Could Sony get away with selling the PS2 as an alternative to the Wii?


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Looking at the latest sales numbers, the Playstation 2 sold 280,000 units last month while an admittedly supply constrained Wii sold about 259,000 units. Does anyone else think we could continue to see support for the Playstation 2 as long as there is support for the Wii? I think it would be a great idea to be honest. A cheap, price conscious system for the casual crowd and an expensive, high end unit for the hardcore users. I honestly think this could work to Sony's favor being a part of both markets.

The only problem therein lies with the problem of motion control and no Zelda. The fact that the PS2 doesn't have waggle might be a problem for some casuals, but I think the cheaper price more than makes up for the fact, and cheaper games might be the nail in the coffin. With continued support, new games for the casual and non-gamer crowd, and a new marketing campaign targeted towards those gamers, I think the PS2 just might be hitting its stride.
The problem with that concept is that the best games are going to not be multiplatform or ports, but games that were built around the system: not only the controls but the hardware itself.

While I dont mind PS2 graphics on my games one bit, I wouldnt want them there BECAUSE they were ported from or involved in dual development with a PS2 game. The PS2 cant even keep up with the Gamecube power wise.
the ps2 has a lot of life left in it, especially on the secondary market. as long as developers keep pumping out fresh games for the system it should remain viable for at least another year or two.

as for taking a huge market from the wii and being a "nail in the coffin" not a chance.
Depends on how much support the PS2 continues to get. If 3rd party devs keeps making games, it has a decent shot at winning this gen :lol:
The $129.99 price and God of War II really helped PS2 sales last month. Kinda shocked its still selling as it seems nearly everyone that wants one has one...but I guess not. Kinda like how the GBA still continues to sell.
I think the PS2 will see its fair share of Wii ports. Some developers will actually make use of the wiimote, the way it should be used, and those won't be ported, but I think we will see PS2/Wii share a lot of games, and PS3/360.
I think it could. I have said many of times that due to the large success of the PS2 Sony could have waited till this christmas to release the PS3. And I know I am going to get burned for this, but God of War II looks better than any Wii game I have seen released so far, so I think it could compete with the Wii.
That might be the case if graphics were the thing that wins the competition!

If Sony'd waited, they'd be in deeper trouble maybe. The 360 would have 15+ Million on them instead of 10.

They've got to stick it out. Who knows, maybe there isnt room for 3 major players in the long run.
If the worst strike against the PS2 is that it doesn't have motion control... well fuck, it could definitely compete against the Wii this gen if Sony let it. Lord knows the system has gotten more good games this year than the Wii's seen since launch anyway.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']The problem with that concept is that the best games are going to not be multiplatform or ports, but games that were built around the system: not only the controls but the hardware itself.

While I dont mind PS2 graphics on my games one bit, I wouldnt want them there BECAUSE they were ported from or involved in dual development with a PS2 game. The PS2 cant even keep up with the Gamecube power wise.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, right now many Wii games are already ports that originated from the PS2. Another thing to think about is whether or not the Playstation 2 is holding the Wii back. With the PS2s large install base I could see PS2 to Wii ports with tack on waggle controls for as long as the Playstation 2 market exists.

I'm hoping for a lot of continued Playstation 2 support while I wait for the prices to drop on both the Playstation 3 and the Wii. I own an Xbox 360 right now, and honestly, I wish they would have waited another 2-3 years for the next generation because the HD-generation games so far have been all graphics without style or personality. Well, I suppose there is Kameo, but I was hoping for it to be more critically acclaimed. Yeah, I'm a review whore, but I have limited game playing time and I really only want to play the best that gaming has to offer.
Honestly, I think the prior gen sales would still be strong if all three consoles still had full support, but that is NOT the case, as the only one with such support is the PS2 still.

Shame really, since there were a number of games(Bully, for one) that I would've bought on the Xbox exclusively, but was kind of forced to buy for the PS2 unless I opted to NOT play it AT ALL.

Either way, I wish they had kept making the 'fat' PS2, as that one seemed more durable(minus the rampant Disc Read Errors) than its flimsy slim cousin.

Then again, I've seen DREs on MANY different models of the PS2, as well as other problems like disc scratching and just turning into bricks(dying completely). Most problems are solved by laser cleaning, height adjustments(proper ones) and replacing failed parts, but most people aren't willing to crack open their systems.

I've looked at enough to know what the sounds are to listen for for DREs and other problems and have experienced at least 1-2 of the problems personally.

