Day after thanksgiving only 6 weeks away ...... flyer Rumor


106 (100%)
anyone hear any of the sales yet .....

one i have heard but Can not confirm yet

Apex (or another off name) Dvd player 9.98 Limit 1

Gba sp with 2 games (probally one of those plastic packages) 59.99 limit 1

this is a major probally not

9 Inch Dvd player/tv 49.99 after 20 buck rebate limit 1

the first one i can say that i heard some people talking about it and one person almost confirmed it but wouldnt... the Gba they said sounds right but price might be too low and the dvd player /tv they said doubtful.... I would guess the Dvd player for 10 bucks would be right and not that major of a shock since they sold them last year for around 15

Target bunch of Dvd box sets for 14.88 some games for 28.88

Best buy mostly a 2 day sale only 3 to 4 friday only early bird sales ( a best buy worker told me too many lawsuits ????) It seems Best buy is starting to turn into a H H Gregs the day after thanksgiving.. HH gregs used to have super sales DATG but then just stopped around 5 years ago

probally be at least another 2 -3 weeks before some of these ads are confirmed
[quote name='slidecage']
Best buy mostly a 2 day sale only 3 to 4 friday only early bird sales ( a best buy worker told me too many lawsuits ????) [/QUOTE]

If this is true, I'd believe it. I worked at Best Buy for a black friday once... people were clawing the doors trying to get in before we opened. Imagine any of Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" movies, it looked EXACTLY like that. You could hear the noise outside, and I was way across the store in appliances.

My manager called, told me they were going to open the door, and to get up on the desk so I could see a sight I'd never forget. As soon as they opened the automated doors, I guess they didn't open fast enough, because people grabbed them and slammed them open (jammed our doors shut) and it was almost like a sea of people had flooded into the store. All you saw was this small condensed group just start spreading, and people were running, fighting, and trampling other people. I saw a lady fall, no one helped her up, she just got lost in the shuffle.

I think it was all over some DVD player that wasn't worth the cash anyways. The best black friday sales are EB's, because there is nobody there save for a few people and they usually have some decent deals.
[quote name='Roufuss']If this is true, I'd believe it. I worked at Best Buy for a black friday once... people were clawing the doors trying to get in before we opened. Imagine any of Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" movies, it looked EXACTLY like that. You could hear the noise outside, and I was way across the store in appliances.

My manager called, told me they were going to open the door, and to get up on the desk so I could see a sight I'd never forget. As soon as they opened the automated doors, I guess they didn't open fast enough, because people grabbed them and slammed them open (jammed our doors shut) and it was almost like a sea of people had flooded into the store. All you saw was this small condensed group just start spreading, and people were running, fighting, and trampling other people. I saw a lady fall, no one helped her up, she just got lost in the shuffle.

I think it was all over some DVD player that wasn't worth the cash anyways. The best black friday sales are EB's, because there is nobody there save for a few people and they usually have some decent deals.[/QUOTE]

yea around 3 years back i got elbowed in the gut by some fat women for a 19 inch tv.. i was number 4 and it was only limit one tv per person but the worker gave the women 3 tvs and sold out.... I was pissed and was going to go up to the customer service but there was around 40 people in line... So i screamed at the top of my lungs #$#$ you Best buy.... What was funny was people was too buzzy grabbing things noone even looked at me

you think Best buy is bad try being at a wal mart the year the Furrbie hit... I thought people were going to get killed. They ripped the glass doors off the freaking store..

