DDR Hottest Party


Wanting to hear others' impressions of it. Bundle came out today. Standalone around October 10th.
picked it up this afternoon, hope to play it some later tonight...

is there a way to buy the dance pad by itself? it's supports 4 players, but only comes with the 1 pad. it's just a gamecube pad, so i could try to find them in stores or buy the nintendo brand ones online... but i was just curious if konami was making the wii branded dance pads available.

anyone know?
You might have some luck finding the Mad Catz pads lying around somewhere (they were sold separately of MC Groovz). I think I have two of those and a first-party one from Mario Mix.

At the least, I'm waiting for the game-only... hopefully it's something nice like $30, but its likely $40 tag will make me delay it a bit.
Really tempted to buy this, but I've never played DDR and I'd hate to buy a $70 bundle and dislike it. I really want to pick it up, though. Must resist!
[quote name='Rocko']Really tempted to buy this, but I've never played DDR and I'd hate to buy a $70 bundle and dislike it. I really want to pick it up, though. Must resist![/quote]Oh yeah, forgot it's $70. Konami's PR said it was $50, but I think that was a typo. So $50 game-only. :whistle2:(
[quote name='botticus']Oh yeah, forgot it's $70. Konami's PR said it was $50, but I think that was a typo. So $50 game-only. :whistle2:([/quote]

I feel the same way about that as I do Guitar Hero 80s being $50- way too much. IMO, a music game disc that requires a peripheral isn't a full game. It just seems like $50 for what essentially is a type of expansion pack in my eyes is too much. $70 isn't too much for the bundle, really, but it's more than I want to risk on a game I've never played.
i've got the 2 gamecube dance games already, so i actually have 3 pads now. i was more just curious about the availability of pads now that gamecube is all but dead... both for getting my 4th pad and for others who are new to this.

so i tried the game out for a little bit. i'm not a DDR expert. my experience with the dancing genre IS those 2 gamecube titles and the occasional arcade play, and that's about it. i know that the hardcore DDRers are probably gonna find something to complain about, and they probably shouldn't listen to me in the first place...

but i like it. it's what i expected. a REAL dancing game (not the broken madcatz one or the watered down mario mix) with a serious challenge. i think bitching about the graphics in a dancing game is missing the point of the game. song selection is good, in my opinion. not really much of the j-pop stuff that i know is in the arcade games, but it's a nice grouping of popular songs with a remixed twist... familiar and new all at the same time. the difference in difficulty levels is a bit offputting... the easiest is like nothing, but the next level is harder than it should be. i need a learning CURVE, and it's more like a learning CLIFF.

motion controls with the wiimote and nunchuk were more confusing than they were worth when i was just trying to step on the right arrow, so i turned them off pretty quickly. but for those with some more experience than me, it's just a new challenge... you can almost think of it as another difficulty setting... easy A and easy B, hard A and hard B...

if you're looking for a dancing game, this is far and away better than anything offered on gamecube. being an actual DDR game leads me to believe that it's at least on par with those on other systems. i think a lot of people are gonna like this game. maybe not the DDR masters (but maybe?) and maybe not the casual crowd (but maybe?) but for those of us right there in the middle, it does the job pretty well.

the real question... $70? i'm spendy (ironic since i'm posting this on CAG) so i didn't mind. those saving for the onslaught of holiday titles might wanna hold out for the unbundled release if you've already got gamecube dance pads. but i could certainly see this getting snatched up come christmas, so if you need to buy the bundle... bite the bullet, and don't wait for a price drop, cause i'm not sure you'll see one.
MadCatz doesn't know jack shit about dance pads.

You're better off getting any PS2-compatible pad and the PS2-GC adapter from RedOctane.

STANDALONE GAME SHOULD BE $40. If Wii games retail no different than PS2 games then DDR on its own should be $40. You need an extra peripheral for it, that's why.

I'm willing to give advice to anybody with problems with particular patterns.

But let's start with the basics:

-Never step from the center. Always keep your feet on a panel.

I'm worried about this one. I have practically every other DDR mix for the other consoles, but I don't want another Mario Mix (which was too damn easy).

Haven't looked at the songlist. Hope they didn't stray from the usual flair. I don't want American songs remixed and such (I love the J-pop usuals).

Might pick it up if I see a deal on it soon. The local Wal-Mart has clearenced out the previous DDR bundles fairly soon after release, due to space constraints. Hopefully, they do the same with this one.
motion controls with the wiimote and nunchuk were more confusing than they were worth when i was just trying to step on the right arrow, so i turned them off pretty quickly

Good. I had heard that you couldn't turn off the motion gimmick (yeah that's what it is). Can you turn off the other gimmicky crap?

Anyway I bought Supernova 2 yesterday and it's awesome so I won't be buying this... version.
[quote name='Scrubking']Good. I had heard that you couldn't turn off the motion gimmick (yeah that's what it is). Can you turn off the other gimmicky crap?

