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Is anybody on here part of that?

A friend of mine is on the Serbian leg of a 5-week European tour right now, shooting a documentary on Couchsurfing. He says the community is amazing. I just signed up for it and was wondering if any CAGs wanted to "befriend" me on their site.

For those too lazy to read the article, basically it's a system where people all across the world offer free lodging to other world travelers. It's a give-and-take thing, and it's essentially trust-based. You build your credentials by meeting other Couchsurfers, making friends, getting good feedback, and generally becoming a part of the community. Pretty fantastic idea for cheap-asses like us.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Until one day the dude you're staying with snaps and cuts your throat while you sleep.[/QUOTE]
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good Stuff :D
Sentiments like these are why the world is becoming a colder, more impersonal place by the day.

What do you think will happen? Do you think somebody would maintain a membership on this site for months to years, and build up a big list of references (all of whom have their own references), all so they can eventually take a 10-hour plane ride to the USA and mug you at knifepoint?
[quote name='destro713']Sentiments like these are why the world is becoming a colder, more impersonal place by the day.

What do you think will happen? Do you think somebody would maintain a membership on this site for months to years, and build up a big list of references (all of whom have their own references), all so they can eventually take a 10-hour plane ride to the USA and mug you at knifepoint?[/QUOTE]

Yes the world is already a cold place. You going to let a random person sleep on your couch, and use your john? Nothing like getting a STD from the stranger that used your toilet.
[quote name='destro713']Sentiments like these are why the world is becoming a colder, more impersonal place by the day.

What do you think will happen? Do you think somebody would maintain a membership on this site for months to years, and build up a big list of references (all of whom have their own references), all so they can eventually take a 10-hour plane ride to the USA and mug you at knifepoint?[/quote]

[quote name='Graystone']Nothing like getting a STD from the stranger that used your toilet.[/quote]

You can't be serious.
If somebody wants to commit random burglary or violence, they don't need to devote thousands of dollars and live a lie for months on end in order to get the opportunity. They can just walk out their front door. I mean, I guess it's plausible, but it's a lot less plausible than getting into a car accident, or spontaneously combusting. I'd rather meet new and interesting people than live in hermetical fear of my fellow man and delicious babe.

Think of the delicious babes!
I met a couple at a party who were in the middle of a trip through the U.S. and crashing with people on the site. I talked to the girl about it for a while. she was very adamant that her trip had taught her that everyone is less trusting than they should be and that her trip with her boyfriend has rekindled their faith in strangers. she was telling all these interesting stories about the people they had met and how it had been such a wonderful experience. of course, she was really keen on the feedback aspect and felt that it was a good community on the site.

I didn't have the heart to say "yeah, well, all it takes it one psycho to ruin it for everyone" but I was definitely thinking that. I've traveled a lot and hung with strangers who were incredible people, but there's no question that you are putting yourself at risk, especially with pre-arranged meet ups. I mean, if someone robs you, leaving negative feedback isn't going to feel very retributive. they probably gave you a fake name and then they're gone forever. On the other hand, if you start out small and gradually meet people who are deemed trustworthy by others, you could end up in a large, awesome social network and eventually not need to rely on the site.

It'll be interesting to see what happens as the site grows.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I call dibs on Liquid's stuff when he gets killed by a wayward transient.[/QUOTE]Eventually. Like when I can buy a gun :lol:;).
bread's done