CONTEST: Win an Ikaruga prize pack from [Winners announced]


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Winners announced here

This is for all you hardcore Ikaruga fans out there.
First prize is an Ikaruga prize pack which includes:
  • New Ikaruga game
    Ikaruga sake set
    Ikaruga poster
    Large Ikaruga promotional box
Second prize is a new Ikaruga game

To enter, post your entry here (pictures are encouraged) and tell us why you are the biggest Ikaruga fan or most deserving of this prize package.
The most deserving/entertaining entry (as judged by CheapyD) will win.

One entry per person. Rules subject to change.
Contest ends Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59PM.


Picture from
I love seeing all the people who post for these drawings and I look at their post total and it is between 1 and 10. Not that I care, its important to promote the site, and its good for these people to see what's going on here, and maybe they will start posting more. I just wish for a world where the lurkers aren't the majority and therefore more likely to win contests.

On a side note that is not so much a side note as the above note was, I do not want Ikaruga sake set. Someone else would be better served, as I would only resell it in order to purchase a different game.
CheapyD ... I really need help. I have wanted Ikaruga so bad that I have resorted to camping out at my local EBGames and declaring that I would work JUST to get Ikaruga. It isn't working .... although I haven't been offically arrested, I think that might be the next step.

Not only that, but now I am THINKING in black and white -- the perfect frame of mind for this game.

Can you help me out?
This game package looks soooo sweet, I would be lying if I said that I deserved it. I'm probably not worthy of it.

But I want it. Ooooooh, how I want it.
Anyone who spends a moment with ikaruga can appreciate the elegant, intuitive, and beautiful design immediately. Upon deeper investigation, the second thing they understand is that it offers a challenge that is meant to be taken upon. In this sense, this space shooter puts on no false pretenses. The thirty minute structure, the continuous attention to hypnotic enemy patterns, the proposition that every enemy can be finished in groups of three (chains) no matter the complexity of the situation suggests one purpose: challenging the player. For those who commit to the challenge, Ikaruga carries with it the potential to illuminate understanding of strategy, dedication, and community. These elements often intertwine. For some, the strategic aspect will stand out the most; others, the dedication, or simply the community. These ideas will make more sense once I describe my experiences with ikaruga and other players. To be clear, I want this essay to adequately reflect the depth of appreciation I have for ikaruga, including the memories and knowledge that can be taken outside the scope of the game.

Back when Ikaruga was released for the Gamecube, a time where I never heard of the word shmup (shoot em’ up), I resolved to take part in a competition hosted by an individual who posts at the IGN message boards. The idea was to get more people to buy the game and stir up some excitement around the title that might otherwise have been ignored. What got me the most intrigued was hearing that Ikaruga was one of the most challenging games of all time. People who played the Dreamcast version usually dismayed over the failure to even see all the stages.

I was not experienced in 2D shooters. Players who were no doubt hardcore 2D shmuppers visited our boards, namely Kiken and Blueskied. Both of them had imported Ikaruga long ago, both of them have played many shmups in the past, and both of them had scores of about 25 million. To us inexperienced newbs, it’s like these players were in a different world of gaming that stressed hard work and skill above entertainment. It was easy to feel out of their league.

I believe that’s a sufficient amount of background information, to prevent myself from going into too much detail, I’m going to start describing the values that emerge from challenging ikaruga. The first thing shown is the same idea teachers have long known applies in education: early success becomes a long lasting inner motivation to reach higher levels of success. In this respect, ikaruga is the most generous of difficult games I have experienced. Every enemy can be chained, thus every section there is a recipe for success that is both elegant and effective way to survive. The demonstration included in the disc reassures the player of this: seeing every enemy chained in 1-1 is astounding, a sense of thrill which is only equaled by the player’s satisfaction of successfully mimicking the demo. I wanted the satisfaction of chaining every enemy I could from that point forward.

Perhaps the only real disadvantage of not being a “hardcore” shmupper was not realizing anything that seemed impossible at first can be overcome with enough dedication. In many cases knowing a chaining solution wasn’t enough, you needed to practice. For video games this is a rare concept. We practice music, arts, or other skills, but practicing at a game? Again, early success reminds us that a difficult part can be turned into second nature with enough time. The first time you do something you once thought you could never do, your inner motivation and dedication becomes even stronger. The notion of practicing a video game becomes common place.