Anyway I bought Supernova 2 yesterday and it's awesome so I won't be buying this... version.[/QUOTE]

SN2 is more like SN+/1.5.
wait, so it's a Wii DDR game that uses the Gamecube ports? i didn't know the hardware could do that. but wtf is with the remote and nunchuk waving? that's weird.
[quote name='banpeikun']wait, so it's a Wii DDR game that uses the Gamecube ports? i didn't know the hardware could do that. but wtf is with the remote and nunchuk waving? that's weird.[/QUOTE]

Because dancing totally consists of using the legs.
[quote name='banpeikun']wait, so it's a Wii DDR game that uses the Gamecube ports? i didn't know the hardware could do that. but wtf is with the remote and nunchuk waving? that's weird.[/QUOTE]

The Wii hardward has always been able to use the GC ports (lots of VC games allow you to use GC controllers and some Wii games such as Smash Bros will allow you to use GC controllers).
I picked up the game last night, and have been playing it like crazy. I also picked up SuperNOVA 2 at the same time, and I think I'm enjoying Hottest Party more simply because of the hand motions.

The hand motions are a really simple gimmick, but it just feels more complete dancing with the hands. Its harder, requires more coordination, and is just a lot more fun to play (and watch). That being said, its nice that I can also turn off the hand motions (and the other gimmicks).

The lack of modifiers (like increasing speed) is disappointing, especially since there are lots of slower songs. But there are also lots of harder songs, so its certainly not watered-down like Mario Mix.

I hate the character design, but I like the fact that the characters actually know what they are dancing too and aren't just doing random canned moves. Its more fun to watch, even though you should probably be paying more attention to the arrows than the dancers. The interface itself is really happy and peppy, colorful and clean, and I like it much better than SN's interface. The announcer for this game can get just as annoying as the other games, but I think I like this guy's voice better.

The track selection isn't that great, but it isn't that bad either. There are a few great songs, and some really fun ones, but overall its just decent. Some DDR favorites (Love Shine and Candy) have been remixed/redone in English, and its really interesting to hear. Still the same songs essentially... just in English (forgive me, I'm not aware if English versions of these songs existed before this game - they are new to me).

Overall, I'm liking this better then SuperNOVA 2, though not by much. The hand motions make things fun, but I hate all the other gimmicks (and turn them off immediately). I hope Konami makes another game for Wii and works on the other aspects of the game, as the gameplay itself is a great as ever (at least, in regards to DDR).

Now back to playing...
I heard that the PS2 to GC controller converter does not work...can anyone confirm?

Otherwise, I'll try to find the Game only and buy the dancepads off eBay.
i like rhythm games but this game i couldnt get into it. its just too hard for me. its like i have stiff legs or something. what do u guys suggest to me?
Played DDR before, wasn't very good at it. Probably would get better with practice. Thinking of
just getting a USB pad and playing stepmania. How does it compare?
[quote name='trunks982']i like rhythm games but this game i couldnt get into it. its just too hard for me. its like i have stiff legs or something. what do u guys suggest to me?[/QUOTE]

When I first bought, not played, bought my first DDR game I had never stepped on a dance pad before. I could barely do the easiest songs, but I kept at it and now I can do difficult songs.
I'm exactly like you. I've played DDR one time in my life before yesterday.

Guess what? I bought it yesterday. Just start off on beginner. I'm having a lot of fun with the game even though I'm not the best, but it's amazing how fast I improved. I went from barely being able to beat beginner to playing all the songs on basic in one day.

Oh, don't use any gimmicks at all.
[quote name='trunks982']i like rhythm games but this game i couldnt get into it. its just too hard for me. its like i have stiff legs or something. what do u guys suggest to me?[/quote]
If anybody is having trouble, once again:

-Alternate your feet.
-Pivot your body. As in, make your sides face the screen.

Hottest Party, as good as it is, lacks a Training Mode which defies much logic.
its not that great in my opinion. i mainly bought it for my kids but they don't like it as much either. i played DDR awhile back and i know it has come a long way since then. i actually thought this was $49 or $59 instead of $70. its not worth that much really, i would have waited until they release it as a standalone game.

[quote name='Nohbdy']
Hottest Party, as good as it is, lacks a Training Mode which defies much logic.[/quote]

i have the same problem too specially if you want everyone (including kids) to enjoy this game. a simple training mode would help.
[quote name='Nohbdy']If anybody is having trouble, once again:

-Alternate your feet.
-Pivot your body. As in, make your sides face the screen.

Hottest Party, as good as it is, lacks a Training Mode which defies much logic.[/quote]

Then where do I stand, and does this apply to all DDR games?
Then where do I stand

Where else? The arrows! Stand on what you're supposed to step on. Alternate your feet. Shift your weight on the unused foot so that your other foot can reach the note you need to hit.

and does this apply to all DDR games?

Oh yes, verily. You master one game, you've mastered almost every step maneuver.

The hardest maneuver for everyone on Difficult and Expert to do is a crossover. But once you get that, you're ENLIGHTENED. You can suddenly figure out reading charts on your own.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Does anyone else think the dance animations in the game are like the gayest things ever?[/QUOTE]

No, because they're actually uniquely choreographed to each song. This has never been seen in any DDR game before.
[quote name='Nohbdy']No, because they're actually uniquely choreographed to each song. This has never been seen in any DDR game before.[/quote]

I meant the actual choerography is gay.
OK. I picked this game up the other day after trying to find it since October. I breezed through Basic, and have A or AA on every song, and unlocked up to U-Matic. Is that the end of the game?

Also, if I go back to the beginning venues and select "difficult", oh boy... are they ever difficult. Beginner is too easy, Basic was just starting to get a little tricky, but difficult is down right impossible. You select difficult and you're done. Am I missing something other than talent?
bread's done