Thanks for offering this contest, I'll choose Halo 4 (Xbox 360)
L Lefty24 CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #51 Thanks for offering this contest, I'll choose Halo 4 (Xbox 360)
S splattered CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #54 Wow you are awesome for doing this! If i win, i'll take Medal of Honor for 360
T theabnormalguy CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #55 Can I have Halo 4 please? If not that, then Medal of Honor:Warfighter. With best regards, theabrnormalguy
Can I have Halo 4 please? If not that, then Medal of Honor:Warfighter. With best regards, theabrnormalguy
S sirmeep CAGiversary! Feedback 22 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #56 Thank you for the contest! Borderlands 2 for pc and Halo 4 for 360 as backup Thanks again!
RandyGordo CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #61 FIFA 13 or Far Cry 3 on Xbox 360 please! Thank you very much and good luck to all those entering
T tejadab CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #62 Resident Evil 6 for PS3 Thanks for the simple, straightforward contest!
Malibuu CAG Veteran Feedback 5 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #63 Halo 4!! Xbox 360, Good luck everyone, thanks for the contest!
dwb6 CAGiversary! Feedback 38 (98%) Sep 15, 2012 #66 put me down for halo 4. thanks for the awesome contest
MoCiWe CAGiversary! Feedback 170 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #68 Thanks for the contest! I would say Halo but since I'm getting me a LE I'll go for Dishonored on 360.
Thanks for the contest! I would say Halo but since I'm getting me a LE I'll go for Dishonored on 360.
Snookie CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #71 Awesome contest man, way to show support to the CAG community. I'll put my name in the hat for Halo 4 on Xbox 360, obviously. Thanks for the opportunity! =D
Awesome contest man, way to show support to the CAG community. I'll put my name in the hat for Halo 4 on Xbox 360, obviously. Thanks for the opportunity! =D
Kolma CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #72 I'll join the fray with Assassin's Creed 3 on Wii U If That's not valid then Resident Evil 6 PS3 Borderlands PC (Backup) *edit THANKS FOR THE AWESOME CONTEST!
I'll join the fray with Assassin's Creed 3 on Wii U If That's not valid then Resident Evil 6 PS3 Borderlands PC (Backup) *edit THANKS FOR THE AWESOME CONTEST!
chssnaredrum04 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #73 Resident Evil 6 for the PS3 Thanks very much for this contest and opportunity
keithp CAGiversary! Feedback 10 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #74 Cool contest, thanks for the chance to win! Borderlands 2 (360) Dishonored as a backup
BlueWingX CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #75 Nice simple contest, OP! I'll put in an entry for Dishonored for Xbox 360.
Cheel CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #76 Thanks for running this conest Assassin's Creed III xbox 360
FanosSlapVt CAGiversary! Feedback 11 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #77 Resident Evil 6 on PS3 Very easy Awsome Giveaway And great on the year clause
kube00 CAGiversary! Feedback 219 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #78 Cool thanks OP I'll be in for Far Cry 3 for ps3
Temporum CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #83 Awesome. I'm in for Assassin's Creed 3 on 360 also. Thanks for the chance.
Tezuz CAGiversary! Feedback 64 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #84 i would love borderlands 2 on pc! or bioshock infinity on pc! thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Kyden139 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #85 Dishonored on ps3. Thanks for being awesome.
Malvoisin CAG in Training Sep 15, 2012 #88 I would love Assassin's Creed 3 for PC please. Borderlands 2 for PC as backup. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!
I would love Assassin's Creed 3 for PC please. Borderlands 2 for PC as backup. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!
rhymenoceros CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #89 Dishonored for ps3, please! And there's no way I'd win and not send back a little something either or just do something like this, too.
Dishonored for ps3, please! And there's no way I'd win and not send back a little something either or just do something like this, too.
franscodelamrte CAGiversary! Feedback 95 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #92 Assassin's creed III (Xbox 360) OP has created probably one of the easiest/coolest/nicest contests on here. Regardless of winner they deserve a rousing round of applause.
Assassin's creed III (Xbox 360) OP has created probably one of the easiest/coolest/nicest contests on here. Regardless of winner they deserve a rousing round of applause.
Kyphin CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #93 I'd love to have Borderlands 2. But Assassins Creed 3 would also be pretty sweet. Thanks for the contest OP! Xbox 360 please.
I'd love to have Borderlands 2. But Assassins Creed 3 would also be pretty sweet. Thanks for the contest OP! Xbox 360 please.
illucio CAGiversary! Sep 15, 2012 #94 Resident Evil 6 for the PS3 You are a swell guy ;D In a zombie apocalypse I can see you being the guy who will give a defenseless person your only weapon. If there is ever a zombie apocalypse I'll be sure to give you a favor if I win ;D
Resident Evil 6 for the PS3 You are a swell guy ;D In a zombie apocalypse I can see you being the guy who will give a defenseless person your only weapon. If there is ever a zombie apocalypse I'll be sure to give you a favor if I win ;D
tazy805 CAGiversary! Feedback 66 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #97 Halo 4 please. Thanks for being such a cool person
Blumpkin CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #98 Dishonored (Xbox) Thanks! Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2012
Mr Dude65 CAGiversary! Feedback 31 (100%) Sep 15, 2012 #99 Borderlands 2 (360) Halo 4 as backup! Thanks so much for the contest!!!