Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Gen. Discussion

[quote name='Fertil1ty']FF7 sucks ass.[/QUOTE]

such a thoughtful contribution...

im digging the game, but mostly because of the story. to be honest the combat kinda bugs me, boss figths are the only thing that offer any real challenge or need for strategy. but the story is good and seems to be picking up (especially after the dante-esque opening scene). and of course visiting all the old locales in 3d is cool. id be more than happy with a FF7 remake on this engine, i think the graphics are fantastic for a portable.

my question to you guys that have played through a lot of the game or finished the game
i just killed angeal (or so i think, who knows what plot twists lie ahead) and have the buster sword now.
should i be doing the missions. i havent done a single one because ive just been wanting to advance the story. do the missions contain interesting plot elements? or do they just serve as a way to get xp and loot?
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh im right at the end (where you got to find the 7 chest to open up the last fights and found 6. Runnin around for the last hour trying to find it. What suck is i sort of forget where i found the first 6 and now i have no clue where the 7th is : (
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']should i be doing the missions. i havent done a single one because ive just been wanting to advance the story. do the missions contain interesting plot elements? or do they just serve as a way to get xp and loot?[/quote]

I'm not even deep in the game, only played three missions, but of those three two had short story segments that go with them. One interesting one that I'm not sure was a mission or just something I triggered happened when I went into the training room. It showed how
Hojo became interested in experimenting on Zack
, so it definitely wasn't just a throwaway sidequest. I doubt it helps with beating the game but since the fleshing out of what happens leading up to FF VII is the whole point of the game, it seems well worth it. Although if you're like me and don't have a whole lot of gaming time or patience it may be hard to decide when to do a mission or just try to finish the game and move on to the next. :)
i am not sure if this was said already lol,

but did you see what Xplay gave this game!?

2 out of 5, it is simply not that bad!! i 4 out of 5 seems fair to me.
found it last night. it was in the lake section.

15 hours to beat the game level was 35. only had 3% of missions done.

LITTLE HEADS UP. when you walk into the door to start the final 3 boss battle

boss one. just stay away and hit it with thunder? Lighting spell

Boss 2 just hit it with ice spells (even when the sword isnt in the ground)

Final boss. Just hammer away with your weapon Too easy for final boss

ALSO you will need around 1 to 1 1/2 from the time you step though the door to the final credit rolls (at least it did for me 1 hour 8 mins took me)
quick question for someone whos playing + mode. what is the mode, do you start with all the items you had before, or is it just a harder mode? or a combo of the two maybe?
so about the ending...

so genesis gets taken away by people in soldier uniforms and they say that he will be their brother. who do you think those guys are? loz, yazoo and kadaj? or is it someone else?

i found the ending to be a little dissapointing, only because i was hoping for more closure (see above) and wanted to know what happened to cissnei because she isnt around in ff7 (please dont say i have to play before crisis). the battle against the army was cool, but i kept healing myself and doing lots of damage, i think i would have won if they didnt stop me healing myself eventually.

and before the ending...

aerith writes zack and says shes been writing for 4 years. i guess they were in those mako chambers for 4 years then?

i can accept that, before that revelation i thought the time line was all fucked up and was like... wtf? but there ya go.

i beat the game at level 34, about 14 hours, with 6% missions done.

only died twice in the game, once during the scorpion mech because i got pushed against an invisible corner and couldnt get out or have enough time to cure and again at the end against the first of the 3 bosses. i thought the first of the 3 was the hardest of the bunch by far.
i also thought the 1st of the last 3 bosses was the hardest the other 2 went down quick with magic...but the big question are they gnna release a remake of ff7 or what!!!?!?!?!
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']
so genesis gets taken away by people in soldier uniforms and they say that he will be their brother. who do you think those guys are? loz, yazoo and kadaj? or is it someone else?
It's someone else. Play Dirge of Cerberus to find out more (or go watch all the videos on youtube.)
so about the ending...