i went to meijers last year to get the DVD player for 15 bucks.. I got there at 550 since the sale starts at 6 and they said they were all sold out at 4am.. I was like What the #$# the sale dont start to 6 so they shouldnt be able to put the stuff on the floor till that time..... i went up and said i would sue them and i was given a better Dvd player for 15....
I decided to get out in the fray last year, just because I never had before. I got the Buffy season 7 set for $15 at target, and Doom 3 at EB for $10...and that's about it. I saw the Buffy set still there later that day, and realized I could have just wandered in after the rush & picked it up.
Black Friday gives the most insight on consumerism, so much so that I love it and make it a point to go out early every year.
I went to Walmart last year and stood in a huge line (I actually like doing this). There was an elderly man collecting donations for the Salvation Army (you know, red pale, bell) and no one was giving him anything as they piled in to buy a bunch of usless crap for someone who probably wouldn't appreciate it. I gave the guy $20 and made a comment in reference to the above and people started donating a little bit.
Reality's Fringe]Black Friday gives the most insight on consumerism said:
usually people are too buzzy to give on the way in but give on the way out... its probally been at least 4 years before i stood in a line waiting for a store to open (mostly always hit meijers first then by the time im out the rest of them are open)

well besides Jcpenny to get those snowglobes.. used to get one every year until last year where they said children under 12 only

three things i hope for this year

Cheap PSP under 200
Video camcorder under 200 good one
Dvd player with Recorder good one under 90
All of you are loving the fact that BF is coming. I'm DREADING it. I work at CC and though it's not as bad as BB, it's still pretty horrible.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']All of you are loving the fact that BF is coming. I'm DREADING it. I work at CC and though it's not as bad as BB, it's still pretty horrible.[/QUOTE]

Shit, I work in electronics too, and that whole week is hell.

Xbox 360 launch followed by Black Friday... I might just take a vacation.
IF ANYONE is in the Arizona mesa/gilbert area and want to join me and my friends for black from CAG let me know.
most of the crap on sale on black friday is just that...Crap....i dont know why people think they are getting a great deal and go crazy over it....dont get me wrong they do have some good quality stuff on sale but the majority is crap...oh

btw they didnt say anything to me or my wife about those snowglobes last year...just walk in grab one each and on your way out grab one each again:)
I'm wondering a bit about Microsoft's approach to the Xbox this season.

This may be the first console that is completely dumped as it is being replaced . . . since they lose money on each unit (still!) it makes no sense to continue selling them.

Sony will likely sell $100 ($50 someday?) PS2s for years to come. Plus, they will support the system because there is still money to be made.

I have a feeling that MS is going to just dump the Xbox . . . could be some nice clearances.
It's not black friday, it's GREEN Friday.

...thank you KB for forever ruining my mind.

I refuse to stand in line outside a store at 5am. A few hours nice and warm and cozy in my bed is worth more than a few dollars and the headaches of holiday shopping.
I can tell you guys this much about WM on Blitz day.

WM will have new and different items this year compared to past years.Our sales on BLitz day have been declining and the home office knows it.It will be changed up this year.

ALso they will be more like Target in that it wont all be just a 6 hour sale but will span 3 days over the holiday weekend.
I try to avoid going out for the rush in the morning. But I do beg friends and relatives that are braving the masses to pick up whatever it is I want at different places.
I never go out on black friday or that weekend to shop. It is just insane. I really don't see the point in waiting in line for hours, fighting with a bunch of idiots, just to save a few bucks. I mean there are some good deals, but there is no guarantee that you will get in on it.

For you guys that work in a retail store, do you get to set aside items for yourself before you open the doors? That would be pretty cool.
[quote name='DRJ555'] For you guys that work in a retail store, do you get to set aside items for yourself before you open the doors? That would be pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

Depends how popular the items are. Like a few years back we were not allowed to touch the Fur-real kitties that were so hot, but could put some of the other stuff aside days beforehand. Another thing is that even though the flyer at KB read that there were early bird specials only avaible til noon, there is no way for KB to update their computers in the middle of the day, so the sale on those items actually lasted all day. I doubt that they have updated their computer system in the past year and a half (hell, they are still in bankruptcy last I knew).
[quote name='SierraNight']It's not black friday, it's GREEN Friday.

