Danimal's Office S3 Contest is over. Congratulations, doc005!

Karen: [Referring to Jim hopping in the corner, stuck while playing CoD 2] Look how cute he is. And he's trying to shoot with a smoke grenade.
My entry is Dwight when he is on the roof at the end of the episode that Jim and Pam were pranking him that he was applying for the CIA.

{Dwight receives a text message}
DWIGHT{reading}: You have been compromised, abort and destroy your phone {tosses phone off roof}

Dwight Schrute: What were your favorite moments?

Michael Scott: Uhh, all of them. I loved them all. Every single one.

Dwight Schrute: What about when Jan said the branch was closing?

Michael Scott: God, Dwight.

*Dwight entry.
Creed: I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the 60's, I made love to many, many women. Often outdoors... in the mud and the rain. And it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.
Evening bump. I'll check again tomorrow morning when I get back from work, and depending on how many more entries this gets tonight, I'll figure out a deadline for when to wrap this thing up and name a winner.
Michael to toby:

"I hate So much about the things you choose to be"

I really like Kevin a lot. His delivery is what makes his lines so funny, though, so it's hard to convey the humor in quotes.

Kevin: "I was trying to throw this party once, and everyone was over for the weekend. And then my Uncle Bernie died. So then me and my best friend had to pretend like he was alive."
Well, I guess entries have slowed to a trickle, so rather than run this through the weekend, I'll keep it open for one more day, and draw a winner tomorrow morning. I'll update the thread title and the OP. Deadline to enter will be 9:00 a.m. tomorrow (Friday). At that time, I'll draw a character's name, and immediately after that I'll draw the contest winner from the pool of whoever had that character as an entry.
premiere is tonight!! sweet sweet office is back!!

Michael Scott - (to camera) and this is his (Dwight) strike two, and you know what they say, fool me once, strike one, but fool me twice (looks completely lost and confused as to where the saying is supposed to go) strike three.
Michael: That would have really really showed him up, wouldn't it, if I brought in some burritos, or, colored greens, or some, pad thai, love pad thai...
Stanley: It's collard greens.
Michael: What?
Stanley: It's collard greens.
Michael: Uh, doesn't really make sense. Cuz you don't call them collard people. That's offensive.

My vote is for Michael
[quote name='n25philly']entered so I can make a couple $ on ebay if I win it. The show is just painful to watch.[/QUOTE]
I'm so impressed by your candor and by your ability to follow simple instructions that I'm entering you twice. :dunce: :roll:
A favorite Ryan moment that came immediately to mind:
Stanley blowing up at Ryan when he thinks Ryan's hitting on his daughter in the "Take Your Daughter to Work" episode. Sure, Stanley's dialogue is funny, but it was Ryan's terrified reaction shot that cracked me up.

"That little girl is a child! I don’t want see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon, do you understand? Boy, have you lost your mind, cause I’ll help you find it, whatcha looking for, ain’t nobody gonna help you out there, Jesus could come through that door, he’s not going to help you, if you don’t stop sniffing after my child!"

"Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most frightening experiences of my life."
Seven minutes 'til the season premiere bump!

Currently, we have 52 entrants. Being purposefully vague, I'd like to point out that the character who has been entered the most frequently has 16 entries, while two characters have only been entered once each, five characters have been entered twice, and four characters have yet to receive a single entry. (This is counting PMed second entries as well as what's been posted in the thread of course) Each character has an equal chance of having their name drawn tomorrow morning, so I don't know whether any of that matters. :)
My one of my favorite Ryan moments is when he is at Pam's desk because she is on vacation and Jim keeps looking up at him and apoligies.

Then Ryan says "Jim's been looking at me, kind of, a LOT, all week. I would be creeped out by it, but it's nothing compared to the way Michael looks at me."

and then you see Michael looking at him and it was really funny the way he was looking at him.
Well I have to go with the New Premiere:

Pam: "So I close the door, but the image of his..."
Jim: "Baguette..."
Pam: "Dangling participle still burned in my eyes."
Jim: "I can imagine."


Jim: "Oh, I'm sorry is this a working office and not a french beach...."
I'll go with a Darryl quote from the Casino Night episode:

Darryl: I taught Mike some, uh, phrases to help with his interracial conversations. You know, stuff like, "Fleece it out." "Going mach five." "Dinkin' flicka." You know, things us Negroes say.
CONTEST IS CLOSED. No entries after this post will be accepted.

I've written each characters name on an identicle piece of paper (labels from my job), folded them identically, and thoroughly mixed them up. I'll be drawing a character name in just a moment, but first, here's how many entries each character received:

Dwight- 17
Jim- 12
Michael- 11
Creed- 8
Stanley- 6
Pam- 5
Andy- 5
Roy- 3
Toby- 3
Ryan- 3
Kelly- 2
Angela- 2
Karen- 2
Kevin- 2
Darryl- 2
Phyllis- 1
Meredith- 0
Jan- 0
Oscar- 0

If I draw Phyllis, the one person who entered her has won. Otherwise, there will be a second drawing to determine the winner. If I draw Jan, Meredith, or Oscar, the second drawing will consist of everyone who entered. Here we go....
The character drawn is.......Ryan!

Three people entered Ryan: CouRageouS, ZaphodBB1, and doc005. I will now draw one of their names at random, and we'll have our winner.
And the winner is...... doc005!

Thanks everyone for entering and posting so many great moments from the show. I had a lot of fun doing this.
[quote name='ZaphodBB1']Ooh, so close. Congrats doc005! Thanks for running this fun contest, Danimal.[/QUOTE]
You're welcome. You know, if I had based it on who had the best CAG username, that might have put you over the top, because I'm a huge Douglas Adams fan. ;)
bread's done