so genesis gets taken away by people in soldier uniforms and they say that he will be their brother. who do you think those guys are? loz, yazoo and kadaj? or is it someone else?

i found the ending to be a little dissapointing, only because i was hoping for more closure (see above) and wanted to know what happened to cissnei because she isnt around in ff7 (please dont say i have to play before crisis). the battle against the army was cool, but i kept healing myself and doing lots of damage, i think i would have won if they didnt stop me healing myself eventually.

and before the ending...

aerith writes zack and says shes been writing for 4 years. i guess they were in those mako chambers for 4 years then?

i can accept that, before that revelation i thought the time line was all fucked up and was like... wtf? but there ya go.

i beat the game at level 34, about 14 hours, with 6% missions done.

only died twice in the game, once during the scorpion mech because i got pushed against an invisible corner and couldnt get out or have enough time to cure and again at the end against the first of the 3 bosses. i thought the first of the 3 was the hardest of the bunch by far.
i also thought the 1st of the last 3 bosses was the hardest the other 2 went down quick with magic...but the big question are they gnna release a remake of ff7 or what!!!?!?!?!
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']
so genesis gets taken away by people in soldier uniforms and they say that he will be their brother. who do you think those guys are? loz, yazoo and kadaj? or is it someone else?
It's someone else. Play Dirge of Cerberus to find out more (or go watch all the videos on youtube.)
[quote name='pete5883']
It's someone else. Play Dirge of Cerberus to find out more (or go watch all the videos on youtube.)

thanks, its on my list
i died 4 times at the first boss of the firnal 3 until i though. Lets just use magic.

hit it with the lighting spell and went down very very fast.
[quote name='pete5883']
It's someone else. Play Dirge of Cerberus to find out more (or go watch all the videos on youtube.)

thanks, its on my list
i died 4 times at the first boss of the firnal 3 until i though. Lets just use magic.

hit it with the lighting spell and went down very very fast.
I swear this game is so mother freakin broken.

like the whole point of the game is to make your player as strong as possibly able...

except the game makes it EASY to do so!

but I heard to get one of the strongest items in the game you have to perform Octoslash at a specific moment...

I hear ppl try hours upon hours to get lucky and get that item!!
I'm thrilled that I found this game used at EBstop. With this week's email coupon I paid something like 24 dollars after tax. They even had a spare Shinra UMD case for me.

I'm tempted to get the strategy guide. It looks gorgeous but all the ones at the store were a bit beat up.
I was reading gamefaqs and realized I missed out on the Zack Fan Club becoz at one point in the game I was supposed to backtrack and talk to Cissenei :cry:

also I got sum tips for you guys!

tips I give for free coz I got skillz to share!!

If you want to do missions, the best place to do them in is the Shinra Lobby!


coz that lady by the entrance gives u free Phoenix Down status! I was able to survive super Bahamut's limit break without having to exhaust a Phoenix Down from my limited supply!

I'ma try beating all the very hard missions now!
[quote name='JEKKI']I was reading gamefaqs and realized I missed out on the Zack Fan Club becoz at one point in the game I was supposed to backtrack and talk to Cissenei :cry:

also I got sum tips for you guys!

tips I give for free coz I got skillz to share!!

If you want to do missions, the best place to do them in is the Shinra Lobby!


coz that lady by the entrance gives u free Phoenix Down status! I was able to survive super Bahamut's limit break without having to exhaust a Phoenix Down from my limited supply!

I'ma try beating all the very hard missions now![/quote]

Plenty of truth in this. Also, make sure to get the
magic punch
as soon as possible. I swear it's the only way to get past some of the later very hard missions in the
underground cave
. I'm at 68% missions complete right now. Hopefully I'll get 100% before April is over.
My mom took away my PSP a few days after I got Crisis Core. She still has not given it back. Is this normal behavior for a mother of an eighteen year old?
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']My mom took away my PSP a few days after I got Crisis Core. She still has not given it back. Is this normal behavior for a mother of an eighteen year old?[/QUOTE]
Depends on the behavior of the eighteen year old. I wish more parents were willing to take away their kid's video games to get them to shape up.

