Cult of personality (Updated w/ new video 9/29)

I dunno, we seem to revere our founding fathers as gods and there's a pledge of allegiance every morning in school. And I heard something about a man named Reagan...

This is weird and I'd hope they don't do it anymore, but it's certainly not a sudden communist brainwashing, it's par for the course. I think you just don't like this one.
The difference between saying a pledge of allegiance to a country and the rules of that country and pledging to a individual who leads a country is kind of big.
I don't know about you, but I don't recall anyone every saying a pledge of allegiance to Ronald Reagan(or any president for that matter) They're showing daily now that Ashton Kutcher I pledge allegiance to barack(kiss) obama (kiss) video now, which is more then creepy.

Some of the highlights of this video:

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
[quote name='deathscythehe']The difference between saying a pledge of allegiance to a country and the rules of that country and pledging to a individual who leads a country is kind of big.[/quote]

Different, yes, not really that big of a difference. You're not pledging to the rules of the country, you're pledging to the flag and the republic. The rules and laws can change. The only difference is the image - you're loyal to the government regardless of who's heading it, unlike the communist (and probably other) regimes where you pledge allegiance to the leader rather than the flag.

Pledging to anything is anti-democracy and against the sentiment of the people overthrowing a government if it goes against them. There should be no pledges.

[quote name='deathscythehe']I don't know about you, but I don't recall anyone every saying a pledge of allegiance to Ronald Reagan(or any president for that matter) They're showing daily now that Ashton Kutcher I pledge allegiance to barack(kiss) obama (kiss) video now, which is more then creepy.

Some of the highlights of this video:

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm![/QUOTE]

They're not exactly pledging allegiance to Obama in that song either, it doesn't mean it's not basically the same sentiment.

I know this is creepy and it shouldn't be happening, what I'm saying is that it has always been creepy and this really isn't all that different, but I'm sure the same people who hold other individuals in an almost godlike esteem and would defend the pledge will also see this as indicative of the "cult of personality" that is apparently just showing up here with Obama.
I don't disagree with you for the most part. I don't agree with pledging to a govt and especially individuals. I don't think there's anything wrong though to pledging yourself to ideals and philosophies, which is what I meant when talking about the pledge of allegiance. If the government no longer represents those ideals, then you don't support it anymore.
Imperator Caesar Divi filius Augustus
He said that all must lend a hand
To make Rome strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!

But America's nothing like Rome, right?
[quote name='deathscythehe']I don't disagree with you for the most part. I don't agree with pledging to a govt and especially individuals. I don't think there's anything wrong though to pledging yourself to ideals and philosophies, which is what I meant when talking about the pledge of allegiance. If the government no longer represents those ideals, then you don't support it anymore.[/QUOTE]

I see what you're saying, but the pledge of allegiance is not that. It's a pledge to the state (and religion, sort of, since they shimmied that bit in there to spite the commies, the irony of it all apparently eluding them). If anybody's pledging to anything the leaders should be pledging to the people every morning, not the other way around.
[quote name='SpazX']If anybody's pledging to anything the leaders should be pledging to the people every morning, not the other way around.[/QUOTE]

You're a RED!
[quote name='SpazX']If anybody's pledging to anything the leaders should be pledging to the people every morning, not the other way around.[/QUOTE]
That's something we can both agree on.
That is one of the creepiest and disturbing things I've seen in a while. It's kind of up there with the Hollywood drones who pledged their lives to Obama when he was elected, and the person who paid for a billboard after the 2004 election that said "Our Leader" with a picture of Bush on it.

