Daxter Review


41 (100%)
Alright, I haven't seen a review for this game yet, so I'll make one.

Daxter- Rated E10+ for Animated blood, cartoon vilence, crude humor, and mild language

It takes place right before Jak ll

The Pros: superb graphics, easy controls, colorful scenes, many moves to learn, great gameplay, different missions, variety of vehicles.

The only con: a few camera problems

Story: You play as Daxter, a half otter half weasel mix. You work around Haven city disguised as a bug exterminator, in order to find clues in hope of breaking Jak (from the infamous Jak and Daxter) out of prison. You have different gadgets (like flamethrower, toxic spray, mini bombs), and you will need all of them to survive. I give it a 8.3/10 since it's a little weird

Amount of Fun: This game is great fun, though it can get pretty frustrating at times, like during boss battles where you have no idea how to beat them
. However, w/ different variety, this game is great. Almost all missions are different, and the game rarely gets boring. I gave it a 9.3/10

Graphics: This might as well be the best part of the game! The graphics are simply superb! They're visually stunning! No matter what you do, where you are in the game, the graphics are always amazing! Not much else to be said. I give them 10/10!

The graphics are 10x better than what it seems like in the screenshot^^^ above

Sound: The music is great and goes w/ the settings and scenes. The voice ins are perfect, though I was a little surprised when I first heard Daxter talk (for those of you who have never played a Jak and Daxter game... Yup, he can talk). There are no multiple voice-ins (like the same ppl for different charectors). Daxter's pretty funny too!I gave it a 9.7/10

Controls: The controls in this game are simple, and don't take very long to get used to. Maybe 15 minutes at the most! You learn new moves as you collect certain eggs and act out Daxter's "Heroic Fantasies". The camera is easy to control (L and R to move the camera), and overall I gave the controls a 9.4/10

Gameplay: Gameplay is pretty similar to the console version of the game, except it's all Daxter
What seperates this from the rest of the PSP games, is it is full of variety! There are very few boring parts, and it's pretty rare that you get stuck (maybe 1 or twice in the whole game). I gave this a 9.6/10, also.

Difficulty: This game is pretty simple, and rarely gets you discourgaed. Only once or twice do you get stuck (meaning you do the same thing more than 10 times). It's a fairly easy game, but is still pretty long. I would give this a 9.1/10

Multiplayer: Ther is only AD Hoc mode for multiplayer, and even that is not needed. The single player is long enough to keep you playing! Anyway, in multiplayer mode, you do weird bug battles. You put your bug up against other people's bugs. It's pretty unusual
I've never done it, so I'm not going to give it a score.

Replay value: This game isn't very long. I've beaten it in 8 hrs and 51 minutes. It's not exactly the longest game. You collect eggs in order to unlock the new dream sequences (heroic fantasies) which when you beat, unlocks new moves. However, you often collect eggs while playing, and like me, don't go back and do a lvl over simply to collect eggs. I unlocked all new moves b4 finishing the game. There isn't very much to do once you've beaten the game, other than go on you "scooter" and drive around, which isn't even half as fun as it sounds
(nothing like GTA) I personally will trade daxter for new games once I beat this. So I gave replay value a 6.4/10

OVERALL: This game is one to buy, or rent for a week or two (if that's possible). Since it's E, this game is fun for anyone, young or old, or anyone between! I gave this game a 9.0 overall! This isn't the actual score, but what I personally think.

Below are some screenshots of the game. The graphics are 10x better than these screenshots show... Don't believe them


That's what you call colorfull


One kind of bug that you will encounter while being an exterminator


You'll have to use your Ottsel capabilites to get past enemis, some times!


The colorful grand hotel (one of the first missions)
bread's done