Criterion DVDs Half-Off @ Barnes & Noble 7/14-8/03


Just thought I'd let you good folks know that beginning next Tuesday, all Criterion DVDs will be 50% off (60% off for card members!) at Barnes and Noble, and Criterion stuff practically never goes on sale. I'm a sucker for these overpriced sets and will definitely be taking the opportunity to complete my Kurosawa collection. :bouncy:
[quote name='wishfulthinker828']Do all B&N stores carry DVDs, I could have sworn that my local one does not.[/QUOTE]

Nope, my nearest barnes doesn't carry any movies.
[quote name='Brak']I still don't know what to get yet.[/QUOTE]

What kinds of movies do you like? I'm sure a bunch of us can point you in the right directions...
I love Videodrome.

I already own the standard edition DVD, so I'm not sure if I wanna get that one right away...
[quote name='Brak']These are all of the ones I have already:

(Two pages.)

I think I'm only gonna get The Battle for Algiers, even though I've already seen it.[/QUOTE]

Probably a little pedestrian for your tastes Brak- but I love Dazed and Confused and I think that 50 minute documentary might be interesting.
I almost bought it today but I couldn't bring myself to triple dip that title.

I have a love hate relationship with Linklater. I wish he would decide what kind of "filmmaker" he wants to be with works that teeter on greatness (Slackers, Dazed, Scanner Darkly, Fast Food Nation . . .etc.) or a potboiler (Bad News Bears Remake, School of Rock 2, Newton Boys). I guess everyone has to pay the bills, and thus I give him his due deference.
I feel like a failure because I don't own any Criterion DVDs...I've seen a bunch, but everybody sells them up here for around $60 a piece for the really good stuff.
I want in on this sale!

I don't remember if I saw The Passion Of Joan Of Arc on sale or not, but you need to buy it.
[quote name='cleaver']My Chungking Express already shipped. I'm psyched to see it on Blu; it's like a cross between Heat and Friends.[/QUOTE]

That is an insane synopsis... I can say that it is amazing (I got it when it released since it's one of my favorite movies of all time). Now if only Kino would get off their asses and release Fallen Angels on Blu.
[quote name='zenintrude']Well I'm really facinated with modernity and modern Japan, and so I absolutely loved Good Morning... so I'm basing my possible purchase of Tokyo Story on that. I know you said that you're not a fan of Ozu, but would you say that it deals with similar issues/themes (i.e. the changing from traditional Japan to the more modern country we know today)?[/QUOTE]

I haven't actually seen Good Morning, so I couldn't tell you. To be honest, although I know I've seen a handful of his films, the only one that I can think of off the top of my head that I saw aside from Tokyo Story is Floating Weeds.

Regarding other posts, I strongly recommend the Criterion Dazed & Confused; it seems a bit expensive when compared to other options, but they did a great job with it, of course, and it's the only way to get Linklater's very good commentary.

Also, my blu ray of Chungking Express is easily my favorite blu ray that I own. It's so gorgeous. Tony Rayns' commentary track on it is thoroughly insightful, too. And besides, I totally want to have a love affair with that movie.
I went and purchased 400 Blows, the Third Man, the Seventh Seal, and Wages of Fear in a blind buy. This is my first time purchasing any of these arthouse type films from the Criterion collection. I like traditional favorite films such as the Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca, etc. so I hope i will like these too. Any other blu rays must haves? Opinions?

Here's the blu ray criterion list:

400 Blows
The Third Man
The Seventh Seal
Wages of Fear
The Last Emperor
Chungking Express
Last Metro
Bottle Rocket
In the Realm of the Senses
The Man Who Fell to Earth
El Norte
Curious Case of Benjamin Button
For All Mankind
Last Year at Marienbad
Playtime (not released yet)
Repulsion (not released yet)
Kagemusha (not released yet)
Pierrot Le Fou (not released yet)
[quote name='phogoodness']I went and purchased 400 Blows, the Third Man, the Seventh Seal, and Wages of Fear in a blind buy. This is my first time purchasing any of these arthouse type films from the Criterion collection. I like traditional favorite films such as the Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca, etc. so I hope i will like these too. Any other blu rays must haves? Opinions?

