CVGs list of Five Things Nintendo needs to do in 2008


Here's the list pulled from an article on CVG listing the top 5 things they think should be on Nintendo's 2008 To Do List

Friend's Codes

The debate is over, Nintendo. The Friend's Codes need to go, or at least be revamped. Giving someone a twelve digit number is laborious. Giving them an email address isn't.

Nintendo's reasoning all along has been the safety of children and that's admirable. But aside from making it almost impossible to share your Friend's Code with anyone, we fail to see how it protects children more than say, assigning an email address to each console.

In addition, the restrictions on adding friends need to be lifted. It shouldn't take two people, each with each others Friend's Code, to link two Wii's together. If my friend inputs my Friend's Code, I should be able to accept or decline his friendship over WFC. I shouldn't need to add his Friend's Code in to get it all to work.

Rechargeable Wii Remotes

An official rechargeable battery for Wii Remotes needs to be in the offering in 2008. Last year, Nintendo forced us to increase our carbon footprints by adding to landfills and swipe AA batteries from friends when they weren't looking. Third-parties released alternative solutions that, unfortunately, had a tendency to heat up, forcing owners to either tempt fate with dodgy unofficial peripherals or hand over a fiver every time they entered a newsagent.

Buying disposable batteries feels a bit dirty, in the same way that still smoking after the ban does. You can almost feel the cashier eyeing you with contempt, as if you plan to infect his precious planet with your environmentally unfriendly gaming.

No wonder Greenpeace isn't happy with Nintendo. As much as we hate to veer towards territory even further left than The Guardian, it's time for Nintendo to go green, and save our wallets in the process.

DS Connectivity

Remember 2003's E3? When Sony was talking about the PSP and Microsoft was talking Halo 2 and the future was all about digital entertainment solutions? Remember Nintendo talking about connecting a GameBoy Advance to a GameCube via a cable?

Nintendo must have spent millions experimenting with connectivity, and the obsession with the subject baffled us a little. But with the coming of wireless broadband, Nintendo's intuition about its importance seemed right on the money.

But this makes it doubly frustrating that Nintendo appears to be shying away from the idea. Sure, Iwata recently talked about moving beyond gaming with the DS and experiments have taken place with Baseball matches in Seattle, but it all seems like the whimsical experimenting of the R&D department, rather than real progress.

DS connectivity and the mass-market penetration of the Wii provide Nintendo with the unique opportunity to change the way portable devices work. A Nintendo DS game card can only store up to 256MB, which is nothing in terms of a broadband download.

Using WFC, the option to buy full DS games needs to be implemented this year. With a digital distribution method, prices for DS games could come down to something that approaches reasonable. £30 for a portable game is ridiculous in this day and age, especially when some Wii titles are going on sale at £20.

More people would be able to purchase titles on the spur of the moment, so an impromptu train journey would never need to be as boring again.

Of course, downloadable games require storage space, and the Wii has very little at the moment. Speaking of which...

Wii External Hard Drive

Nintendo has some very ambitious plans for 2008. Between beefing up the Virtual Console, introducing the Wii Ware channel and delivering DS Demos wirelessly, a wealth of content will soon be pumped down your broadband pipe straight into your Wii.

Where it will go once it arrives is a matter of contention, though. The Wii currently offers less than 300MB of practical onboard storage - the equivalent of a few Xbox Live Arcade titles.

Throughout history, Nintendo has made a serious of tactical blunders when it comes to incorporating new technology into its systems. It stuck to cartridges when Sony moved on to CDs. It dispensed with DVD playback when everyone else included it as a given.

Nintendo has blazed its own path through this generation, but even a trend setter needs to acknowledge there are certain universal truths to be followed when making a console. It needs a controller to play games. It should somehow connect to the internet. It requires a power button to switch it on.

Storage is fundamental before you offer a downloadable service of any kind. If we are to believe Nintendo when it says there are no plans to release an external hard drive, these plans need to be reversed.

Third-Party Support

Support for third party developers has always brought with is different issues but for Nintendo it's been a curse.

Being both the hardware manufacture and the biggest publisher of games on its systems, Nintendo has had to fight the notion that publishing third party games on a Nintendo system is bad business sense.