I refuse to stand in line outside a store at 5am. .[/QUOTE]

5 am? haha alot of stores you get there 5 am ur too late. 5 am is when the older people come, see the line, then tell me and my friends how crazy we are.

alot of people here are right it is rediculous to stand in line for hours to save a few bucks and yea only maybe a handful of deals are super worth the wait and even so they're limit 1. me and a big group of my friends do this every year because we did it since we were young. it's more of a rush to us than anything cuz we've done it since we were young. and really half of my old buddies i only see this time of the year. stuff like this just brings us back lots of memories heh.
I work at Best Buy, which has been said to be the worst Black Friday store. I was a cashier last year, so it was hectic, but not bad because I wasnt on the floor. I'm in media now, so I'm sure I'll be having fun this year. Actually, I am looking forward to it in a weird kind of way.
I don't know about the other BB, but the one I go to give out tickets for the big ticket items before they open so you are guaranteed one for the early bird specials. They always sell out of the cheap e-machines right away but having that paper will get you one that is already set up and then you can leave with it once you pay. None of the major fighting since they are sold out before they actually open, but they go by the order that people are in line. They also put carts in the parking lot to block off people that like to cut in line at the last second:lol:

I actually think BB in my area has the best organization on BF compared to the other stores.
[quote name='111111']5 am? haha alot of stores you get there 5 am ur too late. 5 am is when the older people come, see the line, then tell me and my friends how crazy we are.

alot of people here are right it is rediculous to stand in line for hours to save a few bucks and yea only maybe a handful of deals are super worth the wait and even so they're limit 1. me and a big group of my friends do this every year because we did it since we were young. it's more of a rush to us than anything cuz we've done it since we were young. and really half of my old buddies i only see this time of the year. stuff like this just brings us back lots of memories heh.[/QUOTE]

I personally have never had a problem waking up at 7 or 8 and getting what I want. I suppose it's cause I tend to purchase things under a gimmick like "all cd's 7.99 until noon!" and avoid so cheap it's gotta be crap items like 15 dollar DVD players and 50 dollar TV's/MP3 players. Last year I picked up the first 3 seasons of South Park at Target for like 19.99 a piece (season 3 wasn't supposed to be on sale, the ad just had weird wording so I thought it was... the dude at the checkout must have thought the same thing cause he did the over ride) along with a few CD's... in, out, no problem.

I don't really go out for the deals anymore, as much as the rush that goes with it. The deals seem to have declined in their draw with every passing year (4 or 5 years ago Best Buy used to have insanely sick deals... now they're usually the last place on my list). It's one of those things that is just an experience in and of itself. The sheer craziness that comes along with Black Friday just can't be reproduced.

Best Deal of last year: The Meijer Buy 1 get 1 half off sale being the same day as the stackable coupons they had (I forget how much they were but it was something crazy like 10 dollars off 50, 8 off 40, etc etc). I made a killing on that (and not to flip them or return... just for personal use).
I like black friday just for teh craziness.

We had planned on going out and putting multiple items in our cart of each of the huge "deal" items and just walking around pissing people off. Never happened though.

I love the craziness of it all.
yea cheaper stuff like cds and cheaper things are always abundant. stuff like video cards, hard drives and home stereo systems are gone in 10 min guaranteed. i didn't want to believe it either but that's what happened 2 years in a row for me now.

last year was the worst (just cuz compusa fucking sucks). was 3rd in line ran straight to geforce 6800 i got the only one there (paper said quantities limited). my 2 friends had to bitch at the manager to get a reincheck (however u spell that). we spent 30 min. bitching at the manager saying it was unfair he finally gave in cuz a mob of people backed us up. i think it was the same with my mom's friend they got some big barbie crap and they were sayin it was the only one there. some messed up stuff.
[quote name='Jedi1979']most of the crap on sale on black friday is just that...Crap....i dont know why people think they are getting a great deal and go crazy over it....dont get me wrong they do have some good quality stuff on sale but the majority is crap...oh

btw they didnt say anything to me or my wife about those snowglobes last year...just walk in grab one each and on your way out grab one each again:)[/QUOTE]

For the most part, I agree. No use for a 10 dollar DVD player, a junky one at that. You would figure that almost everyone had one at this point.