I would be lying if I said you could play well just by practicing. What you practice is equally important, which is central to the idea of strategy. Every situation is different, including how the situation evolves changes based on your actions. There is way too much going on to rely on reflexes alone to guide you, you have to think of a solution: take advantage of the predictability of enemy patterns. Predicting enemies correctly requires understanding of their movement pattern, where they appear, and how they attack. Experiment with new approaches, imagine how certain elements can be used to your advantage. The better you understand the situation, the more creative and effective strategies you can find. Away from the game, chaining problems often sat on the back burner of my mind. I remember an instance where the solution to the problem emerged from my subconscious, while I was doing something else. Here we see an important quality: ikaruga pushes us to think abstractly and creatively to find solutions. I can not think of a more satisfying use of the mind in general.

For those who really wanted to ascend in ikaruga, you have to know there is room for improvement. The best way to know this is by interacting with other players. I’ve already named two players, and I can name many, many more. A community inevitabely develops, with players that keep improving their score well past their initial goals, and other players who simply appreciate the value of ikaruga and want to spread their enthusiasm. I wanted to spread more interest myself, and actually designed a contest which ended a month ago offering the winner his own copy of Radiant Silvergun. Even though I didn’t play like I did in the previous contest, I enjoyed the experience on the side lines.

I’m glad to have experienced what it means to honestly enhance your skills in a challenging title. I say honestly, because in the absence of objective comparison, it’s easy to convince oneself all reasonable progress has been made, when it in fact is well short of one’s potential. Imagine too what it must have been like for the pioneers in the Arcade back at its release: they didn’t have slow mode to practice, nor a wealth of demonstration videos showing them the best way to do things. They would have to take elements of strategy, dedication, and community to heights I can only say I’m partially familiar with.
I deserve to win because I am poor... and a college kid... and I need a good game... and I don't have this game... and it looks really kickass... and because it looks like teh r0xx0rz.
I deserve this because I need to have something to dull the pain I feel after playing Ikaruga. I have put a lot of hours into the game and I am tired of being so sore after being bent over, used and abused. The game should at least buy me drinks before having its way with me.
Well,like many others here, I am a big fan of shooters. Unfortunatly, I don't have the money right now to but Ikaruga, although it is a game i would love to get. I have rented it on multiple occasions. Last time I rented it, I attempted it using the Donkey Konga drums as controllers. That is how dedicated I am to the game. I love challenges, and if I won this, I'd be able to finish the game using the Tarukongas.
Oh i forgot to add that I can probably drink more sake than anyone. I would make very good use of the sake glasses... I wouldnt put them on display like some rinky dink collector, I would put them in the liquor cabinet and get drunk on the weekends and play ikaruga.
I am most worthy of this prize pack because I am a shooter fiend. Yes, despite the fact that it takes me forever to finish them because I am teh suck, I love SHMUPS! Here are the shooters and blast-a-thons that I have at my disposal at all times:

Deimos Rising (Mac)
Mutant Storm (Mac)
rRootage (Mac)
Darius Twin (SNES)
Thunder Spirits (SNES)
Gradius 3 (SNES)
StarFox (SNES.. 3D, yes, but it's nothing but shooting!)
G-Darius (PSOne)
Thunder Force V (PSOne)
Raystorm (PSOne)
Raycrisis (PSOne)
Shooter Starfighter Sanvein (PSOne)
Einhander (PSOne)
is: Internal Section (PSOne import)
Metal Slug X (PSOne.. not a ship-based shooter, but still old-skool shooting goodness)
Mobile Light Force (PSOne)
Mobile Light Force 2 (PS2)
Gradius 3 & 4 (PS2)
Rez (PS2.. no, not side-scrolling, but still a pure shooter in my mind)
R-Type Final (PS2)
Silpheed (PS2)
Project S-11 (Game Boy Color)
Gradius Galaxies (Game Boy Advance)
Iridion 2 (Game Boy Advance)
Darius Gaiden (PC)
Red Alarm (Virtual Boy.. that's right, the Virtual Boy)
Ikaruga (Gamecube) (of course!)

I may have missed some, but that's the ones I can remember at the moment. Hopefully that expresses what a fan I am of the old-school shooting genre of games. Ikaruga is one of the most unique shooters to come out in a long while and I would proudly display the poster, promotional box, and sake set. Plus, the extra copy of the game would be useful to have in case one of my nieces is messing with the Cube and scratches the disc (it's happened before). Either that, or I'll be sure the extra copy of Ikaruga finds a good home with a fellow shooter fan.

Thanks for considering my entry,

- lost
First I would like to thank danath from the IGN Board of posting a thread about this competition. Without him I would never even known about this. I would also like to thank the 9 people who send me Private and Instant Messages about danaths thread, as they knew I could never forgive it to myself if I would miss this.

Then, finally I would of course like to thank CheapAssGamer for organizing this awsome competition (which might also encourage someone to buy Ikaruga!)!

My name is Pauli Ervi, I live in Finland and am a huge Treasure and Nintendo fan.