I'm don't know the details of your situation, Mr. Anderson, so this isn't directed at you, but there are seriously a lot of people out there who would be better off if someone took away their games until they got a clue. Video games are fun and all, but I personally know people who can't hold a decent job because they stay up all night playing games (mostly MMORPG's). It's pathetic, really, and has been bothering me lately because one of the guys used to be a close friend. So I apologize about this rant but I had to get it off my chest.
whoo I beat it~!!!

great game!

49% missions... NO MORE!! >_<


I am DONE with you! DONE!


no broken materia for me!

just the memory of a well played game is all that makes me happy.
I just beat the game. Wow, what a moving ending. I mean, I knew it was coming the whole time, but still some powerful stuff there. Zack's last stand/fight was brilliant.

I must have missed a whole bunch of stuff because I don't think I ever got materia+item fusion or go into most of the last dungeon because
I never got any keys. I assumed that I'd get them after beating Genesis but I guess I was supposed to steal them or something, like with Hojo? It occurred to me but I didn't think the game would actually let me finish without going into those areas. Guess it did
. Had 24% mission completion, about 26 hours logged.
Wow, I was totally impressed by this game. Mind you, I am only a casual RPG player (ex: only played jeanne d'arc, persona 3). Production values on this game were off the radar, especially the remixed orchestral music. If this game is any indication of how Kingdom Hearts will play on the PSP, I am so getting it. This game is probably the best game out for the PSP (Jeanne D'arc closely follows in second). Highly Recommended:applause:
Well I finally beat the game today. OMG I had to go back and put another 10 hours into the game. I had to craft some very nice items that helped me through it. I beat it at lvl 55. Very nice ending. Over all I put in 45+ hours. I am giving my PSP a rest after this and God of War have torn me from my DS for so long.
This has been sitting untouched on my shelf for weeks now. To be fair, I was out of the house, but even now I have no desire to play it. It's all about that Sega Genesis Collection.
This game can suck my dick.

It's a shallow button-masher with a broken-ass status mechanism, with a short-ass main game, supplemented by a ripped-straight-from-Phantasy-Star-Online gameplay, missions, enemies, and the same old tired scenes in the form of missions.

Now, of course, part of the legacy of any FF game is the grinding necessary. It should not, however, be 80% of the time spent in the game.

I was fusing materia to the point where I got 9999 HP, would get so far in a cavern, and one single 'death' spell (which happened ALL TOO OFTEN) would be the end of me. fuck that; there's no real designed challenge in this game: just an infuriating series of deus-ex-machina problems disguised as "challenges."

I'm 14 hours in, finished 27% of the missions, and just met Aerith for the first time. This game's going straight to the end of the backlog. Behind my copy of "Sneak King."
[quote name='mykevermin']This game can suck my dick.

It's a shallow button-masher with a broken-ass status mechanism, with a short-ass main game, supplemented by a ripped-straight-from-Phantasy-Star-Online gameplay, missions, enemies, and the same old tired scenes in the form of missions.

Now, of course, part of the legacy of any FF game is the grinding necessary. It should not, however, be 80% of the time spent in the game.

I was fusing materia to the point where I got 9999 HP, would get so far in a cavern, and one single 'death' spell (which happened ALL TOO OFTEN) would be the end of me. fuck that; there's no real designed challenge in this game: just an infuriating series of deus-ex-machina problems disguised as "challenges."