BUT... BF last year was sick. Target had some amazing DVD sets on sale (South Park and Family Guy at 18 dollars). I wouldnt be surprised if they go on sale again. I also picked up 24 - Season 1 for 13 dollars at BB, but I dont plan on going there unless there's some really amazing deal. I went with my friend so he could pick up a $250 LCD monitor and we ended up waiting an hour to get to the register. Then we headed to CC down the street and paid for other stuff within 5 min.
[quote name='chargeup45']For the most part, I agree. No use for a 10 dollar DVD player, a junky one at that. You would figure that almost everyone had one at this point.

BUT... BF last year was sick. Target had some amazing DVD sets on sale (South Park and Family Guy at 18 dollars). I wouldnt be surprised if they go on sale again. I also picked up 24 - Season 1 for 13 dollars at BB, but I dont plan on going there unless there's some really amazing deal. I went with my friend so he could pick up a $250 LCD monitor and we ended up waiting an hour to get to the register. Then we headed to CC down the street and paid for other stuff within 5 min.[/QUOTE]

thats funny, i picked up those same dvds at Target and Best Buy last year but i also got the Will and Grace one as well...
last year I got south park 1,2 and buffy season 7 at target. I walked in grabbed it off the shelf, and there was a huge check out line, but for some reason it wasnt lined up with the registers. So i just walked to the registers and paid and left. Cant wait for this years
Ive never went out during BF yet, but some of your experiences make me want to see for my self.
I will go if I see a nice cheap plasma, or cheap laptop (like the 399 compusa ones), or, if any, some cheap 360 games.
I'm really only looking for DVD deals this year (Twilight Zone, Flintstones ans South Park would be nice, as wlel as any good signle DVDs). I'm not going out blind, though No good ads and I'm not wasting my time.
To those not wanting to get out on Black Friday I recommend checking the store's website periodically during the early morning. I was going to go to Best Buy on BF to get some of the Cheap dvds, but then the dvds showed up for purchase online, and the little bit of extra shipping was worth it to not have to deal with the masses.
i remember my first Black Friday, all i got was a $3 Memorex Opitcal mouse and a 50-pack of blank CD-Rs.

was it worth the hours of waiting outside?

oh lord yes.

Black Friday isn't just about getting good deals, it's more about the whole getting in a line with some friends, there just isn't anything else like that.
Target and EB are the best places for black friday. Target has great DVD sales, got Family Guy last year. Eb has good sales, got something last year but dont remember. There are never lines and you dont have to go at 5 in the morning.
[quote name='guardian_owl']To those not wanting to get out on Black Friday I recommend checking the store's website periodically during the early morning. I was going to go to Best Buy on BF to get some of the Cheap dvds, but then the dvds showed up for purchase online, and the little bit of extra shipping was worth it to not have to deal with the masses.[/QUOTE]

yea i remember i had try to order 5 copies of 24 season 1 and a 2 copies of chappelle show season 1 online but they had problems that morning. luckily, i called a friendly BB customer service agent over the phone and that was most of my xmas presents that year to give out.
There will really have to be some good deals to get me out the door this year. For several years now the deals just seem to be getting worse and the crowds are getting larger. Most of the time the big ticket items on sale are junk now. Chains know the crowds will come out now and slap a Brand Piece-0-Crapo DVD Player for $20 in the ad.

In the Mid 90's I worked at TRU and I can remember we would have great deals. Plus we get 1000 of each item in the ad.
I remember working for Toy's R Us in the early 90's. There were usually one or two hot toys for every season. The one I had to deal with were the damn Power Rangers. 12 came to a box and we would usually one get one or two boxes per truck, and about 200+ parents waiting for us on the other side of the warehouse door. Good times.
I remember last year's BF. The night before I was able to order a bunch of DVDs (Aladin, Man on Fire, 24 Season 1) online. Then I walked into BB at 8:30. Grab all the other stuff that I wanted (a couple games, missed out on GTA Double Pack). And then I saw all the DVDs that I order still sitting on the shelf (almost cleaned out).