^Typical Bush supporter

I'll be waiting for someone to post 'typical obama supporter'. please make sure they're black.
[quote name='deathscythehe']For those who haven't seen it:
Go to 3:20 to see the most blatant crap these idiots are peddling.
This is actually being shown daily in schools across the country.[/QUOTE]

Do they show this on channel one or something, or are you just saying that? Seriously though, I think you guys are getting up in arms about nothing really, I mean what, the parents can't talk to their kids about this supposed "brainwashing?"
[quote name='deathscythehe']For those who haven't seen it:
Go to 3:20 to see the most blatant crap these idiots are peddling.
This is actually being shown daily in schools across the country.[/QUOTE]

This just reminded me of how stupid this was when I first saw it/heard about it. Shouldn't they have been doing most of those things anyway? I mean, if Mccain won then they weren't going to be a good mother or they couldn't do it while Bush was in office? :roll:
[quote name='docvinh']Do they show this on channel one or something, or are you just saying that? Seriously though, I think you guys are getting up in arms about nothing really, I mean what, the parents can't talk to their kids about this supposed "brainwashing?"[/QUOTE]
This is shown on Channel one.
As to your second point, are you kidding me? I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you've never worked with kids this age, especially in an educational environment. Especially when you're dealing with little kids like that, they trust a teacher. The arguments that the kids know this is just propaganda are total bull. They are too young to understand what a fact is and what propaganda is. If you try making a sarcastic comment to them, most of the time they'll think you're being serious.
You're also ignoring the obvious fact that parents don't get told what is going on every day in school. If you read the stories about this, you'd know that the parents of the students are just finding out about this video now.
In case you think I'm blowing smoke and making a mountain out of mole hill:

The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still un-perverted and therefore unspoiled.

You can take another wild guess as to who said that.
[quote name='deathscythehe']This is shown on Channel one.
As to your second point, are you kidding me? I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you've never worked with kids this age, especially in an educational environment. Especially when you're dealing with little kids like that, they trust a teacher. The arguments that the kids know this is just propaganda are total bull. They are too young to understand what a fact is and what propaganda is. If you try making a sarcastic comment to them, most of the time they'll think you're being serious.
You're also ignoring the obvious fact that parents don't get told what is going on every day in school. If you read the stories about this, you'd know that the parents of the students are just finding out about this video now.
In case you think I'm blowing smoke and making a mountain out of mole hill:

The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still un-perverted and therefore unspoiled.

You can take another wild guess as to who said that.[/QUOTE]
Well, I can honestly say that no, I'm not a teacher, but my mom is a teacher, and my friend is also a teacher, so I understand that point of view. I can also honestly say that I was a child once and I'm pretty sure we had propaganda then too. I also remember no one actually gave a crap about Channel One to even worry about anyone ever being brainwashed from it. What do you propose we teach kids, the world sucks and everyone look out for themselves, because that's pretty much the reality of the world.:) I really do think you're overreacting. Hell, we need to worry that the kids are learning ANYTHING before we need to worry about them being brainwashed!

Quick edit, do they show Channel One in elementary school now? Back when I was in school, they only showed it in middle school and high school.
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[quote name='elprincipe']That is one of the creepiest and disturbing things I've seen in a while. It's kind of up there with the Hollywood drones who pledged their lives to Obama when he was elected, and the person who paid for a billboard after the 2004 election that said "Our Leader" with a picture of Bush on it.[/QUOTE]

Grown adults can do what they want, even if it makes them look like idiots.

To me, the horrible thing here is how the teachers are using kids. I mean, I'm not too concerned (it takes a whole lot more then this to really brainwash kids - just ask the Christian church) but it's still disturbing.
I'm sorry but everything a child experiences until about 7 years old can easily be considered brainwashing. It's just funny that we only call it 'brainwashing' when the kids are experiencing something we don't agree with (like Camoor's religion comment).
[quote name='thrustbucket']I'm sorry but everything a child experiences until about 7 years old can easily be considered brainwashing. It's just funny that we only call it 'brainwashing' when the kids are experiencing something we don't agree with (like Camoor's religion comment).[/QUOTE]

Okay I can go along with that. After the age of seven though they're fair game for anything.:)
[quote name='thrustbucket']I'm sorry but everything a child experiences until about 7 years old can easily be considered brainwashing. It's just funny that we only call it 'brainwashing' when the kids are experiencing something we don't agree with (like Camoor's religion comment).[/QUOTE]

How can teaching a kid his ABCs, how to tie his shoes, or that the sun is a big ball of fire be considered "brainwashing". Teaching a kid objective facts or the skills they need to function in society is not "brainwashing".