I can, without hesitation, recommend both Bottle Rocket and Chungking Express. They're both funny and tense and romantic and feature fantastic performances and soundtracks. Heck, Chungking Express was so good that Quentin Tarantino created an indie film studio just to release it (and then a few other movies after).

What I would flat out dissuade you from getting on a blind buy are In the Realm of the Senses and The Man Who Fell to Earth. First, Senses is almost completely populated by sex scenes, which may or may not be your thing. On the other hand, Man Who Fell is an *awesome* concept that unfortunately succumbs to the horrible 70s movie storytelling traps that made so many other movies of that decade unwatchable. I rented it and made it through about 30 minutes before I simple could not take any more.

That said, I blind bought The Third Man and The Last Emperor on Blu yesterday... the reviews for both are stellar, so I knew it was going to be alright. Plus, i had a roommate last year who would not shut up about The Third Man, so I suppose I owe it to him to finally check it out.
Sweet sweet deal. Got the following:

The last emperor (Blu-ray): 20$
Hidden fortress: 10$
Ikiru: 10$
Wild strawberries: 10$
Wages of Fear (Blu-ray): 20$

70$!!!!!!!!haven't bought so many movies in a while

edit: Also picked up Gandhi (Bluray) for 12$ on Amazon (wow!)
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My haul:

Army of Shadows
Blast of Silence
Death of a Cyclist
The Third Man [blu-ray]
Seven Samurai
My Haul:

Seventh Seal (Blu)
Last Emperor (Blu)
Third Man (Blu)
The Man Who Fell to Earth (Blu)
Wild Strawberries
Seven Samurai
8 1/2
400 Blows
So, do you think they'll be releasing blu-rays of Criterion films already in dvd form? There are some I would like, but figure they will be on blu-ray in a year. My example would be Akira Kurosawa films like Seven Samurai, Ran, Yojimbo, and more. I did cave in on a Post-War Akira Kurosawa boxset because I figured it wouldn't make it to blu-ray anytime soon (if ever). I've caved on these blu-rays...

The 400 Blows
Chungking Express
The Third Man
Bottle Rocket
In the Realm of the Senses

I wanted to get some more boxsets, but I really didn't know what to get that I would like. I watched the 400 Blows last night too, and it wasn't bad. Felt bad for the kid...
[quote name='Antic']So, do you think they'll be releasing blu-rays of Criterion films already in dvd form? There are some I would like, but figure they will be on blu-ray in a year. My example would be Akira Kurosawa films like Seven Samurai, Ran, Yojimbo, and more. I did cave in on a Post-War Akira Kurosawa boxset because I figured it wouldn't make it to blu-ray anytime soon (if ever). I've caved on these blu-rays...

The 400 Blows
Chungking Express
The Third Man
Bottle Rocket
In the Realm of the Senses

I wanted to get some more boxsets, but I really didn't know what to get that I would like. I watched the 400 Blows last night too, and it wasn't bad. Felt bad for the kid...[/QUOTE]

I think theyve already rereleased some titles on blu. But I'm not sure of which ones.
In terms of movie and package quality, can someone sway me one way or the other for Wages of Fear or Last Emperor? Wages of Fear reminds me of Stalag 17 for some reason which I wasn't a big fan of because it was so dated I really didn't feel the intensity, and I'm worried Last Emperor is too slow for me (like 2001, sorry).
GD, there are way too many fantastic deals going on right now. I have no money. As it stands, I'm still gonna try to pick up a one-three of these (emphasis on ONE).
[quote name='Antic']So, do you think they'll be releasing blu-rays of Criterion films already in dvd form? There are some I would like, but figure they will be on blu-ray in a year. My example would be Akira Kurosawa films like Seven Samurai, Ran, Yojimbo, and more. I did cave in on a Post-War Akira Kurosawa boxset because I figured it wouldn't make it to blu-ray anytime soon (if ever). I've caved on these blu-rays...