I spend my time posting on the biggest GameCube related board on the internet, which is the GCN General Board on the IGN Boards, and the Ikaruga board of the same board system. When I don't post, I play games, mainly Ikaruga. These days I play 90% Ikaruga and the rest is divided between other games, like Pikmin. I usually play Ikaruga every day, at least 30 minutes, mostly practising levels and doing stuff I think is cool and makes me happy.

People know me as Peliguru (IGN Boards), but usually call me Peli. This has changed tough, as people call me Pelikaruga these days. I really like the name, and am happy because people appreciate my love for Ikaruga.

I have been praising Ikaruga since it was released of GCN. I have to admit that I didn't import a Japanese Dreamcast when it came out for it, which I regret very deeply these days.

I got the game when it was launched here in Europe, I pre-ordered it, and when I got it I couldn't leave my room for hours. I started off easily, only thinking about getting to Chapter 3 without dying. I couldn't even imagine good scores or chaining back then. Slowly I got intrested in scoring high after realizing I had the skills for it, and started off by chaining 1-1 perfectly. Doing it took me something like 1½ hours but finally succeeding many times in a row was very satisfying.

I played the game for the whole summer, and when the competition ended I was on the 99th place. I didn't stop there... no way I even could have stopped, but slowly made up new tactics and finally broke the 20 milj barrier. These days my score is still only a bit over 20 milj, and I have only played Practise mode in the last 3 months. My practise scores combined would be over 25 milj. tough. But let's not talk about scores, as they don't matter right now.

I also bought the Appreciate DVD when it came out, just like the Hori Digital Pad and the Hori SC II Arcade stick, both just for Ikaruga.

Here is a picture I use as my portrait in some services:


I started a power advertising campain on the IGN Boards GCN General Board around January-February, and yesterday my calculations looked like this:

Because of my praising and advertising, people have bough:

37 x Ikaruga (EDIT: Right now it is 43! Yay! See EDIT on the bottom for more)
12 x Hori Digital Pad
3 x Ikaruga Appreciate DVD

I am really really happy about these counts, even tough I have spend dozens of hours advertising and spreading the joy of the game.

I have done at least the following:

- I have mentioned Ikaruga in 2/3 of my posts since January (4000 posts). No matter if the topic has been "Most athmospharic music?" or "What is the best RPG?". Always praising the game and telling how perfect it is.

- Have created some slogans and made eye-catching adds, like:







(which has been sometimes even thousands of pixels long)




- created a color add that I have used regulary:


- made a video about how games should be relaxing... only featuring Ikaruga.
Watch the video

- Co-Organized an Ikaruga Hard Mode competition on IGN. 1st prize was a Sega Saturn and Radiant Silvergun, and the 2nd and 3rd prize were Ikaruga related too, a DVD and a game.

- Included 2 Ikaruga challenges into a Board Gaming Challenge I'm organizing on the GCN General Board with a couple of people.

Lowest score in Chapter 1
Best score in Chapter 2-1 with 38 chains

- Wrote some Ikaruga related poems I have posted on the boards, like:

Ikaruga is the best,
So why don't you manifest,
the great joy you feel inside,
the one you should carry with pride!

Once or twice have I tought,
how stupid people are,
they have shouted and fought,
but after Ikaruga not sought.

(I know, it sucks and has a mistake, but it is Ikaruga related and written in 1 min :))

- Submitted two Ikaruga related icons on the IGN Boards (a silhouette of Ginkei and of Ikaruga)

- Drawn lot's of Ikaruga related art and posted some on the Boards on advertising purposes, and to show how beatiful the game is.

- Made a color sig pair for public use, for everyone who loves Ikaruga and wants to promote it:


- more advertising stuff:


- used a default advertisement that I have spread around the boards for public use:


*\o/* ------------------------- *\o/*
-- |---
GO! NOW! BUY! BUY! --- | --
- / \ ---------------------------- / \ -

Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3


-/ \-


-/ \-


-/ \-


-/ \-


-/ \-


-/ \-


- I have also got a couple of people to follow me in my campaing.
One of them is a teacher who now talks about Ikaruga durig classes and invites people to play it in his office.

Thank you baruflea for helping me promote the game and always noticing me of threads where people are speaking about it!

The other one is a game store clerk who said he started promoting Ikaruga because of me and has now sold 15 copies in his store.

He told me I should include these to Ikaruga's bought because of my promoting count, which would make it 52. He said that he has used all my slogans and would have never started selling the game if I wouldn't have promoted it on the boards. He send me a really beatiful message about it and my determination and I would diplay it here if it wouldn't be so long.

He also had found his favorite Peliguru quote, which I said in his 1,5 k celebration thread, where he listed his favoprite games in alphabethical order.