Brainwashing only occurs when you manipulate their primitive understanding of the world to conform with the beliefs that you would like them to hold, be they political, religious, or ideological. For example, Santa Claus is a mild and mostly harmless form of brainwashing.
I seemed to have missed this Channel One boat in school. And I went to public school. What's up with that?

[quote name='camoor']For example, Santa Claus is a mild and mostly harmless form of brainwashing.[/QUOTE]

What kind of brainwashing do you propose that Santa Claus exhibits? He's a grandfather archetype lasting all the way back to Ancient Greece.
Me too, I have no idea what it is honestly, we never had any regular TV in any of my schooling, only if we were watching some educational special or relevant movie.
[quote name='SpazX']Me too, I have no idea what it is honestly, we never had any regular TV in any of my schooling, only if we were watching some educational special or relevant movie.[/QUOTE]

I only had channel one in middle school. It is just a "news" tv station they would show every morning in homeroom for about 10 minutes. usually a bunch of targeted commercials and learn how to be nice to people/community. After channel one there would be a student news segment with people from the school.

Everyone would either use homeroom time to finish up homework/sleep or just talk to your neighbor. No one really paid attention.

That is what it was 13 years ago anyway.
[quote name='ToadallyAwesome']I only had channel one in middle school. It is just a "news" tv station they would show every morning in homeroom for about 10 minutes. usually a bunch of targeted commercials and learn how to be nice to people/community. After channel one there would be a student news segment with people from the school.

Everyone would either use homeroom time to finish up homework/sleep or just talk to your neighbor. No one really paid attention.

That is what it was 13 years ago anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I never had "homeroom" either. I just went to fucking class. I wish I had free school time to do homework that wasn't lunch (or another class while not paying attention).
[quote name='c0rnpwn']What kind of brainwashing do you propose that Santa Claus exhibits? He's a grandfather archetype lasting all the way back to Ancient Greece.[/QUOTE]

How Jungian.

Santa Claus does not exist but many little kids believe he is real. This is done for the purposes of paternalistic entertainment (aww look at the cute kids) and behavior modification (you better not pout, you better not cry...) - but almost always in a lighthearted manner, as kind of a big joke that you will eventually fill the kid in on.

It's done by convincing a child who does not know any better that a folklore myth is reality through sing-song, video, and an elaborate set of rituals (meeting santa at the mall, the tree, the cookies and milk, the sudden appearance of gifts, etc) IE Brainwashing!

Just because it is mostly harmless doesn't mean it isn't brainwashing.
[quote name='JolietJake']We sang this during a school play.

It felt weird when i was 10 too.[/QUOTE]

I never liked that song, honestly. It doesn't help that the song claims that soldiers dying to protect our country "gave us" the right to be free. That's just incorrect and not what the Founders believed at all; liberty is a natural right of all human beings.
[quote name='camoor']How Jungian.

Santa Claus does not exist but many little kids believe he is real. This is done for the purposes of paternalistic entertainment (aww look at the cute kids) and behavior modification (you better not pout, you better not cry...) - but almost always in a lighthearted manner, as kind of a big joke that you will eventually fill the kid in on.

It's done by convincing a child who does not know any better that a folklore myth is reality through sing-song, video, and an elaborate set of rituals (meeting santa at the mall, the tree, the cookies and milk, the sudden appearance of gifts, etc) IE Brainwashing!

Just because it is mostly harmless doesn't mean it isn't brainwashing.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough, I agree with you.

Not a fan of brainwashing, I recoil to think how much more power the executive branch has gathered over the years, enough to inspire the aforementioned video. Keep the rallies to ideas (hopefully good, American virtues, lol), not people, even if the people inspire ideas.