How Sony made it through the class action suit with only having to do 'free' repairs last gen on their faulty PS2s was amazing, as people are easily subdued. Personally, I would've taken only full price refunds for each DRE PS2....but that's just me.
No, most of the people looking to buy a Wii either already have a PS2 or simply aren't interested in one. Sony could however continue to provide support to the PS2 since its still making them a decent amount of money, which will help to offset the loss they take on every PS3.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']That might be the case if graphics were the thing that wins the competition!

If Sony'd waited, they'd be in deeper trouble maybe. The 360 would have 15+ Million on them instead of 10.

They've got to stick it out. Who knows, maybe there isnt room for 3 major players in the long run.[/quote]

Yeah, but the PS2 is half the price of the Wii, has a lot mroe games, and the only advantage the 360 has over the wii is on-line and graphics, and same with the PS3, and the first thing the general will notice about games is the graphics, I say it would have some competition. The point more of that comment is the ability that companies still have in getting the most out of the system.
Yeah, price-wise, the PS2 is a far attractive machine than the Wii. Hell, you can even use it to play dvds... I still think dvd play back is cool on the Wii, for god's sake, you already have a Wiimote you know!

Anyhow, i was thinking about getting a PS2 to play PS2 games (der), but after financial and TV stand spacing decisions, i went ahead with a PS3 instead...

Yes, i skipped the PS2 generation completely :)

After playing the PS2 games on the PS3 and comparing the amt of Wii's playing times (both console connected via component), i found meself playing more PS2 games than the Wii. I was like, why the hell i didn't get the PS2 for all of those years? Oh right, work, wife, kids, house... Before all that, i was addicted to PS1 and the Dreamcast (yeah, it was that old).

Personally, i think the PS2 is a better choice than the Wii (not hardwar-wise and wiimore-wise). For the price and library of games, it's pretty obvious...
The problem with continuing to produce and promote the PS2 is that it detracts from PS3 sales. As long as Sony continues to produce and sell PS2's, their sales on the PS3 are going to continue to suffer. Right now, people see the PS3, realize there aren't that many games for it, but realize the PS2 has a shit-ton of games and the system is cheap, so they buy the PS2. If the PS2 were off the market, new comers would be forced to buy a PS3 in order to enjoy the PS2 games.

Granted, there are quite a few holes in that logic, but that is the idea behind taking a console off the market. The obvious holes in the logic are (1) other console options such as the Wii and (2) PS2's are easily obtainable used. Still, given this information, I would expect that if support for the PS2 was stopped, sales for the PS3 would increase a small amount (definitely nothing significant, but anything is better than what they're seeing right now).
[quote name='Warner1281']The problem with continuing to produce and promote the PS2 is that it detracts from PS3 sales. As long as Sony continues to produce and sell PS2's, their sales on the PS3 are going to continue to suffer. Right now, people see the PS3, realize there aren't that many games for it, but realize the PS2 has a shit-ton of games and the system is cheap, so they buy the PS2. If the PS2 were off the market, new comers would be forced to buy a PS3 in order to enjoy the PS2 games.

Granted, there are quite a few holes in that logic, but that is the idea behind taking a console off the market. The obvious holes in the logic are (1) other console options such as the Wii and (2) PS2's are easily obtainable used. Still, given this information, I would expect that if support for the PS2 was stopped, sales for the PS3 would increase a small amount (definitely nothing significant, but anything is better than what they're seeing right now).[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree. The PS2 and the PS3 are aimed at two entirely different markets at this point. Anyone still buying the PS2 is not about the latest and greatest and is more about budget gaming. If the PS2 loses support, I really can't see a lot of those gamers (who buy a console 7 years after release at a $130 price point and sub-$20 games) jumping over the current gen consoles. If anything, I can see them gravitating more to the Wii, mainly because it's appeal is similar to that of last gen consoles (as far as price is concerned). Keeping the PS2 alive is the best thing Sony can do at this point. Those PS2 games are not about spending big bucks for consoles, so Sony's best move is to keep them with the Playstation brand by keeping them with the PS2. When the current gen consoles are more affordable, those PS2 owners will be ready to make the jump, and will most likely be more willing to gravitate to the Playstation brand once again.

I see what you're saying, and I think, if some people were forced, they would jump to the PS3 if they had to. I just feel that it would hurt them more than help them in the long run. They may get a small spike in initial sales, but they could have potentially lost many customers due to the high price of the PS3.
I think it would be great if Sony took this approach. I am more interested in
PS2 than any of the next gen consoles because of the recent and semi recent releases (Bully, Burnout Dominator etc.) and if I didn't have a PS2 or any next gen consoles, I would choose the PS2 on the price point alone.
The Wii can be thought of as a Gamecube upgrade with new support and games that will only gain momentum during the wiivolution with the evershrinking availability of GC games serving as the cheapy weening role.

