Crimson Gem Saga (a.k.a. Garnet Chronicle a.k.a. Astonishia Story 2)


To illustrate the map, the bottom left portion is the entrance area, which moves into the upper area and then down to the bottom area before I found a clear path through to the end boss.

You may notice X's on there in entrances, which is where you are warped back to the start of that area if you go through that entrance. Lines through a path indicate where it has to load the next area, which I stopped doing once I saw that basically it only loaded one of those square rooms at a time.

Plus, you'll see that I suck at making maps as I run out of space easily one I got to the third part of the dungeon.
What, don't want to do more dungeons like that one particular one in Rhapsody without a map? That's what makes it fun. :p

Also looks like it's official that my order from Amazon was lost in transit. So I'll be waiting until Amazons next shipment comes in. Here's to hoping my luck changes and they get it in soon. I was really hoping to use my free time this week to play Crimson Gem Saga, but it looks like I'll have to fill it with other stuff as I've been doing up to this point.
[quote name='Draekon']What, don't want to do more dungeons like that one particular one in Rhapsody without a map? That's what makes it fun. :p

Oh man, I thought of Rhapsody too when I saw that map. :rofl:
Started playing this during my lunch break at work today. Fun so far, i've been wanting a good-looking, funny, RPG for a while now that didn't seem outdated or look like shit. I especially like the comedy so far.
If anyone is still looking for this game, has it in stock for $27.99. $2.99 is the cheapest shipping option and it's UPS 3 Day, which makes it cheaper than buying it in a store and only slightly more expensive than Amazon with shipping factored in. I ordered it last night and it already shipped. Canceled my Amazon backorder.
Got the game off gamefly may 30 and loved every single min of it... One of the few RPG games that kept me up to 4am in the morning playing it.. The game hooked me in a little too much cause i was tired as hell at work for the last 3 days (just getting about 3 hours of sleep a night playing this too much)

total time to beat the game was a llittle under 25 hours.....I only got 38% of all the monster cards (you can see the cards once you beat the game)

for dungon maps gohere

very good game... now to either to open up my

Knights in nightmare today or take a few days off and wait for

ROCK BAND UNPLUGGED to get to me via gamefly by weds
CLASS OF HEROES to get to me by saturday via gamefly
and either

Sims racing or Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled by saturday as well

going to be a very buzzy weekend next weekend

BUT BY ALL MEAN PLAY THIS GAME It was a very nice RPG game...
This was in my Gold Box... and using an ECA code made it less than $24... so I bit.

I hate when these things seem "rare" at launch... it makes me feel the need to purchase right away. Damn you, Atlus... daaaaamn yooooou!

I hope I don't regret the purchase, since this is PSP... I'd been thinking about ditching the PSP as of late.

Now, I wonder when it will come in stock. How long has it been backordered??
Amazon just got a shipment in over the weekend or found some missing inventory. If it was a new shipment, I wouldn't expect it to take more than a week for your game to ship out seeing as Amazon likes to over estimate their ship times when they go out of stock.
I think there may be something wrong with the clock in this says I have been playing for 75 hours already and I havent even gotten through the second dungeon.

If it is accurate then I think it speaks highly of this game as I spent about sixty hours in both FFT and Disgaea on PSP and I really felt the final few hours pushing to complete the game. With this it feels like Ive just begun...
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']I think there may be something wrong with the clock in this says I have been playing for 75 hours already and I havent even gotten through the second dungeon.

If it is accurate then I think it speaks highly of this game as I spent about sixty hours in both FFT and Disgaea on PSP and I really felt the final few hours pushing to complete the game. With this it feels like Ive just begun...[/QUOTE]

For the millionth time, it doesn't stop the clock when you standby the console.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']For the millionth time, it doesn't stop the clock when you standby the console.[/QUOTE]

Millionth? Where was this ever stated before?
SP shouldn't be a problem once you get through a fair portion of the game. The Ziggurat gives a significant boost to SP compared to everywhere else (and very little money) and you can access it as early as Chapter 2. You'll just need to spend it wisely early on. Which is probably best spent on the main character and Henson for their hit-all attacks.
[quote name='davidjinfla']Everywhere is sold out in Jacksonville, I hope they add this to the PSN so I can just download it.[/QUOTE] $27.99 with free shipping.
Yea I have been looking everywhere for this. I guess Amazon is the only way to go.