" Oh, I noticed an error there by the way.
You said "Listed Alphabetically"...
But we all know that 'Ikaruga' comes before 'A'... after A comes B and so on...-Peliguru "

I would like to thank ScottJames for being so nice to me and gathering some information for this entry, like the quote above. He really encouraged me with his kind words!

So, that might have been what I have done on the boards.

In my personal life I have:

- Written Ikaruga in the ice on the windshields of all cars I have seen :)

- I consider Ikaruga as god (along with the Triforce), and Horai as a holy place. (yeah, I'm an atheist in reality)

- Ordered this curtain and this bedspread:



I also have an Ikaruga wallpaper (I have 8, and shitch them time to time) and screensaver.

I have now logged over 100 hours into Ikaruga. I know it's not much, but I had to live a short time without my Ikaruga, and it really hurt me. I have still played around ½ hour every day.

So, 37 people have bought Ikaruga because of me, and I have done it just to see Ikaruga selling well and people enjoying the game! I have never asked for anything from anybody.

Some time ago a couple of people suggested me to e-mail Atari and tell about my efforts, and they told me they might send me a sake set.

I didn't email them, as I don't care if Atari knows, it would be Treasure if anything anyway. Atari is just the publisher. What matters to me is that I know, and that the people who have bought Ikaruga know. What matters to me is that they enjoy the game.

Now, some time ago when danath posted this on the IGN Boards, people send me messages like crazy, saying that this would be the chance for me to get a reward for all the work I had done.

So I checked the competition out. I went to, and browsed trough the site. The site seemed cool, and I wondered why I havn't heard about it before. Anyway, the competition was so cool, and the rules were good to me. I am sorry that I havn't posted here before, but I will in the future, as the site seems to be good.

There is only one thing in the world I would like to have more than the Ikaruga Sake Set. That would be the Ikaruga Arcade Unit... but we all know that isn't very possible when you are still studying in an institute like me.

I bought my Panasonic Q mainly to play the JPN version of Ikaruga, just because it has poetry and feels more like the original GCN version. The PAL version also has some bugs that prevent me from scoring as high as you can in the JPN and US versions.

I still havn't recieved my Japanese copy, but hope I will get it soon.

The US version would be what I am missing, and I would be so glad to get it, and naturally in the form of the Sake Set it would be a dream come true!

Finally, a couple words about the game itself. I have spend hours telling people how great it is and telling little details and stuff about it, but here we go, with a small recap:

Ikaruga might be the most balanced game ever made. It's every aspect from gameplay to lenght fits perfectly together, and they form an unimaginable perfect entity.

The game is one of the few that are purely based on skill.

It only has 1 weapon you can shoot in 2 ways, and another weapon you get to use if you play good.

The whole game is basically simple. The basic aspects and the rules are very clear and simple, and they work perfectly in a skill based shooter.

The polarity and chain ideas are perfect examples of superb game design we see so rarely these days.

The lenght of the game is perfect, there is not much to say about it. It is so well designed for a high score run, and as individual Chapters.

The game will geet deeper the more you play it. It also shows how you can do stuff like play the Dot Eater mode with the exact same game mode.... it reminds me of home made challenges in games back then. The prototype mode is also a great idea, and it was very cool tha Treasure included the original idea in the final product.

One great thing about the game is that you can play it no matter what your skills are!

The first time players will be having fun trying just to survive.

After that players get to shoot ships and try to destroy everything, while try9ing to get as far as you can.

Many people don't even ever start to chain and try scoring high, and it is meant for the more hardcore players.

This goes on and on, and every player finds something in Ikaruga, which is absolutely fantastic!

You also start to appreciate others performances after you have experienced the game and it's hardness yourself.

The game is something you can't ever let go... or at least I can't.
There is not much anything that could make me stop playing Ikaruga after all I have gone trough together with it! It is so important to me, and I don't know what I coul do to it to reward it for everything it has done to me.... maybe it would like another copy of Ikaruga and a poster on the wall to match the curtain and bedspread :)

Ikaruga is god!

Ikaruga, the game that works flwalesly.



It is 2:20 am here right now, and I am really tired and am sure I left at least 2/3 out of everything I was going to write.

The contest ends today, and I wish luck to everyone who took part! I also hope, and know, that the CheapAssGames Staff will select the person who most deserves this Set as the one who gets it! They will have a lot to read... 13 pages? Wow! I'm glad people are intrested in this competition!

