Dance Dance Revolution featuring Mario!

[quote name='Nephets'][quote name='smellhasreturned']i love ddr games and this one will be good even if it involves mario whom i hate[/quote]

If it weren't for Mario, games wouldn't be the way they are today, kid.

Anyway, I'm a DDR freak, this seems interesting for me being a DDR fan and a Nintendo fan, but we'll just see how this works out...[/quote]

i love how you threw kid in at the end there.
mario is fine in mario games. but mario everything is over-exposure.

ask yourself why konami's ddr is being published with mario as the title character. it's the same reason as namco's/nintendo's recent donkey konga. these are really third-party titles, but with tacked on licensed characters, and through some sort of non-disclosed agreement, the game is released under the pretense of a first-party title.

why? third-party titles drop in price much quicker. first-parties typically outlast and hold their retail values two to three times longer in length. this gives both big n and konami much greater margins with the same expected volume. it makes business sense from both of their perspectives, but there are drawbacks....and you've read about them here already.

mario games are fun, but mario everything is not.

anyway, NOA should get to work on localizing that release immediately. while you're at it, package it with a quality pad like you did with the recent dk release, and i'll be picking up a pair for sure. (but leave in the option to 'turn-off' mario if you force feed us) thank you.
[quote name='pumbaa'][quote name='David85'][quote name='pumbaa']Pikmin
Eternal Darkness
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario

Pikmin is the only game there that is even close to innivative. Nintendo is just adding it's charaters to everything now to make a quick buck. Money is good, but it will fail at some point.

Why am I not complaining about other companies? Maybe it is because they don't go out of there way everyday to brag about how great and innovative they are, and how all the other companies are making trash.

Nintendo needs to get it's head out of it's ass and do something truely innovativing.[/quote]

Eternal Darkness - Innovative "Insanity" Effects
Metroid Prime - 1st "First Person Adventure", 1st game in which 1st person jumping isn't completely crap
Paper Mario - Innovative Battle system... Innovative RPG/Platformer Hybrid.
That why I put those in the list if you are wondering. If you disagree with any of the reasons, by all means... I'm all ears[/quote]

Wow Insanity effects in a game with shity controls, shity camra, the insanity affects were a joke. It was like a good RE and wasn't even made by Nintendo.

Metriod Prime is a first person shooter. WOW! You jump in the game?! Oh my God!!! Jumbing is only been done in video games for 30 years now. They did it right? Wow they want a medal?

Paper Mario improved on the one from the first, it's not innovating it's just better.

Innovative would be something completely new that no one ever did before, a completely new form of game. Nintendo preaches about that like they are some priest in a church and hasn't really done that. The games are great, but they are the same thing over and over again. Maybe Nintendo will get it's act together with Mario 128 or some DS games, they better.
Nothing against you...but having a Garfield avatar while talking about innovation is like a large woman ordering a diet coke with her Big Mac.
You are a fucking dumbass, so how about you make some comment that has something to do with this and not my avatar.

Garfield doesn't pretend to be innovating, Nintendo preachs it lie they are god, and yet doesn't do it themselves.
[quote name='David85']You are a shaq-fuing dumbass, so how about you make some comment that has something to do with this and not my avatar.

Garfield doesn't pretend to be innovating, Nintendo preachs it lie they are god, and yet doesn't do it themselves.[/quote]

Wow. Panties in a bunch? (FYI, i said that just to piss you off more, and to get a reaction. It worked.)

I've already stated my opinion. This is a good thing. Is it innovative to have Mario in a DDR game? No. Is putting licensed, popular characters into games so they sell more than they would have otherwise innovative? Nope, its just damn smart. I'm sorry, but if you dont like the fact that Mario is in many video games, has done Got Milk ads, had his own damn show AND breakfast ceral, and is still one of the most widely known characters around...GO THE HELL AWAY. If you do like Mario, and are sick of this "whoring out" of his name...well, think of some other way for Nintendo to sell games.

Also, if you havent realized that PR can give you the run around, i have a president to sell ya (Yet again, said to invoke anger and irrational speaking).

If you dont enjoy the games...stop playing.
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='DenisDFat']only idiots think there is a kiddy image,

only losers play DDR.[/quote]

No, only fanboys don't realize how kiddy an image the Gamecube really has.[/quote]

I'll do you one better. Only idiots CARE if there is a kiddie image.[/quote]

Nice, stick it to the man.
Mario is great, but Nintendo says ALL THE TIME that they are for innovating games and without it the gaming instrutry will fail and yadda yadda. But at the same time they aren't doing anything about it, they are doing the same thing they are bitching about. That's my problem.

If Nintedo wanted a DDR game then they both could come together and make a true DDr game that is different than all the rest. Mario as a Bonus is fine, but Mario in the game is lame.

Nintendo has made one new Mario platformer game in the last 6 years one, and that one was poorly designed.
[quote name='David85']Mario is great, but Nintendo says ALL THE TIME that they are for innovating games and without it the gaming instrutry will fail and yadda yadda. But at the same time they aren't doing anything about it, they are doing the same thing they are bitching about. That's my problem.

