Corn on the Cops

Anyone in any position of power needs to always have checks, or shit like this happens.

Hopefully there's some discharges that occur because of this.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Anyone in any position of power needs to always have checks, or shit like this happens.

Hopefully there's some discharges that occur because of this.[/quote]

What kind of discharges?
[quote name='crystalklear64']Vaginal obviously.[/quote]

Hmm, I was hoping you would say anal discharges but oh well.
Sad part was the reporter was clearly in the way of nobody other than the cops.

Im not saying the cop is right but Ill say Ive seen enough reality tv sh*t to know that if a cop tells you to do something, just do it and nobody gets hurt and we all live to see another day. Your moment to fight isnt there, wait your time out and fight them in court etc etc..

Even then the reporter was in the process of packing his stuff up when he was told all of that and was a moment or two from being done. I cant imagine anyone that see's that tape and thinks its ok for a cop to shove someone out in the middle of the street like that when he's being pushed away from his stuff, then be told theyre obstructing traffic....When I heard about this already people were calling in to a radio show and said that stuff isnt anywhere on the local news and seems to be getting covered up for the moment.
I'm not sure I believe in the whole "when a cop says jump" thing, but you're right. Did that work here? The producer seemed to be complying with everything the officer told him to do when he began pushing him into the street.
[quote name='Will']
Im not saying the cop is right but Ill say Ive seen enough reality tv sh*t to know that if a cop tells you to do something, just do it and nobody gets hurt and we all live to see another day. Your moment to fight isnt there, wait your time out and fight them in court etc etc..

So basically don't question authority for fear of violence?
No. If you're not breaking the law then why should you have to comply? ABC wasn't breaking any laws and I'm not so sure the should have agreed to go across the street. In fact, I would have made a citizens arrest against the officer for assault and blocking traffic.
[quote name='Temporaryscars'] In fact, I would have made a citizens arrest against the officer for assault and blocking traffic.[/quote]

That definetely wouldn't of happened.
[quote name='Layziebones']That definetely wouldn't of happened.[/quote]

Very true.

To continue my last comment. One could wait until "their day in court", but from my personal experience and countless articles have shown that the court system is nothing but a theater (especially when it comes these type of matters involving Police).

The court system and the police system are all part of the state, and a judge is not going to decide against the officer unless there is concrete evidence (video tape) and a public outcry against the situation.

The courts will do their best to not make law and those who "uphold" it not look cohesive and weak, unless forced to.
Dont put words in my mouth. Im not saying when a cop says jump, you should reply with "how high?". Im not saying dont question authority...Im saying theres a time to fight. Learn how to pick the timing of when you do so you dont go through something you normally wouldnt have if you hadnt said something and filed a complaint letter.

I see both sides of the fence, and not saying the guy got was deserved but he did come off a little "yeah whatever" like when the cop gave him an order. The video clearly shows the cops in a bad light but lets play devil's advocate here and ask why the cop gave the order? Maybe someone super duper important was about to come through and they were clearing the way for that persons safety?

Theres alot to this story we may never know. Again, not saying what the cops did was right.

All the guy had to do was say "ok lemme pack up my sh*t an go" but thats not the way he came off by telling the cop ok, hold on a sec or w/e it was he said.
[quote name='Will']Dont put words in my mouth. Im not saying when a cop says jump, you should reply with "how high?". Im not saying dont question authority...Im saying theres a time to fight. Learn how to pick the timing of when you do so you dont go through something you normally wouldnt have if you hadnt said something and filed a complaint letter.

I see both sides of the fence, and not saying the guy got was deserved but he did come off a little "yeah whatever" like when the cop gave him an order. The video clearly shows the cops in a bad light but lets play devil's advocate here and ask why the cop gave the order? Maybe someone super duper important was about to come through and they were clearing the way for that persons safety?

Theres alot to this story we may never know. Again, not saying what the cops did was right.