The 400 Blows
Chungking Express
The Third Man
Bottle Rocket
In the Realm of the Senses

I wanted to get some more boxsets, but I really didn't know what to get that I would like. I watched the 400 Blows last night too, and it wasn't bad. Felt bad for the kid...[/QUOTE]

If you want Ran, buy it now... it is officially out of print, since Criterion lost the rights. It will NOT be released on Blu.
[quote name='cleaver']In terms of movie and package quality, can someone sway me one way or the other for Wages of Fear or Last Emperor? Wages of Fear reminds me of Stalag 17 for some reason which I wasn't a big fan of because it was so dated I really didn't feel the intensity, and I'm worried Last Emperor is too slow for me (like 2001, sorry).[/QUOTE]
Last Emperor has some terrible framing that is very distracting, rent it. I didn't think 2001 was slow at all. I did think Last Emperor was. Hope that helps.

Picked up the Seventh Seal(BD) for about $17 shipped.

Might get the Third Man, is it really as good as most people say?
[quote name='shadowrage']Last Emperor has some terrible framing that is very distracting, rent it. I didn't think 2001 was slow at all. I did think Last Emperor was. Hope that helps.
I had them order and hold this for me. Now I am reluctant to go in an pay for it, but I love Peter O'Toole in that movie. :whistle2:k
[quote name='h3llbring3r']I had them order and hold this for me. Now I am reluctant to go in an pay for it, but I love Peter O'Toole in that movie. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]
If you like the movie I would recommend it, it's a fantastic package with solid image quality. But I sold mine because I could never watch it again with the 2:1 aspect ratio(the DP said that the original aspect ratio wouldn't work for home media, and Criterion listened).
[quote name='shadowrage']If you like the movie I would recommend it, it's a fantastic package with solid image quality. But I sold mine because I could never watch it again with the 2:1 aspect ratio(the DP said that the original aspect ratio wouldn't work for home media, and Criterion listened).[/QUOTE]

I guess for $16.xx I can't complain too much.
[quote name='shadowrage']Last Emperor has some terrible framing that is very distracting, rent it. I didn't think 2001 was slow at all. I did think Last Emperor was. Hope that helps.

Picked up the Seventh Seal(BD) for about $17 shipped.

Might get the Third Man, is it really as good as most people say?[/QUOTE]
As long as you don't hate the zither. But you cannot get more highly regarded than
[quote name='shadowrage']
Might get the Third Man, is it really as good as most people say?[/QUOTE]
This movie is definitely in my top 5 movies of all time, but if you're not particularly into film noir, which happens to be my favorite genre, I can see how someone may not think it's as great as it's made out to be. If you have Netflix and an Xbox, it is available on Instant Watch so you can check it out before buying it.
[quote name='zenintrude']I can, without hesitation, recommend both Bottle Rocket and Chungking Express. They're both funny and tense and romantic and feature fantastic performances and soundtracks. Heck, Chungking Express was so good that Quentin Tarantino created an indie film studio just to release it (and then a few other movies after).

What I would flat out dissuade you from getting on a blind buy are In the Realm of the Senses and The Man Who Fell to Earth. First, Senses is almost completely populated by sex scenes, which may or may not be your thing. On the other hand, Man Who Fell is an *awesome* concept that unfortunately succumbs to the horrible 70s movie storytelling traps that made so many other movies of that decade unwatchable. I rented it and made it through about 30 minutes before I simple could not take any more.

That said, I blind bought The Third Man and The Last Emperor on Blu yesterday... the reviews for both are stellar, so I knew it was going to be alright. Plus, i had a roommate last year who would not shut up about The Third Man, so I suppose I owe it to him to finally check it out.[/QUOTE]

I took your recommendation and got Chungking Express. I was leaning towards getting this earlier, so your recommendation persuaded me. This will be my first Wong Kar Wai film, so hopefully it will suit my tastes. I passed on Bottle Rocket for now since I wasn't the biggest fan of some of the other Wes Anderson films I've seen (Darjeeling Limited, Life Aquatic). The quirky humor isn't really my thing.
[quote name='phogoodness']I took your recommendation and got Chungking Express. I was leaning towards getting this earlier, so your recommendation persuaded me. This will be my first Wong Kar Wai film, so hopefully it will suit my tastes. I passed on Bottle Rocket for now since I wasn't the biggest fan of some of the other Wes Anderson films I've seen (Darjeeling Limited, Life Aquatic). The quirky humor isn't really my thing.[/QUOTE]