Currently, Nintendo is in a unique position. It's the primary videogame console manufacturer, but developers are hesitant to develop for it. Instead, they prefer to work on the known quantities of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Third parties need more than technical support and development advice from Nintendo. In order to feel confident about releasing titles on Wii, Nintendo has to provide marketing and advertising help, working with developers to promote titles other than the big three - Mario, Zelda, Samus - on the Wii.

List is a mixed bag for me.

Friend codes they're spot on. No one likes them, and Nintendo's online gaming service will be a joke until they have a single friend code, unified friends lists and game invites in place.

The batteries bit is stupid. Have they not heard of rechargeable AAs?

With DS connectivity, all I want is the DS download channel. Digital downlaod of DS games will never happen. Piracy is already to easy on that console.

External Hard Drive could be nice, but even if one came out, I doubt we'd ever see Nintendo put out enough demos, videos etc. this generation to make it a worth while purchase. Maybe if it was cheap, unlike the overpriced 360 hard drives.

Finally, for third parties I think most everyone would agree that Nintendo need sto work to get better third party exclusives, and stop letting any and all crap shovelware come out. Quality control is important,, the plethora of shit games hurts their image.
The only thing I truly really need them to do is give us an external hard drive. Everything else is feh. I would like to see more games use DS connectivity, and I believe we will get that this year or even next.
3rd party support is fine.

What those parties may have forgotten is that you cant avoid competing with Nintendo just by avoiding their platform.

For Japan in 2007, 1st Party Nintendo software on the Wii outsold all other non-1st party Wii software. That is to say (1st+3rd Party for 360+PS3, along with 3rd party Wii).

Same story with the DS. 1st party DS >3rd Party DS + ALL PSP combined. Thats a failing of 3rd parties across the board, not just on a single platform.

3rd party software on Wii also outperformed both of their competing platforms, despite a lower attach rate, because of superior marketshare.

You either take advantage of marketshare + low dev costs or you dont and complain about it. Either way.
1: Doesn't actually impact me in the slightest... yet. I'm still a half a year from being able to play online. Regardless, it's still embarassingly bad.

2: Meh.

3: Unless we're talking about the SSBB stage? Meh.

4: Yesplzthxguys.

5: Reportedly, Nintendo is a real pain to work with. Which wouldn't surprise me. As far as I can tell, "You must be a dick to third parties" was one of the terms Satan had when he signed his pact with Yamauchi.

For his part, Yamauchi was assured Satan's eternal soul.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Friend codes they're spot on. No one likes them.[/quote]
I happen to be of a different opinion, but thanks for speaking up for me nonetheless.

I think the DS connectivity is going to come soon enough.

Storage problems? It's really not a giant issue since you have SD cards and the ability to delete/redownload. I know most whine that it's not super convienent, but seriously why do you need to keep every game you've bought on the console?

Rechargable batteries? My Nyko charger says hi. It's great and while a first party charger would be nice, not neccessary.

3rd party support is there. And, besides I don't think this is 100% in Nintendo's court anyway. I'm sure a good part of it has to do with the 3rd party companies.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']

Storage problems? It's really not a giant issue since you have SD cards and the ability to delete/redownload. I know most whine that it's not super convienent, but seriously why do you need to keep every game you've bought on the console?


It's not an issue of 'need', so much as an issue of 'life would be so much easier and it happens to be an EXTREMELY easy fix on their part'.

Even if they allowed for direct reading off of SD cards, people would be happy.

Trust me, right not it's not as big of an issue, but wait until Wii Ware debuts, or demos, or even just wait a year. I mean, I haven't purchased a VC game in 7 months, yet I still only have about 400 blocks left. So, really, it's an inconvience at the moment, but will only become more dire as time goes on and more is released.
Friend codes goes right along with more friendly online connectivity. Will it happen? Doubt it.

Uhh... I have a pack of rechargeable batteries that work fine. Besides, a Nintendo branded charger would probably cost more than it's worth, not unlike the Wii branded SD cards.

DS connectivity should come soon enough, either be it Wii Channel connectivity or games.

Hard drive? Yes please. I don't know why this hasn't been done already.