All the guy had to do was say "ok lemme pack up my sh*t an go" but thats not the way he came off by telling the cop ok, hold on a sec or w/e it was he said.[/quote]

The tape didn't kick in until after the cop was pushing him. For all we know the guy was flailing his junk around and punching little kids in the head before the cop told him to leave and the camera turned on. Who knows what he was really doing, the interviewer shows you what he wants you to see.
I hear a lot of excuses. What it boils down to is that ABC was not breaking the law. A cop pushed the producer into traffic and then arrested him. This happens all the time and they get away with it.
People abuse power. Not just cops, lots of people do it. This seems to be a case of abused power. Even so, many officers I'm sure are good upstanding people
[quote name='Temporaryscars'] I know they're not all bad, but I firmly believe that most cops don't know a damn thing about the law and just abuse their power.

Original link isn't working for me...

Anyway, doing research worth with police agencies, I'd say "most" is overstating it, but there are far to many that fit that bill.

It really varies by area and department too. Tends to be worse in big cities--they often have shortages of cops and thus laxer hiring standards and often don't pay great which doesn't help. Vs. smaller, wealthy cities where most cops have college degrees and the department offers to pay for the ones that don't to go to school pay for master's degree etc. And these places pay their officers much better as well, so they have no shortage and can be pickier in who to hire.

Rural/small town cops tend to be a pain to as they seldom have anything to do but hassle people over traffic violations and other minor shit. Though part of their poor attitude probably comes from dealing with people bitching about speeding tickets etc. Not that that justifies it.
[quote name='Layziebones']The tape didn't kick in until after the cop was pushing him. For all we know the guy was flailing his junk around and punching little kids in the head before the cop told him to leave and the camera turned on. Who knows what he was really doing, the interviewer shows you what he wants you to see.[/QUOTE]
No comment on part of the cops.

If something like that was happening, don't you think the cops would say something?
Simple solution to asshole cops: you fuck up you are fired. No paid suspension bullshit. Fire a cop that takes it too far, trust me you'll find plenty of people out of the academy to take their place. Right now it's as if cops think they have a right to be cops. Like it's a fucking inherited lordship. Worse is the higher ups would rather protect a cop so he gets his pension and retires rather than cut his ass loose and gain respect from the public. Failing to understand if a cop beats someone's ass it's a pattern that will repeat regardless of sensitivity classes and in-house psychiatrist sessions. That's why people hate cops. They "look out for their own" when it should be illegal to for that particular career path.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']So basically, we live in a police state then?

Didn't you get the memo?

9/11 changed everything. That camera could be a Derringer.

I can't believe the cops were so gentle.

First, the producer questions the cop. You can't do that unless you're in court or, after being confirmed as an American citizen, a writ of habeas corpus is produced.

Second, the producer stands in the middle of traffic and blatantly jaywalks in front of a cop who politely pushes him to safety.

Third, the entire ordeal for the cops is videotaped and later edited so that the cops look like thugs.


Hey, you know what? Sarah Palin's jailbait daughter is pregnant and Sarah Palin was picked as VP. Let's focus on that.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Didn't you get the memo?

9/11 changed everything. That camera could be a Derringer.

I can't believe the cops were so gentle.

First, the producer questions the cop. You can't do that unless you're in court or, after being confirmed as an American citizen, a writ of habeas corpus is produced.

Second, the producer stands in the middle of traffic and blatantly jaywalks in front of a cop who politely pushes him to safety.

Third, the entire ordeal for the cops is videotaped and later edited so that the cops look like thugs.



I've actually stayed at the Brown Palace hotel - very nice place.

I think it's not news because half of us know about the police state already and the other half will just about believe anything to remain willfully ignorant.
Will hav eto check this out.. give the hsort version for those of us not able to access videos from work. I will check back next break.
I'd like to fight corruption, but where would one begin?

The system is corrupted from the local news, cops and mayors all the way up to the MSM, military, Congress, the President and the Supreme Court.

We need a major reboot of the country.
bread's done