If Nintedo wanted a DDR game then they both could come together and make a true DDr game that is different than all the rest. Mario as a Bonus is fine, but Mario in the game is lame.

Nintendo has made one new Mario platformer game in the last 6 years one, and that one was poorly designed.[/quote]

SMS is a very good game, there was no way it could live up to the hype though

and a Mario DDR game sounds good to me. Hopefully they include a lot of Nintendo music as well as popular DDR music to make the soundtrack really big
What the hell could they do to DDR to make it more innovative? Seriously. They seem to be adding different things, like actual game-type levels to it. Hell, the could use montion sensors, but that didnt work too well back on the ol' Genny
[quote name='David85']You are a shaq-fuing dumbass[/quote]

that applies more to you than to anyone else in this thread. you have the cognative abilities of month old mayonnaise
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Will I be able to "do the mario" like I've always wanted to?[/quote]

that would be awesome.
Trying to get this tread on track again.....

For the person who asked about the other dance game by Mad Catz, I have it.

Overall the game is average. The sounds are slower than DDR but they are also a different type of music. I love dancing to Earth, Wind, & Fire and KC and The Sunshine Band. The Jessica Simpson remix is also surprsingly fun and pretty good.

There are only four modes on MC Koolz Dance Craze (great name aint it.....). They include: Dance Mode, Vs. Mode, Excersize Mode, and one other mode that I can't remember.

One difference between DDR is that the game is all about having fun. There is no unlocking of new songs and every song shares the same highscore list. It's a fun game to play with friends and it is okay to play by itself.

The pad that ships with the game is very VERY good. It is very sturdy and is much better than any of the cloth pad that I used on the PS2. The surface isnt very sticky and is made out of a cloth-like material instead of plastic. The pad also comes with a 5 year warrenty, so if anything goes bad your covered.

I hope this answers your questions about the game.If you have anymore feel free to ask.
[quote name='Mospeada_21'][quote name='Scorch']Note to Nintendo: It's okay to release a game without Mario in it.[/quote]

you know, that's what i thought too after seeing the screenshots. well, at least now we're getting a decent 'semi-authentic' ddr.

pasting mario all over the product does not help 'lose' the kiddie image. big n should use samus instead. (in the original unlockable costume :wink: )[/quote]

Yeah, you need to eviserate whores, steal things and crush puppy skulls to do that :roll:
[quote name='David85']Mario is great, but Nintendo says ALL THE TIME that they are for innovating games and without it the gaming instrutry will fail and yadda yadda. But at the same time they aren't doing anything about it, they are doing the same thing they are bitching about. That's my problem.

If Nintedo wanted a DDR game then they both could come together and make a true DDr game that is different than all the rest. Mario as a Bonus is fine, but Mario in the game is lame.

Nintendo has made one new Mario platformer game in the last 6 years one, and that one was poorly designed.[/quote]

Why can't they say they are innovative? For starters, they have made some of the best gaming peripherals that other companies have copied. The Rumble Pak, the Wavebird, the first good analog stick, and some truly amazing games, not to mention the DS, which is an innovation for games anyway. You are obviously just in this thread to troll, as I have seen you do many times around here. SMS wasn't poorly designed; it was a good game. Hell, Sunshine was better designed than 90% of the crappy platformers released today. If you have an opinion, fine, then by all means stick to it. But you have provided nothing more than bitchy fanboyism in this thread against Nintendo... :roll:
Why DDR exists...
[quote name='Wshakspear']Why DDR exists...

:lol: I still bust that out for some Track & Field action!
[quote name='Scorch']
Note to Nintendo: It's okay to release a game without Mario in it.

Wow he's in 2 games and suddenly everyone's: "OMFG Marioos in all teh cube games, noooooooo. Okay am i 1337 yet?"

I think his involvement in both NBA Street V3 and this upcoming DDR will be helpful. Hell I'm going to at least rent the GCN ver of NBA Street V3 just because of Mario, where as I would've totally avoided it.
[quote name='Rig'][quote name='David85']Mario is great, but Nintendo says ALL THE TIME that they are for innovating games and without it the gaming instrutry will fail and yadda yadda. But at the same time they aren't doing anything about it, they are doing the same thing they are bitching about. That's my problem.

If Nintedo wanted a DDR game then they both could come together and make a true DDr game that is different than all the rest. Mario as a Bonus is fine, but Mario in the game is lame.