Pauli Ervi

One more thing:

Please, get Ikaruga if you don't already have it! :)

I want to say this once again, as a short recap of everything I said before:



EDIT: Today I reached the boundary mark of 40 copies sold because of my praising and advertising on the IGN Boards. I would like to thank you, CheapAssGamer, about it, as I got 2 copies sold becuse of this contest. I posted about this site and the great contest and advertised and praised Ikaruga while at it, and 2 people decided to buy the game because of it! THANKS! :)

I also remembered many things that I left out, like that I use Ikaruga/Ginkei related usernames and passwords everywhere, I have an server just for Ikaruga. I also have Ikaruga/Ginkei related e-mail addresses.

I have now posted on this board for a few days, and I have only positive things to say about it! You can be sure to see me around here in the future too!

Oh, and I would like to note that the curtain and bedspread are designed by me, just in case you wonder if you could order these somewhere online.

You are of course free to use the designs if you have a curtain maker near you and want to get the coolest curtains on the planet! Ikaruga! :)

I also remembered I didn't mention that I was top 50 in prototype too... but the rankings wern't so popular, and everyone was playing Normal, so it was easier to get in there,

EDIT: Today I got 3 more people to buy the game! Yay! 43 is now the count, and soon we will hit 50, which will be great! I'm glad people get to enjoy this perefect game, and that it gets bought! :)
I am most deserving of the prize because Ive been playing shooters since i was 5, and Im gonna be 20 in a little over a week, so what would be a better birthday present than Ikaruga + bonus goodies.
P.S also there's nothing special about becoming 20 so at least with this there would be something good about it.
Hey Cheapy D, let me tell you why I should get the IKARUGA PRIZE SET, I am CHEAP and I respresent all that is CHEAP. I need something more to show in my gaming collection then freaky flyers or star fox adventures and to have the IKARUGA PRIZE SET would make my gaming collection look so SWEET.

I need that prize because I just paid my taxes. And I could use the Sake.


LOOK!! I'm Crazy need videogame Guy. Now Give me some Ikarugaa!!
Well I have never had a chance to play IKARUGA yet. I'm that cheap I won't pay 20 bucks for a game. That is why I go here. the site should be changed to freeassgamer if I win ;)
Please let me have the prize set. Do it for Peter.

Get him out of his silly fort


so he can drink sake and play piano like he loves


and partake in musical numbers extolling the virtues of Ikaruga!


...Do it for Peter.
I am such a big fan of Ikaruga that once I am finished my current time machine project.
I will travel into the past and do two things.

1.) I will travel back to December 2003, and pay Janet Jackson to have the Ikaruga logo tattooed on her right breast, so Ikrauga can get the publicity it so richly deserves.

2.) I will bribe corrupt government officials to pass a law mandating that Treasure Inc. shall release a game of Ikaruga’s likeness once per year for eternity.
Well I already have Ikaruga, and I just bought Radiant Silvergun earlier today. But I will be 21 in 9 days so that Sake set would make for a mighty fine birthday present!!
Well I don't know if I'm deserving of this astounding prize, but my friend linked me so I decided to enter. I lent my Ikuraga CD to my friend (the one who linked me to this), and he wasn't too careful and he ended up scratching it somehow. I can no longer get past stage 3 because the CD is messed up. That freggin bastard haha.... j/k >_<

As for how hardcore I am, well, I first looked into the game when Maddox wrote about it on his website. I've liked shooters ever since Raptor so I decided to buy it when I got enough money. After I bought it, I was extremely frustrated because I sucked horribly. But I kinda got addicted because I was mad at myself for not being able to beat it (that and the graphics were really pretty heh)

Eventually I got so into the game I began to download videos of perfect runs to see how to beat the levels... then I tried to copy them. I was hella hardcore and even went on IRC and stuff to talk to people about the gameplay and the stages.. I literally played the game on my Gamecube whenever I had a chance... lost some sleep too. :X When I wasn't playing, I ranted about how cool the game was to other people and bitched how impossible it was :p

This of course, was all before I lent it out to my friend... who is careless enough to scratch game CD's nowadays anyway? :\ Haha j/k, my friend's cool and its all good, but it still sucked _BIGTIME_ because I loved that game!! AHH!

Anyway I haven't read the other entries but hey if I win somehow, that would be badass! That sake set looks mighty cool too, I don't have one of those. :)
I think Ginkei should win - i mean wow, did you read that! If anyone will be happy with the set, its ginkei

"I have 8 official cards.
4 x 59 and 4 x 251.

I bought one just for Ikaruga, but then realized that it would be sad if it would have no friends on the same Memory Card , so I moved it to one that has a couple of other good games " -Ginkei in another thread

I think that deserve the game a lot because it has been a long time since I have played a great game. I first heard of Ikaruga from a forum member at After I heard about it I knew that I just had to have the game.

I looked allover for it but it seemed to be sold out everywhere or too expensive($50+ hey! I'm a cheapass!) and my local blockbuster didn't have it. After days of looking at pictures and dreaming about playing I gave up.