I really hope you like Chungking... it was the second Wong Kar Wai movie I ever saw (after seeing the pseudo-sequel Fallen Angels and falling in love with it). Now, Wong Kar Wai is one of my favorite directors... one that note, In the Mood for Love is another fantastic pick-up, especially if you like period movies.

In regards to your Wes Anderson comments, I can see your point... I'm a huge fan of his, but Darjeeling really was not great, and Aquatic took me a while to warm up to (though I love it now). Bottle Rocket probably shares the most similarities with Aquatic, so if you didn't like that, then you may have made the right choice. On the other hand, its soundtrack is fantastic... almost up there with Tenenbaums (which is far and away my favorite of his films).
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Does Quentin have his name stamped all over the Criterion edition of Chungking Express like he does the standard dvd? lol[/QUOTE]

No and unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your opinion of Quentin) his intro and outro commentaries are not included either, so if you still have the original Rolling Thunder release, you may want to hang onto it.
My 60% (plus various additional coupons) off pickups:

From Barnes &

Great Adaptations: The Criterion Collection
Jean Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy: The Criterion Collection
Fassbinder's The BRD Trilogy: The Criterion Collection
Stage & Spectacle: Three Films By Jean Renoir: The Criterion Collection
Andrzej Wajda Three War Films: The Criterion Collection
4 By Agnes Varda: The Criterion Collection

From Barnes & Noble (actual store)

Carl Theodor Dreyer: The Criterion Collection
Paul Robeson: Portraits Of The Artist: The Criterion Collection
[quote name='zenintrude']If you want Ran, buy it now... it is officially out of print, since Criterion lost the rights. It will NOT be released on Blu.[/QUOTE]

Definitely will have to get it then. Are there any other Criterion currently coming out of print like Ran (whether from Kurosawa or anyone else)? I'm just asking so I can save myself time and money and locate a copy now for my collection.
[quote name='Antic']Definitely will have to get it then. Are there any other Criterion currently coming out of print like Ran (whether from Kurosawa or anyone else)? I'm just asking so I can save myself time and money and locate a copy now for my collection.[/QUOTE]

Contempt recently went out of print and will not be coming to Blu-Ray as was previously announced.
Just because Criterion lost the rights now does not mean that they won't get them again sometime in the future, though you'd have to be patient. They buy the rights to release certain films for X period of time, and sometimes if there's the demand for it, they'll re-buy the rights (assuming they're available, which they usually are) sometime down the road.

I'm tempted to get the three-disc Seven Samurai, but it seems like a likely candidate for relatively-soon blu ray treatment.

So far I've bought Science is Fiction (a sweet set of old French undersea footage, a predecessor to Jacques Cousteau) and Harlan County, U.S.A. I will buy Two or Three Things I Know About Her, Made in U.S.A., and Repulsion (blu ray) when they're released and assuming I can get them as part of the sale. I'm still on the fence about the aforementioned Seven Samurai, and the possibility of upgrading my regular DVDs of The 400 Blows (which I love), The Third Man, and maybe The Man Who Fell to Earth (though the blu ray of the latter is lacking the book that comes with the regular edition). This in addition to owning probably something like fifty Criterion DVDs and blu rays before this sale started, and even some Criterion laserdiscs, to boot.
Before I go crazy on this the member's 10% taken off before the 50%? If so..I may bite on getting a membership. Would probably be saving around $25 if the 10% is taken off before the 50%
[quote name='sirhansirhan']Just because Criterion lost the rights now does not mean that they won't get them again sometime in the future, though you'd have to be patient. They buy the rights to release certain films for X period of time, and sometimes if there's the demand for it, they'll re-buy the rights (assuming they're available, which they usually are) sometime down the road.