I take that back got the last copy from gamestop today, and all I can say is wow do I love this game :).
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Still waiting for mine to ship. This may be the first time Amazon's delivery estimates were actually close to being right... usually they under promise and over deliver :(
Just started Chapter 3. I like it. It's not fucking awesome or anything, but a fair way to pass the time. Nothing really special about it, but I've been hurting for new RPGs.
I really like it so far, the characters and writing in particular. Some of the longer dungeons can be irritating...they start out fun but if you get lost then you end up fighting the same enemies over and over again and it can get tiresome.

I would recommend that players pick up the Hermes Boots early on because in the inevitable event that you do get lost in a dungeon, they allow you to avoid most battles by increasing your overworld run speed when equipped to Killian...
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']I really like it so far, the characters and writing in particular. Some of the longer dungeons can be irritating...they start out fun but if you get lost then you end up fighting the same enemies over and over again and it can get tiresome.

I would recommend that players pick up the Hermes Boots early on because in the inevitable event that you do get lost in a dungeon, they allow you to avoid most battles by increasing your overworld run speed when equipped to Killian...[/QUOTE]

Mercury Boots, not Hermes Boots.
The whole no UMD thing fucking sucks. So if I buy a game online, beat it - there's no trading it back to GS when they have some extra deal going on or anything like that. You're just stuck with it. I'm not digging that, not to mention $250.00, I'd rather buy a Wii or something I don't have.
[quote name='pimpster4183']The whole no UMD thing fucking sucks. So if I buy a game online, beat it - there's no trading it back to GS when they have some extra deal going on or anything like that. You're just stuck with it. I'm not digging that, not to mention $250.00, I'd rather buy a Wii or something I don't have.[/QUOTE]

Wrong thread ftl.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']....Only on UMD.

OK. I read pimpster's post and I thought this might be something like Patapon 2. He must've just been lost then.
Beat it. This could be the best example ever of a mediocre RPG. Nothing in the game stands out except possibly Atlus's localization. The story, characters, music, and gameplay are all nothing special, but there is nothing particularly horrible or flawed about them. It's not something I'd play again because there is simply nothing special about it at all. Probably gonna sell it.
i don't know... i wouldn't say it's mediocre. it's not top not, but it's above average. i've been enjoying it so far. i've clocked 88 hours so far! j/k, i'm only a few real hours in.
Im on the last dungeon right now. I agree with DeadOfNight that the majority of the is mediocore, although I did think the music was well above average especially compared to my recent experience with Disgaea. I think the localization makes this worth at least a playthrough because it has some genuinely funny lines, even the quest descriptions had some humor.

Speaking of Atlus localizations...has anyone heard anything about the Steambot Chronicles title that is supposed to come out next week? After trouble finding CGS I was thinking of preordering but I am not as convinced about the quality, plus several sites list the price as being 39.99.
The music was horribly repetitive. I thought it was one of the weakest points of the game. And remember, mediocre does not mean bad. It just means not special in any way, which is what I really think this game is. I don't count the great localization by Atlus because that was not part of the original game made by the developers.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Speaking of Atlus localizations...has anyone heard anything about the Steambot Chronicles title that is supposed to come out next week? After trouble finding CGS I was thinking of preordering but I am not as convinced about the quality, plus several sites list the price as being 39.99.[/QUOTE]

I'm working on my review right now that should go up and I had a more positive opinion before I saw the price tag. It just kills the game's appeal since it's very short (12 hours or so) and is an easy game.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

I'm working on my review right now that should go up and I had a more positive opinion before I saw the price tag. It just kills the game's appeal since it's very short (12 hours or so) and is an easy game.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Frisky. I figured youd have the drop on this one, but didnt know if I should send you a PM or just post to the general forum, in case other kids were interested...
My copy should be coming in shortly, I will let you know if it is better than Brave Story. As of right now Brave Story is one of my favorite PSP RPG game so far.
[quote name='depascal22']Is it better or worse than Brave Story?[/QUOTE]

Better. I don't wanna do a step-by-step comparison though, as I really didn't like Brave Story in the first place. I can say that if you did like Brave Story, this is an improved version of more of the same (generic RPG, that is). Come to think of it, I really didn't find this one amazing either...

Ummm, yeah. Let me reiterate. If you liked Brave Story, you'll like this.
bread's done