Third party support? Honestly, I don't think it's so much Nintendo as it is the third parties. Look at some of the shovelware crap that is getting put on the system. There have been some fantastic third-party games, but I think the majority of developers/publishers are scared of Nintendo themselves. Grow a pair and spend some money developing some decent titles.
[quote name='007']an issue of 'life would be so much easier[/quote]
[quote name='ChibiJosh']most whine that it's not super convienent[/quote]
But seriously, I realize that it will be more and more of an issue as time goes on. For the most part, though, what are the chances that you'll play every game you've downloaded often enough to warrent not deleting them and and taking the 5 minutes redownloading them when you get an itch to play them in the future. Of course, that logic falls somewhat apart when talking about N64 games and [probably] some WiiWare games, but for those you can easily shove them on an SD card to save time later.

I don't know. I would love to have some means of an external harddrive, but I don't see it as the giant problem most people make it out to be.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I happen to be of a different opinion, but thanks for speaking up for me nonetheless.

Do you seriously like them and prefer a different code for each game!?!

I'm aware some people don't think their that big a hassle. But I don't think I've ever heard anyone actually say the liked them yet.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
I don't know. I would love to have some means of an external harddrive, but I don't see it as the giant problem most people make it out to be.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's a big issue either. But they do need to give the option to load saves, play game etc. directly off the SD card.

Re-downloading isn't a big deal, but it could be a pain for people that move and don't have broadband anymore etc.

Plus, with it not being directly readable, who knows if we could even download demos and play them, or game preview videos (i.e. big files that are full 16x9, 480 p) and watch them off them without a firm ware update to make them readable.

But that's the way to go, not a hard drive that would probably never be supported enough to justify the cost.
Besides rechargeable remotes and full downloadable DS games (pfff), everything looks about right. I thought they eluded to external hardrive support way back when. Then again, they also promised us region-free games.

As successful as they are right now, I don't think Nintendo has changed much at its core from their SNES/64 days. Shiny new Apple finish, but still cocky and stubborn as ever.

Third party support, advertisement, and quality control is the biggest issue for me.
Focus on bringing these series to the wii.
Donkey Kong Country wii
Donkey Kong Racing wii
Punchout wii
Pikmin wii
castlevania wii
Indiana Jones wii
Samurai shodown hyper 64 1 and 2 Virtual Console:drool:
[quote name='Mr. Roper']
Pikmin wii
castlevania wii

If these already arent in development they should be. I think the wii is perfect for the first good 3d castlevania, or atleast a pumped up version of the ds style.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Do you seriously like them and prefer a different code for each game!?!

I'm aware some people don't think their that big a hassle. But I don't think I've ever heard anyone actually say the liked them yet.[/quote]
I feel harassed. Help, help, I need an adult!

But, anyway, I guess I'm more indifferent than fond of them. It just feels like how it did back in the day when I used to play some online PC games (needed different names for each of those). I don't really plan online much, but with being away at grad school, I'm glad that I have the chance to play SSBB or something with a friend or two from back home, and that's all that really matters to me as oppose to how they impliment it.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I feel harassed. Help, help, I need an adult!

But, anyway, I guess I'm more indifferent than fond of them. It just feels like how it did back in the day when I used to play some online PC games (needed different names for each of those). I don't really plan online much, but with being away at grad school, I'm glad that I have the chance to play SSBB or something with a friend or two from back home, and that's all that really matters to me as oppose to how they impliment it.[/QUOTE]

I guess I kind of feel the same way. I can't honestly say I like them, and while I would prefer an easier method of remembering a screen name, it's easy to forget about FCs once you enter them.

The thing that I dislike the most is exactly what dmaul mentioned. Having a separate code for each game is idiotic. If we could just enter the system's FC once and be done with it, maybe it be so bad. And it seems that no developer can really decide what to do, as some games use the system's FC and some assign one to the game.
Now that I can see. Indifference I can get. Actually liking them, I can't see how.

I dont' mind 16 digit codes over names really, I just don't like a different one for each game, not being able to send game invites etc. Makes it tough to meet up with friends, or fellow CAGs for any online gaming.

With the DS, all you can do is add each other, and try to coordinate doing a friend game search at the same time. I assume the Wii friend system is the same, unless they add an invite option for people you've added in Smash or something (i.e. maybe developers can build an invite system within their games).

With a unified friends list and invites, you can just see if your friends are online, send them a game invite, and get to playing.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']If we could just enter the system's FC once and be done with it, maybe it [wouldn't] be so bad. And it seems that no developer can really decide what to do, as some games use the system's FC and some assign one to the game.[/quote] Assuming that you forgot "wouldn't" in there, if you could just enter the system FC then the online would be perfect.
Also, what games use the system's FC?

