Costco: Ducktales, Chip n Dales Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Talespin Vols $8.99 ea


23 (100%)
UPDATE 3/20/2011:

Looks like Costco has been restocked! Either Disney put out another printing, given how fast they sold out last time, or Disney or some supplier still has excess stock.

They had every volume they previously had for $8.99, at the Costco in Venice Beach.


I was at Costco yesterday and they had a large display in the DVD/BluRay section of a ton of the Disney afternoon cartoons of the 80's/90's that many of us love (although the display had already been raided heavily), for $8.99 each. Notably absent were the Gummi Bears :cry:(BOO!!!), which I'll probably just end up getting off of Amazon.

EDIT: confirmed these are the original releases that were on amazon for $24.99-$29.99 each, but now they are each $19.99.

These are volumes with three discs each, 9 episodes per disc so 27 episodes per volume. Already started watching some with my daughter and she loves them...nothing like sharing your childhood with your children. Ducktales...ah -WOOOO-HOOOOO!

Here's what they had (I picked up 1 of each):

DuckTales Vol. 2 and 3 (Vol. 1 was notably absent...not sure if it was just sold out or not available at Costco at all (can someone please confirm if they find Vol. 1?) - but Vol. 2 contains the pilot miniseries anyway.

Darkwing Duck Vol. 1 and 2

Chip 'n Dales Rescue Rangers Vol. 1 and 2

Talespin Vol. 1 and 2


There were some other cartoon sets that I didn't pick up - Tom & Jerry and some Hanna Barbera sets IIRC.
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[quote name='V3rtigo']I bought mine at costco a few months ago for $17.99 for each volume (1-6). I'll crap in your pants if you can find them new for less than that.[/QUOTE]

$17.99 is still much better than what Amazon charges. I seriously would shit if they were $8.99. Unfortunately, my pants remain untarnished. :applause:
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']How much did the looney tunes sets cost?

I will crap my pants if we're to assume they're $8.99 also.[/QUOTE]

Sorry my bad for not listing price. They were $11.99 each.
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']Okay, thanks.

brb while I change my undies.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen looney tunes in months at costco, and definitely not for 11.99.
They were defiantly $11.99 and didn't look like they were "discounted" as I only saw one sticker. My Costco had two boxes worth. Could have more in the back or down below. The new section is smaller then normal.

Friend of Sonic - You could probably get a price adjustment if your Costco has them.
I finally hit up Costco today and they had all the disney dvds. I didn't see the looney tunes sets anywhere or the memento blu ray.

I bought:
Ducktales 1,2,3
Talespin 1,2

I passed on Chip and Dale Vol 1 and 2 and Darkwing Duck Vol 1 and 2, but I might end up going back for them. I haven't decided yet if it's worth replacing my "bootleg" dvds.

Thanks again to the OP. Now I just need to print out some freakin' episode guides so I can at least try to watch these shows in order.
I went to Costco today and picked up 1 of each:
DuckTales Vol. 1, 2 and 3
Darkwing Duck Vol. 1 and 2
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Vol. 1 and 2
Talespin Vol. 1 and 2

I'm so excited to watch these again! Thanks OP :)
Got Ducktails 1 and 2. Didnt see 3... Already got Rescue Rangers when Walmart had them on sale back in Oct...
Went back to my Costco and bought the shows I was missing: Chip and Dale, and Darkwing Duck. My Costco is running low on stock and is actually sold out of some of the shows.

All in all, I bought them all. Thats $81 plus tax for 9 box sets at $8.99. Still worth it to own a bunch of my favorite childhood shows. Not a bad price but still a crapload of money for someone who hasn't bought DVDs since the Blu ray format was invented. :)

Thanks again OP.
bread's done