DDD sale???

[quote name='nectarsis1']I meant the Nov 20% off sale...lol[/quote]
They switched things up...it was the Oct sale this year. You didn't know?
[quote name='nectarsis1']I meant the Nov 20% off sale...lol[/QUOTE]

It literally ended last week. They did it early this year.
[quote name='Chacrana']DVDTalk just announced that it starts November 3rd. Codes are as follows:

You're kidding right? Probably not. Aww fuck. I have way too much on my list as is and I don't have as much money as I was expecting. Shit. Last sale I had money, this one not so much. Running over to CAG's sister site - DVDTalk.

Edit: Where's it at on DVDTalk? I just quickly scanned it, but didn't find it anywhere.
[quote name='Chacrana']DVDTalk just announced that it starts November 3rd. Codes are as follows:


DAMN! I'm broke too :(
[quote name='Chacrana']DVDTalk just announced that it starts November 3rd. Codes are as follows:


Oh noes - i feel like a fool now!
[quote name='Bezerker']Wasnt there a November sale last year? You mean theres gonna be one this year too?[/quote]

For the past few years there generally has been 2 sales a year; one in the summer around June/July and one around this time in late October-November.
*sigh* was supposed to be a joke "Wasnt there a November Last year?". Ah well, not as bad as my showtime at the apollo performance.
WTF if this sale was last week home come I missed it I am here all the time???? like I usually see a big thread people talking about what they bough on that sale I didn't see it.

[quote name='Sejad']WTF if this sale was last week home come I missed it I am here all the time???? like I usually see a big thread people talking about what they bough on that sale I didn't see it.[/quote]
I just checked DVDTalk and I don't see anything about a November 3rd date. I hope it's wrong, because not only will I not have as much money as I'd like if that's true, but I'll also miss a ton of November releases I was thinking about buying during the sale.

King Kong Extended, Superman box set, Angel slimpacks, Alias Complete Collection, FLCL Collection, Clerks 2, Evening with Kevin Smith 2, Da Ali G Show Complete Series, and the Oldboy 3-disc set.

I honestly don't intend to buy them all, and a number of them come out on the 28th, but I at least want the Oldboy set, King Kong Extended, and the FLCL set.
[quote name='Sejad']WTF if this sale was last week home come I missed it I am here all the time???? like I usually see a big thread people talking about what they bough on that sale I didn't see it.[/quote]

:rofl: Over at DVDTalk the agreed upon date for this sale is the 10th with it running roughly a week. DDD is smart enough to know not to run this sale when the ultimate Superman set comes out.
I'm not really a DVD collector...I own a couple hundred DVDs...but I never buy new releases. What's the attraction of buying a new DVD right at release rather than waiting a year until it's half price or less on Ebay? I mean, I know there's a few exceptions that go up in value, like Criterions and some Disney films, but for the most part, a new relase DVD costs $15-20 the month it comes out and $5-10 a year later. I guess it's not much different than pre-ordering a video game or buying it when it comes out for $50, rather than waiting a year and getting it for $10. I've never understood that either.
[quote name='Rictor']I'm not really a DVD collector...I own a couple hundred DVDs...but I never buy new releases. What's the attraction of buying a new DVD right at release rather than waiting a year until it's half price or less on Ebay? I mean, I know there's a few exceptions that go up in value, like Criterions and some Disney films, but for the most part, a new relase DVD costs $15-20 the month it comes out and $5-10 a year later. I guess it's not much different than pre-ordering a video game or buying it when it comes out for $50, rather than waiting a year and getting it for $10. I've never understood that either.[/QUOTE]
Well, some people actually want to watch/play things as soon as possible.
bread's done