[quote name='dmaul1114']Now that I can see. Indifference I can get. Actually liking them, I can't see how.[/quote] Well, indifference still isn't dislike. That was my original point.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
Well, indifference still isn't dislike. That was my original point.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I don't like to get into pointless semantic debates....

I really just want unified lists and invites. Without those I'll never do anything other than random gaming, as it's just to hard to meet up with friends or CAG gaming nights without those options. Don't really care about codes vs names. Many gamer tags are just as impossible to remember as numeric codes anyway.

BTW, how is life in WV? I spent my first 23 years there (and 4 at WVU in Mo-town) and was glad as hell to get out!
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo doesn't need to do anything to change. They're flawless.[/quote]
fuck yes! This guy knows what he's talking about. :applause:

[quote name='dmaul1114']BTW, how is life in WV? I spent my first 23 years there (and 4 at WVU in Mo-town) and was glad as hell to get out![/quote] Another month, and it'll be 23 years for me with 5 in Morgantown. The amount of people here multiply like cockroaches every year though. I'm glad I moved out to South Park, it feels so much less crowded.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
Another month, and it'll be 23 years for me with 5 in Morgantown. The amount of people here multiply like cockroaches every year though. I'm glad I moved out to South Park, it feels so much less crowded.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I lived out in Suncrest my last 3 years at WVU (in Towers 1st year). Definitely preferred that to living closer to campus. I just parked at the med center PRT stop and rode down to class.

You're lucky to have been there during good b-ball and football seasons! Both were pretty awful during my time there (1998-2002)!
DS Connectivity would work in some instances but cannot, I repeat, cannot be shoehorned into a game experience that doesn't need it. Nintendo can create great ideas to utilize this aspect (Animal Crossing could us it in some fashion) and that is where they should focus on bringing in the DS, when it can bring more to the gaming experience. I just am wary of the GBA and GC connectivity rage Nintendo tried to push on us that miserably failed.

Friend Codes do need to go, or just streamlined....The service does not have to be Live but meeting places for gamers and a better way to connect needs to be used to give the Wii an online community, not an online community for just Strikers, or just Brawl, the whole system should feel connected in a similar fashion every time you go online.

Rechargeable Wiimotes???? Is this necessary? Can people not figure out that they make rechargeable AA batteries for a cheaper price than a "charge station?" Not only can you use the batteries in the Wiimote time after time, you have a way to charge all other devices that use AA batteries.

I agree with 3rd party support but I think it will come around soon. Most quality projects take at least 1.5-2 years to come to fruition and since the sales figures that no one expected haven't been around that long, I think we'll start to see developers putting games onto the largest installed base (when the Wii passes the 360). The 3rd parties just have to realize that if they make quality games on the Wii, they WILL sell. If you look now, most 3rd party efforts are poor and don't sell because of the crappy games, not because Wii owners only want 1st party titles.

Finally, external storage media is something that will have to be implemented in some fashion and along with that, the memory system should be overhauled to allow easier access from the Wii to external media.

PS: None of these things can happen and the Wii will still be my favorite console if they make the AAA games I expect from Nintendo.

(HOKIES!!!! wish we still played you WVU guys)
That list is pretty close to what I'd come up with myself for the most part.

1) Yes, friend codes should be cleaned up. Really, it would take so very little to have them function like any old username. I don't see this changing until (rather, if) Sony releases Home and even then, it'll probably be more of a de facto rollout across games from a set point forward.

2) A rechargable remote (with a decent built-in speaker) would be nice, but it's far from vital. *shrug*

3) DS connectivity. Who cares? Really.

4) I think the need for external storage is overblown currently (anyone remember the guy who worked out how many VC games you could store in the built-in memory around Wii launch? It was enough that I doubt any significant number of people are hitting that cap), but with WiiWare and demos on the way, that's going to change. Like friend codes, this is so easy to implement, I think once they have sufficient reason (and people saying they want it ain't sufficient), it'll happen.