PS2 has already peaked and as great as it has been, it is a has been - unfortunately.

Look at the game aisles these days and there is a sense that whatever is there -- GH titles or the few good recent releases -- won't be replenished when sold. Retailers won't want to devote floor space any longer than necessary. The lack of availabilty for what were the HOT titles is a good sign the run is over at the brick & mortars.

The only way the PS2 can even maintain life is if the online stores continue to carry the huge catalog of greatest hits.

It's cocoon time from here on out. Unless Sony markets PS2 as a classic system that is the only true and reliable way to continue to play PS2 games, it's not looking to be near a Wii alternative, but more of a PS3 one.
Quite honestly, if the Wii is creating as many new gamers as it seems it is, and seeing how PS2s sell at a constant rate, then it would not be a bad idea for Sony to market the PS2 as an entry level or companion gaming system/DVD player. One strategy? Repackage, again! This time more dramatic though..

PSTwo version 2

A smoother, rounder, slightly smaller PS2, available in silver, white, and pink [just like in Europe and Japan]

with a Sony developed wireless [non bluetooth] controller and upgraded DVD features

for $129

Resupply the best greatest hits games, the ones you usually have to go buy used at Gamestop: all the good platformers, action games, and RPGs. Make sure the rhythm games [not just guitar hero] are always in stock.

Then yes, the PS2 could definitely compete: games will keep coming out, Japanese ones, rhythm ones, licensed ones, 2d ones, I think it could compete

and I think a new PS2, like the one mentioned above, would make it even sweeter a deal. The new gamers and those looking for a Wii might just give it a chance.
Uh ... no. Just because the PS2 continues to be a viable platform doesn't make it an alternative to the Wii anymore than the DS is an alternative to the PS2. Let's not forget that the installed base for the PS1 was large enough to keep it around for a year or so into the PS2's life. That didn't forestall its demise indefinitely, though.

And it's not like the Wii is selling just because of the price point; it also has to do with word of mouth among new categories of gamers. The PS2 has been on shelves how long? It's lacking the "innovation" and ease of use factors, so if it hasn't brought those people in by now, it's not going to.
[quote name='sarausagi']Quite honestly, if the Wii is creating as many new gamers as it seems it is, and seeing how PS2s sell at a constant rate, then it would not be a bad idea for Sony to market the PS2 as an entry level or companion gaming system/DVD player. One strategy? Repackage, again! This time more dramatic though..

PSTwo version 2

A smoother, rounder, slightly smaller PS2, available in silver, white, and pink [just like in Europe and Japan]

with a Sony developed wireless [non bluetooth] controller and upgraded DVD features

for $129

Resupply the best greatest hits games, the ones you usually have to go buy used at Gamestop: all the good platformers, action games, and RPGs. Make sure the rhythm games [not just guitar hero] are always in stock.

Then yes, the PS2 could definitely compete: games will keep coming out, Japanese ones, rhythm ones, licensed ones, 2d ones, I think it could compete

and I think a new PS2, like the one mentioned above, would make it even sweeter a deal. The new gamers and those looking for a Wii might just give it a chance.[/quote]

Dude, well said... :drool: :drool: :drool: even i got a PS3, i still want the new PS2 you mentioned.... And yes, i have hard times locating some of the GHs listed in the PS2 GH thread. Man, do you know that there are over 200 GHs??? Hot damn...
[quote name='trq']Uh ... no. Just because the PS2 continues to be a viable platform doesn't make it an alternative to the Wii anymore than the DS is an alternative to the PS2. Let's not forget that the installed base for the PS1 was large enough to keep it around for a year or so into the PS2's life. That didn't forestall its demise indefinitely, though.

And it's not like the Wii is selling just because of the price point; it also has to do with word of mouth among new categories of gamers. The PS2 has been on shelves how long? It's lacking the "innovation" and ease of use factors, so if it hasn't brought those people in by now, it's not going to.[/quote]

I agree with the innovation and all, but seriously? The Wii's novelty has worn down on me. I don't even remember when the last time i played Wiisport. I like Windwaker more than Wii's TP. Only the new Paper Mario is keeping me going on the Wii at this point.

What i'm trying to say is, as a causal gamer, Wiimote is cool, the game play is new and refreshing, but after a while you tend to ask the question, can they just pack this Wiimote as a separate accessory, like eye-toy, drums etc...? Or a less "offensive" question, can i have a controller similar to the wavebird please? Sorry, i like to play action RPG the traditional way... If i wanted fishing (in TP), sure, i switch back to the Wiimote for added fun.

From what i "heard" most people got the Wii for Wiisport...
bread's done