I'm tempted to get the three-disc Seven Samurai, but it seems like a likely candidate for relatively-soon blu ray treatment.

So far I've bought Science is Fiction (a sweet set of old French undersea footage, a predecessor to Jacques Cousteau) and Harlan County, U.S.A. I will buy Two or Three Things I Know About Her, Made in U.S.A., and Repulsion (blu ray) when they're released and assuming I can get them as part of the sale. I'm still on the fence about the aforementioned Seven Samurai, and the possibility of upgrading my regular DVDs of The 400 Blows (which I love), The Third Man, and maybe The Man Who Fell to Earth (though the blu ray of the latter is lacking the book that comes with the regular edition). This in addition to owning probably something like fifty Criterion DVDs and blu rays before this sale started, and even some Criterion laserdiscs, to boot.[/QUOTE]

Yea, but there are plenty of OOPs that have not come back into print after many years, for example, Hard Boiled. If you want it, or think you might want it, and it is OOP, get it now.
[quote name='sirhansirhan']

I'm tempted to get the three-disc Seven Samurai, but it seems like a likely candidate for relatively-soon blu ray treatment.


I would love to pick up Seven Samurai as well, but feel the same way. It doesn't help that if you check the cdjapan website, Akira Kurosawa blu-rays are being released of such films as Seven Samurai, Kagemusha, and more. They won't be Criterion though, and so far it looks like no subtitles (according to the listing). I refuse to buy multiple versions.
Picked up the following today:

I Am Curious Yellow & Blue
The Third Man
Life of Brian
Bottle Rocket
Bicycle Thieves
La Strada

All originally $39.99

I signed up for the membership today as well and got the extra 10% and used a 15% off coupon. of course could only use one.

They took the 10% off after the 50% though, not I had hoped they would. Ah well.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']

I signed up for the membership today as well and got the extra 10% and used a 15% off coupon. of course could only use one.

I've gone by and used a 15% off once everyday since it started.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']I've gone by and used a 15% off once everyday since it started.[/QUOTE]

not worth the gas for me to just save an extra $2-$3.

[quote name='FlamedLiquid']not worth the gas for me to just save an extra $2-$3.

I drive by one nearly everyday. So that is to my advantage.
Got The Complete Monterey Pop Festival today. Once the Grey Gardens / Beales Of Grey Gardens box set comes in, I will only be missing 3 box sets.
Finally picked up the Seven Samurai, the Yojimbo/Sanjuro box, and Hiroshi Inagaki's Samurai Trilogy for $85 and change. (Too bad my employee discount doesn't apply.) I had crummy old versions of all the films and it'll be nice to see how they look with a quality transfer.

Also, I love that this thread has turned into a discussion of great films. Time now for a samurai marathon.
I dusted off my LD and watched the Crit. Chasing Amy. Why doesn't K.S. make more movies like this? I never noticed how much self-deprecation there was in the two main characters- let's hope he works out a Crit. :br:
Also, I picked up the 7th Seal on :br: for $16.
He already announced a Criterion Blu-ray of Chasing Amy:
In other Bluray news, Kevin and the cast are currently recording new material (another documentary perhaps?) for a “Chasing Amy” Criterion Bluray, making it sound like this dream will finally become a reality. Kevin has in the past revealed he wanted to repackage all the great Criterion stuff that already existed along with new stuff on top of that.

He also announced a Blu-ray version of Clerks that will contain all the contents of Clerks X as well as the documentary, “Oh What a Lovely Tea Party”. They're gonna also release these two movies along with Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back in a 3 movie box set.
[quote name='TDAGARIM']He already announced a Criterion Blu-ray of Chasing Amy:

He also announced a Blu-ray version of Clerks that will contain all the contents of Clerks X as well as the documentary, “Oh What a Lovely Tea Party”. They're gonna also release these two movies along with Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back in a 3 movie box set.

Good to hear, last I read they were balking on it. I would certainly rather it be Mallrats than J&SBSB in the set though.
Got my second batch of movies in the mail today. Mildly annoyed that The Third Man blu-ray is shorter than the rest of my Criterion's.
bread's done