CTRL V Now! Lets see what you have!

The work of Cezanne, especially the late work. You may consult the classic
books by John Rewald and Meyer Schapiro on this subject;
Gauguin's painting;
The so-called School of Pont-Aven;
Fauve painting, especially that of Derain and Matisse;
Early Picasso, including the Blue and Rose Periods.
alright now three of you mother fuckers fell for that sex quiz, the names are Hex, Long, and Stuka.. I have your results... but i dont think i am that mean to share the embarassing information... i might have a change of heart ... hehe
First, we're doing this really cool t-shirt design competition with threadless.com. Essentially, you watch the trailer for the movie and think about the movie's slogan which is "We all make choices. What's yours?" And come up with a t-shirt design. The winning design not only gets made, but the winner gets all sorts of cool prizes like an ipod and money and signed posters and most importantly: I'll wear the winning shirt on Scrubs. So check out this link for more info:

1 Yellow or White Onion (chopped)
1 Bunch Cilantro chopped (no stems please)
2 Pork Tenderloins (approx. 7-8 lbs.)
1 Bottle of your favorite cooking beer (I prefer Red Stripe for this recipe)
3-6 Cloves minced garlic (depending on your taste)
2-4 Tbsp. EVOO (you should know what that means by now)
6-8 Cans (or approx. two jars) "Salsa Verde" (not chile verde sauce) just about any brand will do
Large stockpot
Lots of room in your fridge (for overnight storage)
Tortillas: flour or corn, I prefer flour
Wisconsin Lunchbucket

* 1/4 glass Beer
* 1/4 glass Orange juice
* 1 shot Amaretto

Mixing instructions:

In a beer mug large enough to hold a shot glass, mix beer and O.J. Drop in shot of Amaretto (depth charge) and slam.
"Nearly half the black widow bites reported in the medical literature of the first 4 decades of [the twentieth] century were inflicted on the male genitalia by spiders lurking underneath the seats of outdoor toilets."
You could call him the beach boy with a brain, because former Beach Boy Brian Wilson is often referred to as a musical genius. During his first attempt to record the "Smile" album in the mid-1960s, he suffered a nervous breakdown. Now he's returned to the studio to blend the essence of all his good vibrations with classic Christmas carols. "What I Really Want For Christmas" is his first solo Christmas album, and it includes two new songs. He most recently was in the news for raising more than $200,000 for Katrina relief and making more than 500 phone calls for his Katrina Donation challenge in which he pledged to match all donations of $100 or more and call donors personally to thank them. Not exactly verbose, Mr. Wilson expresses himself best with music. Since his return to the public realm in the 1990s, he has won his first Grammy Award (in February for the long-awaited completion of "Smile" in 2004) and was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2000. He credits his wife, Melinda, whom he married in 1995, for bringing his soul and career back into harmony. You can read more at www.brianwilson.com.
bread's done