5) Third-part support is an issue, but it's complex enough that I won't get into it. I will say that the whole shovelware thing is a load of BS, but until someone sits down and goes over the numbers for every Wii game and compares them to the numbers for, say, the PS2, there's no way to prove that. Conversely, there's no way to prove it is the case, either -- basically, two pages in EGM does not a scientific study make.

The other things I'd like to see addressed in 2008 are:

6) Voice chat. Sorry Nintendo, but most games need it. Not all of them, sure, and more often than not you have to deal with some thirteen-year-old numbnuts calling you a "jew $$$$$$," but it's tough to do some kinds of games on the system without it, and less third party support is the last thing you want (see point 5).

7) Some proactive advertising. Lan Zero mentioned this in passing, but damned if it doesn't need to be repeated. Any given wrestling program or primetime animated series is jam packed with commercials for whatever game is expected to be hot shit on the 360 or the PS3; I can't count how many Heavenly Sword commercials I've seen, and the list goes on. On the other hand, Metroid Prime: Corruption basically got a trailer downloaded to everyone's Wii ... the day before it came out. Way to tell people "Hey! The good games are over here!" Nintendo has always sucked at this, and they probably always will, yet it remains their single biggest corporate mistake, IMO. Basically, they've pulled a Kerry and let themselves get swiftboated for three generations now.

8) Fewer whiney bitches. As I write this, the front page of the Wii forums has no less than five complaint threads or threads that started about something else and devolved into one*. It's a good idea to have somewhere to voice constructive criticism ... but seriously people. Seriously.

*When's the last time you turned it on; Wii, third-party support, and life; Suda 51: Wii is only for non-gamers etc.; 127 Wii games to look forward to in 08; this one.
[quote name='trq']
7) Some proactive advertising. Lan Zero mentioned this in passing, but damned if it doesn't need to be repeated. Any given wrestling program or primetime animated series is jam packed with commercials for whatever game is expected to be hot shit on the 360 or the PS3; I can't count how many Heavenly Sword commercials I've seen, and the list goes on. On the other hand, Metroid Prime: Corruption basically got a trailer downloaded to everyone's Wii ... the day before it came out. Way to tell people "Hey! The good games are over here!" Nintendo has always sucked at this, and they probably always will, yet it remains their single biggest corporate mistake, IMO. Basically, they've pulled a Kerry and let themselves get swiftboated for three generations now.
[/quote]Like you said, this has alway's been Nintendo's weaknesses. And with Zack & Wiki and No More Heroes, it seems like it's even starting to infect third-parties working on the Wii. I've probably seen more Heavenly Sword commercials in one day than I ever have Wii commercials.

And yeah, voice chat. Now. Even if I need an extra friend code just to use it.
1: Yes friend codes do suck.

2: Stocked rechargeable batteries would be nice but meh, I have my NiMh from Radioshack still getting the job done. It would definitely bother me more if I didnt have a rechargable wireless remote for my 360.

3: DS connectvity: I don't own one but it woudl be cool.

4: External Harddrive: I'm not a big downloader, I just have one VC game and the other channels (vote, shop, weather, internet, check mii out). I never really focused on how much memory space I have left. Is it very small? Do you have to worry about it if you don't really download that many VC games?

5: Third Party support: RE4 was really really great, Ghost squad is mediocre, other than that all my games are developed by Nintendo, which is probably a similar story to a lot of Wii owners (who buy them, or should buy them IMO for games like Zelda, Galaxy, Metroid). Still capcom deserves a pass from this generalization because of Z&W and RE4.
1. Friend codes - I agree

2. Nintendo licensed rechargeable batteries would be nice.

3. DS connectivity - I personally don't care since I don't own a DS, but I could see how it would be nice.

4. Hard drive -- why? Just make better use of the SD card slot. You can currently buy 8GB SD cards (if not larger). This is all the storage that you will likely ever need.

5. Third Party -- they are trying. There are some decent 3rd party titles out right now. Sure there's a selection of shovelware, but every system has that.

One mysteriously missing from the list:

Wireless Nunchuck / Controller combo. The wires don't get in my way when playing, but storing all of that crap gets messy. It would be nice if this could all be wireless.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo doesn't need to do anything to change. They're flawless.[/quote]
As flawless as this country and its cokehead president.
[quote name='trq']
I think the need for external storage is overblown currently (anyone remember the guy who worked out how many VC games you could store in the built-in memory around Wii launch? It was enough that I doubt any significant number of people are hitting that cap), but with WiiWare and demos on the way, that's going to change. Like friend codes, this is so easy to implement, I think once they have sufficient reason (and people saying they want it ain't sufficient), it'll happen.

