Dante's Inferno 39.99 PS3 and 360 Gohastings.com

[quote name='hbk']this game is almost a rip-off unless it goes under 20.[/QUOTE]

:roll: Why is it a rip off?

This game is fantastic. Almost done going through it the first time.
[quote name='hbk']this game is almost a rip-off unless it goes under 20.[/QUOTE]

I'd also disagree with this. I'm nearly finished with the game: on hellish difficulty and with finding the collectibles, I've got a good amount of time out of it and enjoyed most of it. The art design is generally very good and the game is amusingly gory (with plenty of titties thrown in). The combat, while nowhere near as interesting as Bayonetta with its seemingly endless combos, is solid enough.

I can understand waiting until it hits $20: there isn't much replay value and it peters out towards the end as it starts gets a tad repetitive (although this is true of many games). With so many other big titles coming out, I'm sure it will be cheaper in the near future. However, IMO the game is slightly better than some reviews are indicating and paying over $20 for those interested in it is certainly not a rip off.
[quote name='Moravagine']I'd also disagree with this. I'm nearly finished with the game: on hellish difficulty and with finding the collectibles, I've got a good amount of time out of it and enjoyed most of it. The art design is generally very good and the game is amusingly gory (with plenty of titties thrown in). The combat, while nowhere near as interesting as Bayonetta with its seemingly endless combos, is solid enough.

I can understand waiting until it hits $20: there isn't much replay value and it peters out towards the end as it starts gets a tad repetitive (although this is true of many games). With so many other big titles coming out, I'm sure it will be cheaper in the near future. However, IMO the game is slightly better than some reviews are indicating and paying over $20 for those interested in it is certainly not a rip off.[/QUOTE]

Funny enough, I just finished Bayonetta right before starting Dante's Inferno. The combos aren't as ridiculous but there's a lot of satisfaction out of just beating the crap out of demons. THe Punish/Absolve thing is fun too. I keep thinking I'll punish everyone, then realized I needed to absolve people to get my cross attack up. Now I just punish or absolve depending on the crime. (Man, it'd be fantastic if EA had data on which shades get punished/absolved and the stats.)

I understand everyone has a different price point for games but either a game is fun or it's not. Just because a game gets to a certain point doesn't make it less of a ripoff if the game isn't good to begin with. If it's a rip off at $40, it's a rip off at $20.

Anyway, it's well worth picking up if you want to play it now.

I can't stand the idiots who say things like 'it'll be $20 soon" and think they've got some stellar insight. Of course it will. Anyone who shops at target knows that everything eventually hits $14.98, even Demon's Souls has hit that price point. If $20 is your price point, that's fine. But right now, this game at $40 a few weeks after release, is a good deal.
[quote name='Brother Daz']Definitely a awesome game, but goddamn its short. I ran through the story in just under 6 hours.[/QUOTE]

Dude you play every game...ever!

I'm thinking about biting since I cancelled my Heavy Rain preorder (ps3 on the fritz).
This game is awesome. Its about 8 hours long but has a lot of replayability with the new modes you unlock and a lot of future DLC.
If I hadn't rented the game and beaten it I think I wouldve jumped at this price. It's true that there's no little replay value, the upcoming dlc looks cool. Especially the two player co op!
This game is great, but short as stated before. Level designs/bosses are cool especially the beginning half of the game and the combat is terrific. I'm playing it for the second time.
[quote name='addicted2games']This game is great, but short as stated before. Level designs/bosses are cool especially the beginning half of the game and the combat is terrific. I'm playing it for the second time.[/QUOTE]

I just finished it and will play it a second time absolving everyone.

That's how you can turn it into a 12-18 hour game :)

level designs are very cool. great art.
Pretty decent game, but the fun factor does dwindle the second half of the game, which is fairly short. Not much of a reason to buy this at all unless you want to beat it and then sell it to get your money back, which is what I did. Why rent when you can buy, play and sell to recoup your money?
bread's done