Crashing - Little squares


8 (100%)
Please help if anyone can. I was playing borderlands for 6 or so hours when all the sudden I got the little squares all over my screen. About 1 min later my screen went black and I had to reboot. Loaded up the game to have the same thing happen, 5 mins in then squares and then black screen. I rebooted then brought up crysis. menu and cut scene looked fine, gameplay hit and squares were everywhere. What is going ON?! I logged onto my current mmo crack Runes of Magic. It has much lower requirements even at high settings. Everything ran fine for the 3 hours I played. Just logged back onto borderlands to see if it was still doing this, and this time I didn't get squares, but just a black screen that never ends.

A pic, this is someone elses, but it looks the same.

I checked, drivers up to date. Temps look fine, highest I was at is 65 degrees of ati testing my card. Here are some specs. Please if anyone knows, help a fellow cag out!

Intel i7 920 (not overclocked yet)
Radeon HD 5870
6GB Corsair doms
The thing has so many fans and chip is water cooled. My baby is sick :(
Looks like artifacts and a failing GPU. Take it out, if you have a spare computer, try it out on another.
If your temps are fine, the card is likely dying. Like kilm said, if possible, try it in another PC. If it's still doing it, time for an RMA.
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