Now this is my chance! I must have this game!
I deserve this game and Sake set because I am interested in learning more about Japanese culture, and I am waiting until I can drink legaly before I start drinking and I am now nearing that age and this Sake set would be a good way to start it off.
I can only say I deserve this package, because Ive never been able to get ahold of this game, and I've really wanted to play it.
Plus I'm a fan of the genre.
I am the most deserving for many reasons. One as my user name shows, I am an Ikaruga freak. Secondly I spent hours on this story which you are about to read. I wrote a story based around Ikaruga and the Sake set from pictures I found on the internet. I call my story, "Ikaruga: Happy, Sunshine, Ichiban, Fresh STORY TIME!!!!!!" Please enjoy my second grade quality story.

Once upon a time there was a man named Ojiisan.

"I'm old!!!!! I want me some SAKE!!!!!!!!! I'll get some from my wonderful Ikaruga sake set!!!!!!"


Just as he was about to drink his sake, Ojiisan was ambushed by PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!
But these were no ordinary pirates, they were the EVIL, SCARY, WARUI PIRATES OF DEATH!!!!!!!
Ojiisan's ambushers were lead by the Leader of the pirates' right hand man

The king of Neatherealm YUKIDARUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'll take that Sake set from you old man!!!!!!!"

Ojiisan shouted. "I must call Ikarugafreak9 to help me!!!!!!!"

Back at his hidden underground base on the south Jersey shore Ikarugafreak got the distress signal.


"OH NOOOO!!!! The sake set has been stolen!!!!!! I must save it!!!!!"

"I'm off to my 37 cent Ikaruga ship that is made of unpainted albino baboon hide!"

Ikarugafreak then battled in his ship through the biggest pirate fleet outside of a poorly made anime movie!

He fought!

And he fought

And HE FOUGHT!!!!!!

Until finally he reached the boss to make this story slighty more interesting than watching paint dry!

It was none other then Yukidaruma's pet bird

The OKI, SCARY, ONI, PIGEON OF NIGHTMARES!!!!!! This hellish bird is said to be made up of the souls of the most evil birds of all time! The teradactyl, Vulture, and the CALIFORNIA CONDOR!!!!!!!!!!

Ikarugafreak then began to do battle with hellish poultry. After many hours of fighting and a couple of continues Ikarugafreak saw his opening! The bird flew in front of Ikarugafreak. Thus allowing him to fire one well timed missle into the rear exhaust shaft that release "toxic materials."
The bird then exploded into pieces!

Yukidaruma himself then came out of the shadows!

You killed my bird now you shall die!!!!! Ikarugafreak started to fire like crazy, he shot lasers, missles, the works! Non of it could damage yukidaruma's icy shell of evil. It was at this moment that Ikaruga remember his 10th grade biology class.
"Oh yeah! Everyone knows that snowmen can't stand the screetch of a guitar!"
Ikaruga freak then began to blast out "Back in Black" by AC/DC and then followed it up with the Hendrix version of Sunshine of your Love!
Yukidaruma then bent over in pain. He began to shake and go into a seizure when all of a sudden his head exploed!!!!

Ikarugafreak than began to smile with joy. He had won. He saw the beautiful Ikaruga sake set he had been fighting so hard to save. Then all of a sudden the leader of the pirates appeared. Ikarugafreak was shocked for the leader of the pirates was none other than

Souri Ishihara!!!!!!!!!

"This is my sake set!!!!!! Time to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ikarugafreak just barely dodged the hyper mega beam of death that shot out of Ishihara-sans mouth. Ikaurgafreak then realized Ishihara-sans weakness, hot girls! Ikarugafreak then turned his ship into a hot anime girl!

However she was so hot that even Ishihara-san couldn't take it and he exploded because of her hotness!!!!!!!!!!

Ikarugafreak had finally defeated all of the pirates! He took the beautfiul Ikaruga sake set. To him it looked like it was crafted by the hands of god himself. He then decided to take back the Ikaruga sake set to Ojiisan.

He flew his ship back to New Jersey to where Ojiisan was waiting for him. He landed his ship and walked over to Ojiisan but just as he did, Ojiisan's head exploded!!

Ikarugafreak thought it was a trap but then he realized that he forgot to transform his ship back from the hot anime girl. The hotness of the anime girl caused Ojiisan to explode!!!!!!!

But it was in the end a happy ending in the end because Ikarugafreak wanted the sake set for himself. So he walked away from Ojiisan's rotting corpse and began to drink his delicious, hard earned sake from his Ikaruga sake set made by god himself



I hope you enjoyed my story as it really did take a long, long, long time to write!!!! I think this is why I should be given the set as there is no bigger fan then me as my Ikaruga story literally took days to write and days to find the right Ikaruga pictures. Well I hope you enjoyed it. If this won't get me the sake set then I don't know what will.
I deserve the prize package because in the true spirit of CheapAssGamer I'm too cheap to buy this game.