While I love Obama for his ability to speak (I am into classics,
I don't see any problem when Obama is in fact the second coming of Jesus Christ. I can already feel the path to heaven is opening up under Obama's guidance. Soon Obama will deliver his promise of world peace and eternal happiness. It's no doubt that all you unbelievers will burn in hell for your lack of faith. That is a guarantee for refusing to accept Obama as your savior.
Dear deathscythehe,
Please, if you could, add this article to your OP:

Flashback: Students Sang Bush's Praises Too (And For Katrina Response!)

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First Posted: 09-25-09 04:43 PM | Updated: 09-25-09 05:36 PM


Republicans have been in an uproar recently over video footage of children at a New Jersey elementary school singing the praises of President Barack Obama. The outrage has been fueled mainly by a constant drumbeat from conservative media. But on Friday it boiled over into the realm of political opportunism when the Republican National Committee sent out a fundraising appeal calling the episode an "indoctrination of our nations... children" and "fanaticism."
"Friend," RNC Chairman Michael Steele wrote, "this is the type of propaganda you would see in Stalin's Russia or Kim Jong Il's North Korea. I never thought the day would come when I'd see it here in America."
Alas, such "propaganda" has not been limited to despots, dictators and the Obama White House. As a savvy source points out, back in 2006 children from Gulf Coast states serenaded First Lady Laura Bush with a song praising the President, Congress, and Federal Emergency Management Agency for their response to -- of all things -- Hurricane Katrina. The lyrics were as follow:
Our country's stood beside us People have sent us aid. Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade. Congress, Bush and FEMA People across our land Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand!​
The event took place at that year's White House Easter Egg Roll and included roughly 100 children from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. President Bush, it seems, wasn't in attendance during the song itself. But he was there earlier, when the First Lady read the book, Will You Be My Friend: A Bunny and Bird Story by Nancy Tafuri, to the children.
"After the reading," the Wall Street Journal reported at the time, "Mr. Bush asked, 'Did you like this book? Does it tell you about what people can do to help other people, what bird did to help bunny? Be kind to him and give him shelter.'"
The weather that day was described as a "chilly rain" which must have seemed appropriate given the fact that the Gulf Coast children were actually thanking the administration for its feeble response to the hurricane.

To be honest, we are still decades behind the world leaders like North Korea in our cheers for the fearless leader competitions, but we're finally in the game now.
[quote name='speedracer']I'm surprised it took em a week to find something similar for Bush. Extra lulz points for it being a Katrina thing.[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised it took that long too. No shocker that Republicans or Bush would do the same thing. It's still wrong and creepy though. And you wonder why home schooling is becoming more and more popular.
I don't really have that big a problem with it. It's better than idolizing Columbus.

The current President of the United States should be a figure that our school children look up to and sing songs about.

That especially holds true for poor black kids in Jersey. It kind of shows them that any of them could possibly become President. It's also good to give kids heroes that aren't dead and gone. Give them a living breathing hero that they can emulate and be inspired by.

I didn't mind when kids sang songs about Bush either. He was still our President and kids should be taught that they should at least respect the man and the office.

Maybe I'm just trying to find the positive to the story.

Not in a public school but I'm still digging.

.This is form the Wall Street Journal, 2006:
“At the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, children from the stricken Gulf Coast region serenaded First Lady Laura Bush with a song praising the beleaguered Federal Emergency Management Agency.
To the tune of Hey Look Me Over, about 100 young children from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama sang:
Our country’s stood beside us
People have sent us aid.
Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade.
Congress, Bush and FEMA
People across our land
Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand!
After the song, Mrs. Bush posed for photos with the kids, many of whom were wearing Katrina Kids T-shirts, despite the chilly rain”
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[quote name='Msut77']

Okay? And what does this have to do with a topic about kids being made to worship our presidents msut77? Do you even read the topics?

There are billboards every damn place ya go. And having one say such an obvious one is ALOT different then kids singing the praises of Obama at the beginning of school, or kids singing the praises of what Bush didn't do during Katrina.

Perhaps you should stop your hate of republicans long enough to actually read topics?
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