Ikaruga was my third Gamecube game, but damn, was it more fun than Wind Waker. I played this game for over 50 hours, and that's not including how much I played the Dreamcast version. I love this game to death and play cooperative a lot too. It's too much damn fun, and replaced Warcraft 3 for my addicting game fix for a while

Edit: and I would gladly hang that Ikaruga poster up on my wall, which I only deemed the Ninja Gaiden wallscroll so far worthy. Also, that sake kit will be very nice for my friends and I too. I think I am too fanatical over this game and any related stuff...I even have the soundtrack in mp3 format on my computer!

Also, I traded in this game by accident and have been leeching off my suitemate's copy until I can get myself hands on a new one, but unfortunately I'm a cheapass. :(
I would'nt ebay it if I won.
It would be kept in my family forever.

I would also need to purchase a black Gamecube to go with it.
well i dont really think im that hardcore or a fan, so i dont really deserve the 1st prize, but ive love to win the 2nd prize and just get the game.

Ikaruga was one of my favorite gamecube games, unfortunately it was stolen and none of my local stores have it :cry:
Ive been wanting this game, but have been unable to find it locally. Im a huge fan of the Radiant Silvergun and Einhander, while I can't say im more deserving then the next guy, I can say that I will appreciate the game to it's fullest :)
Cheapy, please let me have this package, it would be so cool if I did. I think I deserve it, because I never really win anything at all, and i'm pretty poor to buy much games. I'm a fan of crazy shooters, and would like to give this a whirl, plus...the whole package looks badass. If not the package, then please atleast the game itself. Go CAG! :D
Well, I couldn't do any worse at this game even if I was drunk on sake, so it wouldn't hurt to give it to me. Seriously, that is a great prize set, whomever wins will be well rewarded. I got in on the Best Buy $19.99 deal and "loaned" my copy to a friend, with the understanding that he didn't need to return it until he'd beaten the game. Needless to say, I don't expect to ever see it back.
What can I say? I'm a cheap ass gamer. I haven't bought this game yet. However, the fine folks at Game Crazy in Clementon, NJ have done a tremendous job at getting me absolutely hooked on this game. During the cross promotions between said company and ours "a national Pizza chain.. no plugola here" We played Ikaruga for about 2 hours straight taking turns. This game is just pure gold. The nice scaling and rotation of the backgrounds as the heroes are flying around, but yet, still keeping the 2 dimensional favorite games such as Raiden and "hmm was that SNK shooter Flying Heroes or something like that?" Then theres the shield issue, as everyones screaming at me and other players, GO BLACK! NO WHITE! NO WHITE! BLACK,WHITE, etc. GO.. I DONT KNOW! Quite possibly one of the first shooters to give me a headache playing that night, but thats ok. Its just a furious flurry of white and black bullets and I like it.

Cheers! :)
If you don't send me the game I will turn suicidal. Right when i'm done with this game that I stole off a bum in the park. It isn't hard to tell, i'm just that cheap. I will take my life if you don't promote me as the winner of your contest, and you shall suffer dire consequences.
I've always wanted to play this game, and never been able to find. I'm also an aspiring alcoholic, so those shot glasses will come in handy. Ikaruga looks to be an awesome drinking game. With a shot of whiskey everytime my ship gets blown up, I'll be in the hospital in no time!
I already own Ikaruga, but a friend of mine really wants it. Not only that but every time I play, I get my ass raped. Ikaruga should be called "Bubba" So basically, I need a new reason to play.
I love Ikaruga.

I like shooting.

I want Ikaruga baby.

I want shooting baby.

I want shooting Ikaruga baby.

But sake is friend of no man.

I had two dolla

and had two women

Women left me with my dolla

Ikaruga take pain away

Shooting take pain away

But sake is friend of no man.

I had big job

pull rice and have nice house

rice in bad season

house was blown away

Ikaruga gave me boner

Ikaruga my happy home.

Always love Ikaruga

But Ikaruga kills me

because sake is friend of Ikaruga.

Weep to the stars.
...I love this game. I just got a GC,a nd have played it on my friends GC. It really is great and seperates real gamers from casual ones (its not easy, but thats whats great about it).
[quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='JimmieMac']Naughty_Insomniac says she show all of us her tits.[/quote]

I vote for this one [-o
bread's done