Nintendo has made one new Mario platformer game in the last 6 years one, and that one was poorly designed.[/quote]

Why can't they say they are innovative? For starters, they have made some of the best gaming peripherals that other companies have copied. The Rumble Pak, the Wavebird, the first good analog stick, and some truly amazing games, not to mention the DS, which is an innovation for games anyway. You are obviously just in this thread to troll, as I have seen you do many times around here. SMS wasn't poorly designed; it was a good game. Hell, Sunshine was better designed than 90% of the crappy platformers released today. If you have an opinion, fine, then by all means stick to it. But you have provided nothing more than bitchy fanboyism in this thread against Nintendo... :roll:[/quote]

You forgot the D-Pad :)

N's might not have the market advantage, but they will always be the trail blazers.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']David85, is something wrong with you today? I usually like reading your posts, but man, you sure are being a big fat dick today.[/quote]

Depends where you read his posts, Mr. Anderson.
If he gets into an arugment, he tends to get personal really quick.
Looking over some recent posts in vs. mode shows that pattern start to emerge.

He gets especially snippy if pushed into a corner.
[quote name='DenisDFat'][quote name='David85']You are a shaq-fuing dumbass[/quote]

that applies more to you than to anyone else in this thread. you have the cognative abilities of month old mayonnaise[/quote]

Man, usually DDF is the one doing the annoying. But this time it looks like you've even gotten under his skin. It is apparent from this thread (and many posts in other threads) that Nintendo must have caused your mom to die or something. Go sue Nintendo, don't take it out on all of us with your whining all day every day that Nintendo is actually doing some good in the videogame world.
[quote name='Rig'][quote name='Wshakspear']Why DDR exists...

:lol: I still bust that out for some Track & Field action![/quote]

I still bust mine out, but Short Order/Eggsplode is where it's at!
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']I've never really gotten into DDR, but this definitely peaks my interest.[/quote]

I know exactly what you mean. I never have played a Street game, but I'm probably gonna buy Vol.3 used (so EA doesn't get any of my money :twisted: ). And I have been thinking about getting a PS2 or replacing my broken XBOX just to get DDR, but now I don't have to.

Others can continue crying about their fanboyish ways at us all, but this is exactly the reason why they do it. They do it whenever they know Nintendo has done a good thing.
[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Rig'][quote name='David85']Mario is great, but Nintendo says ALL THE TIME that they are for innovating games and without it the gaming instrutry will fail and yadda yadda. But at the same time they aren't doing anything about it, they are doing the same thing they are bitching about. That's my problem.

If Nintedo wanted a DDR game then they both could come together and make a true DDr game that is different than all the rest. Mario as a Bonus is fine, but Mario in the game is lame.

Nintendo has made one new Mario platformer game in the last 6 years one, and that one was poorly designed.[/quote]

Why can't they say they are innovative? For starters, they have made some of the best gaming peripherals that other companies have copied. The Rumble Pak, the Wavebird, the first good analog stick, and some truly amazing games, not to mention the DS, which is an innovation for games anyway. You are obviously just in this thread to troll, as I have seen you do many times around here. SMS wasn't poorly designed; it was a good game. Hell, Sunshine was better designed than 90% of the crappy platformers released today. If you have an opinion, fine, then by all means stick to it. But you have provided nothing more than bitchy fanboyism in this thread against Nintendo... :roll:[/quote]

You forgot the D-Pad :)

N's might not have the market advantage, but they will always be the trail blazers.[/quote]

And the first "true" handhelds. (Game & Watch) (Game Boy)

[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Rig'][quote name='David85']Mario is great, but Nintendo says ALL THE TIME that they are for innovating games and without it the gaming instrutry will fail and yadda yadda. But at the same time they aren't doing anything about it, they are doing the same thing they are bitching about. That's my problem.

If Nintedo wanted a DDR game then they both could come together and make a true DDr game that is different than all the rest. Mario as a Bonus is fine, but Mario in the game is lame.

Nintendo has made one new Mario platformer game in the last 6 years one, and that one was poorly designed.[/quote]

Why can't they say they are innovative? For starters, they have made some of the best gaming peripherals that other companies have copied. The Rumble Pak, the Wavebird, the first good analog stick, and some truly amazing games, not to mention the DS, which is an innovation for games anyway. You are obviously just in this thread to troll, as I have seen you do many times around here. SMS wasn't poorly designed; it was a good game. Hell, Sunshine was better designed than 90% of the crappy platformers released today. If you have an opinion, fine, then by all means stick to it. But you have provided nothing more than bitchy fanboyism in this thread against Nintendo... :roll:[/quote]

You forgot the D-Pad :)

N's might not have the market advantage, but they will always be the trail blazers.[/quote]

That's right! The D-pad. Invented by Gunpei Yokoi (creator of the GameBoy) and quickly patented by Hiroshi Yamauchi (former President of NCL).
[quote name='David85'][quote name='pumbaa']Pikmin
Eternal Darkness
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario

Pikmin is the only game there that is even close to innivative. Nintendo is just adding it's charaters to everything now to make a quick buck. Money is good, but it will fail at some point.

Why am I not complaining about other companies? Maybe it is because they don't go out of there way everyday to brag about how great and innovative they are, and how all the other companies are making trash.

Nintendo needs to get it's head out of it's ass and do something truely innovativing.[/quote]

Like maybe . . . the DS?

You're the one who needs to remove your head from your ass.
bread's done