Therefore, if I don't win I'll never find out just how great it is.

Oh yeah, and because I never win anything. :p
If anyone should win this competition, it should be Ginkei (= Peliguru = Pauli Ervi). I mean, just take a look at his post (which you'll of course do) and you'll see how hardcore fan he actually is. I'm a fellow member from IGN (my user name should give a big hint to those who also post on IGN) and a good friend of Ginkei, and I've seen his Ikaruga promotion there. It's been great, funny, even redicilous at times (in a good way), and he also did it before he knew about this competition. And what's best, it really has worked like the polls and threads about it show. He's very skilled in the game, and as you read, he plays it a lot (as much as possible in his current situation). So for the sake of righteous, let him win this competition.
I deserve this game because the chance at winning this prize pack resulted me in joining this forum. Here are some additional reasons why I am the most hard-core Ikaruga fan.

- I own two legitimate copies of Ikaruga, on the DC and Cube, therefore if I win, I'll give the actual game away to someone else on the board. I'm not greedy. I also own the Appreciate DVD.

- I have put 80+ hours into this game over the last 2 years. I can finish it in one credit on easy and normal, still working on hard.

- I am a raging alcoholic, and to have a sake set based on my favorite game would be super sweet.

- The thought of playing Ikaruga arouses me, sexually speaking.
Posted this under the contest comments on the front page a few days ago. I finally got my log in to work so I'm re-posting it here.

While I am a big fan of Ikaruga I'm compelled to nominate someone else as the ultimate Ikaruga fan. This guy plays Ikaruga everyday despite the fact that it's been out(for the GameCube) for almost a year now. His name is Pauli(he's registered here under the name Ginkei), but I know him as Peliguru from the IGN GameCube General Board. Everyone there knows him as the guy who has a borderline unhealthy obsession with Ikaruga. You can count him to post in every single thread about Ikaruga, and if he hasn't posted 5 minutes after the thread goes up everybody is wondering where the hell he is.

This is what his signature on the board looks like:

*\o/* ---------------------------------- *\o/*
--| ------ GO! NOW! BUY! BUY! ---- | --- |
-/ \ -------------------------------------- / \ -

He loves the game so much he wants everybody else to play it and enjoy it too. He has taken it upon himself to sell as many copies of Ikaruga as he can. He can tell you exactly how many people on the board he's convinced to buy the game, the Hori pad, and the Appreciate DVD.

I know he'll be entering this contest himself, so my nominating him was probaly unneccessary, but as soon as I heard about this contest I immediately thought of him. I doubt you'll find a bigger Ikaruga fan anywhere.
Not be cynical or anything like that bu doesn't seem strange that everyone who is nominating Ginkei only has one post. Also to the poster above me. How is it possible for you to have posted it on this site when you only have one post? I think I'm smelling alternate accounts. It makes sense everyone on has only one or two posts. Its very quick and easy to make alternate accounts. I think Ginkei here has been nominating himself with alternate accounts. Furthermore to the poster above me and all of the others. Why do you guys care so much about him winning? It seems to me this all adds up to him making alternate accounts. Anyway I don't know. Maybe its just what I've been going through. Anyway since nominations are going on I nomiate Ikarugafreak9. His story was damn funny and it did probably take awhile to find all of the right pics. So I votw for him.
I think Ginkei here has been nominating himself with alternate accounts.

Nah, they're just people coming over from the IGN boards and making new accounts.

...or maybe I'm Ginkei too. 8-[
Yeah maybe. :lol: But if it is ginkei voting for himself doesn't that count as multiple entries. Because of this I think he should be disqualified as it says only one entry per person. This is of course up to CheapyD but it is against the rules. So cheapyD it's up to you.
Why do I deserve Ikaruga? Well.. I don't know if I deserve it, but I would most certainly like to have it. It would put me out of my misery.

You see, it has been many moons since I have played a good shoot-'em-up, or "shmup," as one may call them. Back in my SNES days, I would blaze through any shmup that my frail, youthful hands could acquire: Darius Twin, Strike Gunner STG, Phalanx, Gradius III. If you flew a ship and blew the hell out of everything onscreen, I was all over the game. While these maintained my interests for years upon years, there eventually came a time where I gave in and migrated to more modern hardware, like the Dreamcast and PS2. I enjoyed the games available for these particular systems, but I noticed that one genre was sorely underrepresented: the shmup. Distressed, I looked high and low on the web for the answer to my prayers, but due to my lack of patience, I didn't feel like browsing for long. Well. It was either my lack of patience or my insatiable urge to grope myself.