Even if you stick to Virtual Console titles, Turbografx CD games, Neo Geo games, and many N64 games are pretty big, so you can fill it up without a lot of trouble.

Oh, and ChibiJosh: you know individual friend codes are bad. I know they're bad. Everyone knows they're bad. it's traditional to dislike bad things. It doesn't have to directly affect you for you to know it's bad and therefor dislike it.
How about ONE friend code per console? Or even introduce an account/gamertag system for Wii users and link the friend code to that.

If I exchange friend codes with someone to play Smash Bros, why does Nintendo treat us both like were child molesters and make us do it all over again when we want to play Mario Kart?

Once Wii A agrees to be friends with Wii B, they should be able to play ALL online games together.
[quote name='Puffa469']How about ONE friend code per console? Or even introduce an account/gamertag system for Wii users and link the friend code to that.

If I exchange friend codes with someone to play Smash Bros, why does Nintendo treat us both like were child molesters and make us do it all over again when we want to play Mario Kart?

Once Wii A agrees to be friends with Wii B, they should be able to play ALL online games together.[/quote]Ah, but what if Person B is living with Person C, who is a child molester? Wouldn't Person C then be able to play with (and I think you know what I mean by "play with" here) Person A, when all they wanted was a game of Battalion Wars?

And what if Person A was living with Person D, who was also a child molester, and D met C? What then, Puffa? What then?
[quote name='The Crotch']Ah, but what if Person B is living with Person C, who is a child molester? Wouldn't Person C then be able to play with (and I think you know what I mean by "play with" here) Person A, when all they wanted was a game of Battalion Wars?

And what if Person A was living with Person D, who was also a child molester, and D met C? What then, Puffa? What then?[/quote]
Sounds like a party.

[quote name='eastx']Oh, and ChibiJosh: you know individual friend codes are bad. I know they're bad. Everyone knows they're bad. it's traditional to dislike bad things. It doesn't have to directly affect you for you to know it's bad and therefor dislike it.[/quote]

You know telling people how to feel is bad. I know it's bad. Everyone knows it's bad. it's a tradition to not do bad stuff.... etc, etc
1. Some good, non gimmicky RPGs! Nintendo, you have the greatest batch of characters ever... please make a massive RPG starring a ton of your characters... like Smash Bros except it's an RPG.

2. No more god damn friend codes.

3. Give us the option to use an external HD or thumb drive (I mean any brand because I have plenty that I've gotten for cheap- a Nintendo branded one would just cost a lot) and then give us some trailers/demos/videos/shows/interviews/previews/etc. of games and other things Nintendo.

4. Saturn emulation for the VC... I wanna play PD Saga.

5. Wireless Nunchuk.
[quote name='Vinny']1. Some good, non gimmicky RPGs! Nintendo, you have the greatest batch of characters ever... please make a massive RPG starring a ton of your characters... like Smash Bros except it's an RPG.[/quote]What's a "gimmicky" RPG? The only RPG franchises Nintendo really has are the Paper Mario/Mario RPG and Fire Emblem games. I could definitely see a mascot-laden Mario RPG-style game. That would be pretty bitchin', really.

[quote name='Vinny'] 4. Saturn emulation for the VC... I wanna play PD Saga.[/quote]fuck PD Saga. I wanna play Shining Force 3!

[quote name='Vinny'] 5. Wireless Nunchuk.[/quote]If for no other reason than that it would mean me not almost pulling the plug out of the remote every time I do a certain wrestling move in No More Heroes.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
You know telling people how to feel is bad. I know it's bad. Everyone knows it's bad. it's a tradition to not do bad stuff.... etc, etc[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that meant anything.
[quote name='eastx']Yeah, that meant anything.[/quote]
Well, let me spell it out for you. What kind of closed minded person equates "I don't like them" to "everyone doesn't like them". Let's learn to respect someone's opinion when it's different from ours, shall we?
[quote name='Trenchalicious']They have plenty of things to fix, but they rather release new colors and print money.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Nintendo hates being successful.
1. A unified friend code would be nice.