I'm 14 hours in, finished 27% of the missions, and just met Aerith for the first time. This game's going straight to the end of the backlog. Behind my copy of "Sneak King."[/quote]

You just need to concentrate on the story missions for awhile so you can get items that repel the death spell before going back to the free missions.
I thought this was sort of interesting. I didn't really think the Best Buy version with the metallic cover was very limited, I figured every copy from Best Buy would have them, but I went to Best Buy today and they had one copy with the metallic cover and three copies of the normal version. If you want the metallic cover one maybe think about picking it up soon.
The game is a button masher I agree. What's funny is that I thought it more pure action RPG, this game is really Final Fantasy XII without the gambits, and with there being no waiting between attacks, or waiting between moves (other than the time it takes to complete the move, or spell) So far so good... though.. gonna play some more tonight.
[quote name='mykevermin']This game can suck my dick.

It's a shallow button-masher with a broken-ass status mechanism, with a short-ass main game, supplemented by a ripped-straight-from-Phantasy-Star-Online gameplay, missions, enemies, and the same old tired scenes in the form of missions.

Now, of course, part of the legacy of any FF game is the grinding necessary. It should not, however, be 80% of the time spent in the game.

I was fusing materia to the point where I got 9999 HP, would get so far in a cavern, and one single 'death' spell (which happened ALL TOO OFTEN) would be the end of me. fuck that; there's no real designed challenge in this game: just an infuriating series of deus-ex-machina problems disguised as "challenges."

I'm 14 hours in, finished 27% of the missions, and just met Aerith for the first time. This game's going straight to the end of the backlog. Behind my copy of "Sneak King."[/QUOTE]
Might as well weigh in, after having completed every little bit of the game about a little over a month ago...

I sort of agree with you. The production values for the game are reasonably high, and it's nice to revisit the world of Final Fantasy VII, but the gameplay hinges on truly awful. The dungeon-crawling missions, with their repetitive locales, seem like they were included to artificially extend the game beyond its relatively short main story, and instead of making the later missions an actual challenge, they resort to cheap, unfair tactics that will have you screaming at your PSP screen. Then there's the main story itself, which is largely a convoluted mess of terrible, often nonsensical or incomplete Japanese crack-dream ideas, coupled with pointless fanboy pandering. The game is passable, I suppose, but could have been so much better if the developers would have tried a bit harder. I'm honestly surprised that review scores haven't been more unkind.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Then there's the main story itself, which is largely a convoluted mess of terrible, often nonsensical or incomplete Japanese crack-dream ideas, coupled with pointless fanboy pandering.[/QUOTE]

That's the best summary of the FF series, as a whole, I've ever read.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's the best summary of the FF series, as a whole, I've ever read.[/QUOTE]
The FF series is, at the very least, coherent. This story made little to no sense, at any point in time.
[quote name='pete5883']The FF series is, at the very least, coherent. This story made little to no sense, at any point in time.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played Crisis Core yet, but I agree that the main Final Fantasy series has always been well written for the time-and certainly coherent at the least. It has a different "feel" than western stuff does, but that doesn't mean it's "...a convoluted mess of terrible, often nonsensical or incomplete Japanese crack-dream ideas, coupled with pointless fanboy pandering."

Now Xenogears WAS a mismash of science fiction and Japanese anime ideas, although even still it was interesting and strong for when it was released.
Absolutely (my review of it). I love how the missions are sort of streamlined so that you can do 1 and keep going on. The main story is very good and if you have some time, you can sit down and do that. SE really did a good job of pacing the game with a bunch of save points, but forgot that not everyone wants to sit and watch every single cutscene.
I just finished this today, pretty good if a bit... I dunno, stuff that others have said. It still doesn't explain things very well. I really enjoyed the whole ending sequence though. Props to anyone who finished all the missions, I got to about 16% and couldn't bear them anymore. As a plus, the final battles were actually challenging.

I paid ~24 for this used with the EB PSP coupon from a couple weeks back and felt that I easily got my money's worth.

Bring on a PS3 remake of FF7 with a good translation!
I (re)bought a PSP just for this game. :whistle2:/

I'm only a couple of hrs in and already I think it sucks ass. WTF is up with the slots? It seems like there's no rhyme or reason.
bread's done