Then I saw an obnoxiously bright light shine through the window. I initially thought that the midday light was shining through the curtains as usual, but I soon found that I was wrong - it was the touch of God.

"Good God!" I exclaimed. "I don't even believe in you, I'm a bloody atheist! And you look so much like Alanis Morissette! are that so-called god fellow, correct?"

"Talmadge, it is about time you saw the light," God assured me. "I sense that you long for a quality videogame which harkens back to the glorious days of intergalactic warfare in blissful 2D. Only by becoming one with Jesus Christ will you be entitled to what your heart desires."

"But God, what joy would you bestow upon me in exchange for my neverending, albeit weak and careless, faith?"

"Why Talmadge, I would permit you access to a sacred game we know as Ikaruga. It is the sole reason that my heavenly hardware developers crafted the Dreamcast and received my loving touch. I need not elaborate on its finer points; rather, I will quote a review from

'Hark! Thy fans of space shooters owe theeselves thy opportunity to play thy holy game known to thou as Ikaruga, thy game that art designed both to impress thy sensibilities and to challenge every ounce of thee being He bestowed upon thee art thou.'

"Clearly, Talmadge, you need no more explanation than this."

"Thank God for this!.. er, I mean, thank you, God, for this. How may I grasp such a lovely object?"

"Well simple, move to Japan."

It was then that I grew angry with God. "Infidel! Why must you place such valuable objects in Japan only?! Blasphemy.. I present to you, the Babel fish."

"Tal unleashes hot fury!" said a voice in the background.

"Oh dear," God said, "not again." God then vanished in a puff of logic.

"God is in another time zone!" the mysterious voice chimed in.

I then proceeded to grope myself while sobbing over the lack of access to this fabled Ikaruga.
Ginkei is not making a bunch of names to promote his. I am a Ign Insider and he sold me the game. My name on IGN is Gwaki and his is Peliguru. He is the one who caused me to buy this great game. Also look at the date that i joined. December 8th 2003
Maybe your not an alternate account but those others obviously are. If he is such a big fan then he would do anything to win this including mkaing alternate accounts. It has been proven that he has entered multiple times and he should be disqualified. He broke the rules. Just accept it.
The reason I only have 1 post is because I didn't "post" it technically. I was having trouble logging in to these boards, I kept getting a message that said the thread I was attempting to find didn't exist or had been deleted, so I "posted" my nomination of Peliguru under the comments section for the contest. Go to the front page and click on "Discuss this deal" right under the headline for the Ikaruga contest and you'll see the comments I made three days ago, which are almost identical to my previous post and were made before Peliguru himself had even entered the contest.

The guy isn't creating numerous accounts in an attempt to cheat. He told people, through the IGN GameCube General Board that he was entering a contest saying this...

"Now, I don't remember more than 30% of Ikaruga stuff I have said or done, and would ask you to help me gather stuff related to my Ikaruga praise."

So, a few of his friends from the board who know he is a huge Ikaruga fan obviously thought it might help his chances of winning if they came here and nominated him. Nothing more.

Edit: All you're doing by accussing him of cheating is souring the contest, which has been good natured up until you decided to make baseless accussations. Oh, and please tell me how it has been "proven" he cheated because I've yet to see any proof whatsoever.
Congratulations to Ginkei, winner of a copy of the Gamecube shooter, Ikaruga, along with an Ikaruga sake set, poster, and large promotional game box. You know he truly is a worthy winner, because I chose him despite having to lay out the cash to ship that stuff to Finland.
The runner up, spek, will receive a copy of Ikaruga.

Both winners will also receive a CAG t-shirt.
Stay tuned next week for an announcement on how you can get your own CAG t-shirts.

So sorry for taking so long to announce the winners. :oops:
Yay! Thank you so much CheapAssGamer! I am so happy I am shaking! THANK YOU!


Oh, and CheapyD, please, I don't want to make you pay the postage... I can at least pay half of it from my money... even tough I don't have much. You gave me the pack, and that is more than I could ever hope for, so at least let's pay shipping together, or let me pay it!

Thank again!
Isn't the runner up the same spek (cloudspekkkk) that cheated all of those other CAGers out of their property? I think you should look into who this person really is before you give up the goods Cheapy. Boo on the selection if it is cloudspekkk.

[quote name='daphatty']Isn't the runner up the same spek (cloudspekkkk) that cheated all of those other CAGers out of their property? I think you should look into who this person really is before you give up the goods Cheapy. Boo on the selection if it is cloudspekkk.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was odd seeing Spek as the runner up. No offense Spek, but if you are who we think you might be, then I suggest finding a priest before I find a gun.
bread's done