The best part about that was I was able to PM Hollywood Video's pricing error on Seinfeld Season 1 and 2 and 3. I was worried that they won't do it since they don't PM BF prices, but I explained to them that it wasn't a BF ad, and they let it go without even calling Hollywood Video. The fact that I knew the cashier from my old high school probably helped too.

I'm kinda looking forward to this year's, but I'm running really low on money, and I'm trying to pick up 360 the same week too.
I agree, the deals arent as good as they used to be, and it doesnt seem like there are any "hot" toys anymore such as furby or tamagotchi or tickle me elmo like in years past. There is stuff that is popular but it is no where near the point where the entire country is dying to get their hands on one like in years past.

I would recommend doing your black friday shopping online, its a lot eaiser to roll out of bed and hit your computer than to get up, fight a crowd and possibly get injured for a 5$ crappy dvd player that the employees will only scoop up anyways. Heck if you have a laptop you dont even have to get out of bed! Most stores only get 5 or 6 of the most popular item in stock anyways that actually hits the shelf, so whats the point as you probably arent going to get one anyways.

The gba sp deals are a crock, the new backlit sp is out and that will probably be excluded from all deals, the packages that the stores are offering are probably them trying to clear out the old models. If you have seen the new backlit SP you would not even consider paying real money for the old sp, and a couple crappy games.

The 7.99 cd deals and other deals like 5$ off any dvd or whatever usually last all day, and those are the good deals to go for since you will most likely get what you want since people are busy scooping up all the crap.
I have experienced one black friday and it sucks. People pushing on people and shit for what fucking 20 dollar dvd players. Its really sad. Sometimes their is good deals I remember my friend got a 9600 all n wonder for 50 bucks when they were still like $250. I think that was the only thing that I ever saw in a black friday sale that made me go ahh I wish I would have stood in line. This year I am going to be in a walmart for black friday that is going to be horrid. I work electronics their to so that is even worse.
[quote name='kjauburn']There will really have to be some good deals to get me out the door this year. For several years now the deals just seem to be getting worse and the crowds are getting larger. Most of the time the big ticket items on sale are junk now. Chains know the crowds will come out now and slap a Brand Piece-0-Crapo DVD Player for $20 in the ad.

In the Mid 90's I worked at TRU and I can remember we would have great deals. Plus we get 1000 of each item in the ad.[/QUOTE]

hey i picked up a piece of crap DVD player last year at meijers for 14.86 and i play between 3 to 6 movies per week since last xmas and the system is still playing best 15 bucks i ever blew
My first BF I went to was BB to get the new 8x cd burner (it was the fastest back then) I think it was the Memorex brand, but BB didn't have all 20 they suppose to have so the manager decided to give out the more expensive ones for the same price without rebate:D. Best deal I ever got for BF.

As for last year, I only got dvds from BB and then went to Target after having lunch and they still had all the dvds advertised in stock.
[quote name='SaraAB']
The gba sp deals are a crock, the new backlit sp is out and that will probably be excluded from all deals, the packages that the stores are offering are probably them trying to clear out the old models. If you have seen the new backlit SP you would not even consider paying real money for the old sp, and a couple crappy games.

Not that any deals have been confirmed, but if true, I have a hard time beleiving they'd exclude the backlit SPs since they are the same price as the "old" SPs.
I've never went shopping on BF. I just remember watching TV and seeing crap about people biting each other and crap for crappy DVD players. It's rediculous. Besides, I'll be too busy playing my new Xbox 360 to worry about it this year. :)
Apparently my fiancee goes out every year with her mom and grandma, and has now invited me along. However, that'll depend on where they go. Certainly Target would be nice, but I dunno if they'll be anywhere near the stores I would be interested in. But we should have the ads at least a week in advance as usual, so I should have time to plot out a route and see if it would work with them. Otherwise I'll just wake up and walk to all the stores I want to hit, since BB is the farthest I would go to and it's a 20 minute walk. Although it might be cold as hell and Cleveland could be buried in snow by that time...
bread's done