2. My energizer rechargeables work perfect. No real need for rechargeable Wiimotes.

3. As for DS connectivity all I want is Demo's and the ability to download and store GB and GBC games.

4. External HD's and Thumb drive support would be cool. Hell just being able to load VC games from a SD slot would be nice.

5. Third Party: Okami, RE, Z&W, No More Heroes, New Tails Game, Fatal Frame IV. I think there is more than enough third party, as long as they keep up the good games.

What do I want from the Wii in 2008? Well simply DS demo's, and the ability to download GB and GBC games. Also more SD card support would be cool.
[quote name='The Crotch']What's a "gimmicky" RPG? The only RPG franchises Nintendo really has are the Paper Mario/Mario RPG and Fire Emblem games. I could definitely see a mascot-laden Mario RPG-style game. That would be pretty bitchin', really.

fuck PD Saga. I wanna play Shining Force 3!

If for no other reason than that it would mean me not almost pulling the plug out of the remote every time I do a certain wrestling move in No More Heroes.[/QUOTE]

A gimmicky RPG would be one that just forces the use of the motion controls... like DQ Swords. I wouldn't mind traditional controls while using the Wiimote every now and then for puzzles like Super Paper Mario did. But I also don't want another Paper Mario-esque RPG, they're fun but have too many tedious bits, are too simple, and never really pick up in momentum. I want some thing EPIC.

I wanna play a lot of Saturn games but PD Saga is at the top of my list.

The wireless nunhuck was more of a afterthought honestly. Dammit... I should've asked for a wireless Classic Controller!
[quote name='The Crotch']Ah, but what if Person B is living with Person C, who is a child molester? Wouldn't Person C then be able to play with (and I think you know what I mean by "play with" here) Person A, when all they wanted was a game of Battalion Wars?

And what if Person A was living with Person D, who was also a child molester, and D met C? What then, Puffa? What then?[/quote]

Then have user logons for Wii's, a gametag like system.

Also, pick your roomates more carefully.
[quote name='Puffa469']Then have user logons for Wii's, a gametag like system.

Also, pick your roomates more carefully.[/quote]Oh, I'm sorry, wrong answer.

I was looking for, "What is Voltron?"
Make Pikmin Wii
Make mariokart for the snes online when it comes out on the VC.
Put out square and rare games for the VC.
[quote name='TARDIS']As soon as I saw the title of the thread, I knew that FC's were going to be #1.[/QUOTE]

As they should be.

Brawl should be the greatest online game ever, but with Nintendo's online service doesn't look like it will be. Makes me sad.
bitch, bitch, bitch....

All that crap might be considered for the next generation Wii, but there's no sense changing anything major while retail outlets can keep them on the shelf for more than 30 minutes.

All they need to do for the next 2 years is pump out Mario Tennis, Mario Baseball, Mario Mario, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, And Smash Bros. Brawl and ride the profit wave into 2010. Keep dreaming for hardware improvements and major changes - they ain't gonna happen.
[quote name='bmulligan']bitch, bitch, bitch....

All that crap might be considered for the next generation Wii, but there's no sense changing anything major while retail outlets can keep them on the shelf for more than 30 minutes.

All they need to do for the next 2 years is pump out Mario Tennis, Mario Baseball, Mario Mario, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, And Smash Bros. Brawl and ride the profit wave into 2010. Keep dreaming for hardware improvements and major changes - they ain't gonna happen.[/QUOTE]

Ah, you're right. Because their sales are good, they should never improve or change anything. Thanks for the excellent opinion.
[quote name='eastx']Ah, you're right. Because their sales are good, they should never improve or change anything. Thanks for the excellent opinion.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree with the friend code debacle. It's absurd to require a seperate code for every game. But you have to face reality. Nintendo thinks they know everything about gaming and the American public be damned. We're just mindless idiots who'll fork over $$ no matter how badly we're treated. They're there to pocket the reward. They made a gamble and it's still paying off - why would they change strategies now ?

YEah, yeah, you all bitch about no hard drive. So what ? You think everyone is downloading VC games like crazy? No. You think A DS demo channel is going to make them lots of money? No. The market may be leaning toward digital delivery, but it ain't quite there yet. In a few more years when broadband has penetrated most of the market, Nintendo will jump on the wagon and take your money again after they come out with the WII2.
bread's done